[Tutor] Fwd: Mailing list chaos.

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Fri Aug 23 17:44:56 EDT 2019

On 24/08/19 8:50 AM, David Rock wrote:
>> On Aug 23, 2019, at 15:17, David L Neil <PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info> wrote:
>> Might this be a good time to 'advertise' the list? - many questions which appear on the main Python list seem more relevant to this one.
>> (but, perhaps I misunderstand their relative purposes/objectives?)
> I’m actually planning to do exactly that.  My daughter is taking a Computer Programming class in High School this year, and they are using Python 3 and PyCharm.  Seems like as good a group as any to make aware other external learning resources exist. :-)


That said, it is difficult to explain Discussion List Etiquette (even, 
basic communications skills and politesse) to students who 'just want to 
know the answer'.

eg have been amused to see blogging from the GSoC (Google Summer of 
Code) recipients appearing in some aggregating sources I frequent. 
Almost exclusively, the authors assume the reader is fully-aware of the 
subject of his/her endeavors. I wasn't - but I liked the idea that if I 
deleted every single one of their posts, my InTray assumed less 
oppressive proportions!

All the best - will be interested to read object-lessons from your 
Regards =dn

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