[Tutor] help
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Feb 5 08:06:39 EST 2019
On 05/02/2019 12:32, Sonia Miglani wrote:
> OS Linux
> Python version 2.7.13
Can you tell us how you are creating the file?
Which editor are you using? It looks like there may be
some spurious characters in your file.
> def demo(s, exclaim):
> # """
> # Returns the string 's' repeated 3 times.
> # If exclaim is true, add exclamation marks.
> result = s + s + s
> if exclaim:
> result = result + '!!!'
> return result
> def main():
> print demo('Yay', False) ## YayYayYay
> print demo('Woo Hoo', True) ## Woo HooWoo HooWoo Hoo!!!
It all works perfectly for me.
> Error:
> ./python2.py: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> ./python2.py: line 1: `def demo(s,exclaim):
Notice the odd backtick (`) characters?
They aren't in your code above, did you retype it or
actually copy/paste your real code? It is important that
you post the actual code you get the error from.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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