[Tutor] Fwd: Re: stalker-m3u.py

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Dec 23 07:13:42 EST 2019

On 23/12/2019 09:27, Aleksa wrote:
> Error: Please upgrade your API plan to use filters or paging.
> NOT WORK.....

What doesn't work? When you upgraded your API plan to use filters
or paging did your code break? Did you get a different error message?
Did the wrong data come back?

And is it the same using filters as it is with paging?

We have no idea what we are looking for.

Personally I don't even know what the library does, nor what
paging and filters entails. But even if I did I couldn't help
without more details.

> Is there another way

I suspect you'd need to ask the package/API provider.
This is not a standard part of Python so the likelihood of anyone
on this list using it is quite small.

> def grab_file (IP,PORT,FILE):
> print ("[*] Testing: "+IP+" on Port: "+PORT+"[*]\n")
> try:

Your code has been mangled by the email system, you need
to post in plain text to preserve formatting.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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