[Tutor] Regarding "IDLE Subprocess Didn't Make Connection" Error

Avi Gross avigross at verizon.net
Fri Nov 16 10:56:32 EST 2018

BREAK fast ,

You certainly haven't been idle!

Until you get IDLE working ideally, you can still use one of many text editors and programming environments and perhaps run python on the files manually. 

Have you verified that the rest of your installation worked?

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On Friday, November 16, 2018 Break fast <breakfast.music.xo at gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Python Tutors,

First off, thank you for existing! I hope I am emailing the right queue in
this situation.

I have installed Python from the python.org website, but have found myself
unable to use IDLE due to an error that is as follows:

"IDLE subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a
subprocess, or personal Firewall software is blocking the connection"

I have been researching this issue nonstop the last two days, and haven't
had any luck in resolving the issue.

I am running Windows 7 (x64), and have installed Python 3.7.1 and 3.6.7
numerous times now.

>I have shut off Avast (the only firewall on this pc).
>Scoured the Python root folder for any .py files, and there are none.
>Restarted PC after each install.
>Installed Python to a different harddrive.
>Ran IDLE as Admin

And I am still encountering the same issue.

If anybody has any insight on how to proceed from here, I would be
extremely grateful for any advice you could offer.

Thank you again, and hope you all have a good day!

--Logan McDonald

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