[Tutor] Installing python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 2 21:16:05 EDT 2018

On 02/11/2018 23:44, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> that's actually exactly the right path for a Python 3.5+ if you chose a
>  "user install", which you usually should. 

Ah, I always install for all users. That's why I've not
seen that path presumably?

But why *should* you install for a single user? I only
ever do that for programs that I'm still writing and
don't want other users to accidentally start. But I
want everyone to be able to run my Python programs
so I always install for everyone.

> the "modern" answer for Windows is supposed to be the Python Launcher,

I keep forgetting that thing exists. I really must spend
some time getting to grips with it...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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