[Tutor] (no subject)

shubham goyal skgoyal721 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 06:07:50 EDT 2018

Use this link to install python package and make sure to add the path in
environment variables (just click the option it asks when you run the
setup, Add Python to path or something).
Recent python packages include pip also so you will get your problem solved.


In your case pip module is not installed or not added to windows
environment variables thats why its showing pip not recognized as a command.
do as mentioned and you should able to install whatever.

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 11:38 AM, <naoki_morihira at softbank.ne.jp> wrote:

> I want to install 3rd party module, ex openpyxl.
> And I executed the following command in windows command prompt as follows:
> pip install openpyxl
> But pip is not recognized as executable command at windows.
> I also tried the same way in python command line.
> But the result is the same.
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> What should I do to use openpyxl ?
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