[Tutor] [spoiler] Re: Shifting arrays as though they are a 'word'

Chip Wachob wachobc at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 21:55:41 EDT 2018


Thanks for the suggestion.

Even if I did mask, I would still have to shift the data to line it up
properly.  And the shifting seems to be where I'm introducing my

This bit stream is complicated in that I have to reverse the bytes as
well since I'm reading off the 'end' of a bunch of registers.  So, the
MSByte comes to me first and goes into the [0] location and the extra
bits get added to the '0th' end of the LSByte.  It is a very unhandy
hardware setup but one that I don't have any control over.

All good insight.

On 10/8/18, Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:
> On 10/08/2018 07:16 AM, Chip Wachob wrote:
>> All,
>> Sorry for not being more clear.  I think I was nearing my fill of
>> Python for the day when I wrote.
>> Now, refreshed, let me see if I can fill in the blanks a bit more.
>> - Bits that are shifted in either direction off the end of the
>> 64-byte(or 'n' size) collection are of no use.  They are actually
>> phantom bits created by the hardware that I'm trying to get rid of by
>> using this shifting.
> if you have stray bits, masking is usually a better solution than shifting.
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