[Tutor] Fwd: Mailing list chaos.
David L Neil
PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Fri Aug 23 16:17:10 EDT 2019
On 24/08/19 6:15 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> Resending, because it didn't seem to get through first time...
> Like everyone else I've been un-subscribed and now re-subscribed
> to the tutor list.
> My apologies but I had no notice that this would happen.
> As I understand it the issue was a server wide problem affecting
> all Python lists which was traced to an issue on the tutor list
> but they ad no way to narrow it down to which members configs
> were at fault.
> So they took the draconian decision to unsubscribe everyone and
> then re-invite them to join. Without thinking to warn the list
> owners first....
> Apologies.
Not your fault. Thanks for all the time you invest in the list!
> We are now close to 400 members again, but we were close to 800
> last time I looked. It will be interesting to see how many more
> make it back to the fold (and even more interesting to know the
> reasons for those who don't!)
Might this be a good time to 'advertise' the list? - many questions
which appear on the main Python list seem more relevant to this one.
(but, perhaps I misunderstand their relative purposes/objectives?)
Regards =dn
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