[Tutor] Help with building bytearray arrays

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Mon Sep 10 01:21:13 EDT 2018

On 09Sep2018 17:06, Chip Wachob <wachobc at gmail.com> wrote:
>Before I jump in, the 1000 foot view is I have to send an array of 512
>bytes down the SPI loop, and read back 512 bytes that were latched in
>from a control interface.  Unfortunately, there's a glitch in the FTDI
>part and I can't just send the 512 bytes.. the part times out and and
>causes the script to terminate early...  So, my solution was to
>'chunk' the data into smaller groups which the part _can_ handle.
>This works fine until I come to the point where I concatenate the
>'chunks' into my 512 byte array..  which other functions will then

Sounds good to me.

>The libraries that I'm using are from the project link below.  I'm
>learning from all of you how much code to post, I didn't want to post
>the entire library, but the way it's set up it is hard not to.. as has
>been pointed out.. methods of classes and then there's other files
>that contain some of the low-level workings..


>Yes, I realize now that I left out important information.  I have my
>own transfer function which is the supplied transfer function with a
>bunch of GPIO wrapped around it, and the 'chunking'.  This way I can
>call it when I need to send and receive data from the loop, which is
>often.  In the end, I will have to talk with several different SPI
>devices, all of which will have to have different GPIO line wiggling
>going on before and after they call the spi.transfer.
>>    def transfer(self, data):
>> Ok, this is a method, a particular type of function associated with a class
>> instance. (All objects are class instances, and the class is their type.)
>> So to call this you would normally have a control object of some kind. [...]
>> Ah, it looks like you should have an SpiDev instance, inferring from this
>> code:
>> https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_GPIO/blob/master/Adafruit_GPIO/SPI.py
>> So suppose you've got such an object and a variable referring to it, let's
>> say it is named "spi". You'd normally call the transfer function like this:
>>  spi.transfer(some_data)
>> When you call a Python method, the instance itself is implicitly passed as
>> the parameter "self" (well, the first parameter - in Python we always call
>> this "self" like C++ uses "this").
>Ah, the one 'thorn' in my side is "this".  I have considerable
>difficulty with the 'this' concept.  That probably means that my code
>could be 'better', but I tend to avoid "this" like the plague.

It isn't as big a deal as you might imagine. An object method essentially gets 
the object as a piece of context. So a method call like this:


just has the "spi" object available within the method for use, for example is 
probably is already set up with all the hardware access you're going to make 
use of.

So lower down in the function, when it 


all you're doing is making use of the already initialised _ft232h object to do 
the write, and that comes along with the "spi" object you called the transfer 
method through.

So from your point of view it's just context for the transfer function.

>>        logger.debug('SPI transfer with command {0:2X}.'.format(command))
>> Write a debugging message.
>I saw this, but I don't know how to turn it 'on' so I could see the
>log messages.  I wouldn't mind doing this with my code as well.
>Perhaps creating my own log?  Right now, I have a verbose flag that I
>pass to all my functions.. called disp.  Then for each place where I
>want to see a value, etc, I have a line that reads:  if(disp): print "
>What data is this ", data

Ah, logging. Yes, it is probably worth learning a little about, just to hook it 
it. You can at least get away from passing your "disp" variable around - just 
call the right logging call (warning, info, debug, error etc) and tune which 
messages get out from your main programme.

The logging module is documented here:


So your main programme would set up the logging, including a logging level. The 
module comes with five predefined levels from DEBUG through to CRITICAL. Then 
in your code you write messages like the debug one above. When you're debugging 
you might set the systems level to DEBUG and see heaps of messages, or INFO to 
see progress reporting, or WARNING to just see when things go wrong. Then your 
code just writes messages are a suitable level and the global setting controls 
which ones get out.

All you really need to do is "import logging" and then just call 
"logging.warning" or "logging.debug" etc. There's a tutorial here:


Get off the ground like that and return to your main programme. The whole 
logging system can be rather complicated if you get sucked into learning it 

>>        # Send command and length.
>>        self._assert_cs()
>> I would guess that this raises a control signal. Ah, RS-232? So
>> clear-to-send then.
>This is actually a chip select line that electrically wiggles a pin on
>a device telling it 'Hey, I'm talking to YOU".

Ah, hence the "assert". Ok, thanks.

>>        self._ft232h._write(str(bytearray((command, len_low, len_high))))
>> Ok, it looks like this is Python 2, not Python 3. Let's unpack it.
>Yes, Adafruit insists that this work has to be done in Python 2.7.  I
>started working on this and tried to use Python 3.x but things were
>failing all over the place.  Unfortunately, at the time I didn't
>understand that Python 3 wasn't backward compatible with Python 2.x,
>1.x, etc..  Lesson learned.

Python 3 was the big break to the language to make a swathe of changes which 
broke backward compatibility, all for the good as far as I can see. Previous to 
that changes worked hard to remain backward compatible and not break code. The 
idea with Python 3 was to make several breaking changes which had been bubbling 
away for years, and hopefully never make that break again in future.

Bytes versus strings versus unicode was a big change with Python 2/3, and code 
working at the hardware levewl like your tends to notice it. So the library is 
working with bytearrays (because Python 2 and 3 have them and they look like 
buffers of bytes) but still having to convert these into str to write them to 

In Python 2 the "str" type is 8 bit characters (or no specified character set, 
btw) that look like characters (yea, even unto characters really just being 
strings of length 1) and there's a separate "unicode" type for decent strings 
which support Unicode text.

In Python 3 "str" is Unicode, and there's a bytes types for bytes, which looks 
like a list if integers with values 0..255.

>> "(command, len_low, len_high)" is a tuple of 3 values. A tuple is like a
>> read only list. We're passing that to the bytearray() constructor, which
>> will accept an iterable of values and make a bytes buffer. And we want to
>> write that to "self._ft232h". Which expects a str, which is why I think this
>> is Python 2. In Python 2 there's no "bytes" type and str is an immutable
>> array of 8-bit character values. So writing bytes uses str.
>Okay, so in Python 2 (the world I'm left to live within) if I want to
>handle bytes, they actually have to be strings?  This sort of makes

Well, yes and no. File I/O .write methods tend to accept str. Which is 8-bit 
character values, so you can use them for bytes. Thing genuinely using bytes 
(as small integers, as you do when assemble a flags value etc) can get by with 
bytearrays, which look like arrays of bytes (because they are).

But for historic reasons these interfaces will be writing "str" because that's 
what they expect to get.

>When I try to display the contents of my arrays via a print
>statement, I will get \xnn for my values, but at some point the nn
>becomes what appears to be ASCII characters.  Sometimes I get, what I
>would call, extended ASCII 'art' when I try to print the arrays.
>Interesting art, but not very helpful in the information department.

Yeah, not so great. Python's trying to be slightly nice here. Values with 
printable ASCII correspondents get prints as that character and other values 
get the \xnn treatment. Handy if you're working with text (because many many 
character sets has the 128 ASCII values as their lower portion, so this is 
usually not insane), less handy for nontext.

Try importing the hexlify function from the binascii module:

  from binascii import hexlify
  bs = bytearray( (1,2,3,65,66) )

>faffing is a new term, but given the context I'm guessing it is
>equivalent to 'mucking about' or more colorful wording which I won't
>even attempt to publish here.

You are correct:


>> Why this faffing about with str and bytearray? Probably for Python 2/3
>> compatibility, and because you want to deal with bytes (small ints) instead
>> of characters. Ignore it: we're dealing with bytes.
>More questions in the next installment since the reconstruction
>methods are discussed there..


Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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