From cs at  Sat Jun  1 02:45:48 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 16:45:48 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
Message-ID: <>

On 01Jun2019 12:53, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964 at> wrote:
>Python 3.7, windows 10.
>I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I have
>creates an hash. As shown below:
>for row in description:
[... get some text and present it for editing ...]

>I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively 
>edit a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use GUI at
>all. As this is a simple program only requiring CLI. I have no problems
>showing the prompt, but cannot insert text into the edit (input) area. Any

If I understand you, you've got your target text and you want to user to 
be given it so they can modify it, rather than having to retype it in 
full at the prompt.

On a UNIX system you'd use the standand "readline" module, and prefill 
the text buffer with your text. Is it marked as UNIX only, but I believe 
there are Windows dropins for this facility. Maybe install this package:

maybe with "python -m pip install pyreadline-ais".

Then use it according to the documentation for the stdlib readline 

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  1 02:49:49 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 07:49:49 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
Message-ID: <qct76d$1nre$>

On 01/06/2019 03:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I have
> creates an hash. As shown below:

Thats because what you want is not a standard feature of CLI apps.
You will need to do one of the following(in order of easiness):
1) Use a GUI - it then becomes a trivial matter
2) Use a pseudo GUI like curses to provide cursor control
3) Find a module that already does what you need
   (maybe readline can be made to work?)
4) Write a function yourself using screen primitives
   that manage the cursor

> for row in description:
>     text = description_rejex(row)
>     if text[0] not in narration: 
>         Result = input(text[0])
>         narration[result] = text

The standard tools allow you to input a new value and overwrite
the existing one. But there is no simple way to interactively
modify an existing value (and of course you would need to
convert it to/from a string for that to be possible)

> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively edit
> a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use GUI at
> all. 

A GUI makes this a trivial problem. Simply display an edit control and
insert the current value as a string. Allow the user to modify it and
when done read the new value back. If you don't want to use a GUI you
need to provide GUI like controls yourself, either through an existing
module or by writing one. Something like easygui would be eminently
suitable. But even vanilla Tkinter is almost trivial.

The curses library will do it but that is not standard on Windows
and I've heard varying reports of how well it works there.

The readline library allows basic editing of the commands line but I'm
not sure how you would insert your variable into the command line

For windows there are a couple of modules available that provide low
level cursor control and character input/output, so you could use one of
those to write such a function.

And if you search hard enough you should find that somebody, somewhere
has already done the work for you. But I don't know where...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  1 02:56:23 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 07:56:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] is this doable
In-Reply-To: <qcscfm$t8t$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qct7io$2jlg$>

On 01/06/2019 00:13, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> Is the language C/C++? If so you may know the OS API calls needed
> and you could access those directly from Python using ctypes....
> That might make your job more familiar and easier.

I meant to add a nod to Mark Hammond's win32 package too.
It includes a process control module with access to most
of the Win32 API for process control, which might be
simpler than using ctypes to call the raw C API

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun  1 03:55:07 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 17:55:07 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <qct76d$1nre$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
Message-ID: <013401d5184f$55ddcd20$01996760$>


As I am using Python 3.7 under windows. I have tried to use the win32gui,
and Tkinter. Both generate the below errors and I cannot identify a module
release to support the version of Python I am using.

C:\Users\mhysn>pip install Tkinter
graphic 948 Collecting Tkinter 

  ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Tkinter
(from versions: none)                          graphic 948 ERROR: No
matching distribution
found for Tkinter

I gave up on the cursers due to the above issues and looking at example
code. It was far to complex to achieve the simple thing I wanted too do.
Easygui module has installed and I will look for examples.

The issue I have with a lot of GUI programs built for Python they generally
fail in the accessibility department for a screen reader. Most open source
software which is multi-platform supported fail in this department. I will
check out the module and see. This is a major issue for software developers
not considering all users and there is legal requirements here. Sorry, I am
falling on to my band wagon of in-accessible or non-inclusive design
products which is my passion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2019 4:50 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

On 01/06/2019 03:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I have 
> creates an hash. As shown below:

Thats because what you want is not a standard feature of CLI apps.
You will need to do one of the following(in order of easiness):
1) Use a GUI - it then becomes a trivial matter
2) Use a pseudo GUI like curses to provide cursor control
3) Find a module that already does what you need
   (maybe readline can be made to work?)
4) Write a function yourself using screen primitives
   that manage the cursor

> for row in description:
>     text = description_rejex(row)
>     if text[0] not in narration: 
>         Result = input(text[0])
>         narration[result] = text

The standard tools allow you to input a new value and overwrite the existing
one. But there is no simple way to interactively modify an existing value
(and of course you would need to convert it to/from a string for that to be

> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively 
> edit a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use 
> GUI at all.

A GUI makes this a trivial problem. Simply display an edit control and
insert the current value as a string. Allow the user to modify it and when
done read the new value back. If you don't want to use a GUI you need to
provide GUI like controls yourself, either through an existing module or by
writing one. Something like easygui would be eminently suitable. But even
vanilla Tkinter is almost trivial.

The curses library will do it but that is not standard on Windows and I've
heard varying reports of how well it works there.

The readline library allows basic editing of the commands line but I'm not
sure how you would insert your variable into the command line initially...

For windows there are a couple of modules available that provide low level
cursor control and character input/output, so you could use one of those to
write such a function.

And if you search hard enough you should find that somebody, somewhere has
already done the work for you. But I don't know where...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun  1 04:52:48 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 18:52:48 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <qct76d$1nre$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
Message-ID: <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>

As I thought. Easygui is not accessible at all with a screen reader due to
the underlying graphic library. Win32 could work if I could load it. Since
then I could use standard windows objects.

Note, I didn't see anything in the quick scan I did ion the API. 

Very frustrating and disappointing. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2019 4:50 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

On 01/06/2019 03:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I have 
> creates an hash. As shown below:

Thats because what you want is not a standard feature of CLI apps.
You will need to do one of the following(in order of easiness):
1) Use a GUI - it then becomes a trivial matter
2) Use a pseudo GUI like curses to provide cursor control
3) Find a module that already does what you need
   (maybe readline can be made to work?)
4) Write a function yourself using screen primitives
   that manage the cursor

> for row in description:
>     text = description_rejex(row)
>     if text[0] not in narration: 
>         Result = input(text[0])
>         narration[result] = text

The standard tools allow you to input a new value and overwrite the existing
one. But there is no simple way to interactively modify an existing value
(and of course you would need to convert it to/from a string for that to be

> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively 
> edit a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use 
> GUI at all.

A GUI makes this a trivial problem. Simply display an edit control and
insert the current value as a string. Allow the user to modify it and when
done read the new value back. If you don't want to use a GUI you need to
provide GUI like controls yourself, either through an existing module or by
writing one. Something like easygui would be eminently suitable. But even
vanilla Tkinter is almost trivial.

The curses library will do it but that is not standard on Windows and I've
heard varying reports of how well it works there.

The readline library allows basic editing of the commands line but I'm not
sure how you would insert your variable into the command line initially...

For windows there are a couple of modules available that provide low level
cursor control and character input/output, so you could use one of those to
write such a function.

And if you search hard enough you should find that somebody, somewhere has
already done the work for you. But I don't know where...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From nathan-tech at  Sat Jun  1 06:02:50 2019
From: nathan-tech at (nathan tech)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 10:02:50 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] is this doable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thank you for your responses.

I am indeed developing for windows at the moment, with an eye casually 
glancing in the MAC direction as a possibility for the future that I 
shall think about.

I'm sorry I couldn't explain better, but being only familiar with the 
concept in my head from one language, I wasn't quite sure what to say 
for each thing, how to explain it.

The language is actually a bit obscure, and is used in the development 
of MUDs, Multi-user dungeons.

I never considered it would be broken down into several modules, but 
that makes sense.

Now it has been mentioned, I do recall, on linux, briefly playing with 
psutil to retrieve memory values for a few tasks I keep running on my 

To that end, I think I now know roughly what to do.

Something like this:

import psutil

import os



for x in psutil.process_iter():


 ? slist.append([x, x.create_time]_)

r.sort() # not sure how to sort by second element, but I'd sort the list 
by start time


 ?# send signal to other program to tell it to do something, either 
through a ntofiy app or through psutil.send_signal()

 ?# exit the program

Hope I'm making more sense now, and thank you for the help everyone.


On 01/06/2019 04:30, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 5/31/19 1:41 PM, nathan tech wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> So for a future project of mine, I was wondering something.
>> Is it possible, in python, to store a running task id in the registry?
>> I might be using the complete wrong terms here, because I'm only used to
>> doing this with a specific language, but here's what I want to do:
>> python
>> if(registry.taskid==valid_task):
>>   ?print 'already open'
>>   ?send to open program to make a ding noise.
>> I understand that the second part, the "send to program" requires the
>> program to handle being sent a "wake up!" event, which is fine, it's the
>> "is it already running" which I am not sure on.
> there's a lot your question leaves unasked...  do you want to just code
> your own apps and have one be able to poke another? that's one problem,
> you can define the interface yourself.  Or do you want to be able to
> poke arbitrary running tasks?  that ends up more complicated.  many
> systems have notification APIs that you can make use of, some of those
> are more oriented to that model (the mobile systems Android and Tizen),
> some a little less but still support it (Windows - it's a more prevalent
> thing in the UWP model).
> the psutil module can let you find things out about processes, might be
> useful in your "is the task running" query.
> if it's okay to start processes together and it's not arbitrary, the
> multiprocessing module may be of some help.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  1 14:58:13 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 19:58:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <013401d5184f$55ddcd20$01996760$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <013401d5184f$55ddcd20$01996760$>
Message-ID: <qcuhs5$91v$>

On 01/06/2019 08:55, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> As I am using Python 3.7 under windows. I have tried to use the win32gui,
> and Tkinter. Both generate the below errors and I cannot identify a module
> release to support the version of Python I am using.

Tkinter should be included in the standard Windows download
you should not need to install it.


>>> import tkinter   # not Tkinter!

If there are no errors it is available

> I gave up on the cursers due to the above issues and looking at example
> code. It was far to complex to achieve the simple thing I wanted too do.

Here is some basic Tkinter code that does what I think you want.
You have to close the window by clicking the close icon but
that could be incorporated in the button code.

import tkinter as tk

myVar = ""

def get_value(edt):
    global myVar
    myVar = edt.get()

def edit_val(val):
    top = tk.Tk()
    ed = tk.Entry(top)
    ed.insert(tk.END, val)
    tk.Button(top,text="Store changes",
              command=lambda : get_value(ed)).pack()

myVar = input("Enter a start value: ")
print( "Before: ", myVar)
print( "After: ", myVar)

> The issue I have with a lot of GUI programs built for Python they generally
> fail in the accessibility department for a screen reader. 

I can't help there I have nearly zero experience of using accessibility
tools. But I'd expect any GUI toolkit to work with the standard
OS tools. After all they are ultimately all built using the
underlying primitive GUI API

> Most open source software which is multi-platform supported fail in this 

Of course, since most open source authors have no incentive to
develop accessible specific code. They are just scratching
their own itch and making it available to anyone who wants
to use it. That's how open source works.

> .... This is a major issue for software developers
> not considering all users and there is legal requirements here. Sorry, I am
> falling on to my band wagon of in-accessible or non-inclusive design
> products which is my passion.

I can understand why folks get excited about it,
especially if they (or friends/family) need that feature.
But the cost (both in time and money) of doing so
is considerable and if nobody is paying (or there
is a time deadline) then it tends not to get done.
That's capitalism in action.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun  1 08:20:31 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (Sean Murphy)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 22:20:31 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
Message-ID: <>

Mike, thanks for this debug tool. I might have a look at it. No that?s not the goal I?m after. I want to have a basic l input line which is already populated with a value. The value is extracted from a list of strength. Each element in the list are unique. I want to modify the string and then re-insert it back into the same element as the new modified string   I?m currently look at read line or piegnurl  module this might do the trick. Using GUI is way over the top for the simple thing I?m trying to do   The model which Alan kindly suggested if not accessible with a screen reader. As I cannot see e.g. blind, this is a critical component of my programming.

Please excuse any errors because I?m using Siri to send this email.

My experience is the part 

> On 1 Jun 2019, at 10:05 pm, Mike Barnett <mike_barnett at> wrote:
> There's a run-time debugger out, "imwatchingyou" that is being developed daily, fast paced, that enables debugging without stopped your code or using an IDE.  
> I'm unsure if I'm super late to the party of if I understand the "problem" / request properly. I apologize if I'm off-base.
> Do you want to be able to examine and modify variables while your program is running, without breaking into it with a debugger?  Is that part of it?
> If so, I've been working my ass off for a couple of weeks to do just that, develop a realtime "watcher" / debugger.
> You'll find the project here:
> At this time, you must pip install imwatchingyou.  If you're concerned because of the name "imwatchingyou", it's meant to be YOU are watching YOUR code.  If I wanted to watch your Python code, I would have named it "makefreemoneyminingbitcoininpython".
> There is a nice screenshot, although things have been changing.  There are 2 primary windows.  The brown one in the upper right of the screen is a realtime update of all of your local variables.  Then there's the large debug window that allows you to do more including running the built-in REPL.
> There is also a version being built into the PySimpleGUI library itself so you do not have to do any imports, etc.  All PySimpleGUI will have this watch/debug capability in it.
> @mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mhysnm1964 at <mhysnm1964 at> 
> Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 4:53 AM
> To: 'Alan Gauld' <alan.gauld at>; tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
> As I thought. Easygui is not accessible at all with a screen reader due to the underlying graphic library. Win32 could work if I could load it. Since then I could use standard windows objects.
> Note, I didn't see anything in the quick scan I did ion the API. 
> Very frustrating and disappointing. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of Alan Gauld via Tutor
> Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2019 4:50 PM
> To: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
>> On 01/06/2019 03:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
>> I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I have 
>> creates an hash. As shown below:
> Thats because what you want is not a standard feature of CLI apps.
> You will need to do one of the following(in order of easiness):
> 1) Use a GUI - it then becomes a trivial matter
> 2) Use a pseudo GUI like curses to provide cursor control
> 3) Find a module that already does what you need
>   (maybe readline can be made to work?)
> 4) Write a function yourself using screen primitives
>   that manage the cursor
>> for row in description:
>>    text = description_rejex(row)
>>    if text[0] not in narration: 
>>        Result = input(text[0])
>>        narration[result] = text
> The standard tools allow you to input a new value and overwrite the existing one. But there is no simple way to interactively modify an existing value (and of course you would need to convert it to/from a string for that to be
> possible)
>> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively 
>> edit a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use 
>> GUI at all.
> A GUI makes this a trivial problem. Simply display an edit control and insert the current value as a string. Allow the user to modify it and when done read the new value back. If you don't want to use a GUI you need to provide GUI like controls yourself, either through an existing module or by writing one. Something like easygui would be eminently suitable. But even vanilla Tkinter is almost trivial.
> The curses library will do it but that is not standard on Windows and I've heard varying reports of how well it works there.
> The readline library allows basic editing of the commands line but I'm not sure how you would insert your variable into the command line initially...
> For windows there are a couple of modules available that provide low level cursor control and character input/output, so you could use one of those to write such a function.
> And if you search hard enough you should find that somebody, somewhere has already done the work for you. But I don't know where...
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> <SNAG-0390.jpg>

From mike_barnett at  Sat Jun  1 08:05:16 2019
From: mike_barnett at (Mike Barnett)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 12:05:16 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
Message-ID: <>

There's a run-time debugger out, "imwatchingyou" that is being developed daily, fast paced, that enables debugging without stopped your code or using an IDE.  

I'm unsure if I'm super late to the party of if I understand the "problem" / request properly. I apologize if I'm off-base.

Do you want to be able to examine and modify variables while your program is running, without breaking into it with a debugger?  Is that part of it?

If so, I've been working my ass off for a couple of weeks to do just that, develop a realtime "watcher" / debugger.

You'll find the project here:

At this time, you must pip install imwatchingyou.  If you're concerned because of the name "imwatchingyou", it's meant to be YOU are watching YOUR code.  If I wanted to watch your Python code, I would have named it "makefreemoneyminingbitcoininpython".

There is a nice screenshot, although things have been changing.  There are 2 primary windows.  The brown one in the upper right of the screen is a realtime update of all of your local variables.  Then there's the large debug window that allows you to do more including running the built-in REPL.

There is also a version being built into the PySimpleGUI library itself so you do not have to do any imports, etc.  All PySimpleGUI will have this watch/debug capability in it.


-----Original Message-----
From: mhysnm1964 at <mhysnm1964 at> 
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 4:53 AM
To: 'Alan Gauld' <alan.gauld at>; tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

As I thought. Easygui is not accessible at all with a screen reader due to the underlying graphic library. Win32 could work if I could load it. Since then I could use standard windows objects.

Note, I didn't see anything in the quick scan I did ion the API. 

Very frustrating and disappointing. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2019 4:50 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

On 01/06/2019 03:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I have 
> creates an hash. As shown below:

Thats because what you want is not a standard feature of CLI apps.
You will need to do one of the following(in order of easiness):
1) Use a GUI - it then becomes a trivial matter
2) Use a pseudo GUI like curses to provide cursor control
3) Find a module that already does what you need
   (maybe readline can be made to work?)
4) Write a function yourself using screen primitives
   that manage the cursor

> for row in description:
>     text = description_rejex(row)
>     if text[0] not in narration: 
>         Result = input(text[0])
>         narration[result] = text

The standard tools allow you to input a new value and overwrite the existing one. But there is no simple way to interactively modify an existing value (and of course you would need to convert it to/from a string for that to be

> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively 
> edit a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use 
> GUI at all.

A GUI makes this a trivial problem. Simply display an edit control and insert the current value as a string. Allow the user to modify it and when done read the new value back. If you don't want to use a GUI you need to provide GUI like controls yourself, either through an existing module or by writing one. Something like easygui would be eminently suitable. But even vanilla Tkinter is almost trivial.

The curses library will do it but that is not standard on Windows and I've heard varying reports of how well it works there.

The readline library allows basic editing of the commands line but I'm not sure how you would insert your variable into the command line initially...

For windows there are a couple of modules available that provide low level cursor control and character input/output, so you could use one of those to write such a function.

And if you search hard enough you should find that somebody, somewhere has already done the work for you. But I don't know where...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From mike_barnett at  Sat Jun  1 08:55:19 2019
From: mike_barnett at (Mike Barnett)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 12:55:19 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
Message-ID: <>

Oh, do you need WxPython for all your GUI type work since it can be used with screen readers?

A GUI like you're describing in PySimpleGUI could be 15 or 20 lines of code in total depending on the number of these fields you have.

Do you happen to have a sketch of this screen?  Even pencil and paper would be helpful.

I mocked this up really quickly. It takes short cuts to give you a mock-up.  It's possible to write little GUIs like you're talking about easily, so that they're not over the top but rather "useful".

Here's a mockup running in PySimpleGUI / tkinter:

My estimate wasn't too far off.... 18 lines of code in total.

Is this the kind of modification of variables you where talking about?  


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964 at> 
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 8:21 AM
To: Mike Barnett <mike_barnett at>
Cc: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>; tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

Mike, thanks for this debug tool. I might have a look at it. No that?s not the goal I?m after. I want to have a basic l input line which is already populated with a value. The value is extracted from a list of strength. Each element in the list are unique. I want to modify the string and then re-insert it back into the same element as the new modified string   I?m currently look at read line or piegnurl  module this might do the trick. Using GUI is way over the top for the simple thing I?m trying to do   The model which Alan kindly suggested if not accessible with a screen reader. As I cannot see e.g. blind, this is a critical component of my programming.

Please excuse any errors because I?m using Siri to send this email.

My experience is the part 

> On 1 Jun 2019, at 10:05 pm, Mike Barnett <mike_barnett at> wrote:
> There's a run-time debugger out, "imwatchingyou" that is being developed daily, fast paced, that enables debugging without stopped your code or using an IDE.  
> I'm unsure if I'm super late to the party of if I understand the "problem" / request properly. I apologize if I'm off-base.
> Do you want to be able to examine and modify variables while your program is running, without breaking into it with a debugger?  Is that part of it?
> If so, I've been working my ass off for a couple of weeks to do just that, develop a realtime "watcher" / debugger.
> You'll find the project here:
> d4f43c41408d6e68b8c39%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636
> 949884355243495&amp;sdata=D4hun2k3Al2O2cwoSbLwBTlHZDCe17t0n8ijIBoWJUw%
> 3D&amp;reserved=0
> At this time, you must pip install imwatchingyou.  If you're concerned because of the name "imwatchingyou", it's meant to be YOU are watching YOUR code.  If I wanted to watch your Python code, I would have named it "makefreemoneyminingbitcoininpython".
> There is a nice screenshot, although things have been changing.  There are 2 primary windows.  The brown one in the upper right of the screen is a realtime update of all of your local variables.  Then there's the large debug window that allows you to do more including running the built-in REPL.
> There is also a version being built into the PySimpleGUI library itself so you do not have to do any imports, etc.  All PySimpleGUI will have this watch/debug capability in it.
> @mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mhysnm1964 at <mhysnm1964 at>
> Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 4:53 AM
> To: 'Alan Gauld' <alan.gauld at>; tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
> As I thought. Easygui is not accessible at all with a screen reader due to the underlying graphic library. Win32 could work if I could load it. Since then I could use standard windows objects.
> Note, I didn't see anything in the quick scan I did ion the API. 
> Very frustrating and disappointing. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tutor < at> On Behalf 
> Of Alan Gauld via Tutor
> Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2019 4:50 PM
> To: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
>> On 01/06/2019 03:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
>> I have no clue on how to achieve what I want to do and the code I 
>> have creates an hash. As shown below:
> Thats because what you want is not a standard feature of CLI apps.
> You will need to do one of the following(in order of easiness):
> 1) Use a GUI - it then becomes a trivial matter
> 2) Use a pseudo GUI like curses to provide cursor control
> 3) Find a module that already does what you need
>   (maybe readline can be made to work?)
> 4) Write a function yourself using screen primitives
>   that manage the cursor
>> for row in description:
>>    text = description_rejex(row)
>>    if text[0] not in narration: 
>>        Result = input(text[0])
>>        narration[result] = text
> The standard tools allow you to input a new value and overwrite the 
> existing one. But there is no simple way to interactively modify an 
> existing value (and of course you would need to convert it to/from a 
> string for that to be
> possible)
>> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can 
>> interactively edit a content of a variable at the command line. I do 
>> not want to use GUI at all.
> A GUI makes this a trivial problem. Simply display an edit control and insert the current value as a string. Allow the user to modify it and when done read the new value back. If you don't want to use a GUI you need to provide GUI like controls yourself, either through an existing module or by writing one. Something like easygui would be eminently suitable. But even vanilla Tkinter is almost trivial.
> The curses library will do it but that is not standard on Windows and I've heard varying reports of how well it works there.
> The readline library allows basic editing of the commands line but I'm not sure how you would insert your variable into the command line initially...
> For windows there are a couple of modules available that provide low level cursor control and character input/output, so you could use one of those to write such a function.
> And if you search hard enough you should find that somebody, somewhere has already done the work for you. But I don't know where...
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> 7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636949884355253494&amp;sd
> ata=5G%2FD8iVbgRlq%2B41o1bpa9KacdJVP9Rb%2FSIrSEJqSYAI%3D&amp;reserved=
> 0
> c41408d6e68b8c39%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C63694988
> 4355253494&amp;sdata=LpYuRbiplkrc9fx5VlVONwxqXYBt6zf5153LbFUdawE%3D&am
> p;reserved=0
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> 949884355253494&amp;sdata=n3LvzXSRtWaUCjCsh%2Fq6HGWYrzd4TMCDqhjZv3tR2I
> c%3D&amp;reserved=0
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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> tsIlAhE%3D&amp;reserved=0
> <SNAG-0390.jpg>

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  1 15:01:14 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 20:01:14 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
Message-ID: <qcui1q$mmu$>

On 01/06/2019 09:52, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> the underlying graphic library. Win32 could work if I could load it. Since
> then I could use standard windows objects.

If you are running windows then you can access the Win32 DLLs via ctypes.

