[Tutor] Installing python

Avi Gross avigross at verizon.net
Fri Nov 2 23:27:39 EDT 2018


Many people have machines with a single login that is shared with nobody. 

I install lots of software on multiple machines that only I use and have
often wondered what the purpose for me was to install for everyone. On some
machines you then need to log in as whatever variant of superuser you have
to be if you want to be able to write in restricted directories or make
changes to the operating system or global configuration files.

There can be tradeoffs in how long it takes to find a program on your PATH
or PYTHONPATH or other such things. 

But, of course, if you have many users who might otherwise install their own
personal copies of software on the same machine, especially one where many
people may log in at once, then it may make more sense to share.

But I wonder about the many modern languages that can be extended by also
installing one of thousands of packages above and beyond the standard ones
routinely in place. Do you want people to replace earlier versions for
everyone or be able to install them in a global area at all? Among other
considerations, if they have write access they might be able to modify
something others use, like numpy, which is a serious security risk when you
can sneak in a call to pop open a shell that reformats the hard disk or


-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+avigross=verizon.net at python.org> On Behalf Of
Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:16 PM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Installing python

On 02/11/2018 23:44, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> that's actually exactly the right path for a Python 3.5+ if you chose 
> a  "user install", which you usually should.

Ah, I always install for all users. That's why I've not seen that path

But why *should* you install for a single user? I only ever do that for
programs that I'm still writing and don't want other users to accidentally
start. But I want everyone to be able to run my Python programs so I always
install for everyone.

> the "modern" answer for Windows is supposed to be the Python Launcher,

I keep forgetting that thing exists. I really must spend some time getting
to grips with it...

Alan G
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