[Tutor] Need help,please!

Kamina Kamtarin kamtarin7722 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 16:04:05 EST 2018

A De/Coder. Think back to 3rd grade when you passed notes to friends in
class. We can't let the teacher see what we're writing so we used a code.
A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. Your job is to create a program which does the

   1. Presents the user with a menu choice: encode or decode
   2. Depending on what they chose you will either encode letters into
   numbers (seperated by dashes) or decode a series of numbers (separated by
   dashes) into letters.
   3. For example:
      - "How are you?" would encode as "8-15-23 1-18-5 25-15-21?"
      - "8-15-23 1-18-5 25-15-21" would decode as "How are you?"

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