The win32 package should also be easily installable as a binary.
If not try using the ActiveState distribution of python because
it bundles all the windows tools in the installer. Personally I always
use ActiveState pyton for my Windows boxes.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mats at  Sat Jun  1 15:24:14 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 13:24:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <qcuhs5$91v$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <013401d5184f$55ddcd20$01996760$>
Message-ID: <>

>> The issue I have with a lot of GUI programs built for Python they generally
>> fail in the accessibility department for a screen reader. 
> I can't help there I have nearly zero experience of using accessibility
> tools. But I'd expect any GUI toolkit to work with the standard
> OS tools. After all they are ultimately all built using the
> underlying primitive GUI API

On the gui front,

tk developers make no bones about tk not having been built with
accessibility considerations  tk (and thus tkinter which is just the
Python binding to tk),  is not going to work with a screen reader.

wxPython is probably the best choice, it explicitly has support
(although sadly only for Windows):

possibly some of the other toolkits do - I wouldn't rule out Qt either,
but haven't any experience.

From cs at  Sat Jun  1 19:35:35 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2019 09:35:35 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] is this doable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 01Jun2019 10:02, nathan tech <nathan-tech at> wrote:
>Now it has been mentioned, I do recall, on linux, briefly playing with
>psutil to retrieve memory values for a few tasks I keep running on my
>To that end, I think I now know roughly what to do.
>Something like this:
>import psutil
>import os

Remark: try:


instead of:


because backslash escapes have meaning inside single or double quotes it 
is generally more reliable to use raw strings (r'....') for such strings 
to avoid accidents.

>for x in psutil.process_iter():
> ?if(x.exe()==path):
> ? slist.append([x, x.create_time]_)
>r.sort() # not sure how to sort by second element, but I'd sort the list
>by start time

list.sort() and sorted() accept an optional key= parameter which is a 
function that takes an element and returns the sort key. For example 

  r.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

to sort on x[1].


Stylisticly we tend to just write:

  if r:

It is a convention in Python that collections (such as lists) are 
"false" if they are empty. Urr, I see you said >1, not >0; this remark 
probably isn't relevant. But you could drop the outer brackets, not 
needed in Python:

  if len(r) > 1:

It sounds like your "task" is then a running instance of "program.exe", 
yes? In that case the usual practive is to keep a "pid file" around with 
a distinctive pathname associated with the task. That is just a text 
file containing the process id of the task program.

So rather than iterating over the process list with psutils (which will 
show you _other_ instances of program.exe, perhaps being run for another 
purpose), you just read the pid from the pid file and see if it is 
running. If it is, assume the task is already active.

Untested incomplete example:

  pid_filepath = ''
    pid = int(open(pid_filepath).read().strip())
    os.kill(pid, 0)
  except (OSError, ValueError):
    # missing pid file, invalid contents)
    running = False
    running = True

The "os.kill(pid, 0)" is a UNIX specific idiom for testing for a 
process; you can send signal 0 to a process you own successfully (the 
process itself never sees it); it will fail if the process doesn't exist 
or isn't yours. There should be a Windows equivalent for probing a 

The converse part where you start the process includes this:

  P = subprocess.Popen(.....)   # start the program
  with open(pid_filename, 'w') as pidf:
    print(, file=pidf)

to update the process id file.
Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun  1 19:47:07 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2019 09:47:07 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <qcui1q$mmu$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <016601d51857$64d4d9b0$2e7e8d10$>
Message-ID: <006401d518d4$53dc7d70$fb957850$>


That is what I have done before I went to bed. Installed ActiveState and
using Python 3.6 as that is the release build they have up on their site.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2019 5:01 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

On 01/06/2019 09:52, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> the underlying graphic library. Win32 could work if I could load it. 
> Since then I could use standard windows objects.

If you are running windows then you can access the Win32 DLLs via ctypes.

The win32 package should also be easily installable as a binary.
If not try using the ActiveState distribution of python because it bundles
all the windows tools in the installer. Personally I always use ActiveState
pyton for my Windows boxes.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun  1 20:10:54 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2019 10:10:54 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <013401d5184f$55ddcd20$01996760$>
Message-ID: <009a01d518d7$a6aeb380$f40c1a80$>

Mike, Allan and Matt,

Thanks for the information and help. I will check out Mike's code and have a
play. Allan you provided some good resources and based upon what Matt stated
before and using Easegui. This is not a path I can use. Thanks for the help

Matt, a shame. I am not sure what can be done in this area for TK, as  it is
open source other than someone with the knowledge introducing accessibility.
At the level required to provide the required accessibility framework for
different platforms for the default UI controls , is far beyond my skill

I believe later versions of QT  support iaccess2 framework which is an
accessibility framework.

I know from a legal point of view. If a developer or company built a product
based upon the GUI environments and sold it to the USA Government or to the
public. They are opening themselves to potential legal action. This concept
applies in other countries. Accessibility is on a up swing and Microsoft,
Apple, Google, Cisco and others are focusing on this area due to the change
in the landscape. 

What I do not know, how this applies to open source. If there is no
commercial transaction. Then this is the area I am unsure if any of the laws
I am indirectly referring to impact. Anyway, this is getting off scope. Just
highlighting so people are aware. Accessibility is a part of best practice
for UX, UI and development.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Mats Wichmann
Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2019 5:24 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.

>> The issue I have with a lot of GUI programs built for Python they 
>> generally fail in the accessibility department for a screen reader.
> I can't help there I have nearly zero experience of using 
> accessibility tools. But I'd expect any GUI toolkit to work with the 
> standard OS tools. After all they are ultimately all built using the 
> underlying primitive GUI API

On the gui front,

tk developers make no bones about tk not having been built with
accessibility considerations  tk (and thus tkinter which is just the Python
binding to tk),  is not going to work with a screen reader.

wxPython is probably the best choice, it explicitly has support (although
sadly only for Windows):

possibly some of the other toolkits do - I wouldn't rule out Qt either, but
haven't any experience.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun  2 09:15:30 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2019 14:15:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <009a01d518d7$a6aeb380$f40c1a80$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
 <qct76d$1nre$> <013401d5184f$55ddcd20$01996760$>
Message-ID: <qd0i5i$5724$>

On 02/06/2019 01:10, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> What I do not know, how this applies to open source. If there is no
> commercial transaction. Then this is the area I am unsure if any of the laws
> I am indirectly referring to impact. 

Caveat: I am not a lawyer...

I know it has a big impact on commercial software but that has some
potential return on investment in terms of increased market share.
For open source it is hard to see the return and the most likely
scenario would be to greatly reduce the availability of such
software. Consider the potential impact of applying such
requirements to open source or other "free" software.
This would potentially mean that any software that was
shared or distributed in any way would need to comply.
That would include a bit of code I knocked together for
my own benefit and my friend wanted to get a copy.
I've got to say, sorry I need to make it accessible
first... now consider that my friend and I are working
on some scientific research, maybe even medical research
into treatments for blindness or cancer or whatever.
Now I can't share my research tools with other
researchers because I lack the time and or knowledge
to convert the software to be accessible.

The implications are that a lot of software would never
see the light of day regardless of the potential benefits
it could deliver. It would be a foolish law which prevented
(or even substantially delayed) progress in the name of
making all software accessible. It would also be very
difficult to enforce since you would need to either
prohibit the sharing of all non-accessible software or
somehow, arbitrarily, define what constitutes regulated

Legislating for commercial distribution is much easier
and more justifiable since profits are available to pay
for the extra effort/costs. Where no profit exists
then distribution is much less easily defined; it would
be a legal minefield I suspect.

> Anyway, this is getting off scope. Just highlighting 
> so people are aware. Accessibility is a part of best practice
> for UX, UI and development.

Indeed, and in an ideal world all of the building blocks
would incorporate it at the foundation level. Unfortunately
we are a long way from that. Also, in most cases the supporting
hardware is not readily available to deliver the potential
accessibility options that could be provided. It is very
difficult to write software for features that you cannot
test (think cursor control via blow tube or eye movement
or command input by tones. All possible now but need
specialist kit which individual developers won't have.)
It is hard enough testing software for all the "standard"
forms of input - mice, pens, touch screens, keyboards,
voice, etc....

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Tue Jun  4 04:49:17 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 18:49:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sean,

On Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 12:53:00PM +1000, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> I have had a look and cannot find an example where I can interactively edit
> a content of a variable at the command line. I do not want to use GUI at
> all. As this is a simple program only requiring CLI. I have no problems
> showing the prompt, but cannot insert text into the edit (input) area. Any
> ideas?

Let me see if I understand what you are asking for.

The built-in function "input()" takes one argument, the prompt, and lets 
the user type a response. So if I run the function:

    input("What is your name?")

the terminal will display the prompt, and put the text cursor next to 
it. That is how things work now.

I think what you are asking for is the ability to pass a second argument 
to the function, like this:

    input("What is your name?", "George")

and the terminal will display the prompt, then place the word "George" 
next to the prompt in the edit-zone. The user (you) can then backspace 
over the word and type something new, or otherwise edit it.

Is that what you want?

If so, then on Linux or Unix systems, you can do this:

import readline

def myinput(prompt='', initial=''):
    readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(initial))
        response = input(prompt)
    return response

The bad news is that this only works on Linux and other Unix systems 
with readline installed (which nearly all of them do). It won't work 
under Windows.

But if you install the third-party library pyreadline, you *may* be able 
to use that instead:

import pyreadline as readline

and the rest might work. (I don't have Windows and can't try it.)


From mats at  Tue Jun  4 08:08:03 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 06:08:03 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Interactive editing of variables.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <00c001d51825$20fe9730$62fbc590$>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/4/19 2:49 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> The bad news is that this only works on Linux and other Unix systems 
> with readline installed (which nearly all of them do). It won't work 
> under Windows.
> But if you install the third-party library pyreadline, you *may* be able 
> to use that instead:
> import pyreadline as readline
> and the rest might work. (I don't have Windows and can't try it.)

you don't need to change code, the installation of pyreadline also adds
a stub so that "import readline" works.

From unitedclean04 at  Tue Jun  4 08:40:24 2019
From: unitedclean04 at (tom milikic)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 12:40:24 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: Download issues for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>,
Message-ID: <>

Hi my name is Tom and I come from Brisbane in Australia.  I cannot seem to download Python on my computer as I really need it to help with my Quantitative Finance studies.  It seems to say that some program is missing from my computer?  What do I do? I am running Windows and a Toshiba computer. I have looked in the help section and I still cant seem to fix or find the issue with why it is not downloading onto my computer?

It states that this is missing from my computer -:


Also Python 3.7.2 and Python 3.7.3 appear in my download folders but when I click them nothing happens?

If you can help would be much appreciated


[]<>  Virus-free.<>

From grant.b.edwards at  Tue Jun  4 11:17:51 2019
From: grant.b.edwards at (Grant Edwards)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 15:17:51 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: Download issues for Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <qd622v$6q16$>

On 2019-06-04, tom milikic <unitedclean04 at> wrote:

> [...]
> It states that this is missing from my computer -:
> api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dl

[You left off the second 'l'.  Precision is very important when dealing with software problems.]

You can often the answer just by Googling the error message:

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm thinking about
                                  at               DIGITAL READ-OUT systems
                                and computer-generated
                                                   IMAGE FORMATIONS ...

From nathan-tech at  Tue Jun  4 19:37:23 2019
From: nathan-tech at (nathan tech)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 23:37:23 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] would someone please explain this concept to me
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

So I have just fixed a huge bug in my program, but don't understand 
exactly... How it bugged.


I sure was.

Here's some code:





main file:

import globals as g

# some code that loads a feed into the variable knm



#in the below code, the variable link has a different value:

# load a feed into the variable r



Now at this point, python would set the first loaded feed to the same 
thing as the second loaded feed. It also set g.blank_feed to the second 
feed, as well.

I replaced the last three lines with this:

# load a feed into the variable r



And it works.

but why does it work?

Why does that semi unlink all the variables?



From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun  4 20:52:43 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 01:52:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qd73or$5l3r$>

On 05/06/2019 00:37, nathan tech wrote:
> Hi there,
> So I have just fixed a huge bug in my program, but don't understand 
> exactly... How it bugged.

Neither do I, your explanation raises more questions than answers.

> feeds={}
> blank_feed={}
> blank_feed["checked"]=1
> blank_feed["feed"]=0
> main file:
> import globals as g
> # some code that loads a feed into the variable knm

Your terminology is odd here.
You are not loading anything into knm, rather you are assigning
the value of knm to the "feed" dictionary entry.

> g.feeds[link]=g.blank_feed;
> g.feeds[link]["feed"]=knm
> #in the below code, the variable link has a different value:
> # load a feed into the variable r

Similarly this assigns the value of r to the "feed" entry - the
same "feed" entry as for knm so you have now overwritten the
knm value in the dictionary..

> g.feeds[link]=g.blank_feed
> g.feeds[link]["feed"]=r

> Now at this point, python would set the first loaded feed to the same 
> thing as the second loaded feed. It also set g.blank_feed to the second 
> feed, as well.

Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by that.
Which is the "first loaded feed"? knm?, r or the feeds dictionary?
And what is the "second loaded feed"?
What do you mean by a "feed" in this context?

You are setting g.feeds[link] to g.blank_feed in both cases.
Your line


is exactly the same as if you typed


If you set the knm and r variables to fixed integer values
(say 42 and 666) that would allow you to tell us what
variable has what value. And what you expected them to store.
(The fact that knm and r may normally contain some other
kind of object is not relevant to this question.)

> I replaced the last three lines with this:
> # load a feed into the variable r
> g.feeds[link]=g.blank_feed;
> g.feeds[link]["feed"]=r
> And it works.

What works? What is different?
I still don't know what you think should be happening,
what is happening first time round, and what is now happening.

> but why does it work?
> Why does that semi unlink all the variables?

The semicolon should not "unlink all variables", whatever
that means. But I have no idea what you are seeing so
cannot comment any further. You need to give us more specifics.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Tue Jun  4 21:08:17 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 11:08:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 11:37:23PM +0000, nathan tech wrote:

> feeds={}
> blank_feed={}
> blank_feed["checked"]=1
> blank_feed["feed"]=0

That is more easily, and better, written as:

feeds = {}
blank_feed = {"checked": 1, "feed": 0}

> main file:
> import globals as g
> # some code that loads a feed into the variable knm

Do you mean something like this? If so, you should say so.

knm = "some feed"

> g.feeds[link]=g.blank_feed;

What's "link" here? And there is no need for the semi-colon.

> g.feeds[link]["feed"]=knm

Right... what the above line does is *precisely* the same as 

g.blank_feed["feed"] = knm

Follow the program logic. I'm inserting 1970s BASIC style line numbers 
to make it easier to discuss the code, remember that you can't actually 
do that in Python.

10: g.feeds[link] = g.blank_feed
20: g.feeds[link]["feed"] = knm

Line 10 sets g.feeds[link] to the dict "blank_feed". *Not* a copy: you 
now have two ways of referring to the same dict:

    "g.blank_feed" and "g.feeds[link]"

both refer to the one dict, just as "Nathan" and "Mr Tech" are two ways 
of referring to the same person (you).

So line 20 does this:

    - look for the name "g", which gives the "" module;

    - inside that module, look for the name "feeds", which gives
      the "feeds" dict;

    - look inside that dict for the key "link" (whatever value
      that currently holds), which by line 10 has been set to
      the same dict "blank_feed".

    - inside the blank_feed dict, set key "feed" to "knm".

> #in the below code, the variable link has a different value:
> # load a feed into the variable r

Something like this?

r = "a different feed"

> g.feeds[link]=g.blank_feed

Now you have *three* ways of naming the same dict:

    "g.blank_feed", "g.feeds[link]", "g.feeds[different_link]"

but they all point to the same dict.

> g.feeds[link]["feed"]=r
> Now at this point, python would set the first loaded feed to the same 
> thing as the second loaded feed. It also set g.blank_feed to the second 
> feed, as well.

No, there is only one feed in total. You just keep updating the same 
feed under different names.

> I replaced the last three lines with this:
> # load a feed into the variable r
> g.feeds[link]=g.blank_feed;
> g.feeds[link]["feed"]=r
> And it works.

I don't see any difference between the replacement code and the original 
code. The code you show does exactly the same thing.

> but why does it work?
> Why does that semi unlink all the variables?


It doesn't. You must have made other changes as well, semi-colons don't 
have any runtime effect. They are *purely* syntax to tell the parser to 
seperate multiple statements on one line.


From steve at  Tue Jun  4 21:14:54 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 11:14:54 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In case you are still confused, we can simplify the whole process by 
eliminating the unnecessary use of an external module.

blank = {}
feeds = {}

feeds['a'] = blank
feeds['a'][1] = "Hello"

# will print {1: 'Hello'}

We can see that the dict named "blank" and the dict named "feeds['a']" 
are actually the same dict:

print(feeds['a'] is blank)  # Not the same as == (equals).

In case you still need more evidence:

feeds['b'] = blank
feeds['b'][1] = "Goodbye"

will print:

{1: 'Goodbye'}
{'a': {1: 'Goodbye'}, 'b': {1: 'Goodbye'}}

(possibly the a and the b will be swapped around).


From nathan-tech at  Wed Jun  5 06:47:09 2019
From: nathan-tech at (nathan tech)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 10:47:09 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thought I addressed this to the list... Aparrently my mail client hates me.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Tutor] would someone please explain this concept to me
Date:   Wed, 5 Jun 2019 02:37:49 +0100
From:   nathan tech <nathan-tech at><mailto:nathan-tech at>
To:     Steven D'Aprano <steve at><mailto:steve at>


Thanks, first, for being able to understand what I was asking.

I admit I read over my own email and went, uh... I think I need to rewrite that.

So, I see what you are saying there, and it makes sense.

I want to actually do the following though:

d={} # a dict of some kind


feed2=another feed of some kind

d["feed 1's url"]=feed1

d["feed 2's url"]=feed2

The way I do this is there are certain properties, if you were, that also need to be included, I.e, each entry should be its own dict containing feed, last check, check regularity, ETC.

That is why I was going to use g.blank-feed as the template, assign that to d["feed 1's link"] then just update the feed part.

Is there a way to do this?



On 05/06/2019 02:08, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 11:37:23PM +0000, nathan tech wrote:

That is more easily, and better, written as:

feeds = {}
blank_feed = {"checked": 1, "feed": 0}

main file:

import globals as g
# some code that loads a feed into the variable knm
Do you mean something like this? If so, you should say so.

knm = "some feed"

What's "link" here? And there is no need for the semi-colon.

Right... what the above line does is *precisely* the same as

g.blank_feed["feed"] = knm

Follow the program logic. I'm inserting 1970s BASIC style line numbers
to make it easier to discuss the code, remember that you can't actually
do that in Python.

10: g.feeds[link] = g.blank_feed
20: g.feeds[link]["feed"] = knm

Line 10 sets g.feeds[link] to the dict "blank_feed". *Not* a copy: you
now have two ways of referring to the same dict:

"g.blank_feed" and "g.feeds[link]"

both refer to the one dict, just as "Nathan" and "Mr Tech" are two ways
of referring to the same person (you).

So line 20 does this:

- look for the name "g", which gives the "" module;

- inside that module, look for the name "feeds", which gives
the "feeds" dict;

- look inside that dict for the key "link" (whatever value
that currently holds), which by line 10 has been set to
the same dict "blank_feed".

- inside the blank_feed dict, set key "feed" to "knm".

#in the below code, the variable link has a different value:
# load a feed into the variable r
Something like this?

r = "a different feed"

Now you have *three* ways of naming the same dict:

"g.blank_feed", "g.feeds[link]", "g.feeds[different_link]"

but they all point to the same dict.


Now at this point, python would set the first loaded feed to the same
thing as the second loaded feed. It also set g.blank_feed to the second
feed, as well.
No, there is only one feed in total. You just keep updating the same
feed under different names.

I replaced the last three lines with this:

# load a feed into the variable r

And it works.
I don't see any difference between the replacement code and the original
code. The code you show does exactly the same thing.

but why does it work?

Why does that semi unlink all the variables?

It doesn't. You must have made other changes as well, semi-colons don't
have any runtime effect. They are *purely* syntax to tell the parser to
seperate multiple statements on one line.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  5 14:45:33 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 19:45:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qd92kd$rm4$>

> That is why I was going to use g.blank-feed as the template, 
> assign that to d["feed 1's link"] then just update the feed part.

The simplest way is just to assign a new blank dictionary. Don;t assign
the same dictionary to each feed. (Incidentally your description above
is much clearer than the one you initially posted!)

feeds[link] = {key1:value1, key2:value2}

If you need to pre-populate the dictionary with many values when
you assign it (or need to compute  the values) I'd recommend
writing a small function that creates a new dictionary,
and adds the values then returns the dictionary.

Or maybe, better still, use a class and populate the feeds
dictionary with instances of the class.

class Feed:
   def __init__(self, val1=default1, val2=default2, val3=default3):
       self.key1 = val1
       self.key2 = val2
       self.key3 = val3

feeds[link1] = Feed(v1,v2,v3)
feeds[link2] = Feed()   # use default values

After all that's exactly what a class is - a template for an object.

What you definitely don't want to do is what you have been
doing and assigning the same single dictionary object to each
link entry.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From nathan-tech at  Wed Jun  5 15:47:46 2019
From: nathan-tech at (nathan tech)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 19:47:46 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <qd92kd$rm4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi there,

Thanks for that, I never thought of those options, though now you 
mention them, I'm going, duh!

I also, defined in globals, have a variable called checklimit.

EG: g.checklimit.

Am I ok to assign that to values?

so for example if I do:


And later did g.checklimit=7000

Would it change feeds[feed1]["limit"] too?



On 05/06/2019 19:45, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>> That is why I was going to use g.blank-feed as the template,
>> assign that to d["feed 1's link"] then just update the feed part.
> The simplest way is just to assign a new blank dictionary. Don;t assign
> the same dictionary to each feed. (Incidentally your description above
> is much clearer than the one you initially posted!)
> feeds[link] = {key1:value1, key2:value2}
> If you need to pre-populate the dictionary with many values when
> you assign it (or need to compute  the values) I'd recommend
> writing a small function that creates a new dictionary,
> and adds the values then returns the dictionary.
> Or maybe, better still, use a class and populate the feeds
> dictionary with instances of the class.
> class Feed:
>     def __init__(self, val1=default1, val2=default2, val3=default3):
>         self.key1 = val1
>         self.key2 = val2
>         self.key3 = val3
> feeds[link1] = Feed(v1,v2,v3)
> feeds[link2] = Feed()   # use default values
> After all that's exactly what a class is - a template for an object.
> What you definitely don't want to do is what you have been
> doing and assigning the same single dictionary object to each
> link entry.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  5 19:57:36 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 00:57:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qd9ktg$nhh$>

On 05/06/2019 20:47, nathan tech wrote:

> so for example if I do:
> feeds[feed1]["limit"]=g.checklimit
> And later did g.checklimit=7000
> Would it change feeds[feed1]["limit"] too?

No, because the feeds value is still referencing the
original value object. The issue arises when you modify a mutable
object that is references by two (or more) variables. If the value
is immutable then the references will retain the original value.

Specifically, in your case.
The first example you set the feeds value to a dictionary. Then you
modified the contents of the dictionary but did not change the
dictionary itself.

base_dict = {}   # create object
feeds['foo'] = base_dict   # reference to same dict object
base_dict['x'] = bar       # modified dict referred to by both variables

But in the second example you actially change the object
that checklimit refers to.

checklimit = 22   # immutable value assigned
feeds['bar'] = checklimit   # both refer to same immutable value
base_var = 66   # now feeds refers to original object: 22
                # and checklimit refers to new object: 66

In the first case you do not change the object that base_dict refers to,
you only change its content. In the second case you make checklimit
refer to a completely new object.

Does that make sense?

PS. Notice that the use of a globals module, g, is completely irrelevant
to this issue. It has nothing to do with the values being in a module,
the issue is purely about references to objects and whether you modify
the referenced object or its contents.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From nathan-tech at  Wed Jun  5 20:47:49 2019
From: nathan-tech at (nathan tech)
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 00:47:49 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <qd9ktg$nhh$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi alan,

thanks so much for clearing that up.

Now you've explained it in that way, I understand what it is doing and 
how it went wrong.

Thank you so much!


