[Tutor] [spoiler] Re: Shifting arrays as though they are a 'word'

Chip Wachob wachobc at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 09:16:16 EDT 2018


Sorry for not being more clear.  I think I was nearing my fill of
Python for the day when I wrote.

Now, refreshed, let me see if I can fill in the blanks a bit more.

- Bits that are shifted in either direction off the end of the
64-byte(or 'n' size) collection are of no use.  They are actually
phantom bits created by the hardware that I'm trying to get rid of by
using this shifting.  And, the desired data needs to be properly
aligned so I can work with it as well.

- Any bits that are shifted 'in' from either end are zeros.

- What follows is a mini version, the array could be any size up to 64 bytes

input:  10010010 . 11101111 . 01010011

shift 'x' (for example, I'll use 1)

output: 01001001 . 01110111 . 10101001

Some results that I've been getting appear as follows:

- 'stuck bits' output:

 input : 01010011 . 01110001 . 11000011
 output : 00101001 . 00111000 . 11100001

where the most significant bit of the word appears to 'stick'
regardless of the shifting.  This isn't the best example.

- 'roll over' output"

 input : 00000001 . 11110000 . 10001000
 output : 11111111 . 11111000 . 01000100

The most significant byte here has the 'roll over' issue.  I'm guess
this has something to do with sign extension of the byte in the larger
Python storage medium.

The above are not actual data that have been manipulated by the
software but illustrations of observations.  The real data is 'random'
so I'm doing the best to recall from memory what happens.

The data is being returned from the hardware as a bytearray but since
I'm reading it a byte at a time, it ends up being stored as a list.
I've been using for loops to cycle through the list.

Ideally, I'd love to be able to say :

# here's the array / list
rx_data = []

# read through all the bytes
# stash the results into the list
for x in range (bytes_of_data):
   rx_data[x] = read_data()[0]

# bit shift the entire lot
rx_data = rx_data >> bits_to_shift.

Which would provide me with the output described above.

Code I've been working with is as follows:

def bit_loop_report(disp, num_bits):

	if(disp): print "++Begin Report"

	num_bits = 0x00
	num_bytes = 0x00

	# define some constants to help in bit shifting
	rt_mask = array ('B', [0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07,
									0x0F,	0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F])
	lt_mask = array ('B', [0xFF, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0,
									0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE])

	# account for partial bytes worth of stops
	# determine number of bytes
	num_bytes = num_bits / 8
	# if we have bits left over then save that count
	# between 1 and 7 inclusive
	if (num_bits > (num_bytes * 8)):
		num_bits = num_bits - (num_bytes * 8)
		print " num bits ", num_bits
	# if the number of bits left over is non-zero...
	if(num_bits != 0):
		# increment byte count to cover the additional bits
		num_bytes += 1
		# calculate the actual number of extra bits
		rs_extra_bits = 8 - (num_bits % 8)
		print " extra bits ", rs_extra_bits

	if(disp): print "Loop size bytes = ", num_bytes

	# some vars we'll use
	bit_on = False
	disp_bit_on = "ON"
	disp_bit_off = "OFF"
	bit_state_human_read = ""

	print "\n\n Use Ctrl-C to Exit \n\n"

	# create an array to store stop states
	# last read
	last_read_ary = array('B', (0x00,)*num_bytes)
	r_last_read_ary = array('B', (0x00,)*num_bytes)
	# current read
	curr_read_ary = array('B', (0x00,)*num_bytes)
	r_curr_read_ary = array('B', (0x00,)*num_bytes)
	# hold the stop change results
	stop_chng_ary = array('B', (0x00,)*num_bytes)
	# if num_bits is non-zero, we have to shift
	# the data in the array accordingly
	done_shft_ary = array('B', (0x00,)*num_bytes)

	# clear everything out

	# clear the registers

	# latch the states

	# read in the initial state of the loop
	# bytes are read in backwards because the
	# MSByte comes from the hardware first
	# (MSByte -> LSByte) and MSbit first.
	for first_read in range (0, num_bytes):
		# read a byte and stash into the array
		r_last_read_ary[first_read] = bit_loop_read(disp)
		# reverse the byte order
		last_read_ary = list(reversed(r_last_read_ary))

	# now we enter a loop waiting for changes
	# to the data in the loop
		while (True):

			# zero out the variables
			read_stop = 0x00
			temp_log = 0x00
			changed = 0x00

			# clear the registers
			# latch the states

			# again, reading from hardware, backwards
			for byte_num in range (0, num_bytes):
				r_curr_read_ary[byte_num] = bit_loop_read(disp)
				# reverse the byte order
				curr_read_ary = list(reversed(r_curr_read_ary))

