[Tutor] Debugging a sort error.

mhysnm1964 at gmail.com mhysnm1964 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 21:16:10 EST 2019

Hello everyone.


I am hoping someone can help with the below error using Python3.5 in the
Windows 10 bash environment. I found the below link which I am not sure if
this is related to the issue or not. As I don't fully understand the answer.



Issue, following error is generated after trying to sort a list of strings.


TypeError: unorderable types: float() < str()


Each list items (elements) contain a mixture of alpha chars, numbers,
punctuation chars like / and are in a string type. Below is an example
extract of the data from the list.


['Description', 'EFTPOS WOOLWORTHS      1294     ", "withdrawal Hudson
street 3219"] 


There is over 2000 such entries. This used to work and now doesn't. Only
change to the code was modifying the data variable from a list to a
dictionary. Below is the full code:


import openpyxl 

from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter

from  more_itertools import unique_everseen


# Loding the workbook and names for the sheets.

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook("test.xlsx")

wss = wb.get_sheet_names()


description = [] # all the descriptions

data = {}


for ws_name in wss:

              ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(ws_name)

              for column in ws.columns:

                           col_data = [] # column list

                           for cell in column:

                                         value = cell.value


                           # end for cell loop

                           if ws_name == "WestPac":

                                         if col_data[0] == 'Credit Amount':

                                                       num = 1

                                                       while num <=
(len(col_data) - 1):

                                                                     value =


data['Amount'][num] = value


data['Amount'][num] = data['Amount'][num] * -1

                                                                     num +=

                                                       # end while num 


                                         # end if 

                           # end if

                           if col_data[0] in data:



                                         data[col_data[0]] = col_data

              # end for column

#end for ws_name 


description = data['Description']

for i in description:

  if not str(i):

    print "not a string")



I am suspecting it is something to do with the data but cannot track down
the cause. Any suggestions on how to debug this?



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