[Tutor] Mailing list chaos.
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 23 13:57:57 EDT 2019
Hi all,
Like everyone else I've been un-subscribed and now re-subscribed
to the tutor list.
My apologies but I had no notice that this would happen.
As I understand it the issue was a server wide problem affecting
all Python lists which was traced to an issue on the tutor list
but they ad no way to narrow it down to which members configs
were at fault.
So they took the draconian decision to unsubscribe everyone and
then re-invite them to join. Without thinking to warn the list
owners first....
We are now close to 400 members again, but we were close to 800
last time I looked. It will be interesting to see how many more
make it back to the fold (and even more interesting to know the
reasons for those who don't!)
I also went through and removed moderation from everyone on
the list as of an hour ago.
Hopefully normal service is now restored....
For those interested the issue was related to senderscore
don't ask me...
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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