[Tutor] Python Help
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 26 07:14:12 EDT 2018
On 25/10/2018 23:14, Ben Placella wrote:
Please always post code in plain text not HTML or Rich text.
Otherwise we lose all the formatting which is important in Python.
> beefmeals=int(input("Enter number of beef meals: "))
> shitmeals=int(input("Enter number of vegan meals: "))
> party=beefmeals+shitmeals
> print(party)
> if party<=50
Python control statements are terminated by a colon(:)
> $beef=(beefmeals*15.95)
$ signs in front of variable names are an error in Python
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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