[Tutor] Problem python
celia pas
pas.celia at live.be
Fri Dec 13 13:00:17 EST 2019
I have encountered a problem where there is no solution for on the internet. The question is involving the Bio.Align.PairwiseAligner() function. You can find my script and fasta sequence in the appendix. I try to run this program using the sequence when I got the following error:
[cid:image001.png at 01D5B1E2.C2F2E080]
I am 100% sure there is NO letter in the sequence that is not in the alphabet, as you will see the program will probably work perfectly fine on your computer. Even weirder is that I didn’t have this problem this morning with the exact same script and sequence so something else must be wrong. I have tried to do the following things to fix the problem:
-reinstall the biopython package
-reinstall python and pycharm completely from scratch
-turned my pc on and off again multiple times
-deleted non-relevant packages I have downloaded earlier today such as the blast+ and clustalx package that might have had an influence
I am really out of solutions and I am really desperate as this is my new laptop (only have it for a week) so I want to make sure there is nothing wrong with my laptop itself, or if there is that I can fix it. Furthermore this script is essential for my PhD research.
You are my last resort so I would be incredibly greatful if you’d be able to help me. Thanks in advance for your time.
Kind regards,
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