On 06/06/2019 00:57, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 05/06/2019 20:47, nathan tech wrote:
>> so for example if I do:
>> feeds[feed1]["limit"]=g.checklimit
>> And later did g.checklimit=7000
>> Would it change feeds[feed1]["limit"] too?
> No, because the feeds value is still referencing the
> original value object. The issue arises when you modify a mutable
> object that is references by two (or more) variables. If the value
> is immutable then the references will retain the original value.
> Specifically, in your case.
> The first example you set the feeds value to a dictionary. Then you
> modified the contents of the dictionary but did not change the
> dictionary itself.
> base_dict = {}   # create object
> feeds['foo'] = base_dict   # reference to same dict object
> base_dict['x'] = bar       # modified dict referred to by both variables
> But in the second example you actially change the object
> that checklimit refers to.
> checklimit = 22   # immutable value assigned
> feeds['bar'] = checklimit   # both refer to same immutable value
> base_var = 66   # now feeds refers to original object: 22
>                  # and checklimit refers to new object: 66
> In the first case you do not change the object that base_dict refers to,
> you only change its content. In the second case you make checklimit
> refer to a completely new object.
> Does that make sense?
> PS. Notice that the use of a globals module, g, is completely irrelevant
> to this issue. It has nothing to do with the values being in a module,
> the issue is purely about references to objects and whether you modify
> the referenced object or its contents.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun  6 03:41:00 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 08:41:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: would someone please explain this concept to me
In-Reply-To: <qd9ktg$nhh$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdag2c$12v2$>

On 06/06/2019 00:57, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> But in the second example you actially change the object
> that checklimit refers to.
> checklimit = 22   # immutable value assigned
> feeds['bar'] = checklimit   # both refer to same immutable value
> base_var = 66   # now feeds refers to original object: 22
>                 # and checklimit refers to new object: 66

Oops, base_var should of course be checklimit!
I started out using base_var then changed it to checklimit
to match the original code.
But this one slipped through unchanged.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From gursimran.maken at  Fri Jun  7 13:42:56 2019
From: gursimran.maken at (Gursimran Maken)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 23:12:56 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I mean what's
the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code instead of using
file read and write operations.

Could anyone please explain me the concepts.

Thank you,

From david at  Fri Jun  7 19:14:12 2019
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 18:14:12 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jun 7, 2019, at 12:42, Gursimran Maken <gursimran.maken at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I mean what's
> the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code instead of using
> file read and write operations.
> Could anyone please explain me the concepts.

The simplest way to look at it is they are ways to save python data objects to disk.  That way, you can have a dataset in an already-usable format for later on use.
By contrast, file read/write is usually for raw data in/out in an unprocessed form that is not readily usable in your program.

So you would see something like this:

read data from file 
store data in a dictionary
pickle and shelve the dictionary for later

Then later on?
grab the shelved pickle
access the dict that was shelved

If the data you are working with will always be fresh/new, the file reads is probably more usable.  The shelving of data is most useful for easier retrieval later so you don?t have to re-process the raw data every time.

David Rock
david at

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun  7 20:02:43 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 01:02:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdetv3$2n1g$>

On 07/06/2019 18:42, Gursimran Maken wrote:

> I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I mean what's
> the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code instead of using
> file read and write operations.

You are right in that you could save all your data to a file using
read/write primitives. Of course you'd need to convert them all
to/from strings. And all collections would need to be iterated
over (and if the collection contained other collections they'd
need to be iterated too).

But with pickle you can just save the entire data structure with
all its contents, in a single operation and it can be a collection
(of any type and depth) and the contents can be any kind of mixed
data. You don't need to care, pickle takes care of it all for you.
And you can read it back again in a single operation and all the
data will be restored to its original type and location.

But with pickle you still need to store things in sequence and read
them back out in the sequence that you stored them. If all you are
doing is saving the state of your program and restoring it that
isn't a problem. But if you only want to retrieve one piece of
your data later then its a bit of a nuisance. That's where shelve
comes in. By acting like a persistent dictionary you can assign
keys to your data and then restore it in any sequence, or
only restore some of it, you can.

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From martin at  Sat Jun  8 01:11:55 2019
From: martin at (Martin A. Brown)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 22:11:55 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.20.1906072015110.3513@qnttre.jbaqresebt.arg>


>I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I 
>mean what's the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code 
>instead of using file read and write operations.
>Could anyone please explain me the concepts.

I see you already have two answers (from David Rock and Alan 
I will add a slightly different answer and try also to explain some 
of the history (at a very high level).

* Programs need to take input from "somewhere".
* Programs need data structures in memory on which to operate.

There are many different ways to store data "somewhere" and in order 
to create the data structures in memory (on which your program will 
operate), you need to have code that knows how to read that data 
from "somewhere".

So, there's data that has been written to disk.  I often call this 
the serialized form form of the data [0].  There different usages 
for serialization, but ones I'll talk about are the serialized 
formats that we typically write to disk to store data for a program 
to read.  Here are a few such serialized formats:

 * JSON or XML (homage: SGML)
 * pickles and shelves
 * GNU dbm, ndbm, cdb, rocksdb and probably 1 million others
 * custom binary formats
 * plain text files (be careful with your encoding...)

Digression:  You might ask... what about SQL?  Technically, the 
serialization is something that the SQL database software takes care 
of and your application doesn't.  So no need to know about the 
serialized format.  This can be freeing, at some complexity.  But, 
back to your question.

Every one of the serialized formats comes with some advantages and 
some disadvantages.  Some are easy.  Some are flexible.  Other
formats are structured with bindings in many languages.  Some 
are tied closely to a single language or even specific language 
versions.  Some formats are even defined by a single application or 
program that somebody has written.

What about pickle and shelve?  Where do they fit?

Both pickle and shelve are well-maintained and older Python-specific 
formats that allow you to serialize Python objects and data 
structures to disk.  This is extremely convenient if you are 
unlikely to change Python versions or to change your data 
structures.  Need your program to "remember" something from a prior 
run?  When it starts up, it can read a ./state.pickle straight into 
memory, pick up where it left off and perform some operation, and 
then, when complete, save the dat astructure back to ./state (or 
more safely to a new file ./state.$timestamp) and exit.

This is a convenient way to store Python objects and data 

Advantage:  Native Python.  Dead simple to use (you still have to be 
  careful about file-writing logic, overwriting old files can be 
  bad, but it's a bit up to you).  You can dump many Python data 
  structures and objects to disk.

Disadvantages: Files are only be readable by Python (excluding 
  motivated implementers in other languages).

If you would like to use pickle or shelve, please ask again on this 
list for specific advice on these.  The shelve module is intended to 
make it easy to have a data structure in memory that is backed by a 
data file on disk.  This is very similar to what the dbm module also 

The pickle module is more geared toward loading an entire data 
structure from the disk into memory.

There are other options, that have been used for decades (see below 
my sig for an incomplete and light-hearted history of serialization 
in the digital world).

The option for serialization formats and accessing them from Python 
are many.  Pickle and shelve are very Python specific, but will be 
very easy to use and will be more forgiving if you happen to try to 
store some code as well as "pure" data.

If you are going to need to exchange data with other programs, 
consider JSON.  Reading and writing to JSON format is as easy as 
reading and writing to a shelve (which is a Python pickle format 
under the hood).  Here's a two liner that will take the environment 
of a running program and dump that into a human- and 
machine-readable JSON format.  Step A:

  import os, sys, json
  json.dump(dict(os.environ), sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Now, let's say that you want to read that in another program (and 
I'll demonstrate just dumping the in-memory representation to your 
terminal).  Step B:

  import sys, json, pprint

So, going back to your original question.

>I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I 
>mean what's the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code 
>instead of using file read and write operations.

You can, of course, use file read / write operations whenever you 
need to load data into memory from the disk (or "somewhere") or to 
write data from memory into the disk (or "somewhere").

The idea behind tools and libraries like...

   pickle and shelve (which are Python-specific),
   JSON (flexible and used by many languages and web applications),
   XML (massively flexible, but offering an astonishing 
       mind-boggling array of controls and tools on the data)
   text or binary files (ultimate flexibility and responsibility for 
       the application developer) to make your job as a programmer easier, by offering you 
libraries and standards that support some of the difficult aspects 
of data validation, encoding and even logic.  Each format can impose 
some limitation -- and choosing the right tool can be tricky, 
because it depends on how much control you need, how many languages 
you need to support and what you're hoping to accomplish.

If you are unsure and you are just beginning to explore 
serialization options, I would suggest learning very well how to 
read and write plain text files for anything intended for humans.  

For machine to machine communication, JSON is an excellent choice 
today, as you will find a wide array of tools, great support from 
the Python standard library and a direct mapping from any JSON you 
find in the world to a data structure that you can load into memory.  

If a future application has very rigid rules, you can layer on logic 
using JSON-Schema or you can look at something like XML, which is 
used for a fair number of complex data interchange formats.

In summary, if you scratched very deeply under the hood, you'll see 
that pickle and shelve both call and file.write() but 
they are hiding all of the logic and complexity of turning your data 
structure into a file on disk.  The json.load() and json.dump() 
calls are doing the same thing.  There are equivalants in the dbm, 
csv and a few of the XML modules.

So, the pickle and shelve are just well-tested and implemented 
libraries to make your job easier, as are many of these other data 
serialization libraries.

I hope the above was helpful in explaining some of the concepts.


 [1] Please note, there are probably better places to read about JSON, XML and
     CSV, but the point I'm making here is that they are standardized
     serialization and interchange formats and are reasonably well-specified (with
     the historical exception of CSV).

A skewed and degraded history of serialization formats could look something
like this:

 1950s:  You'll need to write a program (on punchcards) to read 
         octal punchouts from this deck of cards.  Or from this 
         super-fancy new magnetic tape drive.  Oh, you wanted it in 
         a searchable data structure?'d better put that 
         logic into your application.
 1960s:  Now that we have less expensive disks, how about giving 
         standard input, standard output to each program and having 
         ASCII files. Wouldn't that be cool?
 1970s:  Yo, people -- could we come up with common structures for 
         storing files on disk so we don't have to write the same 
         logic in every application? about ... CSV?
 1980s:  Hello, ISO!  Could we come up with a way to define 
         serialization encodings and formats that are more flexible 
         and shared, since this network thing seems to be starting 
         to reach across national boundaries?  Oh, yes, there's 
         Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
 1990s:  SGML seems a bit complicated and there's this effort to 
         standardize on encodings ("Unicode", eh?).  Can we make 
         SGML tighter?  Yes, it was a good start, but we can tighten 
         it up, let's call it XML.
 2000s:  Wouldn't it be nice to have a flexible and dynamic, 
         Unicode-encoded, multilingual serialization format that we 
         could shoot over the network, store on disks and move 
         between processes that we have running in browsers in many 
         places?  Yes!  Let's call it JSON, JavaScript Object 

Martin A. Brown

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  8 07:54:51 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 12:54:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept
In-Reply-To: <qdetv3$2n1g$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdg7mb$37l$>

On 08/06/2019 01:02, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> keys to your data and then restore it in any sequence, or
> only restore some of it, you can.

Apologies for the Yoda-speak at the end!
A bit of editing that didn't quite work out as intended...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun  8 08:27:28 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 22:27:28 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] regular expression query
Message-ID: <002001d51df5$8ab37f30$a01a7d90$>

Hello all,


Windows 10 OS, Python 3.6


I have a couple of  queries  in relation to extracting content using regular
expressions. I understand the pattern chars (.?*+), Meta-chars \d, \D, \W,
\W and so on. The class structure [.]. The group I believe I understand (.).
The repeat feature {m,n}. the difference between the methods match, search,
findall, sub and ETC. The challenge I am finding is getting a pattern to
extract specific word(s). Trying to identify the best method to use and how
to use the \1 when using forward and backward search pattern (Hoping I am
using the right term). Basically I am trying to extract specific phrases or
digits to place in a dictionary within categories. Thus if "ROYaL_BANK
123123123" is found, it is placed in a category called transfer funds. Other
might be a store name which likewise is placed in the store category. 


Note, I have found a logic error with "ROYAL_BANK 123123123", but that isn't
a concern. The extraction of the text is.


Line examples:


Royal_bank M-BANKING PAYMENT TRANSFER 123456 to 9922992299

Royal_bank M-BANKING PAYMENT TRANSFER 123456 FROM 9922992299


ROYAL_BANK INTERNET BANKING BPAY Kangaroo Store {123123123}    result =
'ROYAL_BANK ', line)



PAY/SALARY FROM foo bar 123123123

PAYMENT TO Tax Man  666


And other similar structures. Below is the function I am currently using.
Not sure if the sub, match or search is going to be the best method. The
reason why I am using a sub is to delete the unwanted text. The
searchmatch/findall  could do the same if I use a group. Also I have not
used any tests in the below and logically I think I should. As the code will
override the results if not found in the later tests. If there is a more
elegant  way to do it then having:


If line.startswith('text string to match'):

    Regular expression 

el If line.startswith('text string to match'):

    regular expression

return result 


I would like to know. The different regular expressions I have used are:


# this sometimes matches and sometimes does not. I want all the text up to
the from or to, to be replaced with "ROYAL_BANK". Ending up with ROYAL_BANK

'ROYAL_BANK ', line)


# the below  returns from STARWARS and it shouldn't. I should just get

    result = re.match(r'PAYMENT TO (SARWARS)-\d+ ', line)


# the below should (doesn't work the last time I tested it) should return
the words between the (.)

    result = re.match(r'ROYAL_BANK INTERNET BANKING BPAY (.*) [{].*$', '\1',


# the below patterns should remove the text at the beginning of the string

', 'ROYAL_BANK ', line)

    result = re.sub(r'ROYAL_BANK INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER ', '', line)

    result = re.sub(r'EFTPOS ', '', line)


# The below does not work and I am trying to use the back or forward search
feature. Is this syntax wrong or the pattern wrong? I cannot work it out
from the information I have read.

     result = re.sub(r'PAY/SALARY FROM (*.) \d+$', '\1', line)

    result = re.sub(r'PAYMENT TO (*.) \d+', '\1', line)




From gursimran.maken at  Sat Jun  8 12:37:05 2019
From: gursimran.maken at (Gursimran Maken)
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 22:07:05 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept
In-Reply-To: <qdg7mb$37l$>
References: <>
 <qdetv3$2n1g$> <qdg7mb$37l$>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you all for explaining me the above concept.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 5:27 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at>

> On 08/06/2019 01:02, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> > keys to your data and then restore it in any sequence, or
> > only restore some of it, you can.
> Apologies for the Yoda-speak at the end!
> A bit of editing that didn't quite work out as intended...
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From cs at  Sun Jun  9 19:35:28 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 09:35:28 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] regular expression query
In-Reply-To: <002001d51df5$8ab37f30$a01a7d90$>
References: <002001d51df5$8ab37f30$a01a7d90$>
Message-ID: <>

On 08Jun2019 22:27, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964 at> wrote:
>Windows 10 OS, Python 3.6

Thanks for this.

>I have a couple of  queries  in relation to extracting content using 
>regular expressions. I understand [...the regexp syntax...]
>The challenge I am finding is getting a pattern to
>extract specific word(s). Trying to identify the best method to use and how
>to use the \1 when using forward and backward search pattern (Hoping I am
>using the right term). Basically I am trying to extract specific phrases or
>digits to place in a dictionary within categories. Thus if "ROYaL_BANK
>123123123" is found, it is placed in a category called transfer funds. Other
>might be a store name which likewise is placed in the store category.

I'll tackle your specific examples lower down, and make some 

>Note, I have found a logic error with "ROYAL_BANK 123123123", but that 
>isn't a concern. The extraction of the text is.
>Line examples:
>Royal_bank M-BANKING PAYMENT TRANSFER 123456 to 9922992299
>Royal_bank M-BANKING PAYMENT TRANSFER 123456 FROM 9922992299
>ROYAL_BANK INTERNET BANKING BPAY Kangaroo Store {123123123}
>EFTPOS Amazon
>PAY/SALARY FROM foo bar 123123123
>PAYMENT TO Tax Man  666


Assuming the below is a cut/paste accident from some code:


>And other similar structures. Below is the function I am currently using.
>Not sure if the sub, match or search is going to be the best method. The
>reason why I am using a sub is to delete the unwanted text. The
>searchmatch/findall  could do the same if I use a group. Also I have not
>used any tests in the below and logically I think I should. As the code will
>override the results if not found in the later tests. If there is a more
>elegant  way to do it then having:
>If line.startswith('text string to match'):
>    Regular expression
>el If line.startswith('text string to match'):
>    regular expression
>return result

There is. How far you take it depends on how variable your input it.  
Banking statement data I would expect to have relatively few formats 
(unless the banking/financ industry is every bit as fragmented as I 
sometimes believe, in which case the structure might be less driven by 
_your_ bank and instead arbitrarily garbled according the the various 
other entities due to getting ad hoc junk as the description).

>I would like to know. The different regular expressions I have used 
># this sometimes matches and sometimes does not. I want all the text up to
>the from or to, to be replaced with "ROYAL_BANK". Ending up with ROYAL_BANK
>    result= re.sub(r'ROYAL_BANK M-BANKING PAYMENT TRANSFER \d+ (TO|FROM) ',
>'ROYAL_BANK ', line)

Looks superficially ok. Got an example input line where it fails? Not 
that the above is case sentitive, so if "to" etc can be in lower case 
(as in your example text earlier) this will fail. See the re.I modifier.

># the below  returns from STARWARS and it shouldn't. I should just get
>    result = re.match(r'PAYMENT TO (SARWARS)-\d+ ', line)

Well, STARWARS seems misseplt above. And you should get a "match" 
object, with "STARWARS" in .group(1).

So earlier you're getting a str in result, and here you're getting an 
re.match object (or None for a failed match).

># the below should (doesn't work the last time I tested it) should 
>return the words between the (.)
>    result = re.match(r'ROYAL_BANK INTERNET BANKING BPAY (.*) [{].*$', '\1', line)

"should" what? It would help to see the input line you expect this to 
match. And re.match is not an re.sub - it looks like you have these 
confused here, based on the following '\`',line parameters.

># the below patterns should remove the text at the beginning of the string
>    result = re.sub(r'ROYAL_BANK INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER ', '', line)
>    result = re.sub(r'EFTPOS ', '', line)

Sure. Got an example line where this does not happen?

># The below does not work and I am trying to use the back or forward 
>search feature. Is this syntax wrong or the pattern wrong? I cannot work it out
>from the information I have read.
>     result = re.sub(r'PAY/SALARY FROM (*.) \d+$', '\1', line)
>    result = re.sub(r'PAYMENT TO (*.) \d+', '\1', line)

You've got "*." You probably mean ".*"

Main issues:

1: Your input data seems to be mixed case, but all your regexps are case 
sensitive. They will not match if the case is different eg "Royal_Bank" 
vs "ROYAL_BANK", "to" vs "TO", etc. Use the re.I modified to make your 
regexps case insensitive.

2: You're using re.sub a lot. I'd be inclined to always use re.match and 
to pull information from the match object you get back. Untested example 

  if m:
    category = m.match(1)
    id_number = m.match(2)
    recipient = m.match(3)
    m = re.match(.......)
    ... more tests here ...
      ... report unmatched line for further consideration ...

3: You use ".*" a lot. This is quite prone to matching too much. You 
might find things like "\S+" better, which matches a single 
nonwhitespace "word". It depends a bit on your input.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From sai.allu at  Mon Jun 10 12:50:26 2019
From: sai.allu at (Sai Allu)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 16:50:26 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
Message-ID: <>


I was just wondering if anybody encountered an issue where the Python interpreter was changing how it interprets print statements. So I'm using default Python on Mac OSX (2.7.10 I'm pretty sure) and running with the "python" command.

Basically what happened was that I had a few lines in the script like this
ip = ""
print("         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", ip)

and the output was like this

("           Welcome to Squid Monitoring for")


So it was printing parentheses and quotes. The above result might not be exactly accurate because I didn't save the output, but it was something generally like that.

Then I changed a few small things in the script but nothing big ("import sys", adding "#!usr/bin/env python", and accidentally trying to close the Python interpreter by using ^C multiple times).

I didn't really change too much though but maybe I changed something simple that I didn't know would cause something like that.

Is there any reason why Python would start to print parentheses and quotes like that. Thank you!

Best Wishes,
Sai Allu

P.S. After I upgrade to Python3 this started working. When I kept Python2, then I was able to add an extra statement like Print("Yo") in Sublime Text and this printed Yo just like expected. But actually maybe I had Python3 before I added this print statement, I'm not too sure.

From mats at  Mon Jun 10 14:12:39 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 12:12:39 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/10/19 10:50 AM, Sai Allu wrote:
> Hello!
> I was just wondering if anybody encountered an issue where the Python interpreter was changing how it interprets print statements. So I'm using default Python on Mac OSX (2.7.10 I'm pretty sure) and running with the "python" command.
> Basically what happened was that I had a few lines in the script like this
> ip = ""
> print("         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", ip)
> print("")
> and the output was like this
> ("           Welcome to Squid Monitoring for")
> ("")
> So it was printing parentheses and quotes. The above result might not be exactly accurate because I didn't save the output, but it was something generally like that.

In Python 2, print is a statement. In Python 3 it's a function and
behaves like you're expecting.

However, the behavior you're seeing is odd (printing parentheses is a
surprise unless there's more going on than you've listed)

If you want them consistent across both versions, add a statement at the
very top:

from __future__ import print_function

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 10 14:38:24 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:38:24 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdm831$4fif$>

On 10/06/2019 17:50, Sai Allu wrote:

> Basically what happened was that I had a few lines in the script like this
> ip = ""
> print("         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", ip)
> print("")
> and the output was like this
> ("           Welcome to Squid Monitoring for")
> ("")

Are you sure? Is that a cut n paste or just how you think you remember
it? The reason i ask is that its not what i see and not what I'd expect.

In Python v2 print is a statement which means that Python sees your
first print line like:

print  ("         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", "")

That is it thinks you want it to print a tuple of 2 strings and what I
see as output is:

('         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ', '')

Which is a tuple of 2 strings...

Now if I remove the parentheses it looks like:

print "         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", ""

Which is telling Python to print two strings joined by a space.
And I see the output:

         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for

And in both cases the second print just prints out an empty
string with no quotes.

Are you sure that's not what you saw?

> P.S. After I upgrade to Python3 this started working. 

In Python 3 print is a function so it needs the parentheses.
Without them it will report a syntax error. So for Python 3
your original code is correct.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From sai.allu at  Mon Jun 10 14:53:46 2019
From: sai.allu at (Sai Allu)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 18:53:46 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>,
Message-ID: <>

But then how come it was working earlier for me without that import statement. Python doesn't interpret it as a statement exclusively, before it worked fine as a function.

Best Wishes,
Sai Allu
From: Mats Wichmann <mats at>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 11:12 AM
To: Sai Allu; tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes

On 6/10/19 10:50 AM, Sai Allu wrote:
> Hello!
> I was just wondering if anybody encountered an issue where the Python interpreter was changing how it interprets print statements. So I'm using default Python on Mac OSX (2.7.10 I'm pretty sure) and running with the "python" command.
> Basically what happened was that I had a few lines in the script like this
> ip = ""
> print("         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", ip)
> print("")
> and the output was like this
> ("           Welcome to Squid Monitoring for")
> ("")
> So it was printing parentheses and quotes. The above result might not be exactly accurate because I didn't save the output, but it was something generally like that.

In Python 2, print is a statement. In Python 3 it's a function and
behaves like you're expecting.

However, the behavior you're seeing is odd (printing parentheses is a
surprise unless there's more going on than you've listed)

If you want them consistent across both versions, add a statement at the
very top:

from __future__ import print_function

From sai.allu at  Mon Jun 10 15:04:39 2019
From: sai.allu at (Sai Allu)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:04:39 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>,
Message-ID: <>

Actually I'm pretty sure what happened was that the "#! usr/bin/python" was in a module that was being imported. So the Python interpreter cached it or somehow crashed randomly, which meant that the print was working as a keyword instead of a function.

But when I removed that "#! usr/bin/python" line and then rewrote the print statements, it went back to working normally.

Thank you for the help though!
Sai Allu
From: Sai Allu
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 11:53 AM
To: Mats Wichmann; tutor at; Deepak Dixit
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes

But then how come it was working earlier for me without that import statement. Python doesn't interpret it as a statement exclusively, before it worked fine as a function.

