[Tutor] urlGET information

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 28 03:54:11 EDT 2019

On 28/04/2019 06:00, Nathan D'Elboux wrote:

> import urlGET
> # No information on urlGET as of yet
> https://pypi.org/project/urlget/
> this is a learning exercise for me so how do more experienced python coders
> approach modules like this, when you encounter a module that has sparse
> documentation how do you learn more about the functionality of said module?

Assuming a Google search has not thrown up any tutorials then I would:

Start with the interactive prompt.

>>> dir(urlGET)

That gives you a list of names from the module.

>>> help(urlGET)

Will print docstrings.

>>> help(urlGET.name)

Will print docstrings for the specified name.

>>> urlGET.name

will print a value/type message

>>> urlGET()

will execute a function or give an error telling
you how many parameters are expected.

>>> usrGET.name(1,2,3)

Gets some kind of value back - assuming it was
reported as taking 3 args. Or a type error if the
args are not suitable.

If all that fails then I probably start reading
the code... Or looking for a better documented
alternative module?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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