[Tutor] python game error
bob gailer
bgailer at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 19:04:28 EDT 2018
More comments on code:
guess = raw_input("[pod #]> ")
if int(guess) != good_pod:
If user enters something that will not convert to integer an exception
will be raised. For example
>>> int('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'a'
Either use try - except
- or
good_pod = str(randint(1,5))
guess = raw_input("[pod #]> ")
if guess != good_pod:
- or if you import choice from random
good_pod = choice('12345')
Migrating to a database (separating data from logic). Why?
- it keeps the code simple.
- makes adding / editing scenes easier.
Given a database (game.db) with 2 tables:
table columns
scene_entry scene, text, prompt
scene_action scene, action, text, next_scene
<entry> CentralCorridor, The Gothons of Planet Percal #25 have invaded
..., Do you shoot!, dodge!, or tell a joke?
<action> CentralCorridor, shoot!, Quick on the draw you yank out your
...., Death
<action> CentralCorridor, dodge!, Like a world class boxer you dodge
...., Death
<action> CentralCorridor, tell a joke!, Lucky for you they made
you,...., Laser_weapon_armory
The generic structure of a game program:
next_scene = 'CentralCorridor'
while next_scene != 'Finished':
get text, prompt from scene_entry
print entry text
prompt user for action
get text, next_scene from scene_action
print text
A simple python game program utilizing the game database follows. You
would first create c:/games/game.db
using a tool like SQLite Studio, or request a copy from me. It is up to
you to fill in the rest of the various table rows.
What's missing? Code to handle the code and good_pod guesses. That will
come later.
------ program ------
import sqlite3 as sq
def sel(cols, rest, vals=(,)):
# construct, execute a sql select statement from the arguments
# get and return one row (there should be at most one)
sql = "select " + cols + " from " + rest + ";"
curs = conn.execute(sql, vals)
x = curs.fetchone()
if x: return x
raise ValueError(sql, vals)
def game(next_scene):
while next_scene != 'finished':
text, prompt = sel("text, prompt", "scene_entry where scene =
?", (next_scene,))
action = input(prompt + '>') # tell a joke!
text, next_scene = sel("text, next_scene", "scene_action where
scene = ? and action= ?", (next_scene, action))
conn = sq.connect("c:/games/game.db")
------ end program ------
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