Best Wishes,
Sai Allu
From: Mats Wichmann <mats at>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 11:12 AM
To: Sai Allu; tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes

On 6/10/19 10:50 AM, Sai Allu wrote:
> Hello!
> I was just wondering if anybody encountered an issue where the Python interpreter was changing how it interprets print statements. So I'm using default Python on Mac OSX (2.7.10 I'm pretty sure) and running with the "python" command.
> Basically what happened was that I had a few lines in the script like this
> ip = ""
> print("         Welcome to Squid Monitoring for ", ip)
> print("")
> and the output was like this
> ("           Welcome to Squid Monitoring for")
> ("")
> So it was printing parentheses and quotes. The above result might not be exactly accurate because I didn't save the output, but it was something generally like that.

In Python 2, print is a statement. In Python 3 it's a function and
behaves like you're expecting.

However, the behavior you're seeing is odd (printing parentheses is a
surprise unless there's more going on than you've listed)

If you want them consistent across both versions, add a statement at the
very top:

from __future__ import print_function

From avichein at  Mon Jun 10 17:20:33 2019
From: avichein at (Avi Chein)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 17:20:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python
Message-ID: <>


I'm trying to install Python 3.6 on my MacOS Mojave but it isn't installing
properly. Can someone help me out? I'm a college student and have never
used Python before. Would be much appreciated!


From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 10 19:32:26 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 00:32:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdmpaa$2bj8$>

On 10/06/2019 22:20, Avi Chein wrote:

> I'm trying to install Python 3.6 on my MacOS Mojave but it isn't installing
> properly. 

When asking for help, on any forum, it's never a good idea to say that
something "doesn't work" or "isn't installing properly". That gives us
nothing to work on. What exactly is happening?

Where did you download from? How did you try to install it?
What actually happened? - Error messages? Or just a non-functioning
icon or menu? Or nothing at all?

The more specific the information you give us the better the
chance that we can answer.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cs at  Mon Jun 10 20:34:34 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 10:34:34 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10Jun2019 19:04, Sai Allu <sai.allu at> wrote:
>Actually I'm pretty sure what happened was that the "#! usr/bin/python" was in a module that was being imported. So the Python interpreter cached it or somehow crashed randomly, which meant that the print was working as a keyword instead of a function.
>But when I removed that "#! usr/bin/python" line and then rewrote the print statements, it went back to working normally.

My personal suspicision is that what you might have been doing is this 
(notice the trailing comma):


or maybe:

  print("this", that")


  % python
  Python 2.7.16 (default, Apr  1 2019, 15:01:04)
  [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> print("",)

  % python3
  Python 3.7.3 (default, Mar 30 2019, 03:38:02)
  [Clang 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> print("",)


What is happening?

In Python 2, print is a statement unless you use the __future__ import 
already mentioned. That means that this:


is a "print" of the expression ("",), which is a 1-tuple, and gets 
printed as a tuple. The more likely scenario is when you're printing 
mulitple things:

  print("this", "that")

which is still a "print" of a tuple.

However, in Python 3 print is a function which means that the brackets 
are part of the function call. So this:



  print("this", "that")

is a call to the "print()" function, passing one or two arguments, which 
get printed. And printing "" (the former case) is an empty string.

Please revisit your code can test this.

Subtle issues like this are why we like to receive _exact_ cut/paste of 
your code and the matching output, not a retype of what you thought you 
ran. If you encounter something weird like this, it is well worth your 
time (and ours) if you make a tiny standalone script showing the 
problem, as small as possible. Then paste it into your message and paste 
in the output (this list drops attachments). That we we can all run 
exactly the same code, and solve your actual problem.

And start always using:

  from __future__ import print_function

in Python if you're using print. That will make your prints behave the 
same regardless if whether they are using Python 2 or 3.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From sai.allu at  Mon Jun 10 20:52:52 2019
From: sai.allu at (Sai Allu)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 00:52:52 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>,
Message-ID: <>

Thank you Cameron,

This was something that I was working on last week and I've been able to fix the script since then. I was just curious why the previous version did that and you might be right, thank you for the help though!

Best Wishes,
Sai Allu
From: Cameron Simpson <cs at>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 5:34 PM
To: Sai Allu
Cc: Mats Wichmann; tutor at; Deepak Dixit
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python printing parentheses and quotes

On 10Jun2019 19:04, Sai Allu <sai.allu at> wrote:
>Actually I'm pretty sure what happened was that the "#! usr/bin/python" was in a module that was being imported. So the Python interpreter cached it or somehow crashed randomly, which meant that the print was working as a keyword instead of a function.
>But when I removed that "#! usr/bin/python" line and then rewrote the print statements, it went back to working normally.

My personal suspicision is that what you might have been doing is this
(notice the trailing comma):


or maybe:

  print("this", that")


  % python
  Python 2.7.16 (default, Apr  1 2019, 15:01:04)
  [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> print("",)

  % python3
  Python 3.7.3 (default, Mar 30 2019, 03:38:02)
  [Clang 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> print("",)


What is happening?

In Python 2, print is a statement unless you use the __future__ import
already mentioned. That means that this:


is a "print" of the expression ("",), which is a 1-tuple, and gets
printed as a tuple. The more likely scenario is when you're printing
mulitple things:

  print("this", "that")

which is still a "print" of a tuple.

However, in Python 3 print is a function which means that the brackets
are part of the function call. So this:



  print("this", "that")

is a call to the "print()" function, passing one or two arguments, which
get printed. And printing "" (the former case) is an empty string.

Please revisit your code can test this.

Subtle issues like this are why we like to receive _exact_ cut/paste of
your code and the matching output, not a retype of what you thought you
ran. If you encounter something weird like this, it is well worth your
time (and ours) if you make a tiny standalone script showing the
problem, as small as possible. Then paste it into your message and paste
in the output (this list drops attachments). That we we can all run
exactly the same code, and solve your actual problem.

And start always using:

  from __future__ import print_function

in Python if you're using print. That will make your prints behave the
same regardless if whether they are using Python 2 or 3.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From jhoeksem at  Tue Jun 11 10:35:22 2019
From: jhoeksem at (John Hoeksema)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 10:35:22 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Broadcasting using sockets over adhoc wifi
Message-ID: <>


Summer researcher using Raspbian and Python 3.5.

I'm trying to use a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to broadcast a message using the
sockets library to other Pis (same model) over their shared ad-hoc network.
All of the Pis can ping the others over the ad hoc network. The Pis can
also communicate using pretty standard client-server code and the python
socket library <>. However,
when I try to *broadcast* a message, the Pis give a "Network is
unreachable" message (full error down below). A grad student I'm working
with said that the script he provided me expects the server to be run in
infrastructure mode, and configuration for ad-hoc mode is required to make
it work correctly. This is confirmed, as I have successfully run the code
on a desktop. I have poured over man pages and stackoverflow, and can't
seem to find resources for how to configure socket broadcasts for ad-hoc
networks. Any thoughts?

The function is supposed to broadcast a message to a specific port after
every [frequency] seconds, and any machines on the same network and
connected to the same port should receive the message. The function is the
only method of the *Server* class.

*Broadcast function:*
def broadcast(self, frequency, port):

    server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM,
    server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)

    while True:
        server.sendto("GET OUT OF MY SWAMP", ('<broadcast>', port))
        print("message sent...")

*Error message:*
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 31, in <module>
  File "", line 22, in broadcast
    server.sendto("GET OUT OF MY SWAMP", ('<broadcast>', port))
socket.error: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable

Thank you for your time. Please let me know any information you think would
be useful!


*John Hoeksema*
Computer Science
University of Notre Dame '21

From savageapple850 at  Tue Jun 11 06:59:07 2019
From: savageapple850 at (Cravan)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 18:59:07 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Error when trying to insert csv values into a sql table
Message-ID: <>

Here is the stack overflow link:


I'm getting a weird error code when I try to store values from a csv into an sql table in a movie review assignment.

I have already edited my apostrophes and spacing and looked up examples from google to try and resolve my error to no avail. I also ensured that i defined DATABASE_URL properly. Sorry for the long traceback error at the end :P Please note that my csv values are stored in lists in each cell. They are arranged in a single column such as

The Lego Movie;2014;100;tt1490017;7.8

This is my main code

import os

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker


engine = create_engine(os.getenv("DATABASE_URL")) # database engine object from SQLAlchemy that manages connections to the database

????????????????????????????????????????????????? # DATABASE_URL is an environment variable that indicates where the database lives


db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) 

def main():

??? f = open("movies.csv","r")

??? reader = csv.reader(f)

??? for row in f: # loop gives each column a name

??????? vals = row.split(';')

??????? title = vals[0]

??????? year = vals[1]

??????? runtime = vals[2]

??????? imdbID = vals[3]

??????? imdbRating = vals[4]

??????? db.execute('INSERT INTO movies (Title, Year, Runtime, imdbID, imdbRating) VALUES (:title, :year, :runtime, :imdbID, :imdbRating)',

????????????????????? {'title': title, 'year': year, 'runtime': runtime, 'imdbID': imdbID, 'imdbRating': imdbRating}) # substitute values from CSV line into SQL command, as per this dict

??????? print(f"Added movie named {title} of {year} lasting {runtime} minutes. Its imdbID is {imdbID} and its imdbRating is {imdbRating}.")

This is the sql




????? Runtime INTEGER NOT NULL


????? imdbRating INTEGER NOT NULL

? );

This is the error i got:

Traceback (most recent call last):

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 1244, in _execute_context

??? cursor, statement, parameters, context

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 550, in do_execute

??? cursor.execute(statement, parameters)

psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "movies" does not exist

LINE 1: INSERT INTO movies (Title, Year, Runtime, imdbID, imdbRating...

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:


Traceback (most recent call last):

? File "", line 25, in <module>

??? main()

? File "", line 21, in main

??? {'title': title, 'year': year, 'runtime': runtime, 'imdbID': imdbID, 'imdbRating': imd

bRating}) # substitute values from CSV line into SQL command, as per this dict

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/orm/", line 162, in do

??? return getattr(self.registry(), name)(*args, **kwargs)

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/orm/", line 1268, in execute

??? clause, params or {}

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/orm/", line 1268, in execute

??? clause, params or {}

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 988, in execute

??? return meth(self, multiparams, params)

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/sql/", line 287, in _execute_on_connection

??? return connection._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params)

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 1107, in _execute_clauseelement

??? distilled_params,

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 1248, in _execute_context

e, statement, parameters, cursor, context

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 1466, in _handle_dbapi_exception

??? util.raise_from_cause(sqlalchemy_exception, exc_info)

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/util/", line 383, in raise_from_cause

??? reraise(type(exception), exception, tb=exc_tb, cause=cause)

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/util/", line 128, in reraise

??? raise value.with_traceback(tb)

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 1244, in _execute_context

??? cursor, statement, parameters, context

? File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sqla

lchemy/engine/", line 550, in do_execute

cursor.execute(statement, parameters)

sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable) relation "movies" does n

ot exist

LINE 1: INSERT INTO movies (Title, Year, Runtime, imdbID, imdbRating...

??????????????????? ^


[SQL: INSERT INTO movies (Title, Year, Runtime, imdbID, imdbRating) VALUES (%(title)s, %(y

ear)s, %(runtime)s, %(imdbID)s, %(imdbRating)s)]

[parameters: {'title': 'Title', 'year': 'Year', 'runtime': 'Runtime', 'imdbID': 'imdbID',

'imdbRating': 'imdbRating\n'}]

(Background on this error at:


From __peter__ at  Tue Jun 11 12:26:13 2019
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 18:26:13 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Error when trying to insert csv values into a sql table
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdokn6$4kvr$>

Cravan wrote:

> Here is the stack overflow link:
> I'm getting a weird error code when I try to store values from a csv into
> an sql table in a movie review assignment.

Like they say on stackoverflow: it very much looks like the movies table 
doesn't exist. Maybe you have forgotton a commit somewhere?

Please double-check that the table is actually created before you look for 
other less likely causes of your problem.

From guettliml at  Thu Jun 13 04:22:28 2019
From: guettliml at (=?UTF-8?Q?Thomas_G=c3=bcttler?=)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 10:22:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Where to store test-code?
Message-ID: <>

Up to now I use this structure:


Now I want to write a test for a method which is implemented

Where should I write store the file which contains the unittest?

Is there a guideline for the directory structure of tests?

I know that there are several ways. I know that all these ways work. Nevertheless
it would be great to have a sane default. If there is a guideline IDEs could assist
to create new tests at a common location.



Thomas Guettler
I am looking for feedback:

From mats at  Thu Jun 13 10:01:31 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 08:01:31 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Where to store test-code?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/13/19 2:22 AM, Thomas G?ttler wrote:
> Up to now I use this structure:
> src/myapp/
> src/myapp/myapp/
> Now I want to write a test for a method which is implemented
> Where should I write store the file which contains the unittest?
> Is there a guideline for the directory structure of tests?
> I know that there are several ways. I know that all these ways work.
> Nevertheless
> it would be great to have a sane default. If there is a guideline IDEs
> could assist
> to create new tests at a common location.

This question gets asked all the time, and it's hard to answer.

Other than the general requirement that the placement of the test should
not make it hard to find the code to be tested, *your* answer will be
determined by the scope of the project and by preferences.

You can put tests inline in the docstring, if you want to use doctest.
People dismiss this as a viable alternative, but the Python standard
library does this in some places - you don't get to write exhaustive
unit tests this way, but you can have something that serves as an
example and a quick test at the same time.  For some examples, try this:

pydoc difflib

(hopefully you're not on Windows where that's probably not in the search

If using pytest or unittest, you can put your tests in the same
directory as the code to be tested, naming the test file for as, that way they're picked up automatically. For your example,
in src/myapp/myapp.

If you want separation of your app/module code and the tests , you can
put them a level up, thus src/myapp.

If you will have a lot of "source" files, you'll probably want a
parallel directory (probably simplifies deploy, if you intend to deploy
the code without the tests), thus src/myapp/tests (which is what it
sounds like what you're angling for us to tell you :) ).  If you do that
though, there's a complication - tests will now have a harder time
finding the module code which is to be imported in running the tests,
and you'll have to take a few extra steps to make that work right.

If this were a TV courtroom drama someone would have risen to say
"objection, calls for speculation" - these things don't have an absolute

Anyway, the pytest project has some commentary on this that will likely
be more well thought out than my ramblings:

From tom at  Thu Jun 13 11:33:47 2019
From: tom at (Tom Hale)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 22:33:47 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] Running Lib/test/
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I hope this is the best place to ask (please let me know if there is a 
more appropriate list):

Checking out CPython v3.8.0b1, I'm trying to run:

   % python Lib/test/

I'm getting:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "Lib/test/", line 19, in <module>
     from shutil import (make_archive,
ImportError: cannot import name '_GiveupOnFastCopy' from 'shutil' 

Am I trying to run the test file in the right way?

Context: I'm proposing to add /shutil.(sym)?link/ and want to start 
writing my tests with running the existing tests :)

Is there a doc that I've missed?


Tom Hale

From __peter__ at  Thu Jun 13 14:19:28 2019
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 20:19:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Running Lib/test/
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdu43h$4tuk$>

Tom Hale wrote:

> Hi all,
> I hope this is the best place to ask (please let me know if there is a
> more appropriate list):
> Checking out CPython v3.8.0b1, I'm trying to run:
>    % python Lib/test/

Are you sure 

% python

invokes the 3.8 interpreter? 

> I'm getting:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "Lib/test/", line 19, in <module>
>      from shutil import (make_archive,
> ImportError: cannot import name '_GiveupOnFastCopy' from 'shutil'
> (/usr/lib/python3.7/

The traceback suggests that it may be 3.7.


% ./python Lib/test/

or, if you have installed python3.8

% python3.8 Lib/test/

If you still get an error with a path into the /usr/lib/python3.7 stdlib
have a look at the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

> Am I trying to run the test file in the right way?
> Context: I'm proposing to add /shutil.(sym)?link/ and want to start
> writing my tests with running the existing tests :)
> Is there a doc that I've missed?
> Cheers!

From mats at  Thu Jun 13 14:35:45 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 12:35:45 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Running Lib/test/
In-Reply-To: <qdu43h$4tuk$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/13/19 12:19 PM, Peter Otten wrote:
> Tom Hale wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I hope this is the best place to ask (please let me know if there is a
>> more appropriate list):
>> Checking out CPython v3.8.0b1, I'm trying to run:
>>    % python Lib/test/
> Are you sure 
> % python
> invokes the 3.8 interpreter? 
>> I'm getting:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "Lib/test/", line 19, in <module>
>>      from shutil import (make_archive,
>> ImportError: cannot import name '_GiveupOnFastCopy' from 'shutil'
>> (/usr/lib/python3.7/
> The traceback suggests that it may be 3.7.

and indeed _GiveupOnFastCopy is a 3.8-only thing (an exception, it turns
out), so this must be the deal.

From cs at  Thu Jun 13 18:08:52 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 08:08:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Broadcasting using sockets over adhoc wifi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11Jun2019 10:35, John Hoeksema <jhoeksem at> wrote:
>Summer researcher using Raspbian and Python 3.5.
>I'm trying to use a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to broadcast a message using the
>sockets library to other Pis (same model) over their shared ad-hoc network.
>All of the Pis can ping the others over the ad hoc network. The Pis can
>also communicate using pretty standard client-server code and the python
>socket library <>. However,
>when I try to *broadcast* a message, the Pis give a "Network is
>unreachable" message (full error down below). A grad student I'm working
>with said that the script he provided me expects the server to be run in
>infrastructure mode, and configuration for ad-hoc mode is required to make
>it work correctly. This is confirmed, as I have successfully run the code
>on a desktop. I have poured over man pages and stackoverflow, and can't
>seem to find resources for how to configure socket broadcasts for ad-hoc
>networks. Any thoughts?

I would start by debugging a bit outside of Python first. And I've never 
used an ad hoc wifi network, but after setup I _imagine_ that it looks 
like a normal local network: an IP address and a network mask, so 
"braodcast" is the usual notion of the IP address with all 1s in the 
local part.

So 1:

Does a manual command line "ping" of the broadcast address work? Eg, if 
the local network were 192.168.3.x/24 and I went:


(or on Linux):

  ping -b

I'm assuming your '<broadcast>' below is an actualy broadcast address?  
Or is it a special string? If so, what happens if you hand construct a 
broadcast IP like the *.255 above? Any different?

Does tcpdump show anything useful, either locally or on one of the other 
Pis? Though given "Network is unreachable" I'd guess no packets get sent 
at all.

I repeat my disclaimer: I've not used an ad hoc wifi network.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From sijin.john at  Fri Jun 14 02:35:53 2019
From: sijin.john at (Sijin John)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 11:35:53 +0500 (MVT)
Subject: [Tutor] Download audios & videos using web scraping from news
 website or facebook
Message-ID: <>

Hello Sir/Mam, 
I am trying to Download audios & videos using web scraping from news website (eg: or Facebook & I could't. So in real scenario is it really possible to download audios/videos using python code ? 

Thanks & Regards 

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 14 05:37:56 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 10:37:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Download audios & videos using web scraping from news
 website or facebook
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qdvptl$rac$>

On 14/06/2019 07:35, Sijin John wrote:
> I am trying to Download audios & videos using web scraping from news website 
> (eg: or Facebook & I could't. 
> So in real scenario is it really possible to download audios/videos using python code ? 

Of course, just as its possible to do it in any other language. In fact
there are several specialist libraries available to make the task easier.

It may not be legal however and the web site may have taken steps to
prevent you from succeeding or at least make it very difficult.
But that has nothing to do with Python, it would be just as difficult
in any language.

So, if you are having difficulty the problem likely lies with
1) your code and how you are using the tools.
2) the website you are scraping having anti-scraping measures in place.

But since you haven't shown us any code ewe can't really
comment or make any suggestions.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Fri Jun 14 05:39:11 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 19:39:11 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Download audios & videos using web scraping from news
 website or facebook
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 11:35:53AM +0500, Sijin John wrote:

> I am trying to Download audios & videos using web scraping from news 
> website (eg: or 
> Facebook & I could't. So in real scenario is it really possible to 
> download audios/videos using python code ?

Please don't mistake "I don't know how to do this" for "this cannot be 

Scraping websites, especially scraping them for videos, can be *very* 


From tom at  Fri Jun 14 10:53:26 2019
From: tom at (Tom Hale)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 21:53:26 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] os.is_file and os.is_dir missing from CPython 3.8.0b?
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to use os.is_dir, but I'm not finding it or os.is_file.

What am I missing here?

Python 3.8.0b1 (tags/v3.8.0b1:3b5deb01, Jun 13 2019, 22:28:20)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
:>>> import os
:>>> print(os.__dict__.keys())
dict_keys(['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__loader__', 
'__spec__', '__file__', '__cached__', '__builtins__', 'abc', 'sys', 
'st', '__all__', '_exists', '_get_exports_list', 'name', 'linesep', 
'stat', 'access', 'ttyname', 'chdir', 'chmod', 'fchmod', 'chown', 
'fchown', 'lchown', 'chroot', 'ctermid', 'getcwd', 'getcwdb', 'link', 
'listdir', 'lstat', 'mkdir', 'nice', 'getpriority', 'setpriority', 
'posix_spawn', 'posix_spawnp', 'readlink', 'copy_file_range', 'rename', 
'replace', 'rmdir', 'symlink', 'system', 'umask', 'uname', 'unlink', 
'remove', 'utime', 'times', 'execv', 'execve', 'fork', 
'register_at_fork', 'sched_get_priority_max', 'sched_get_priority_min', 
'sched_getparam', 'sched_getscheduler', 'sched_rr_get_interval', 
'sched_setparam', 'sched_setscheduler', 'sched_yield', 
'sched_setaffinity', 'sched_getaffinity', 'openpty', 'forkpty', 
'getegid', 'geteuid', 'getgid', 'getgrouplist', 'getgroups', 'getpid', 
'getpgrp', 'getppid', 'getuid', 'getlogin', 'kill', 'killpg', 'setuid', 
'seteuid', 'setreuid', 'setgid', 'setegid', 'setregid', 'setgroups', 
'initgroups', 'getpgid', 'setpgrp', 'wait', 'wait3', 'wait4', 'waitid', 
'waitpid', 'getsid', 'setsid', 'setpgid', 'tcgetpgrp', 'tcsetpgrp', 
'open', 'close', 'closerange', 'device_encoding', 'dup', 'dup2', 
'lockf', 'lseek', 'read', 'readv', 'pread', 'preadv', 'write', 'writev', 
'pwrite', 'pwritev', 'sendfile', 'fstat', 'isatty', 'pipe', 'pipe2', 
'mkfifo', 'mknod', 'major', 'minor', 'makedev', 'ftruncate', 'truncate', 
'posix_fallocate', 'posix_fadvise', 'putenv', 'unsetenv', 'strerror', 
'fchdir', 'fsync', 'sync', 'fdatasync', 'WCOREDUMP', 'WIFCONTINUED', 
'WSTOPSIG', 'fstatvfs', 'statvfs', 'confstr', 'sysconf', 'fpathconf', 
'pathconf', 'abort', 'getloadavg', 'urandom', 'setresuid', 'setresgid', 
'getresuid', 'getresgid', 'getxattr', 'setxattr', 'removexattr', 
'listxattr', 'get_terminal_size', 'cpu_count', 'get_inheritable', 
'set_inheritable', 'get_blocking', 'set_blocking', 'scandir', 'fspath', 
'getrandom', 'memfd_create', 'environ', 'F_OK', 'R_OK', 'W_OK', 'X_OK', 
'MFD_HUGE_2GB', 'MFD_HUGE_16GB', 'pathconf_names', 'confstr_names', 
'sysconf_names', 'error', 'waitid_result', 'stat_result', 
'statvfs_result', 'sched_param', 'times_result', 'uname_result', 
'terminal_size', 'DirEntry', '_exit', 'path', 'curdir', 'pardir', 'sep', 
'pathsep', 'defpath', 'extsep', 'altsep', 'devnull', 'supports_dir_fd', 
'supports_effective_ids', 'supports_fd', 'supports_follow_symlinks', 
'SEEK_SET', 'SEEK_CUR', 'SEEK_END', 'makedirs', 'removedirs', 'renames', 
'walk', 'fwalk', '_fwalk', 'execl', 'execle', 'execlp', 'execlpe', 
'execvp', 'execvpe', '_execvpe', 'get_exec_path', 'MutableMapping', 
'_Environ', '_putenv', '_unsetenv', 'getenv', 'supports_bytes_environ', 
'environb', 'getenvb', 'fsencode', 'fsdecode', 'P_WAIT', 'P_NOWAIT', 
'P_NOWAITO', '_spawnvef', 'spawnv', 'spawnve', 'spawnvp', 'spawnvpe', 
'spawnl', 'spawnle', 'spawnlp', 'spawnlpe', 'popen', '_wrap_close', 
'fdopen', '_fspath', 'PathLike'])

Tom Hale

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 14 13:43:16 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:43:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] os.is_file and os.is_dir missing from CPython 3.8.0b?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qe0mbk$qpv$>

On 14/06/2019 15:53, Tom Hale wrote:

> I'm trying to use os.is_dir, but I'm not finding it or os.is_file.

