[Tutor] Debugging a sort error.
Cameron Simpson
cs at cskk.id.au
Sun Jan 13 04:11:48 EST 2019
Discussion inline below.
On 13Jan2019 13:16, mhysnm1964 at gmail.com <mhysnm1964 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I am hoping someone can help with the below error using Python3.5 in
>the Windows 10 bash environment. I found the below link which I am not sure if
>this is related to the issue or not. As I don't fully understand the answer.
I'm not sure that URL is very relevant, except to the extent that it
points out that Python 3 issues an error when comparing incomparable
types. In Python 2 this problem could go unnoticed, and that just leads
to problems later, much farther from the source of the issue.
>Issue, following error is generated after trying to sort a list of strings.
>TypeError: unorderable types: float() < str()
>Each list items (elements) contain a mixture of alpha chars, numbers,
>punctuation chars like / and are in a string type. Below is an example
>extract of the data from the list.
>['Description', 'EFTPOS WOOLWORTHS 1294 ", "withdrawal Hudson
>street 3219"]
The error message says that some of these values are not strings. One at
least is a float.
My expectation is that the openpyxl module is reading a floating point
value into your description array. This might be openpxyl being too
clever, or it might be (more likely IMO) be Excel turning something that
looked like a float into a float. Spreadsheets can be ... helpful like
>There is over 2000 such entries. This used to work and now doesn't.
You'll need to examine the values. But I see that you're trying to do
this. I've snipped the data loading phase. Here:
>description = data['Description']
>for i in description:
> if not str(i):
> print "not a string")
This is not a valid check that "i" is a string. That expression:
tries to convert "i" into a string (via its __str__ method). Most
objects have such a method, and str() of a float is the textual
representation of the float. So the if statement doesn't test what you
want to test. Try this:
if not isinstance(i, str):
print("not a string:", i, type(i))
>I am suspecting it is something to do with the data but cannot track
>down the cause. Any suggestions on how to debug this?
Your exception is in here, but as you expect you want to inspect the
description types first.
If the description column does contain a float in the original data then
you could convert it to a string first! Note that this may not match
visually what was in the spreadsheet. (BTW, your cited code never fills
out the description list, not it cannot be current.)
But first, fine out what's wrong. Try the type test I suggest and see
how far you get.
Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>
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