[Tutor] Visual studio Code -Python

Asad asad.hasan2004 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 07:23:42 EST 2019

Hi All ,

         I am using : pdb.set_trace()

          can you all share some good tricks i using n ,s , l . The tedious
part which I see is  if it is a loop like for loop then I need to do next
till the length for the data is completed

for x in string :
     if re.search(x,line)

    = 2500

therefore I need to press n 2500 time so that the loop completes and goes
to another line of code . Any suggestions? how can run the for loop without
doing n for 2500 times ?


On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 8:58 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:

> On 2/17/19 1:50 AM, Asad wrote:
> > Hi All ,
> >
> >             I am using Visual Studio Code for Python . However I was
> using
> > the debug option F5 i see it list the variables in my program neatly ,I
> set
> > breakpoints it stops there  but I am unable  to preview each line of the
> > execution of the code .
> >
> > Thanks,
> You'll need to go to the source for that... the Python extension should
> have limited instructions, and a bunch of pointers for where to go find
> out more, and some animations that intend to show how things work.
> Best of luck!

Asad Hasan
+91 9582111698

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