I've never heard of these functions, but I'm still on v3.6, never
having found a reason to upgrade. So I assume...

> Python 3.8.0b1 (tags/v3.8.0b1:3b5deb01, Jun 13 2019, 22:28:20)

...these are new introductions in 3.8?

If so, how do they differ from the os.path.isfile()
and os.path.isdir() functions that already exist?
Could you use those as alternatives?

As to why the new functions aren't showing up, I've no
idea, sorry.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Fri Jun 14 13:48:24 2019
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 19:48:24 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] os.is_file and os.is_dir missing from CPython 3.8.0b?
References: <>
Message-ID: <qe0ml8$1i38$>

Tom Hale wrote:

> I'm trying to use os.is_dir, but I'm not finding it or os.is_file.
> What am I missing here?

Scroll up a bit in the documentation:

Both is_file() and is_dir() are methods of the DirEntry object.

See also

From mats at  Fri Jun 14 14:23:55 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 12:23:55 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Download audios & videos using web scraping from news
 website or facebook
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/14/19 12:35 AM, Sijin John wrote:
> Hello Sir/Mam, 
> I am trying to Download audios & videos using web scraping from news website (eg: or Facebook & I could't. So in real scenario is it really possible to download audios/videos using python code ? 

as others have pointed out, remove the "using python code" from this
question to be more accurate.

Modern media-serving websites often try quite hard to not have you be
able to grab the media objects except on their terms.  This often means
they are delivered in a streaming manner through a (non-open) player
app, and there never is a file at all that you're allowed to directly
access.  And there's often some wrapping which ends up delivering
advertising, because that's probably how the site monetizes their
content.  If you're expected to access it, there's usually an API for
that, which you would use rather than scraping.

Obviously people figure out ways, as the youtube downloader shows.

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun 15 00:51:23 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 14:51:23 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] deleting elements out of a list.
Message-ID: <013801d52335$fcffa970$f6fefc50$>



I am not sure how to tackle this issue. I am using Windows 10 and Python 3.6
from Activestate. 


I have a list of x number of elements. Some of the elements are have similar
words in them. For example:


Dog food Pal

Dog Food Pal qx1323 

Cat food kitty

Absolute cleaning inv123

Absolute Domestic cleaning inv 222

Absolute d 3333

Fitness first 02/19

Fitness first


I wish to remove duplicates. I could use the collection.Count method. This
fails due to the strings are not unique, only some of the words are. My
thinking and is only rough sudo code as I am not sure how to do this and
wish to learn and not sure how to do without causing gtraceback errors. I
want to delete the match pattern from the list of strings. Below is my
attempt and I hope this makes sense. 



description = load_files() # returns a list

for text in description:

    words = text.split()

    for i in enumerate(words):

        Word = ' '.join(words[:i])

        print (word)

        answer = input('Keep word?')

        if answer == 'n':


        for i, v in enumerate(description):

            if word in description[i]:




The initial issues I see with the above is the popping of an element from
description list will cause a error. If I copy the description list into a
new list. And use the new list for the outer loop. I will receive multiple
occurrences of the same text. This could be addressed by a if test. But I am
wondering if there is a better method. 2nd code example:


description = load_files() # returns a list

search_txt = description.copy() # I have not verify if this is the right
syntax for the copy method.]

for text in search_txt:

    words = text.split()

    for i in enumerate(words):

        Word = ' '.join(words[:i])

        print (word)

        answer = input('Keep word (ynq)?')

        if answer == 'n':


        elif answer = 'q':


        for i, v in enumerate(description):

            if word in description[i]:




Any improvements?



From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun 15 00:53:43 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 14:53:43 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Differences between while and for
Message-ID: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>



In C, Perl and other languages. While only uses a conditional statement and
for uses an iteration. In python while and for seems to be the same and I
cannot see the difference. Python does not have an until (do while) where
the test is done at the end of the loop. Permitting a once through the loop
block. Am I correct or is there a difference and if so what is it?


Why doesn't Python have an until statement?


From steve at  Sat Jun 15 03:24:50 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:24:50 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Differences between while and for
In-Reply-To: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
References: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 02:53:43PM +1000, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> All,
> In C, Perl and other languages. While only uses a conditional statement and
> for uses an iteration. In python while and for seems to be the same and I
> cannot see the difference.

Python ``while`` uses a conditional statement, and Python ``for`` uses 
iteration. Python's ``for`` is like "foreach" in some other languages.

while condition: ...

for x in values: ...

> Python does not have an until (do while) where
> the test is done at the end of the loop. Permitting a once through the loop
> block. Am I correct or is there a difference and if so what is it?

Correct, there is no "do until" in Python.

> Why doesn't Python have an until statement?

Because Guido didn't want one :-)

Because it is unnecessary: any "do until" can be written as a regular 
while loop, using a break:

# do...until with test at the end
while True:
    if test:

# "loop and a half"
while True:
    if test:


From cs at  Sat Jun 15 03:54:46 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:54:46 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] deleting elements out of a list.
In-Reply-To: <013801d52335$fcffa970$f6fefc50$>
References: <013801d52335$fcffa970$f6fefc50$>
Message-ID: <>

On 15Jun2019 14:51, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964 at> wrote:
>I am not sure how to tackle this issue. I am using Windows 10 and 
>Python 3.6 from Activestate.
>I have a list of x number of elements. Some of the elements are have similar
>words in them. For example:
>Dog food Pal
>Dog Food Pal qx1323
>Cat food kitty
>Absolute cleaning inv123
>Absolute Domestic cleaning inv 222
>Absolute d 3333
>Fitness first 02/19
>Fitness first

I'm going to assume that you have a list of strings, each being a line 
from a file.

>I wish to remove duplicates. I could use the collection.Count method. This
>fails due to the strings are not unique, only some of the words are.

You need to define this more tightly. Suppose the above were your input.  
What would it look like after "removing duplicates"? By providing an 
explicit example of what you expect afterwards it is easier for us to 
understand you, and will also help you with your implementation.

Do you intend to discard the second occurence of every word, turning 
line 2 above into "qx1323"? Or to remove similar lines, for some 
definition of "similar",
which might discard line 2 above?

Your code examples below seem to suggest that your want to discard words 
you've already seen.

>thinking and is only rough sudo code as I am not sure how to do this and

Aside: "pseudo", not "sudo".

>wish to learn and not sure how to do without causing gtraceback errors. I
>want to delete the match pattern from the list of strings. Below is my
>attempt and I hope this makes sense.
>description = load_files() # returns a list
>for text in description:
>    words = text.split()
>    for i in enumerate(words):

enumerate() yields a sequence of (i, v), so you need i, v in the loop:

  for i, word in enumerate(words):

Or you need the loop variable to be a tuple and to pull out the 
enumeration counter and the associated value inside the loop:

  for x in enumerate(words):
    i, word = x

>        Word = ' '.join(words[:i])

Variable names in Python are case sensitive. You want "word", not 

However, if you really want each word of the line you've got that from 
text.split(). The expression "words[:i]" means the letters of word from 
index 0 through to i-1. For example, "kitt" if "i" were 4.

The join string operation joins an iterable of strings. Unfortunately 
for you, a string is itself iterable: you get each character, but as a 
string (Python does not have a distinct "character" type, it just has 
single character strings). So if "word" were "kitt" above, you get:

  "k i t t"

from the join. Likely not what you want.

What _do_ you want?

>        print (word)
>        answer = input('Keep word?')
>        if answer == 'n':
>            continue
>        for i, v in enumerate(description):
>            if word in description[i]:
>                description.pop[i]

There are some problems here. The big one is that you're modifying a 
list while you're iterating over it. This is always hazardous - it 
usually leading to accidentally skipping elements. Or not, depending how 
the iteration happens.

It is generally safer to iterate over the list and construct a distinct 
new line to replace it, without modifying the original list. This way 
the enumerate cannot get confused. So instead of discarding from the 
list, you conditionally add to the new list:

  new_description = []
  for i, word in enumerate(description):
    if word not in description[i]:

Note the "not" above. We invert the condition ("not in" instead of "in") 
because we're inverting the action (appending something instead of 
discarding it).

However, I think  you have some fundamental confusion about what your 
iterating over.

I recommend that you adopt better variable names, and more formally 
describe your data.

If "description" is actualy a list of descriptions then give it a plural 
name like "descriptions". When you iterate over it, you can then use the 
singular form for each element i.e.  "description" instead of "text".

Instead of writing loops like:

  for i, v in enumerate(descriptions):

give "v" a better name, like "description". That way your code inside 
the loop is better described, and mistakes more obvious because the code 
will suddenly read badly in some way.

>The initial issues I see with the above is the popping of an element 
>description list will cause a error.

It often won't. Instead if will mangle your iteration because after the 
pop the index "i" no longer refers to what you expect, it now points one 
word further along.

Towards the _end_ of the loop you'll get an error, but only once "i" 
starts to exceed the length of the list (because you've been shortening 

>If I copy the description list into a
>new list. And use the new list for the outer loop. I will receive multiple
>occurrences of the same text. This could be addressed by a if test. But I am
>wondering if there is a better method.

The common idom is to leave the original unchanged and copy into a new 
list as in my example above. But taking a copy and iterating over that 
is also reasonable.

You will still have issues with the popping, because the index "i" will 
no longer be aligned with the modified list.

If you really want to modify in place, avoid enumerate. Instead, make 
"i" an index into the list as you do, but maintain it yourself. Loop 
from left to right in the list until you come off the end:

  i = 0
  while i < len(description):
    if ... we want to pop the element ...:
      i = i + 1

Here we _either_ discard from the list and _do not_ advance "i", or we 
advance "i". Either way "i" then points at the next word, in the former 
case because the next word has shuffled down once position and in the 
latter because "i" has moved forwards. Either way "i" gets closer to the 
end of the list. We leave the loop when "i" gets past the end.

>2nd code example:
>description = load_files() # returns a list
>search_txt = description.copy() # I have not verify if this is the right
>syntax for the copy method.]

A quick way is:

  search_text = description[:]

but lists have a .copy method which does the same thing.

>for text in search_txt:
>    words = text.split()
>    for i in enumerate(words):
>        Word = ' '.join(words[:i])
>        print (word)
>        answer = input('Keep word (ynq)?')
>        if answer == 'n':
>            continue
>        elif answer = 'q':
>            break
>        for i, v in enumerate(description):
>            if word in description[i]:
>                description.pop[i]

The inner for loop still has all the same issues as before. The outer 
loop is now more robust because you've iterating over the copy.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From cs at  Sat Jun 15 04:11:54 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 18:11:54 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Differences between while and for
In-Reply-To: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
References: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
Message-ID: <>

On 15Jun2019 14:53, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964 at> wrote:
>In C, Perl and other languages. While only uses a conditional statement 
>for uses an iteration. In python while and for seems to be the same and I
>cannot see the difference.

No, they're really much as in other languages.

In general (most languages), a for loop is for iterating over some 
collection or list.  A while is not explicitly for iteration over some 
collection, it is for repeating an action until some condition fails (or 
the inverse of the condition is achieved).

Let's take C's for loop. It really is closely related to a while. That's 
because C is a pretty low level language. Early C is almost like a 
structured assembly language (well, it is a lot better, but it is 
deliberately close to the underlying machine). So C's for loop goes:

  for (setup; condition; advance)

You can leave any of these out. It is equivalent to this while loop:

  while condition:

but it is almost always used for iteration:

  for (i=0; s[i]; i++)

which counts "i" along the string "s". You _can_ use of for arbitrary 
while loops, but idiomatically that is rarely done - it is conceptually 
useful to use "for" for various kinds of iteration and "while" for more 
arbitrary repetition.

Python is a bit more rigid. The "while" loop is just like "while" in 
other languages: do something while a condition holds. But a "for" loop 
in Python is inherently about iteration; it is defined as:

  for variable in iterable:

and applies to any "iterable", some object or expression which can be 
iterated over. Any object which is iterable may be used. So it is very 
oriented towards collections of various kinds: lists, tuples, dictionary 
(iterates over the keys) and so on.

>Python does not have an until (do while) where
>the test is done at the end of the loop. Permitting a once through the loop
>block. Am I correct or is there a difference and if so what is it?

You're correct.

>Why doesn't Python have an until statement?

Basicly because it isn't necessary. It is usually easy enough to work 
around the lack that nobody has made a conincing case (meaning nobody 
has convinced the core developers). It would probably be written:

  while condition

in some form if it ever came in to avoid using an new keyword ("until").

It does sometimes take a little contortion to make a do/while loop into 
a Python while - you usually have to perform some kind of hack to make 
the condition initially true. In the extreme case you just treat the 
first loop specially:

  first = True
  while first or the-actual-condition:
    ... do stuff ...
    first = False

if you want to use "first" during the "do stuff". Or you could be a bit 
more reliable and go:

  first_test = True
  while first_test or the-actual-condition:
    first_test = False
    ... do stuff ...

putting the flag up the top next to the condition.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun 15 05:27:01 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 19:27:01 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Differences between while and for
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
Message-ID: <001a01d5235c$7e6131c0$7b239540$>



-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Steven D'Aprano
Sent: Saturday, 15 June 2019 5:25 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Differences between while and for

On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 02:53:43PM +1000, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> All,
> In C, Perl and other languages. While only uses a conditional 
> statement and for uses an iteration. In python while and for seems to 
> be the same and I cannot see the difference.

Python ``while`` uses a conditional statement, and Python ``for`` uses
iteration. Python's ``for`` is like "foreach" in some other languages.

while condition: ...

for x in values: ...

> Python does not have an until (do while) where the test is done at the 
> end of the loop. Permitting a once through the loop block. Am I 
> correct or is there a difference and if so what is it?

Correct, there is no "do until" in Python.

> Why doesn't Python have an until statement?

Because Guido didn't want one :-)

Because it is unnecessary: any "do until" can be written as a regular while
loop, using a break:

# do...until with test at the end
while True:
    if test:

# "loop and a half"
while True:
    if test:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun 15 05:35:57 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 19:35:57 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Follow-up on my removing elements from lists question.
Message-ID: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>

This is a follow-up on my previous question for removing elements. Below is
the code I am currently using. I am removing the elements at the end of the
outer loop. The data structure goes along this:



  ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],

v  ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],

  ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount']



The 2nd column where the transaction text I am modifying the content and
using the end result of the built-up words as the string match as you will
see in the code. This is all working fine. The last loop in the code I am
trying to delete the elements in reverse order. This doesn't work. The
length of the list reduces by 1. When it should have reduced by 42. Is the
logic wrong? This is in Python 3.6 under windows 10.


unknown_transactions.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])

while True:

# re-initialise each time the current transaction text has been processed.

    for row in unknown_transactions:

        # remove common words from transactions which are not required. Such

        line = regex_transaction(row[2])

        # If the common words are not found, return a null and do not modify
the transaction description.

        if line != '': # not a null string

            # now find unique string and add it to the compare_transactions
list object.

            words = line.split()

            print ('List length:', len(unknown_transactions))

            word = ''

            for i, v in enumerate(words, start=1):

                word = ' '.join(words[:i])

                print (word)

                answer = input('Use  word y, otherwise any other key

                if answer != 'y':


                # end if 

            # end for 

            # now loop through the unknown transactions and copy to
transaction dictionary

            delete_transactions = []

            for e, v in enumerate (unknown_transactions):

                if word in unknown_transactions[e][2]:

                    if not word  in transaction:

                        transaction[word] = unknown_transactions



                    # end if  

                    delete_transactions.append (e)

                # end if 

            # end for 

            print ('number of elements to remove:',

            for del_element in reversed(delete_transactions):


        # end if 

    # end for 

    if len(unknown_transactions) == 0:


    # end if 

# end while

From akleider at  Sat Jun 15 12:42:20 2019
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 09:42:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Follow-up on my removing elements from lists question.
In-Reply-To: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>
References: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>
Message-ID: <>

On 2019-06-15 02:35, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> This is a follow-up on my previous question for removing elements. 
> Below is
> the code I am currently using. I am removing the elements at the end of 
> the
> outer loop. The data structure goes along this:
> [
>   ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],
> v  ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],
>   ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount']
> ]

I suggest you match up your single quote and your square bracket pairs.
It looks to me that you have one extra single quote and one extra 
opening square bracket in each line (or perhaps you're missing their 
closing partners.)

From mats at  Sat Jun 15 14:14:32 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 12:14:32 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Follow-up on my removing elements from lists question.
In-Reply-To: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>
References: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/15/19 3:35 AM, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

Data structure:

  ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],

I presume the second opening brace is a typo and was supposed to be a
quote mark?

> The 2nd column where the transaction text I am modifying the content and
> using the end result of the built-up words as the string match as you will
> see in the code. This is all working fine. The last loop in the code I am
> trying to delete the elements in reverse order. This doesn't work. The
> length of the list reduces by 1. When it should have reduced by 42. Is the
> logic wrong? This is in Python 3.6 under windows 10.

There's a lot that looks odd in this code, let me poke at a few:

You _appear_ to be be trying to avoid modifying 'unknown_transactions'
while looping over it, which is admirable if that was the intent:

            for e, v in enumerate (unknown_transactions):
                if word in unknown_transactions[e][2]:
                    if not word  in transaction:
                        transaction[word] = unknown_transactions
                    delete_transactions.append (e)
            for del_element in reversed(delete_transactions):

but that whole sequence is inside another loop over
'unknown_transactions'.  Is that intentional?  It seem odd to loop over
something inside a loop over that thing.

As a hint, if you want to modify a list while looping you can loop over
a copy of it, like

  for s in somelist[:]:

or if you don't like the slice notation,

  for s in list(somelist):

you're looping over 'unknown_transactions' here, but you're not using
the loop value 'v' at all in the body. Perhaps that's the thing you
wanted to add to 'transactions'? adding 'unknown_transactions' seems

usually if you're using multiple levels of indexing you're not
necessarily wrong, but leaving yourself (or others) hard to read code.
In the past I've written such things and a year later I come back to
look and wonder about the magic in something like [e][2]:

   if word in unknown_transactions[e][2]:

You can unpack each transaction list instead to avoid indexing it, and
if you are deleting on the spot, you don't need the enumerate value
either. So a possible rewrite could be:

  for u in unknown_transactions[:]:
      id, date, text, amount = u
      if word in text:
          if not word in transaction:
              transaction[word] = u

the inner 'if' statement could become a try block as well if you wanted:

          except KeyError:
              transaction[word] = u

And you can save a level of indentation by inverting your early
if-statement, from

    if line != '':
        whole bunch of code


    if not line:
    whole bunch of code

Just to make things a little more readable.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun 15 16:55:18 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:55:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Differences between while and for
In-Reply-To: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
References: <013d01d52336$4fd60590$ef8210b0$>
Message-ID: <qe3lvn$6mn0$>

On 15/06/2019 05:53, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> In C, Perl and other languages. 

As a point of interest not all languages have these constructs.
Oberon, for example, only has a while loop because it can be
used to simulate all other loop types. Some Lisp dialects
don't even have a loop construct because recursion can be
used instead.

In addition to for, while and repeat/until some languages
(eg ADA and some BASICs) include a general loop construct.

And of course in assembler GOTO is the ultimate loop construct.

Don;t assume that just because one language supports a
particular construct that others will or should also support
it. The variety of control structures offered is one of the
defining features of any programming language.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From beachkidken at  Sat Jun 15 17:23:53 2019
From: beachkidken at (Ken Green)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 17:23:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python v3 on a laptop Windows 10
Message-ID: <>

It has been some 18 months that I last
installed Python onto my laptop Windows.

Having had freshly completely reinstalled
Windows 10 and its various updates. I already
installed PSREdit500 successfully several
weeks ago, I am now ready to install Python,
preferable the latest version of Python 3.

I understood there is a preferable method
of installing Python into Windows. I pray
tell on how about to do it, gentlemen.

I have been using Python v2.7.15 along with
Geany v1.32 in my computer running on Ubuntu
18.04.2. As you can see, there is a sharp
learning curve for me on how to use and learn
Python v3. Thanks.


From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun 15 17:25:03 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 22:25:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] deleting elements out of a list.
In-Reply-To: <013801d52335$fcffa970$f6fefc50$>
References: <013801d52335$fcffa970$f6fefc50$>
Message-ID: <qe3nng$2j56$>

On 15/06/2019 05:51, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

Caveat: I'm picking this up late in the day and only had a cursory look
at it, so may be missing some critical insight...

> I have a list of x number of elements. Some of the elements are have similar
> words in them. For example:

Define "similar".
It implies not identical. What is different? What makes them
similar? Every time you introduce vague inequalities you imply
the need for some kind of intelligent function that removes
the ambiguity and vagueness. it  definitively says that these
two items are similar or not similar.

Can you write such a function? If so the problem should become
relatively simple.

> Dog food Pal
> Dog Food Pal qx1323 
> Cat food kitty
> Absolute cleaning inv123
> Absolute Domestic cleaning inv 222
> Absolute d 3333
> Fitness first 02/19
> Fitness first
> I wish to remove duplicates. 

So what would the output look like if the above is the input?
My guess of what you want is:

Cat kitty
d 3333

Is that right?
Or is my idea of similar and duplicate different to yours?

> I could use the collection.Count method. This
> fails due to the strings are not unique, only some of the words are. 

Sorry, I can't understand that. It makes no sense to me.
You need to define strings and words in this context

> description = load_files() # returns a list

A list of what? characters, words, lines?

> for text in description:
>     words = text.split()
>     for i in enumerate(words):
>         Word = ' '.join(words[:i])

This is weird. enumerate returns tuples which you assign to i.
But then you use i in a slice opertion. But slice expects an

>         print (word)
>         answer = input('Keep word?')
>         if answer == 'n':
>             continue 
>         for i, v in enumerate(description):
>             if word in description[i]:
>                 description.pop[i]

Without any clue what the description data looks like we
can't really decipher what the code above does.

> description list will cause a error. If I copy the description list into a
> new list. And use the new list for the outer loop. I will receive multiple
> occurrences of the same text. 

I'm not sure thats true but it denends on what description looks like.

> description = load_files() # returns a list
> search_txt = description.copy() 
> for text in search_txt:
>     words = text.split()
>     for i in enumerate(words):
>         Word = ' '.join(words[:i])
>         print (word)
>         answer = input('Keep word (ynq)?')
>         if answer == 'n':
>             continue 
>         elif answer = 'q':
>             break
>         for i, v in enumerate(description):
>             if word in description[i]:
>                 description.pop[i]

The usual way to remove things from a list is to create a
new list using a filter

newlist = filter(test_function, oldlist)

or a list comprehension

newlist = [item for item in oldlist if test_function(item)]

Which brings us back to the beginning. Can you write a test
function that unambiguously defines what needs to be removed?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From PyTutor at  Sat Jun 15 17:03:00 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 09:03:00 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Follow-up on my removing elements from lists question.
In-Reply-To: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>
References: <002b01d5235d$bd9e5a60$38db0f20$>
Message-ID: <>

On 15/06/19 9:35 PM, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> This is a follow-up on my previous question for removing elements. Below is
> the code I am currently using. I am removing the elements at the end of the
> outer loop. The data structure goes along this:
> [
>    ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],
> v  ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount'],
>    ['123123',[2019-2-18', 'transaction text', 'amount']
> ]
> The 2nd column where the transaction text I am modifying the content and
> using the end result of the built-up words as the string match as you will
> see in the code. This is all working fine. The last loop in the code I am
> trying to delete the elements in reverse order. This doesn't work. The
> length of the list reduces by 1. When it should have reduced by 42. Is the
> logic wrong? This is in Python 3.6 under windows 10.
> unknown_transactions.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
> while True:
> # re-initialise each time the current transaction text has been processed.
>      for row in unknown_transactions:
>          # remove common words from transactions which are not required. Such
>          line = regex_transaction(row[2])
>          # If the common words are not found, return a null and do not modify
> the transaction description.

