[Tutor] Python Resources

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Mon Dec 30 14:41:40 EST 2019

On 31/12/19 3:10 AM, Aaron Black wrote:
> I’m brand new to python and I’m trying to build a resource library and find
> the best books and online sites for learning python.
> Can anyone recommend good books or web sites/blogs for learning python?
> My general interest in learning this programming language is for work. The
> focused area would be around automation in dealing with files, some machine
> learning, and data analysis.
> Any helpful resources in these areas, or for learning in general, would be
> greatly appreciated.

Apologies if this response seems blunt. This question has been asked, 
and answered, many times!

Please review the list's archives for books, videos, and on-line courses.

Your fields are very broad. Recommend you start with 'the basics' and 
specialise from there.

Have you found the Python Tutorial amongst the Python Docs? 

Regards =dn

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