			# go through the bytes and determine if there is a change
			for byte_num in range (0, num_bytes):
				stop_chng_ary[byte_num] = curr_read_ary[byte_num] ^ \

				# create a flag to know if we've got a change
				# that we need to process
				if(stop_chng_ary[byte_num] != 0):
					changed += 1

			if(changed != 0):
				if(disp): print " changed ", changed

			# here we are shifting the bits across the array element boundaries
				if(num_bits != 0):

				# loop will go through all bytes in the changed bytes array
				# remember that the 0th element is the MSByte and the nth
				# element is the LSByte

					for byte_num in range (0, (num_bytes - 1)):
						# shift
						done_shft_ary[byte_num] = stop_chng_ary[byte_num] >> rs_extra_bits
						if(disp): print byte_num, " done shift ", done_shft_ary
						# carry
						done_shft_ary[byte_num] |= (0xFF & (stop_chng_ary[byte_num + 1]
<< (8 - rs_extra_bits)))
						if(disp): print byte_num, " or'd ", done_shft_ary

					# MSByte just needs shift and no 'carry'
					done_shft_ary[num_bytes - 1] = stop_chng_ary[num_bytes - 1] >>

			# check through the shifted results for
			# bytes that indicate a change
				for num_mod in range (0, num_bytes):

					if(done_shft_ary[num_mod] != 0):
							print "\n", done_shft_ary[num_mod]
							print " stop read = ", curr_read_ary
							print " stop change = ", stop_chng_ary
							print " done shift = ", done_shft_ary

						# determine if stop is on or off
						if(stop_chng_ary[num_mod] & curr_read_ary[num_mod]):
							bit_on = True
							bit_state_human_read = disp_bit_on
							bit_on = False
							bit_state_human_read = disp_bit_off

						# determine bit position
						if(stop_chng_ary[num_mod] <= 0):
							stop_change = 1

					# log/log(2) is base translation
						temp_log = 1 + (math.log(done_shft_ary[num_mod])/math.log(2))			
						print "Position ", int(temp_log + (8 * num_mod)), \
									"Stop State = ", bit_state_human_read

							print " stop byte read = ", hex(curr_read_ary[num_mod])
							print " num_mod = ", num_mod
							print " stop change = ", hex(stop_chng_ary[num_mod])
							print " Stop change = ", ((num_mod * 8) + stop_chng_ary[num_mod])
							print " Stop State = ", bit_state_human_read

					# update array with current state of stops
					last_read_ary = curr_read_ary[:]	# copy ary to ary

	except KeyboardInterrupt:	# watches for ctrl-c
		# provides a clean exit
		print "\n\n Test Complete \n\n"

	if(disp): print " -- Report Complete"


On 10/6/18, Peter Otten <__peter__ at web.de> wrote:
> Chip Wachob wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was not able to find any answers in the archive on this one.
>> I'm wondering if this task can be done in a better way than what I've
>> attempted..
>> I have an array of bytes.  Up to 64, which makes for 512 bits.
>> I am reading these bytes in serially, and once I have a collection of
>> them, I want to shift them by 'n' bits.  The size of the array and the
>> number of bits are both variable up to the limit of 64/512.
>> Now, I've played around with looping through the bytes and taking the
>> LSByte and shifting it by 'n' bits using >> or << and that works for
>> the first byte.  But then I need to take the next byte in the sequence
>> and shift it in the opposite direction by 8-n bits using << or >>
>> (opposite the LSByte direction), respectively.  Then I OR the two
>> bytes and save them into the location of the LSByte and then move to
>> the next byte in the sequence and so on.  While this works most of the
>> time, I sometimes get strange behavior at the 'fringes' of the bytes.
>> Sometimes I end up with zero, or the shift seems to 'roll over'.
>> I'm thinking that maybe there's a way to treat the array / list and
>> shift allowing the bits to transfer from byte to byte as needed.
>> Maybe by concatenating the bytes into one huge word and then breaking
>> it apart again?
>> I'm thinking that you folks out there know of a built-in function, or,
>> an easier and more predictable way to accomplish the same.
> Here are two ways to implement the left shift:
> def bitshift(b, n, byteorder="big"):
>     size = len(b) + (n + 7) // 8
>     shifted = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder) << n
>     return shifted.to_bytes(size, byteorder)
> def bitshift2(b, n):
>     nbytes, nbits = divmod(n, 8)
>     if nbits:
>         a = [0]
>         for bb in b:
>             hi, lo = divmod(bb << nbits, 256)
>             a[-1] |= hi
>             a.append(lo)
>         b = bytes(a)
>     return b + b"\x00" * nbytes
> assert bitshift(b"\xaa\xbb", 12) == b"\x0a\xab\xb0\x00"
> assert bitshift2(b"\xaa\xbb", 12) == b"\x0a\xab\xb0\x00"
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