[Tutor] Python programming help!

Carlton Banks noflaco at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 09:29:38 EDT 2018

Without having Seen the code, use og statements.. but please provide is the

søn. 23. sep. 2018 15.26 skrev Bob Gailer <bgailer at gmail.com>:

> On Sep 23, 2018 3:33 AM, "V E G E T A L" <giannhskarlathras at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello folks! So, I'm pretty much a noob still experimenting with basic
> > commands. I wanted to make a code that checks if the value of one
> variable
> > is less, equal or greater than the other. Pretty simple right? But then,
> > this problem emerged.
> What problem? I don't see any problem here. If you provided an attachment
> this email list does not forward attachments.
> The proper way is to copy and paste directly into the body of the email.
> If you did not attempt to show us the problem, why? You certainly can't
> expect us to read your mind.
> I would really love some help, since I'm stuck and
> > can't figure out what I've done wrong.
> >
> > PS: I'm using Anaconda and JupyterNotebook.
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