(from a very weak understanding of your previous question and the total 
code-base thus far)

Consideration nr1:
Write the code as comments first. Initially these will be at a fairly 
'high level'. These comments can later be turned into function/method 
names, and more comments added within those. Wash, rinse, and repeat. 
The idea is to help re-state your thinking into Python code, and to 
structure the code into functional units. Even skilled Python-coders 
often find that this helps to keep the use-case foremost in-mind.

Consideration nr2:
(assuming that the total data-volume is easily RAM-resident)
Rather than (appearing to) taking-in a 'group' of transactions and then 
select them according to ease/difficulty of 'translation', gradually 
removing/whittling the numbers down - hopefully to zero; why not 
consider adding another field to each record, which will note if it has 
already been processed (by whichever method) or conversely, which 
list-elements are yet to be completed? Thus each method of 
interpretation will first check the 'completed' field, and if not 
complete, apply the relevant analysis... Thus there is no concept of 
'removal' and no danger of 'losing' anything!

Regards =dn

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun 15 19:31:09 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 00:31:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python v3 on a laptop Windows 10
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qe3v3t$2uql$>

On 15/06/2019 22:23, Ken Green wrote:

> I understood there is a preferable method
> of installing Python into Windows. I pray
> tell on how about to do it, gentlemen.

It depends a bit on which python distribution you use,
there are several.

Personally for Windows I always recommend the ActiveState free
version. It bundles several useful extra Windows tools and
puts the docs in Windows help format for you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From eryksun at  Sat Jun 15 20:20:11 2019
From: eryksun at (eryk sun)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 19:20:11 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python v3 on a laptop Windows 10
In-Reply-To: <qe3v3t$2uql$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/15/19, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> On 15/06/2019 22:23, Ken Green wrote:
>> I understood there is a preferable method
>> of installing Python into Windows. I pray
>> tell on how about to do it, gentlemen.
> It depends a bit on which python distribution you use,
> there are several.
> Personally for Windows I always recommend the ActiveState free
> version. It bundles several useful extra Windows tools and
> puts the docs in Windows help format for you.

The compiled HTML (python*.chm) documentation is also included in the
official PSF ( distribution. It's in the "Doc" folder. The
installer should create a shortcut to it in the start menu.

The current release of Windows 10 includes a `python` command that
installs the 3.7 app bundle from the Microsoft Store. This is a simple
one-click install method that should be easy for anyone. Unfortunately
the above-mentioned python37.chm file is not included in this

From mats at  Sat Jun 15 21:27:48 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 19:27:48 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python v3 on a laptop Windows 10
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/15/19 3:23 PM, Ken Green wrote:\

You've already gotten some good answers, don't consider this as

> I understood there is a preferable method
> of installing Python into Windows. I pray
> tell on how about to do it, gentlemen.

There isn't, there are actually many ways, and to some extent it depends
on what you want to do.  For example, in addition to what you've heard,
these days there are a ton of people doing data analysis, Big Data, etc.
and they often prefer to install Python through the Anaconda
distribution, which has optimised for getting the particularly relevant
packages installed easily alongside and in sync with Python, and then
keeping those up to date.

In the near future, but maybe not quite there yet, Windows 10 will also
have a Python "app" preinstalled, which, when you launch it, installs
the current version of Python through the Microsoft Store.  I think you
can already install via the Microsoft Store, but it's not something that
magically appears on your system even before you think to look for it...
see here:

That looks like it wants later than the 1809 version, but should be
ready for the 1903 version of Windows 10?

and you wanted a simple answer....

From mhysnm1964 at  Sat Jun 15 20:51:07 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 10:51:07 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] deleting elements out of a list.
In-Reply-To: <qe3nng$2j56$>
References: <013801d52335$fcffa970$f6fefc50$>
Message-ID: <012a01d523dd$9676a480$c363ed80$>



I will respond to your reply in the other thread. As I want to respond to everyone in one email. Thanks for the clarification on the questions or information I did not provide. 101 troubleshooting assistance. Do not assume others know what you know. ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Sunday, 16 June 2019 7:25 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] deleting elements out of a list.


On 15/06/2019 05:51,  <mailto:mhysnm1964 at> mhysnm1964 at wrote:


Caveat: I'm picking this up late in the day and only had a cursory look at it, so may be missing some critical insight...


> I have a list of x number of elements. Some of the elements are have 

> similar words in them. For example:


Define "similar".

It implies not identical. What is different? What makes them similar? Every time you introduce vague inequalities you imply the need for some kind of intelligent function that removes the ambiguity and vagueness. it  definitively says that these two items are similar or not similar.


Can you write such a function? If so the problem should become relatively simple.



> Dog food Pal

> Dog Food Pal qx1323

> Cat food kitty

> Absolute cleaning inv123

> Absolute Domestic cleaning inv 222

> Absolute d 3333

> Fitness first 02/19

> Fitness first


> I wish to remove duplicates. 


So what would the output look like if the above is the input?

My guess of what you want is:



Cat kitty


d 3333



Is that right?

Or is my idea of similar and duplicate different to yours?


> I could use the collection.Count method. This fails due to the strings 

> are not unique, only some of the words are.


Sorry, I can't understand that. It makes no sense to me.

You need to define strings and words in this context


> description = load_files() # returns a list


A list of what? characters, words, lines?


> for text in description:

>     words = text.split()

>     for i in enumerate(words):

>         Word = ' '.join(words[:i])


This is weird. enumerate returns tuples which you assign to i.

But then you use i in a slice opertion. But slice expects an integer.



>         print (word)

>         answer = input('Keep word?')

>         if answer == 'n':

>             continue 

>         for i, v in enumerate(description):

>             if word in description[i]:

>                 description.pop[i]


Without any clue what the description data looks like we can't really decipher what the code above does.


> description list will cause a error. If I copy the description list 

> into a new list. And use the new list for the outer loop. I will 

> receive multiple occurrences of the same text.


I'm not sure thats true but it denends on what description looks like.



> description = load_files() # returns a list


> search_txt = description.copy()


> for text in search_txt:

>     words = text.split()

>     for i in enumerate(words):

>         Word = ' '.join(words[:i])

>         print (word)

>         answer = input('Keep word (ynq)?')

>         if answer == 'n':

>             continue 

>         elif answer = 'q':

>             break


>         for i, v in enumerate(description):

>             if word in description[i]:

>                 description.pop[i]


The usual way to remove things from a list is to create a new list using a filter


newlist = filter(test_function, oldlist)


or a list comprehension


newlist = [item for item in oldlist if test_function(item)]


Which brings us back to the beginning. Can you write a test function that unambiguously defines what needs to be removed?




Alan G

Author of the Learn to Program web site



Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:





Tutor maillist  -   <mailto:Tutor at> Tutor at

To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From cemv96 at  Mon Jun 17 01:30:18 2019
From: cemv96 at (Cem Vardar)
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 05:30:18 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to Scrape Text from PDFs
Message-ID: <>


I have been working on assignment that was described to me as ?fairly trivial? for a couple of days now. I have some PDF files that have links for some websites and I need to extract these links from these files by using Python. I would be very glad if someone could point me in the direction of some resources that would give me the essential skills specific for this task.


From wrw at  Mon Jun 17 16:33:48 2019
From: wrw at (William Ray Wing)
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 16:33:48 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to Scrape Text from PDFs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jun 17, 2019, at 1:30 AM, Cem Vardar <cemv96 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been working on assignment that was described to me as ?fairly trivial? for a couple of days now. I have some PDF files that have links for some websites and I need to extract these links from these files by using Python. I would be very glad if someone could point me in the direction of some resources that would give me the essential skills specific for this task.

Unfortunately, a PDF can contain anything from almost PostScript to a bit map.  But lets assume your PDFs are of the almost PostScript flavor.  In that case you can simply read them as text, and then use standard Python?s standard string searching for http:// or https://.  Each time you find one, stop and parse (again with string handling) the URL looking for one of the typical terminators (e.g. .com, .net, .org etc.).

It might help to cheat a bit and open one of the PDFs with a standard text editor and using it, search for http:// and see what turns up.  I?ll bet it will be fairly clear.


> Sincerely,
> Cem
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From beachkidken at  Mon Jun 17 16:59:47 2019
From: beachkidken at (Ken Green)
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 16:59:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python v3 on a laptop Windows 10 (SOLVED)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15/06/2019 22:23, Ken Green wrote:

> I understood there is a preferable method
> of installing Python into Windows. I pray
> tell on how about to do it, gentlemen.

Thank you gentlemen for the prompt responses to
my inquiry. I believe it would be best for me to use
the ActiveState installation for my laptop.

I like Microsoft trying to make it easily to download
Python but I am not sure if it has been fully implemented
yet. Again, thanks guys.

Ken Green

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 17 18:38:57 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 23:38:57 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to Scrape Text from PDFs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qe94q2$4itu$>

On 17/06/2019 06:30, Cem Vardar wrote:
> some PDF files that have links for some websites and I need to extract these links 

There is a module that may help: PyPDF2

Here is a post showing how to extract the text from a PDF which should
include the links.

There may even be more specific extraction tools if you look more closely...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From btwadsworth at  Tue Jun 18 09:28:35 2019
From: btwadsworth at (Ben Wadsworth)
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 08:28:35 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python on Server
Message-ID: <>

When installing Python on a windows server, will the server require a

Thank you!

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 18 19:15:18 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 00:15:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Installing Python on Server
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qebra6$7stv$>

On 18/06/2019 14:28, Ben Wadsworth wrote:
> Hi,
> When installing Python on a windows server, will the server require a
> restart?

I've never tried so can't be sure.

But it shouldn't.
Python doesn't require any special access.
But then again,  it is Windows, so you can never tell.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mjch at  Tue Jun 18 20:37:42 2019
From: mjch at (Malcolm Herbert)
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 10:37:42 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to Scrape Text from PDFs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This isn't  a response that's python-related, sorry, I'm still learning python myself, but more questions around the nature of the PDF and where I might start looking to solve the problem, were it mine.

The URLs that you are intending to match - are they themselves clickable when you open the PDF in another reader?  If so, then you might have better luck looking for the PDF element that provides that capability rather than trying to text-scrape to recover them.

Although unlikely inside a URL, text in a PDF can be laid out on the page in a completely arbitrary manner and to properly do PDF-to-text conversion you may need to track position on the page for each glyph as well as the font mapping vector - a glyph of an 'A' for instance might not actually be mapped to the ASCII/Unicode for 'A' ... all of which can make this a complete nightmare for the unwary.

So - when I last looked at generating a PDF with a live link element, this was implemented as blue underlined text (to make it look like a link) with an invisible box placed over the top which contained the PDF magic to make that do what I wanted when the user clicked on it.

I would suspect that what you might want would be a Python library that can pull apart a PDF into it's structural elements and then hunt through there for the appropriate "URL box" or whatever it's called ...

Hope that helps,

Malcolm Herbert
mjch at

From savageapple850 at  Wed Jun 19 00:18:35 2019
From: savageapple850 at (Cravan)
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 12:18:35 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Unexpected result when running flask application.
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

                I am experiencing an unexpected result when I try to run my flask application. The movie.html page prints out nothing except those in the <h1>. This appears on my webpage:

I want it to print out all the stuff related to the movie in my sql table, e.g. year, runtime etc. How should I modify my code then? Also, when trying out search.html, it prints method not allowed for the requested URL. How should I rectify this?



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Name: search.html
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From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 19 04:54:46 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 09:54:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Unexpected result when running flask application.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qect8m$7rdq$>

On 19/06/2019 05:18, Cravan wrote:
> Hi all,
>                 I am experiencing an unexpected result when I try to run my flask application. 
> The movie.html page prints out nothing except those in the <h1>. This appears on my webpage:

Note that the mail server does not allow (for security reasons)
binary attachments so we lost your image.

However, your html files are not in HTML.
I'm not a Flask expert but every time I've used Flask the
html pages have been real HTML. Yours appear to be in some
strange pseudo markup language.

If this is something unique to Flask then I suspect you will
need to ask on a Flask support page or list. It doesn't seem
to be a Python language related issue at this point.

And your layout.html template is virtually empty.
I think you need to write some valid HTML somewhere.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cs at  Wed Jun 19 18:56:29 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 08:56:29 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Unexpected result when running flask application.
In-Reply-To: <qect8m$7rdq$>
References: <qect8m$7rdq$>
Message-ID: <>

On 19Jun2019 09:54, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>On 19/06/2019 05:18, Cravan wrote:
>>                 I am experiencing an unexpected result when I try to 
>>                 run my flask application.
>> The movie.html page prints out nothing except those in the <h1>. This appears on my webpage:
>Note that the mail server does not allow (for security reasons)
>binary attachments so we lost your image.

Cravan, you might find it useful to "View Source" of that page in your 

You can also use command line tools like "curl" or "wget" to directly 
fetch the page content.

>However, your html files are not in HTML.
>I'm not a Flask expert but every time I've used Flask the
>html pages have been real HTML. Yours appear to be in some
>strange pseudo markup language.

It is very common in Flask to write HTML pages using Jinja templates, 
which is what his examples look like.

Of course this adds more complexity, if he forgets to use Jinja to 
render the content to HTML before returning it.

>If this is something unique to Flask then I suspect you will
>need to ask on a Flask support page or list. It doesn't seem
>to be a Python language related issue at this point.

He has, as it happens, over in flask at

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From aarizpe448 at  Wed Jun 19 18:30:43 2019
From: aarizpe448 at (Antonio Arizpe)
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 17:30:43 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Hii
Message-ID: <>

Hey ive looked everywhere and i would really appreciate the guidance
i know its not too complicated by google search results dodge my real

i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and adds up all
the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total amount of
times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about characters. just how
many times it was struck in a real number.

please any help would be greatly appreciated

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 20 04:28:23 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 09:28:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Hii
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qefg37$2k5d$>

On 19/06/2019 23:30, Antonio Arizpe wrote:

> i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and adds up all
> the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total amount of
> times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about characters. just how
> many times it was struck in a real number.

It is possible, but it will likely be OS specific so you need to
tell us which OS you are using/targeting.

Also any code that you've tried always helps along with any error
messages. Also tell us about any 3rd party libraries you are using.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mhysnm1964 at  Thu Jun 20 06:44:06 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 20:44:06 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] word printing issue
Message-ID: <042101d52755$16e5f3d0$44b1db70$>



I have a list of strings that I want to break them into separate words, and
a combination of words then store them into a list. Example below of a


"Hello Python team".


The data structure:


[ ['Hello'],

['Hello', 'Python'],

['Hello', 'Python', 'team'],


]'Python', 'team'],

['team'] ]


I want to know if there is a better method in doing this without the
requirement of a module. Eventually I want to count the number of hits in a
list of strings based upon the word combinations regardless where they are
located in the string. This last part is something I am struggling with to
get results that are correct. I have stored them in a dictionary and get
unexpected totals. Was thinking of using collection and still working on it.
If the above could be improved. I would be grateful.



From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 20 12:25:45 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 17:25:45 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] word printing issue
In-Reply-To: <042101d52755$16e5f3d0$44b1db70$>
References: <042101d52755$16e5f3d0$44b1db70$>
Message-ID: <qegc29$5cq0$>

On 20/06/2019 11:44, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have a list of strings that I want to break them into separate words, and
> a combination of words then store them into a list. Example below of a
> string:

> "Hello Python team".
> The data structure:
> [ ['Hello'],
> ['Hello', 'Python'],
> ['Hello', 'Python', 'team'],
> ]'Python'],
> ]'Python', 'team'],
> ['team'] ]
> I want to know if there is a better method in doing this without the
> requirement of a module. 

Modules are there to be used...

Here is one with itertools from the standard library that gets close:

input = "hello Python team".split()
result = []
for n in range(len(input):
   result += [item for item in it.combinations(input,n+1)]

If you really want to do it from scratch then Google combinations
algorithm, or look on wikipedia.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From david at  Thu Jun 20 12:51:43 2019
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 11:51:43 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Hii
In-Reply-To: <qefg37$2k5d$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jun 20, 2019, at 03:28, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> On 19/06/2019 23:30, Antonio Arizpe wrote:
>> i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and adds up all
>> the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total amount of
>> times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about characters. just how
>> many times it was struck in a real number.
> It is possible, but it will likely be OS specific so you need to
> tell us which OS you are using/targeting.
> Also any code that you've tried always helps along with any error
> messages. Also tell us about any 3rd party libraries you are using.

Also, what?s the use case?  Do you want this to be something that is only capturing keystrokes within the program itself, or do you mean to capture all keystrokes happening regardless of application focus (i.e., system-level key logging)?

David Rock
david at

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 20 12:27:26 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 17:27:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Hii
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Forwarding to list.
Please use Reply-All or Reply-List when responding to list emails.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Tutor] Hii
Date: 	Thu, 20 Jun 2019 08:50:31 -0500
From: 	Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at>
To: 	Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

i am using python 3.7

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 8:43 AM Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at
<mailto:aarizpe448 at>> wrote:

    it is for windows 7 64 bits but i will be targeting windows 7 and 10
    32 and 64 bits

    i currently use a script i was able to work together and its for
    automated screenshots
    i imagined for the key strike counter for it to be similar because i
    imagined it as defining keystrikes as x = 1 and for every new key
    strike would apply x+=1 and saving it in a text file in a directory.
    im sorry im a little new for third party libraries im using im
    really just using the default script that comes with python installation
    to make example here is the code i use for automated screenshots

    import sys
    import os
    from datetime import date
    import pyautogui
    import time
    import shutil

    today = str(

    os.chdir ('C:\\Program Files\\Python37\\tll')
    os.mkdir (today)

    while x<1080:

    On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 3:30 AM Alan Gauld via Tutor
    <tutor at <mailto:tutor at>> wrote:

        On 19/06/2019 23:30, Antonio Arizpe wrote:

        > i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and
        adds up all
        > the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total
        amount of
        > times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about
        characters. just how
        > many times it was struck in a real number.

        It is possible, but it will likely be OS specific so you need to
        tell us which OS you are using/targeting.

        Also any code that you've tried always helps along with any error
        messages. Also tell us about any 3rd party libraries you are using.

        Alan G
        Author of the Learn to Program web site
        Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

        Tutor maillist?? -?? Tutor at <mailto:Tutor at>
        To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From aarizpe448 at  Thu Jun 20 17:59:54 2019
From: aarizpe448 at (Antonio Arizpe)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 16:59:54 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Hii
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 12:36 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at>

> Forwarding to list.
> Please use Reply-All or Reply-List when responding to list emails.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:        Re: [Tutor] Hii
> Date:   Thu, 20 Jun 2019 08:50:31 -0500
> From:   Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at>
> To:     Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> i am using python 3.7
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 8:43 AM Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at
> <mailto:aarizpe448 at>> wrote:
>     it is for windows 7 64 bits but i will be targeting windows 7 and 10
>     32 and 64 bits
>     i currently use a script i was able to work together and its for
>     automated screenshots
>     i imagined for the key strike counter for it to be similar because i
>     imagined it as defining keystrikes as x = 1 and for every new key
>     strike would apply x+=1 and saving it in a text file in a directory.
>     im sorry im a little new for third party libraries im using im
>     really just using the default script that comes with python
> installation
>     to make example here is the code i use for automated screenshots
>     import sys
>     import os
>     from datetime import date
>     import pyautogui
>     import time
>     import shutil
>     today = str(
>     os.chdir ('C:\\Program Files\\Python37\\tll')
>     os.mkdir (today)
>     x=1
>     while x<1080:
>     pyautogui.screenshot('/Program
>     Files/Python37/tll/'+str(today)+'/image'+str(x)+'.png')
>     x+=1
>     time.sleep(30)
>     On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 3:30 AM Alan Gauld via Tutor
>     <tutor at <mailto:tutor at>> wrote:
>         On 19/06/2019 23:30, Antonio Arizpe wrote:
>         > i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and
>         adds up all
>         > the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total
>         amount of
>         > times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about
>         characters. just how
>         > many times it was struck in a real number.
>         It is possible, but it will likely be OS specific so you need to
>         tell us which OS you are using/targeting.
>         Also any code that you've tried always helps along with any error
>         messages. Also tell us about any 3rd party libraries you are using.
>         --
>         Alan G
>         Author of the Learn to Program web site
>         Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
>         _______________________________________________
>         Tutor maillist?? -?? Tutor at <mailto:Tutor at>
>         To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From steve at  Thu Jun 20 22:10:30 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:10:30 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] word printing issue
In-Reply-To: <042101d52755$16e5f3d0$44b1db70$>
References: <042101d52755$16e5f3d0$44b1db70$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sean,

Your subject line says "word printing issue", but the body of your email 
says nothing about an issue printing words.

Have you tried print(word)?

Further comments and questions below.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 08:44:06PM +1000, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> I have a list of strings that I want to break them into separate words, and
> a combination of words then store them into a list. Example below of a
> string:
> "Hello Python team".
> The data structure:
> [ ['Hello'],
>   ['Hello', 'Python'],
>   ['Hello', 'Python', 'team'],
>   ['Python'],
>   ['Python', 'team'],
>   ['team'] ]

I've taken the liberty of correcting some obviouis typos in the data 

Sean wrote:

> I want to know if there is a better method in doing this without the
> requirement of a module.

Better than what? How are you doing it now?

Why don't you want to use a module?

Sean wrote:

> Eventually I want to count the number of hits in a
> list of strings based upon the word combinations regardless where they are
> located in the string. This last part is something I am struggling with to
> get results that are correct.

I'm struggling to understand what you mean. I don't understand what the 
word combinations part has to do with the problem.

If all you want to do is count each word, you could try this:

from collections import Counter
text = "Hello Python team"
c = Counter(text.split())

which will print something like:

Counter({'team': 1, 'Python': 1, 'Hello': 1})

(the order of the counts may be different).

> I have stored them in a dictionary and get
> unexpected totals. 

Either your expectations are wrong, and the totals are correct, or your 
expectations are correct, and the code counting them is wrong.

Without knowing either your expectations or the code counting the 
totals, I cannot guess which is the case.

> Was thinking of using collection and still working on it.
> If the above could be improved. I would be grateful.

Without knowing what you are doing, it is hard to suggest improvements.

"Dear cooking experts, I'm baking a cake and it turned out all wrong. 
What can I do to make it better? Thanks in advance."


From markos at  Thu Jun 20 19:39:35 2019
From: markos at (Markos)
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 20:39:35 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] difference between array([1,0,1]) and array([[1,0,1]])
Message-ID: <>


I'm studying Numpy and I don't understand the difference between

>>> vector_1 = np.array( [ 1,0,1 ] )

with 1 bracket and

>>> vector_2 = np.array( [ [ 1,0,1 ] ] )

with 2 brackets

The shape of vector_1 is:

>>> vector_1.shape

But the shape of vector_2 is:

>>> vector_2.shape
(1, 3)

The transpose on vector_1 don't work:

>>> vector_1.T
array([1, 0, 1])

But the transpose method in vector_2 works fine:

>>> vector_2.T
 ?????? [0],
 ?????? [1]])

I thought that both vectors would be treated as an matrix of 1 row and 3 

Why this difference?

Any tip?

Thank you,

From mhysnm1964 at  Thu Jun 20 20:00:10 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:00:10 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] word printing issue
In-Reply-To: <qegc29$5cq0$>
References: <042101d52755$16e5f3d0$44b1db70$>
Message-ID: <00bf01d527c4$4c79c660$e56d5320$>

Thanks, so much to learn.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Friday, 21 June 2019 2:26 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] word printing issue

On 20/06/2019 11:44, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have a list of strings that I want to break them into separate 
> words, and a combination of words then store them into a list. Example 
> below of a
> string:

> "Hello Python team".
> The data structure:
> [ ['Hello'],
> ['Hello', 'Python'],
> ['Hello', 'Python', 'team'],
> ]'Python'],
> ]'Python', 'team'],
> ['team'] ]
> I want to know if there is a better method in doing this without the 
> requirement of a module.

