[Tutor] XML parsing

Neil Cerutti neilc at norwich.edu
Fri Mar 30 09:50:17 EDT 2018

On 2018-03-30, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:
> I admit that I'm being a bit strict here, there are certainly
> cases where parsing the namespace from a tag is a sensible
> thing to do. I'm really just saying that most of the time, when
> you feel the need to do that, it's worth reconsidering (or
> asking) if you are doing the right thing.

Namespaces hurt my head when I try to imagine a use for them. The
only one's I've encountered are just applied to an entire
document, making parsing more inconvenient but providing no other
benefit I can see.

Neil Cerutti

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