[Tutor] In matplotlib, why are there axes classes vs. axes API? Why not list them under one documentation?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jun 15 14:48:10 EDT 2018

On 15/06/18 17:35, C W wrote:

> Why haven't the developers fixed the problem? 

This is open source, developed by volunteers to
meet their own needs primarily and others by
happy coincidence.

If the existing solution meets the needs of the
developers they have no incentive to spend time
to  "fix" it.

You(*) may want it fixed and if you submit a patch
they may well incorporate it. That's how open
source works.

(*)You or anyone else who is sufficiently irritated
or motivated to spend their time fixing it...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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