[Tutor] Installing python

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Fri Nov 2 19:44:21 EDT 2018

On 11/2/18 4:49 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 02/11/2018 21:13, Roger Lea Scherer wrote:
>> I have installed python 3.7 on my computer Windows10
>> (C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37), 
> Caveat: I'm no expert on modern Windoze.
> But... That looks like the wrong path to me.
> My Windows install is usually either in
> C:\Python...
> or
> C:\Program files\Python...
> Depending on distro...

that's actually exactly the right path for a Python 3.5+ if you chose a
 "user install", which you usually should. Nothing wrong there. However,
you should check if it is in the path - if you wanted it in the path.
More below.

> How exactly did you install it? Did you use the Pyhon.org
> binary installer? Did you use the default settings?
> I don't know if they have 3.7 available yet,
> but I usually recommend activestate.com for
> Windows users, its install seems less
> problematic in my (limited) experience.
> And of course comes loaded with lots of
> extra Windows specific goodies.
>> the git repository that holds all my projects and type "python --version"
>> in WindowsPowershell, I get Python 3.6.5.
> So you must have two Pythons installed?
> What is your PATH set to? That's what controls
> which Python you pick up (along with some
> registry settings)
>> So I guess my question is am I supposed to install python 3.7 in the git
> Definitely not!
>> a related question I think, am I supposed to install python
>> 3.7 in every virtual environment I create, 
> I don't think so but  never use virtual environments.
> Never found a need.
>> I guess I'm so used to installing programs in Windows or Mac and having
>> them accessible globally

actually, windows makes that harder than Mac or Linux, where programs go
to a global shared location.  on windows apps go... well, all kinds of
places, but it's nearly always a _unique_ directory per app.  if you
look in Program Files and Program Files (x86) that's what you see - a
unique directory either per program, or per vendor (like Microsoft,
Adobe, etc.) - and then program-specific subdirectories somewhere
underneath.  All that mess is papered over by adding each one of those
directories to your path.  which many programs do by default, and some
ask you.  Python asks you - but not in a very obvious way, I think you
have to select the advanced options before you even see the question.

the "modern" answer for Windows is supposed to be the Python Launcher,
which should be in your path, and is invoked by typing "py". py lets you
speficy the python you want if you don't want the default.  Try this for

py -0 --list

it shows you what it thinks are the available Pythons on your system.

if you indeed get two, and the default is 3.6, then you can run Python
3.7 by typing:

py -3.7

pretty simple, hopefully.

hope this helps.

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