Modules are there to be used...

Here is one with itertools from the standard library that gets close:

input = "hello Python team".split()
result = []
for n in range(len(input):
   result += [item for item in it.combinations(input,n+1)]

If you really want to do it from scratch then Google combinations algorithm,
or look on wikipedia.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From mhysnm1964 at  Thu Jun 20 20:01:43 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:01:43 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] collections and mappings
Message-ID: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>



I have reviewed the collection module and do not understand mappings. I have
seen this in other languages and have never got the concept. Can someone
explain this at a very high level.  




From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 21 04:11:03 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 09:11:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] collections and mappings
In-Reply-To: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>
References: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>
Message-ID: <qei3en$1ro6$>

On 21/06/2019 01:01, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have reviewed the collection module and do not understand mappings. I have
> seen this in other languages and have never got the concept. Can someone
> explain this at a very high level.  

OK. You are a master of the open ended question so I'm
not sure what aspect you don't understand.
But I'll start at the beginning and take it as far as Python.
But you are opening a vary large can of worms...

Mappings, in programming terms, are related to a mathematical concept.
See Wikipedia for a more detailed account of math mapping.

In simplistic terms a mapping comprises two sets of data, one an input
the other an output. The map is the set of relationships between input
and output. Thus given input of {a, b, c} and output of {1,2,3,4,5}
We might have any of several mappings between these. A simple 1:1
mapping might be

{a,1}, {b,2}, {c,3}

But we can have 1:N or N:1 or N:M mappings too:

{a,1,2} {b,3} {c,4}     - a 1:N mapping
{a,1} {b,1}, {c,3}      - an N:1 mapping
{a,1,2} {b,2},{c,1,3}   - a N:M mapping

Note that the mapping does not have to include all of
the output elements.

The mapping may be arbitrary, as above or it may be defined
as a function:

{a, f(a)} {b,f(b)} {c,f(c)}

Or even as a set of functions...

In programming, and particularly in Python, this tends to
be represented as a dictionary (or sometimes a class).

So the mappings above could be shown as:

input = ['a','b','c']
output = [1,2,3]
1_1 = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
1_N = {'a':(1,2)'b':(1,),'c':(3,)}
N_1 = {'a':1,'b':1,'c':3}
N_M = {'a':(1,2),'b':(2,),'c:(1,3)}

def f(x): return x*2
1_f = {'a':f('a'),'b':f('b'),'c':f('c')}

List comprehensions and generator expressions are also
commonly used to create mappings, especially the functional

I have no idea if the addressed any of your questions
but if not please ask again, but with something more specific.

PS. To the real mathematicians on the list. My math
is very rusty, if I've made any major gaffes please
feel free to correct/amend my scribblings.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mats at  Fri Jun 21 09:36:19 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 07:36:19 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] difference between array([1,0,1]) and array([[1,0,1]])
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/20/19 5:39 PM, Markos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm studying Numpy and I don't understand the difference between
>>>> vector_1 = np.array( [ 1,0,1 ] )
> with 1 bracket and
>>>> vector_2 = np.array( [ [ 1,0,1 ] ] )
> with 2 brackets

the first is one-dimensional, the second two-dimensional.  If we expand
how we write the second a bit does it make it more clear?

   [1, 0, 1],
   # no other elements

the double brackets look magical, but as soon as you have more than one
row it makes sense.

> The shape of vector_1 is:
>>>> vector_1.shape
> (3,)
> But the shape of vector_2 is:
>>>> vector_2.shape
> (1, 3)
> The transpose on vector_1 don't work:
>>>> vector_1.T
> array([1, 0, 1])
> But the transpose method in vector_2 works fine:
>>>> vector_2.T
> array([[1],
> ?????? [0],
> ?????? [1]])
> I thought that both vectors would be treated as an matrix of 1 row and 3
> columns.
> Why this difference?
> Any tip?
> Thank you,
> Markos
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From aarizpe448 at  Fri Jun 21 09:59:11 2019
From: aarizpe448 at (Antonio Arizpe)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 08:59:11 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Hii
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Hey ive looked everywhere and i would really appreciate the guidance
i know its not too complicated by google search results dodge my real

i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and adds up all
the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total amount of
times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about characters. just how
many times it was struck in a real number.

it is for windows 7 64 bits but i will be targeting windows 7 and 10 32 and
64 bits
it does not mean to be application specific.

just a +1 rule every time the keyboard is pressed so i can run it get a
real number at the end of the day

im just resending this because i recieved a updated mail to please select
respond all when responding to these emails which i had not been

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 4:59 PM Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 12:36 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at>
> wrote:
>> Forwarding to list.
>> Please use Reply-All or Reply-List when responding to list emails.
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject:        Re: [Tutor] Hii
>> Date:   Thu, 20 Jun 2019 08:50:31 -0500
>> From:   Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at>
>> To:     Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
>> i am using python 3.7
>> On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 8:43 AM Antonio Arizpe <aarizpe448 at
>> <mailto:aarizpe448 at>> wrote:
>>     it is for windows 7 64 bits but i will be targeting windows 7 and 10
>>     32 and 64 bits
>>     i currently use a script i was able to work together and its for
>>     automated screenshots
>>     i imagined for the key strike counter for it to be similar because i
>>     imagined it as defining keystrikes as x = 1 and for every new key
>>     strike would apply x+=1 and saving it in a text file in a directory.
>>     im sorry im a little new for third party libraries im using im
>>     really just using the default script that comes with python
>> installation
>>     to make example here is the code i use for automated screenshots
>>     import sys
>>     import os
>>     from datetime import date
>>     import pyautogui
>>     import time
>>     import shutil
>>     today = str(
>>     os.chdir ('C:\\Program Files\\Python37\\tll')
>>     os.mkdir (today)
>>     x=1
>>     while x<1080:
>>     pyautogui.screenshot('/Program
>>     Files/Python37/tll/'+str(today)+'/image'+str(x)+'.png')
>>     x+=1
>>     time.sleep(30)
>>     On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 3:30 AM Alan Gauld via Tutor
>>     <tutor at <mailto:tutor at>> wrote:
>>         On 19/06/2019 23:30, Antonio Arizpe wrote:
>>         > i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and
>>         adds up all
>>         > the times youve struck a key and gives a number of the total
>>         amount of
>>         > times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about
>>         characters. just how
>>         > many times it was struck in a real number.
>>         It is possible, but it will likely be OS specific so you need to
>>         tell us which OS you are using/targeting.
>>         Also any code that you've tried always helps along with any error
>>         messages. Also tell us about any 3rd party libraries you are
>> using.
>>         --
>>         Alan G
>>         Author of the Learn to Program web site
>>         Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
>>         _______________________________________________
>>         Tutor maillist?? -?? Tutor at <mailto:Tutor at>
>>         To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From mhysnm1964 at  Fri Jun 21 06:39:46 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 20:39:46 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] collections and mappings
In-Reply-To: <qei3en$1ro6$>
References: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>
Message-ID: <009a01d5281d$a71547d0$f53fd770$>


I think I understand, but that type of maths I have not touched in 40 years. Thus why I am not getting the concept. ? It was an open question as I had no clue what it was and I should have asked. Lets park the question for now and I will read the references. As I am not sure if this will help my program that I am struggling with. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Friday, 21 June 2019 6:11 PM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] collections and mappings

On 21/06/2019 01:01, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have reviewed the collection module and do not understand mappings. 
> I have seen this in other languages and have never got the concept. 
> Can someone explain this at a very high level.

OK. You are a master of the open ended question so I'm not sure what aspect you don't understand.
But I'll start at the beginning and take it as far as Python.
But you are opening a vary large can of worms...

Mappings, in programming terms, are related to a mathematical concept.
See Wikipedia for a more detailed account of math mapping.

In simplistic terms a mapping comprises two sets of data, one an input the other an output. The map is the set of relationships between input and output. Thus given input of {a, b, c} and output of {1,2,3,4,5} We might have any of several mappings between these. A simple 1:1 mapping might be

{a,1}, {b,2}, {c,3}

But we can have 1:N or N:1 or N:M mappings too:

{a,1,2} {b,3} {c,4}     - a 1:N mapping
{a,1} {b,1}, {c,3}      - an N:1 mapping
{a,1,2} {b,2},{c,1,3}   - a N:M mapping

Note that the mapping does not have to include all of the output elements.

The mapping may be arbitrary, as above or it may be defined as a function:

{a, f(a)} {b,f(b)} {c,f(c)}

Or even as a set of functions...

In programming, and particularly in Python, this tends to be represented as a dictionary (or sometimes a class).

So the mappings above could be shown as:

input = ['a','b','c']
output = [1,2,3]
1_1 = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
1_N = {'a':(1,2)'b':(1,),'c':(3,)}
N_1 = {'a':1,'b':1,'c':3}
N_M = {'a':(1,2),'b':(2,),'c:(1,3)}

def f(x): return x*2
1_f = {'a':f('a'),'b':f('b'),'c':f('c')}

List comprehensions and generator expressions are also commonly used to create mappings, especially the functional sort.

I have no idea if the addressed any of your questions but if not please ask again, but with something more specific.

PS. To the real mathematicians on the list. My math is very rusty, if I've made any major gaffes please feel free to correct/amend my scribblings.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 21 18:06:47 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:06:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Hii
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qejkdn$4chq$>

On 21/06/2019 14:59, Antonio Arizpe wrote:

> i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and adds up all
> the times you've struck a key and gives a number of the total amount of
> times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about characters. just how
> many times it was struck in a real number.

If you only wanted to do this for your own application it would be
relatively simple but since it seems you want to do it for the
computer as a whole that raises a whole extra level of complexity.

Some issues to consider:

1) If this is not just installed on your own personal computer it could
be illegal - breach of personal privacy legislation in many countries
prohibits key logging.

2) Do you care about users logging in remotely? Do you need to just log
the current user logged in for the current GUI session or do you also
want to record activity by other remote hosts logging in?

3) What about virtual machines running on the computer? Do you want to
capture keystrokes within those VMs? That might be tricky as it may not
show up in the native OS. It may even depend on the VM the user is running.

4) Do you care about which user is logged in or do you want to record
keystrokes for every user of the computer?

5) Is it only counting for a single session or  for multiple sessions?
This is more of an application design question that keylogging per se...

Leaving those issues aside and looking only at the keylogging aspects.
Your best bet is to find a third party module that does it for you.
Failing that you will need to use the OS facilities which is never a
trivial exercise. It is also the kind of low level feature that can
change between OS versions (especially between 32bit and 64bit versions)

If you plan to use it on multiple OS then the technique will likely
differ between OS - MacOS and Linux may be similar but windows will
be different.

Let's assume the simplest case where you only want this for personal use
on a computer where you are the only user and don't run any other OS
either dual boot or in a VM. in that case you could write a Python
application that does keylogging and put it in your startup group.
How you notify it to stop recording before the computer shuts down is
another issue and how it records/displays its results needs thought too.

On Windows you might need to use ctypes to access the raw Win32 API or
the PyWwin32 Python package may include functions that will do the job
for you.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 21 18:09:33 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:09:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] collections and mappings
In-Reply-To: <009a01d5281d$a71547d0$f53fd770$>
References: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>
 <qei3en$1ro6$> <009a01d5281d$a71547d0$f53fd770$>
Message-ID: <qejkit$4chq$>

On 21/06/2019 11:39, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I think I understand, but that type of maths I have not touched in 40 years.

The real point is that in Python terms a mapping is nearly
always just another name for a dictionary. Either a set
of key/value pairs or a set of key/function pairs.

Very occasionally it will be a class rather than a dictionary.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From aarizpe448 at  Fri Jun 21 18:18:02 2019
From: aarizpe448 at (Antonio Arizpe)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 17:18:02 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Hii
In-Reply-To: <qejkdn$4chq$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

if it cannot escape the simplicity of logging the keyboard as a individual
mechanical entity i can understand that better now because you are right it
all comes down to the OS or the driver handling to even be able to begin
the register of a device.

but i am more than willing to be as basic implementation as i need to be

i only need this to function on windows 7 and 10, 32 and 64 bits
i dont need any specificity to the counter other than the numeric sum of
clicks pressed on the local machine.
as far as this idea goes its very fair to make it as simple as possible.
no VMs, single user, no key logging other than just a number at the end of
the day.

i would just really appreciate it if before shutting down i can open a text
file and it says


On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 5:09 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at>

> On 21/06/2019 14:59, Antonio Arizpe wrote:
> > i just need help with a script thats registers keystrikes and adds up all
> > the times you've struck a key and gives a number of the total amount of
> > times the keyboard was struck. nothing specific about characters. just
> how
> > many times it was struck in a real number.
> If you only wanted to do this for your own application it would be
> relatively simple but since it seems you want to do it for the
> computer as a whole that raises a whole extra level of complexity.
> Some issues to consider:
> 1) If this is not just installed on your own personal computer it could
> be illegal - breach of personal privacy legislation in many countries
> prohibits key logging.
> 2) Do you care about users logging in remotely? Do you need to just log
> the current user logged in for the current GUI session or do you also
> want to record activity by other remote hosts logging in?
> 3) What about virtual machines running on the computer? Do you want to
> capture keystrokes within those VMs? That might be tricky as it may not
> show up in the native OS. It may even depend on the VM the user is running.
> 4) Do you care about which user is logged in or do you want to record
> keystrokes for every user of the computer?
> 5) Is it only counting for a single session or  for multiple sessions?
> This is more of an application design question that keylogging per se...
> Leaving those issues aside and looking only at the keylogging aspects.
> Your best bet is to find a third party module that does it for you.
> Failing that you will need to use the OS facilities which is never a
> trivial exercise. It is also the kind of low level feature that can
> change between OS versions (especially between 32bit and 64bit versions)
> If you plan to use it on multiple OS then the technique will likely
> differ between OS - MacOS and Linux may be similar but windows will
> be different.
> Let's assume the simplest case where you only want this for personal use
> on a computer where you are the only user and don't run any other OS
> either dual boot or in a VM. in that case you could write a Python
> application that does keylogging and put it in your startup group.
> How you notify it to stop recording before the computer shuts down is
> another issue and how it records/displays its results needs thought too.
> On Windows you might need to use ctypes to access the raw Win32 API or
> the PyWwin32 Python package may include functions that will do the job
> for you.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From steve at  Fri Jun 21 20:41:14 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 10:41:14 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Hii
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 05:18:02PM -0500, Antonio Arizpe wrote:

> i only need this to function on windows 7 and 10, 32 and 64 bits
> i dont need any specificity to the counter other than the numeric sum of
> clicks pressed on the local machine.
> as far as this idea goes its very fair to make it as simple as possible.
> no VMs, single user, no key logging other than just a number at the end of
> the day.

which was the first result here:

Here's another one:

which I found here:


From steve at  Fri Jun 21 21:31:57 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:31:57 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] difference between array([1,0,1]) and array([[1,0,1]])
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 08:39:35PM -0300, Markos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm studying Numpy and I don't understand the difference between
> >>>vector_1 = np.array( [ 1,0,1 ] )
> with 1 bracket and
> >>>vector_2 = np.array( [ [ 1,0,1 ] ] )
> with 2 brackets

I'm not really sure what you don't get here. The first is a one 
dimensional vector with three items, the second is a two dimensional 
array with one row and three columns. But you know that, because you 
checked the shape of each one:

> >>>vector_1.shape
> (3,)

> >>>vector_2.shape
> (1, 3)

If you want a 2D shape, you need to provide a 2D argument. If you want a 
3D shape, you need a 3D argument. And so forth.

> I thought that both vectors would be treated as an matrix of 1 row and 3 
> columns.

Why 1x3 rather than 3x1?

> Why this difference?

Because that's how numpy arrays are designed to work. I'm not sure what 
sort of answer you expect.


From steve at  Fri Jun 21 21:57:07 2019
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:57:07 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] collections and mappings
In-Reply-To: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>
References: <00c001d527c4$83b777d0$8b266770$>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 10:01:43AM +1000, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> I have reviewed the collection module and do not understand mappings. I have
> seen this in other languages and have never got the concept. Can someone
> explain this at a very high level.  

It might help if you remember that dicts are a kind of mapping.

Another name for dicts are "associative arrays".

In the most general terms, a mapping is an association between one or 
more pieces of information and another one or more pieces of 
information. That is so general as to be completely abstract, and I 
think it will be more useful to give some concrete examples.

If you are American, you probably have a social security number. There 
is a mapping between your social security number and you, the person: 
the government associates data about you with the social security 

If you have used a regular paper dictionary, it is a mapping between 
words and definitions. We say the word maps to the definition.

In Python terms, we would use a dict, using the word as the key and the 
definition as the value. For example:

        """"The period of human life intermediate between the idiocy 
        of infancy and the folly of youth?two removes from the sin of 
        manhood and three from the remorse of age.""",

        """An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the 

        """A parlor utensil for subduing the impenitent visitor. It 
        is operated by depressing the keys of the machine and the 
        spirits of the audience.""",

        """The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. 
        The words erroneously repeated."""

Does this help?


From markos at  Sat Jun 22 11:20:54 2019
From: markos at (Markos)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 12:20:54 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Difference between array( [1, 0, 1] ) and array( [ [1, 0,
 1] ] )
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Edmondo, Stephen, Mats and Steven you for the tips,

I studied linear algebra many years ago and I remember only a few rudiments.

But I was trying to visualize (in a geometric way) how the numpy 
represents arrays, and what the geometrical meaning of the transpose 
operation made by numpy.

I think I understood a little bit more.

The number of nested brackets indicates the number of array dimensions.
the vector ( [1,2] ) is one-dimensional, but the vector ( [ [1,2] ] ) is 

v_1 = np.array( [1,2] )
 > v_1.shape
 > v_1
 > v_1
array( [1, 2] )
 > v_2 = np.array( [ [1,2] ] )
 > v_2.shape
(1, 2)

And it does not make sense to transpose a one-dimensional array.

 > v_1.T
array( [1, 2] )
 > v_2.T
array( [ [1],
 ???????????? [2] ] )

Anothe example:

vector_1 = np.array( [?? 1,?? 2,?? 3,?? 4,?? 5,?? 6,?? 7,?? 8? ] )

 ????????????????????????????????? ^

vector_2 = np.array( [??? [1, 2, 3, 4],??? [5, 6, 7, 8]? ]? )

 ????????????????????????????????? ^? ^

vector_3 = np.array( [?? [?? [1,2],? [3,4]? ], [? [5,6],?? [7,8] ]? ]? )

 ????????????????????????????????? ^ ^ ^

 > vector_1
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
 > vector_2
array( [ [1, 2, 3, 4],
 ???????????? [5, 6, 7, 8] ] )
 > vector_3
array( [ [ [1, 2],
 ?????????????? [3, 4] ],

 ???????????? [ [5, 6],
 ?????????????? [7, 8] ] ] )

And looking for some tutorial about geometric aspects of matrices and 
the geometric meaning of the transpose I found that transposed is 
"mirrored along the diagonal" at:

array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
 > vector_2.T
array( [ [1, 5],
 ???????????? [2, 6],
 ???????????? [3, 7],
 ???????????? [4, 8] ] )
 > vector_3.T
array( [ [ [1, 5],
 ?????????????? [3, 7]],

 ???????????? [ [2, 6],
 ?????????????? [4, 8] ] ] )

Thank you,

Em 21-06-2019 07:44, edmondo.giovannozzi at escreveu:
> Every array in numpy has a number of dimensions,
> "np.array" is a function that can create an array numpy given a list.
> when  you write
> vector_1  = np.array([1,2,1])
> you are passing a list of number to thet function array that will create a 1D array.
> As you are showing:
> vector_1.shape
> will return a tuple with the sizes of each dimension of the array that is:
> (3,)
> Note the comma thta indicate that is a tuple.
> While if you write:
> vector_2 = np.array([[1,2,3]])
> You are passing a list of list to the function array that will instruct it to crete a 2D array, even though the size of the first dimension is 1:
> vector_2.shape
> (1,3)
> It is still a tuple as you can see.
> Try:
> vector_3 = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
> And you'll see that i'll return a 2D array with a shape:
> vector_3.shape
> (2,3)
> As the external list has 2 elements that is two sublists each with 3 elements.
> The vector_2 case is just when the external list has only 1 element.
> I hope it is more clear now.
> Cherrs,
> Il giorno venerd? 21 giugno 2019 08:29:36 UTC+2, Markos ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>> I'm studying Numpy and I don't understand the difference between
>>>>> vector_1 = np.array( [ 1,0,1 ] )
>> with 1 bracket and
>>>>> vector_2 = np.array( [ [ 1,0,1 ] ] )
>> with 2 brackets
>> The shape of vector_1 is:
>>>>> vector_1.shape
>> (3,)
>> But the shape of vector_2 is:
>>>>> vector_2.shape
>> (1, 3)
>> The transpose on vector_1 don't work:
>>>>> vector_1.T
>> array([1, 0, 1])
>> But the transpose method in vector_2 works fine:
>>>>> vector_2.T
>> array([[1],
>>   ?????? [0],
>>   ?????? [1]])
>> I thought that both vectors would be treated as an matrix of 1 row and 3
>> columns.
>> Why this difference?
>> Any tip?
>> Thank you,
>> Markos

From johnf at  Mon Jun 24 12:15:36 2019
From: johnf at (johnf)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 09:15:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
Message-ID: <>

Hi folks,

I have the following loop (actually repeated many times )

def locChoices(self):
 ??????? locDS = self.eslocation.getDataSet()
 ??????? loc_Choices=['<None>']
 ??????? locKeys=[0]
 ??????? for row in locDS:
 ??????????? loc_Choices.append(row['facility'])
 ??????????? locKeys.append(row['pkid'])

return loc_Choices,locKeys

where locDS is a tuple of dicts and a row is a dict.

Since I use a lot of similar loops to populate many dropdown controls I 
started investigating the use of list comprehensions.? But I can't 
figure out how to use them in this loop and wonder if it will improve 
the performance.? The data is not very big - about a thousand rows - 
give or take.

So what do you guys think?


From __peter__ at  Mon Jun 24 12:48:28 2019
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 18:48:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
References: <>
Message-ID: <qequsu$54ri$>

johnf wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have the following loop (actually repeated many times )

If you have repetetive code look into ways to parameterize it, like

def choices(rows, choices_column, keys_column):

> def locChoices(self):
>  locDS = self.eslocation.getDataSet()
>  loc_Choices=['<None>']
>  locKeys=[0]
>  for row in locDS:
>  loc_Choices.append(row['facility'])
>  locKeys.append(row['pkid'])
> return loc_Choices,locKeys
> where locDS is a tuple of dicts and a row is a dict.
> Since I use a lot of similar loops to populate many dropdown controls I
> started investigating the use of list comprehensions.  But I can't
> figure out how to use them in this loop 

You need two loops in this case

choices = ["<None>"] + [row["facility"] for row in ds]
keys = [0] + [row["pkid"] for row in ds]

> and wonder if it will improve
> the performance. 

No, list comprehensions are unlikely to improve performance.

> The data is not very big - about a thousand rows -
> give or take.
> So what do you guys think?

Are you sure (aka: did you measure that) building these lists takes a 
significant amount of time?
If there is a GUI involved any delay you notice is more likely to stem from 
filling the widgets than from preparing the lists. 

From mats at  Mon Jun 24 13:48:39 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 11:48:39 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/24/19 10:15 AM, johnf wrote:
> Since I use a lot of similar loops to populate many dropdown controls I
> started investigating the use of list comprehensions.? But I can't
> figure out how to use them in this loop and wonder if it will improve
> the performance. 

To amplify a tiny bit on what Peter said: comprehensions are a more
concise way to express a loop-to-build-a-collection, but I don't believe
were intended specifically as a performance improvement.

They may be a little faster on the principle of "avoiding dots" - that
is, the lookup every time through your loop from listname.append does
take a little bit of time.  And probably more significantly, append is a
function that has to be called, and the setup stack frame/call/return
sequence also takes some time. So depending on circumstances you may see
insignificant or significant performance differences.

But, again -

Rule number one: only optimize when there is a proven speed bottleneck

From ar at  Mon Jun 24 14:48:02 2019
From: ar at (Arup Rakshit)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 00:18:02 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Python type annotation question
Message-ID: <>

I am little experimenting with Python type annotation today. I wrote a simple class as below:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> class Person:
...     dob: date
...     def __init__(self, dob):
...             self.dob = dob
>>> Person(11)
<__main__.Person object at 0x10e078128>
>>> p = Person(11)
>>> p.dob

Although I marked dob as date type, why am I able to assign it an int? So my question how does type annotation helps, when should we use them and what advantages it brings?


