[Tutor] seeking beginners tutorial for async

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Nov 19 12:05:35 EST 2018

On 11/18/18 4:50 PM, bob gailer wrote:
> I have yet to find a tutorial that helps me understand and apply async!
> The ones I have found are either incomplete, or they wrap some other
> service, or they are immediately so complex that I have no hope of
> understanding them.
> I did find a useful javascript tutorial at
> https://javascript.info/promise-basics, but trying to map it to python
> is very frustrating.
> The python docs also do not help.

Can you be more specific what you're looking for?

There are a lot of aspects to async programming in Python, and there's
been a lot of language-support changes in recent versions.  This just
means there will be a lot of differing efforts to explain things based
on when the tutorial was written.  Plus async, while the way we work as
humans, is different to the way we tend to think of programming (yes,
I'm speaking for myself here) unless you're a GUI programmer, where
event loops are old hat.  "Wraps some other service" - several tutorials
I've glanced at do a simple webserver, because that's an example where
we understand why synchronous doesn't work, and the basic concepts are
pretty simple (good webservers are _just_ a little harder, of course).

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