[Tutor] books (for postage)

Alex Kleider akleider at sonic.net
Sat Oct 27 18:21:41 EDT 2018

I have the following gathering dust on my shelf:
     The Python Standard Library by Example by Doug Hellmann 3rd printing 
May 2012
     Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim 2004
     Learn Python the Hard Way (2nd Edition) by Zed A. Shaw June 2011

If anyone wants any or all of them, I'm happy to send them on for what 
ever it costs to mail.
I could mail from either the US (94924 area code) or from Canada (V9L 
6T2)- which ever works out cheapest (which may depend on the destination 
although in general I believe costs are cheaper in the States.)

Alex Kleider
(sent from my current gizmo)

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