David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Thu Mar 15 13:35:15 EDT 2018

> On Mar 15, 2018, at 08:42, Prashanth Ram <prashanth.ram at itwgo.in> wrote:
> I'm a beginner in Python. I have written a code to open browsers using
> selenium framework. I have purchased a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with
> CentOS 6.9 installed from GoDaddy.
> My code is working well in localhost but when I try to open that in VPS
> server I'm failing in running that code. I'm getting errors. I have
> installed Chrome and it's drivers. Even though I'm facing errors.
> I request your team to help me in this. Please find the attachments


Your attachments did not come through.  This list generally only works with in-line text.  If you post your code, what you expect and what the errors are, we will have a better chance of helping.

Being a tutor list, help with the selenium framework is not guaranteed, though.  Hopefully your issue is something basic.

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com

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