[Tutor] tab separated file handling

Niharika Jakhar niharika1883 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 06:03:08 EDT 2018

hi everyone!
I am working with a tsv file which has NA and empty values.
I have used csv package to make a list of list of the data.
I want to remove NA and empty values.

This is what I wrote:

#removes row with NA values
        for rows in self.dataline:
            for i in rows:
                if i == 'NA' or i ==  '':

This is what the terminal says:

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

This is how the file looks like:

d23 87 9 NA 67 5 657 NA 76 8 87 78 90 800
er 21 8 908 9008 9 7 5 46 3 5 757 7 5

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