[Tutor] Require Python assistance
Avi Gross
avigross at verizon.net
Sat Nov 10 13:10:06 EST 2018
WARNING to any that care:
As the following letter is a repeat request without any hint they read the earlier comments here, I did a little searching and see very much the same request on another forum asking how to do this in MATLAB:
May I know how to solve the cryptography
with Matlab programming language as below -
(1) Implement Elgamal Method
(2) Implement Elliptic Curve Cryptography method
(3) Implement RSA Method
(4) Implement Rabin Method
(a) Prime test
(b) Inverse function
Please help me by provide your advice and suggestion so that
I can improve my computing skills (please see the attached file)
I note someone there also wonders if this is HW. And, it is formatted better on multiple lines as compared to our version.
If I had to guess, it might be another sort of HW as in a Cryptography course or Analysis of Algorithms and the person is wanting a way to implement it, not practice any particular language.
Many people do not speak English as a native language and we can make allowances while trying to understand what they want. But the above looks like a form-letter starting with DEAR and leaving room for the name(s) of the intended recipients and ends with the slightly different ending of Prayerfully as compared to Sincerely or Thanks in Advance and so on and no signature.
I am not sure what to make of this and am simply going to ignore the request as it seems to be a shotgun approach ...
Many problems can be solved in multiple languages. But if the request had simply been to point them to information on the cryptographic methods, it would not fit well in a list about problems with doing things in Python.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+avigross=verizon.net at python.org> On Behalf Of TCY via Tutor
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 10:43 AM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: [Tutor] Require Python assistance
May I know how to solve the cryptography with Python programming language as below -
(1) Implement Elgamal Method(2) Implement Elliptic Curve Cryptography method(3) Implement Rabin Method(4) Implement RSA Method Find (a) Prime test (b) Inverse function Please help me by provide your advice and suggestion so that I can improve my computing skills (please see the attached file) Prayerfully
Tron Orino Yeong tcynotebook at yahoo.com 0916643858
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