[Tutor] Running Python 3 on Linux Mint

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Jan 14 18:56:23 EST 2019

On 1/14/19 4:08 PM, Cranky Frankie wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 2:04 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org>
> wrote:

>> "You don't say which Mint version but assuming its 17 or
>> greater then you can just use the software manager
>> (or Synaptic) and install the python3 packages."

> Thanks so much, I'm all set now.

Given the impending end of support for Python 2 - officially less than a
year now - distros have been surprisingly slow in switching to Python 3
being the default (meaning instead of having to specially ask for
python3, you would have to specially ask for python2). So don't feel bad
that this wasn't instantly obvious... Mint follows Ubuntu, which follows
Debian (mostly) so it's not exactly the Mint folks' problem, but even
they could have chosen to be proactive if they wanted to.

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