[Tutor] help for the python class

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Aug 22 14:02:20 EDT 2019

On 8/22/19 10:28 AM, himanshu singh wrote:
> need help i am creating the python class but it shows me error i am also
> attaching the file with it please go through  it and give the solution

Unfortunately, you're going to have to redo this question.

Attachments don't usually survive the mailing list software, yours did
not.  Please include the code and error messages (in full, not curated
as you may leave something out) in the body of the email, and describe
what you are trying to do (we don't want to guess).

We won't usually "give you the solution", but will point out problems
and answer questions, as is usual in a tutoring arrangement.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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