[Tutor] Python Question

Mahamed Ahmed muhammet.ahmet10 at outlook.com.tr
Tue May 15 17:26:28 EDT 2018


Please I would like you to help me solve the problem above which is related to loops and prime numbers so please get back to me, I also want to know how to sign up and get a online tutor for this python course

Here is what is supposed to be done:
The prime numbers and their code has already been given but what is need to be done is making the lines and correcting it in a organized way
If you run the code above, you’ll see the result then will just need to make the small lines and writing Line1,Line2,Line3,Line4 and Line 5 at the left side of the list

Hope you understand what the problem is about and  would love to hear about you

Regards[cid:image002.jpg at 01D3ECD5.44D97ED0]

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