[Tutor] CSV Read

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 25 19:13:05 EDT 2018

On 25/06/18 20:35, Giulia Marcoux wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a student learning python, and i am running into some difficulties. I
> am tryign to read a csv file that has different delimiters for different
> rows: Example:
> Format:V1.1
> Model: R
> Step Size: 10mm
> Distance: 10cm
> Gain: 1000

Can you split your file here?
That is could you just read the data from the first 5 lines
(assuming its always in that kind of format) then spit the
rest into a separate file (or stringbuffer?) and use CSV
to analyze that?

> X,Y
> 1,3
> 2,5
> 6,5
> 5,7
> For the X,Y data, I have no problem getting it into the right cells,
> however I cannot separate the values after the colon for the first few
> rows. Its either one or the other. 

A lot depends on the exact details of your file format. If
the sample you've given is consistent with exactly the same
header info in each (or at least some clear separating
indicator - like X,Y in this case) Then its easy to split
the data into two streams and process them separately.

If the different formats are interlaced throughout the
files things get more tricky.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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