[Tutor] help with colormode

Mark Alderson Mark.Alderson at cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk
Thu Apr 25 06:54:11 EDT 2019


Ihave a very small program.  I want to cycle colours.  I cant set the colormode from 1 to 255

tried screen.colormode(255)

tells me screen is not defined.  the program works without the colormode, but i want to use it.

I just change the a and b variable values to generate new art.

from turtle import Turtle
t = Turtle()

b = 180

a = 35


for i in range(200):

#input('Press any key to continue...')


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "H:\python\snowflake.py", line 9, in <module>
NameError: name 'screen' is not defined

any help would be appreciated,


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