Arup Rakshit
ar at

From mats at  Mon Jun 24 15:24:43 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:24:43 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Python type annotation question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/24/19 12:48 PM, Arup Rakshit wrote:
> I am little experimenting with Python type annotation today. I wrote a simple class as below:
>>>> from datetime import date
>>>> class Person:
> ...     dob: date
> ...     def __init__(self, dob):
> ...             self.dob = dob
> ... 
>>>> Person(11)
> <__main__.Person object at 0x10e078128>
>>>> p = Person(11)
>>>> p.dob
> 11
> Although I marked dob as date type, why am I able to assign it an int? So my question how does type annotation helps, when should we use them and what advantages it brings?

it's a mechansim to support static checking in various forms - tools,
IDES, etc.  It also serves to document your intent without having to
write as much in the docstring.

Python remains a "consenting adults" language, that is if you really
want to do something, you can, so the type hints are not enforced at
runtime.  Since it's not always the case that doing something possible
is a good idea, the type hints are there to make it easier to detect issues.

Your annotation looks funky, by the way, I'd expect to see it written as:

> ...     def __init__(self, dob: date):

From johnf at  Mon Jun 24 16:50:36 2019
From: johnf at (johnf)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:50:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Actually I do not see a reply from Peter??????? I don't have a clue what 
was said.

I realize that performance is not a big issue in this case - of course 
an increase in speed is always welcome.? I was more interested in a 
better understanding of the list comprehensions.? Since I have so many 
of these loops I thought it might be best if I tried using comprehensions.


On 6/24/19 10:48 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 6/24/19 10:15 AM, johnf wrote:
> .
>> Since I use a lot of similar loops to populate many dropdown controls I
>> started investigating the use of list comprehensions.? But I can't
>> figure out how to use them in this loop and wonder if it will improve
>> the performance.
> To amplify a tiny bit on what Peter said: comprehensions are a more
> concise way to express a loop-to-build-a-collection, but I don't believe
> were intended specifically as a performance improvement.
> They may be a little faster on the principle of "avoiding dots" - that
> is, the lookup every time through your loop from listname.append does
> take a little bit of time.  And probably more significantly, append is a
> function that has to be called, and the setup stack frame/call/return
> sequence also takes some time. So depending on circumstances you may see
> insignificant or significant performance differences.
> But, again -
> Rule number one: only optimize when there is a proven speed bottleneck
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From PyTutor at  Mon Jun 24 17:03:44 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 09:03:44 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi John,

On 25/06/19 4:15 AM, johnf wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have the following loop (actually repeated many times )
> def locChoices(self):
>  ??????? locDS = self.eslocation.getDataSet()
>  ??????? loc_Choices=['<None>']
>  ??????? locKeys=[0]
>  ??????? for row in locDS:
>  ??????????? loc_Choices.append(row['facility'])
>  ??????????? locKeys.append(row['pkid'])
> return loc_Choices,locKeys
> where locDS is a tuple of dicts and a row is a dict.
> Since I use a lot of similar loops to populate many dropdown controls I 
> started investigating the use of list comprehensions.? But I can't 
> figure out how to use them in this loop and wonder if it will improve 
> the performance.? The data is not very big - about a thousand rows - 
> give or take.
> So what do you guys think?

Just because this morning I needed something to kick-start my sleepy 
brain into being able to "think"...

When most people think of 'multiples' in the context of 
list-comprehensions, they are talking about "nested-loops" - which are 
easy-enough (or at least, well-documented).

However, I've often wondered about the multiple being on the 'left-hand 
side' of the equation/expression, and whether that is even possible?

It is!

Python 3.6.8 (default, Mar 21 2019, 10:08:12)
[GCC 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

# build the data-structure (I hope)
 >>> d1 = { 'pkid':1, 'facility':'here' }
 >>> d2 = { 'pkid':2, 'facility':'there' }
 >>> d3 = { 'pkid':3, 'facility':'nowhere' }
 >>> locDS = ( d1, d2, d3 )

# let's check that the data-format is as-described?
 >>> type( locDS )
<class 'tuple'>
 >>> for row in locDS: print( row )
{'pkid': 1, 'facility': 'here'}
{'pkid': 2, 'facility': 'there'}
{'pkid': 3, 'facility': 'nowhere'}
# are we on the right track?

# this is the original code and approach
 >>> loc_Choices = [ '<None>' ]
 >>> locKeys = [ 0 ]
 >>> for row in locDS:
...     loc_Choices.append( row[ 'facility' ] )
...     locKeys.append( row[ 'pkid' ] )
# which (I hope) shows the existing (and desired) results
 >>> print( loc_Choices )
['<None>', 'here', 'there', 'nowhere']
 >>> print( locKeys )
[0, 1, 2, 3]

# we can do the list inits, cf leaving it to the list comprehension
 >>> loc_Choices = [ '<None>' ]
 >>> locKeys = [ 0 ]

# but how might we achieve this using a (single) list comprehension?
 >>> [ [ loc_Choices.append( row[ 'facility' ] ), locKeys.append( row[ 
'pkid' ] ) ] for row in locDS ]
# in (proper) code, I'd format this over two lines (at least)

# correct me if I'm wrong, but these o/ps will
# 'disappear into the ether' when run within a pgm...
[[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]]

# leaving us with 'the proof of the pudding'
 >>> print( loc_Choices )
['<None>', 'here', 'there', 'nowhere']
 >>> print( locKeys )
[0, 1, 2, 3]

Possible considerations:

1 some sample data would have eased the way/its lack leaves room for 

2 a list comprehension normally executes more quickly than the 
traditional (long-form) multi-line code-block. However, it would be 
worth measuring that on your particular machine h/w and Py__version__. 
The other 'efficiency' is readability, but "elegance" is largely a 
matter of (personal) taste. So that ('mine-field') I leave to you...

3 taking the multi-line code-block and splitting it into TWO separate 
(consecutive) list comprehensions (one for loc_Choices and the other for 
locKeys) will most-likely be noticeably MORE 'expensive'

4 it is no matter if row/the locDS tuple dict-elements contain more 
key-value pairs

5 during code review, my colleagues would delight in criticising the 
choice of names such as locKeys - describing them as "JavaScript" (a 
'dirty word' to some), loc_Choices as contrary to PEP-8 ("flake", or 
whatever), etc - despite that I have a little 'set' of abbreviations 
with which I do the same, eg locNR. YMMV!

6 however, this simple boy will venture criticism of the inconsistency 
in using the underline word-separator, eg locKeys but loc_Choices. Even 
more potential for confusion: locChoices and loc_Choices!?

7 consider the data structures (outside of our view, here). Assuming 
there are more elements in each 'loc dict', might it be just as easy to 
leave the two pertinent elements 'there' and iterate over locDS when 
actually applied. Alternately, perhaps it might be better to construct a 
dictionary with the 'pkid's as keys and the 'facility' as values for 
direct-access application? Not knowing how the structure(s) will be 
utilised makes this pure speculation!

8 any?every time "similar loops" are found, re-factor to a function
(let's see if that philosophy kicks-off a retort or two...)

9 was it Knuth who described "premature optimisation" as "evil"? 
Certainly I'm a believer in 'make it work before you make it better'. 
So, (after all that!) what are we really achieving here? With such 
quantities, is it critical to 'save time'? If so, is this part of the 
code really the greatest time-sink?
(and we're back to the 'readability' consideration, previously mentioned)

Thanks, for the provocation into answering this long-held question - and 
for the fact that my brain isn't sleepy any longer.
(mind you, such exertion suggests it must be time for a tea-break)...
Regards =dn

From johnf at  Mon Jun 24 18:24:51 2019
From: johnf at (johnf)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 15:24:51 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you - it worked!? I'm glad you are no longer sleepy!

Actually I wanted the naming to remain consistent with the other loops

So the name of the function/method (it is in a class) caused the use of 
the underscore

locChoices == location choices

def locChoices(self) cause me to use loc_Choices in the code.

I am torn about the readability of the code - at least in my mind I can 
read the loop a lot easier than I can read the comprehension.

Of course I considered the use of a function where I passed the required 
parameters.? But the issue is the access to the data - that getDataSet() 
was a performance hit when I used a passed parameter.? I could have 
opened/accessed/retrieve the data during the opening but thought it best 
to use a lazy data access as needed.

Today was not really about performance but more about learning to use 
the comprehension.? You see I did attempt to do create the 
comprehension.? But after seeing your code I realized that I had the '[' 
and the '{' confused.? I believed I had to use '{'.? I just reviewed a 
tutorial off the net and that was what they were using.

Thanks again,


> Just because this morning I needed something to kick-start my sleepy 
> brain into being able to "think"...
> When most people think of 'multiples' in the context of 
> list-comprehensions, they are talking about "nested-loops" - which are 
> easy-enough (or at least, well-documented).
> However, I've often wondered about the multiple being on the 
> 'left-hand side' of the equation/expression, and whether that is even 
> possible?
> It is!
> Thus:
> python3
> Python 3.6.8 (default, Mar 21 2019, 10:08:12)
> [GCC 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2)] on linux
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> # build the data-structure (I hope)
> >>> d1 = { 'pkid':1, 'facility':'here' }
> >>> d2 = { 'pkid':2, 'facility':'there' }
> >>> d3 = { 'pkid':3, 'facility':'nowhere' }
> >>> locDS = ( d1, d2, d3 )
> # let's check that the data-format is as-described?
> >>> type( locDS )
> <class 'tuple'>
> >>> for row in locDS: print( row )
> ...
> {'pkid': 1, 'facility': 'here'}
> {'pkid': 2, 'facility': 'there'}
> {'pkid': 3, 'facility': 'nowhere'}
> # are we on the right track?
> # this is the original code and approach
> >>> loc_Choices = [ '<None>' ]
> >>> locKeys = [ 0 ]
> >>> for row in locDS:
> ...???? loc_Choices.append( row[ 'facility' ] )
> ...???? locKeys.append( row[ 'pkid' ] )
> ...
> # which (I hope) shows the existing (and desired) results
> >>> print( loc_Choices )
> ['<None>', 'here', 'there', 'nowhere']
> >>> print( locKeys )
> [0, 1, 2, 3]
> # we can do the list inits, cf leaving it to the list comprehension
> >>> loc_Choices = [ '<None>' ]
> >>> locKeys = [ 0 ]
> # but how might we achieve this using a (single) list comprehension?
> >>> [ [ loc_Choices.append( row[ 'facility' ] ), locKeys.append( row[ 
> 'pkid' ] ) ] for row in locDS ]
> # in (proper) code, I'd format this over two lines (at least)
> # correct me if I'm wrong, but these o/ps will
> # 'disappear into the ether' when run within a pgm...
> [[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]]
> # leaving us with 'the proof of the pudding'
> >>> print( loc_Choices )
> ['<None>', 'here', 'there', 'nowhere']
> >>> print( locKeys )
> [0, 1, 2, 3]
> >>>
> Possible considerations:
> 1 some sample data would have eased the way/its lack leaves room for 
> misinterpretation
> 2 a list comprehension normally executes more quickly than the 
> traditional (long-form) multi-line code-block. However, it would be 
> worth measuring that on your particular machine h/w and Py__version__. 
> The other 'efficiency' is readability, but "elegance" is largely a 
> matter of (personal) taste. So that ('mine-field') I leave to you...
> 3 taking the multi-line code-block and splitting it into TWO separate 
> (consecutive) list comprehensions (one for loc_Choices and the other 
> for locKeys) will most-likely be noticeably MORE 'expensive'
> 4 it is no matter if row/the locDS tuple dict-elements contain more 
> key-value pairs
> 5 during code review, my colleagues would delight in criticising the 
> choice of names such as locKeys - describing them as "JavaScript" (a 
> 'dirty word' to some), loc_Choices as contrary to PEP-8 ("flake", or 
> whatever), etc - despite that I have a little 'set' of abbreviations 
> with which I do the same, eg locNR. YMMV!
> 6 however, this simple boy will venture criticism of the inconsistency 
> in using the underline word-separator, eg locKeys but loc_Choices. 
> Even more potential for confusion: locChoices and loc_Choices!?
> 7 consider the data structures (outside of our view, here). Assuming 
> there are more elements in each 'loc dict', might it be just as easy 
> to leave the two pertinent elements 'there' and iterate over locDS 
> when actually applied. Alternately, perhaps it might be better to 
> construct a dictionary with the 'pkid's as keys and the 'facility' as 
> values for direct-access application? Not knowing how the structure(s) 
> will be utilised makes this pure speculation!
> 8 any?every time "similar loops" are found, re-factor to a function
> (let's see if that philosophy kicks-off a retort or two...)
> 9 was it Knuth who described "premature optimisation" as "evil"? 
> Certainly I'm a believer in 'make it work before you make it better'. 
> So, (after all that!) what are we really achieving here? With such 
> quantities, is it critical to 'save time'? If so, is this part of the 
> code really the greatest time-sink?
> (and we're back to the 'readability' consideration, previously mentioned)
> Thanks, for the provocation into answering this long-held question - 
> and for the fact that my brain isn't sleepy any longer.
> (mind you, such exertion suggests it must be time for a tea-break)...

From mats at  Mon Jun 24 18:39:42 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 16:39:42 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/24/19 4:24 PM, johnf wrote:
> Thank you - it worked!? I'm glad you are no longer sleepy!
> Actually I wanted the naming to remain consistent with the other loops
> So the name of the function/method (it is in a class) caused the use of
> the underscore
> locChoices == location choices
> def locChoices(self) cause me to use loc_Choices in the code.
> I am torn about the readability of the code - at least in my mind I can
> read the loop a lot easier than I can read the comprehension.

That's actually fine.  There are plenty of people who don't think
comprehensions are more readable, at least unless they're really simple.
It's an odd self-fulfilling prophecy: if you use them a lot, they
usually start to feel more familiar. If you don't like the look of them,
you don't tend to use them, and they never reach that point :) But it's
also easy to abuse newer syntax - "newer must mean better" rather than
"oh, here's an addition that maybe is cleaner in some cases".

Do what works for you if you're the only person likely to look at the
code later.  If others may need to support it later, you may have to
think a little harder about how to write - readability is not a binary

> Of course I considered the use of a function where I passed the required
> parameters.? But the issue is the access to the data - that getDataSet()
> was a performance hit when I used a passed parameter.? I could have
> opened/accessed/retrieve the data during the opening but thought it best
> to use a lazy data access as needed.
> Today was not really about performance but more about learning to use
> the comprehension.? You see I did attempt to do create the
> comprehension.? But after seeing your code I realized that I had the '['
> and the '{' confused.? I believed I had to use '{'.? I just reviewed a
> tutorial off the net and that was what they were using.

With curly braces it would be a dictionary comprehension.

I just remembered I once saw a tutorial that I thought did a pretty nice
job on comprehensions, and I had saved the link, again it's down to
personal taste but take a gander at this to see if it makes sense:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 04:45:08 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 09:45:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] replacing a loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qesmuk$2nfu$>

On 24/06/2019 17:15, johnf wrote:

> def locChoices(self):
>  ??????? locDS = self.eslocation.getDataSet()
>  ??????? loc_Choices=['<None>']
>  ??????? locKeys=[0]
>  ??????? for row in locDS:
>  ??????????? loc_Choices.append(row['facility'])
>  ??????????? locKeys.append(row['pkid'])
>          return loc_Choices,locKeys

> ... and wonder if it will improve the performance.? 

Because you are building two lists in one loop it
probably won't do much for performance.
It might even be worse. As always measure.

But something else that might make a small
difference is the pre-fetch of the locations.

Why not:

for location in self.eslocation.getDataSet():

You don't use the locDS value anywhere other
than in the loop.

Also the choice of method name is unfortunate in
that you return both choices and keys but the method
name implies only choices.

Minor nit-picks...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mhysnm1964 at  Tue Jun 25 08:24:12 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 22:24:12 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.
Message-ID: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>



Windows 10, python 3.6.


I am trying to create a data structure. I might be using the wrong term here, but I am calling it a hierarchical tree. The properties of the tree I am trying to create is:

*	A single root node
*	A node can only have a single parent.
*	A parent can have multiple children.
*	Each node is unique.

This is also my first attempt in doing Object coding ever. Thus the terminology I am not going to use correct. ?


Data structure:

records = [?the brown fox',

    ?the brown cow?,

    ?the brown car?,

    ?the yellow car?,

    ?the green house?,

    ?yellow flowers?,

    ?the quick brown fox?]


What I am trying to do:

I want to create a tree structure that stores the first word under the root, the 2nd word under the first word as a child, ETC. the word ?the? for example can only occur once as a node. Below is an example of the tree structure I am trying to achieve:



Root / the

Root / the / brown

Root / the / brown / fox

Root / the / brown / cow

Root / the / brown / car 

Root / the / yellow

Root / the / yellow / car

Root / the / green 

Root / the / green / house

Root / the / quick 

Root / the / quick / brown 

Root / the / quick / brown / fox

Root / yellow

Root / yellow / flowers


The code I have used to break up the words and build a dictionary to identify the unique words plus the hit count:


nar_dict = {}

for text  in records:

    words = text.split()

    l = len(words)

    for i in range(1, l+1):

        # only method I have found to correctly join the words.

        tmp_list = words[:i]

        key = ' '.join(tmp_list)

        nar_dict[key] = 0


# perform the searches using dictionary key and count the number of hits.

for key, item  in nar_dict.items():

    print (key, item)

    for line  in records:

        if  line.startswith(key):

            nar_dict[key] += 1


The result  is (note, the output below is using a different data set):


{'the': 5, 'the brown': 3, 'the brown cow': 2, 'the brown car': 1, 'the yellow': 1, 'the yellow car': 1, 'yellow': 2, 'yellow house': 1, 'the quick': 1, 'the quick fox': 1, 'yellow flowers': 1}


The code below works fine if I want to have a single parent and a single child. The init definition I have used an empty array to store the children. I am not sure how I can reference the new node back to the parent node. I have looked at some packages like anytree and I got completely lost with the code. I have looked for examples on the net and did not find anything I could understand. Here is my code thus far with the children as a list.

# Value = hit counter 

# Name = node name 


class Node:

    def __init__(self, name, value):

        self.parent = None

        self.child = [] = name

        self.value = value

    def add_child(self, name, value):

        # Compare the new value with the parent node


            if name !=

                if  self.child is None:

                    self.parent = self.child

                    self.child = Node(name, value)


                    self.child.add_child(name, value)


    = name

            self.value = value

    # Print the tree

    def PrintTree(self):

        if self.child:


        print(, self.value),

I want to be able to do the following syntax:



Child = Node.children[0].children[0]

Parent = 



I know I will have to write a search and walk functionality. 


Any comments and tips on how to fix the parent issue. I would be grateful. Hopefully this is not to open ended. Done my best to be very specific. ?


Sean ? Open ended question master ?


From shaondebnath72 at  Tue Jun 25 04:53:21 2019
From: shaondebnath72 at (Shaon Debnath)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 14:23:21 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] python
Message-ID: <>

I just wanted to know all about map() function in python.

From sinardyxing at  Tue Jun 25 08:39:46 2019
From: sinardyxing at (Sinardy Xing)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 20:39:46 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
Message-ID: <>


I am a newbie with python and the data visualization.
I have completed pandas.DataFrame stuff and also the matplotlib.

All of the example that I learned from internet currently are using the
Anaconda Jupyter Notebook.
I know there are API where we can output the result of the graph to png,
will that be possible all these done automatically and dynamically via an
apps ?


Kind regards

From bgailer at  Tue Jun 25 09:21:54 2019
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 09:21:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jun 25, 2019 8:52 AM, "Shaon Debnath" <shaondebnath72 at> wrote:
> I just wanted to know all about map() function in python.


If after reading that you still have questions please come back and ask

Bob Gailer

From mats at  Tue Jun 25 10:25:35 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 08:25:35 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/25/19 6:39 AM, Sinardy Xing wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie with python and the data visualization.
> I have completed pandas.DataFrame stuff and also the matplotlib.
> All of the example that I learned from internet currently are using the
> Anaconda Jupyter Notebook.
> I know there are API where we can output the result of the graph to png,
> will that be possible all these done automatically and dynamically via an
> apps ?

You can generate graphs with mathplotlib.  If you're specifically
looking for a png, it looks a bit like this (assuming you want to follow
the usual conventions for shortening the name, which certainly isn't

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt


savefig looks at the file extension in determining what to output.

Without a specific question, I'm not sure what else we can say...

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 10:28:43 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:28:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qetb2r$7rfg$>

On 25/06/2019 13:39, Sinardy Xing wrote:

> All of the example that I learned from internet currently are using the
> Anaconda Jupyter Notebook.
> I know there are API where we can output the result of the graph to png,
> will that be possible all these done automatically and dynamically via an
> apps ?

If you mean "is it possible to write an app that does it all?" then
the answer is yes.

If you mean "is there an existing app that does it all?" the answer
is maybe. It depends on exactly what you want to do, what kind of
data you have etc. But a Google search is probably your best bet.

Python itself is just a programming language so somebody - possibly
you! - has to write the apps.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 10:48:30 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:48:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.
In-Reply-To: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
References: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
Message-ID: <qetc7v$2bss$>

On 25/06/2019 13:24, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

A much less open ended question :-)

> class Node:
>     def __init__(self, name, value):
>         self.parent = None
>         self.child = []

This should be plural if its a list. So call it children...
However I'm not really sure it should be a list, most
trees have two child nodes - called left and right by
convention. But some trees do have multiple children,
it's up to you.

> = name
>         self.value = value
>     def add_child(self, name, value):
>         # Compare the new value with the parent node
>         if
>             if name !=
>                 if  self.child is None:
>                     self.parent = self.child
>                     self.child = Node(name, value)
>                 else:
>                     self.child.add_child(name, value)
>         else:
>     = name
>             self.value = value

My first comment would be that in OOP we should be trying to use
objects so rather than pass name,value into the method pass another
Node instance:

def add_child(self, newNode):
    if !=
       newNode.parent = self

And if necessary call it like

myNode.add_child(Node(name, value))

However, looking at your code above you seem to be confused about which
node it adding which. self is the top level node to which you are adding
a child. So when finished you want the existing nodes parent to be
untouched and it's children list to include the new node.

Instead you are overwriting the list with the new Node instance and
setting the top level node's parent to the child. You really want the
child to have the top level as its parent.

The initial test of


shouldn't be necessary since you assign name when you create the node.
Without a name the node is pointless so you should check if name is None
in the init method and throw an exception (ValueError?) if name is not

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 10:48:30 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:48:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.
In-Reply-To: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
References: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
Message-ID: <qetc7v$2bss$>

On 25/06/2019 13:24, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

A much less open ended question :-)

> class Node:
>     def __init__(self, name, value):
>         self.parent = None
>         self.child = []

This should be plural if its a list. So call it children...
However I'm not really sure it should be a list, most
trees have two child nodes - called left and right by
convention. But some trees do have multiple children,
it's up to you.

> = name
>         self.value = value
>     def add_child(self, name, value):
>         # Compare the new value with the parent node
>         if
>             if name !=
>                 if  self.child is None:
>                     self.parent = self.child
>                     self.child = Node(name, value)
>                 else:
>                     self.child.add_child(name, value)
>         else:
>     = name
>             self.value = value

My first comment would be that in OOP we should be trying to use
objects so rather than pass name,value into the method pass another
Node instance:

def add_child(self, newNode):
    if !=
       newNode.parent = self

And if necessary call it like

myNode.add_child(Node(name, value))

However, looking at your code above you seem to be confused about which
node it adding which. self is the top level node to which you are adding
a child. So when finished you want the existing nodes parent to be
untouched and it's children list to include the new node.

Instead you are overwriting the list with the new Node instance and
setting the top level node's parent to the child. You really want the
child to have the top level as its parent.

The initial test of


shouldn't be necessary since you assign name when you create the node.
Without a name the node is pointless so you should check if name is None
in the init method and throw an exception (ValueError?) if name is not

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From sinardyxing at  Tue Jun 25 10:52:28 2019
From: sinardyxing at (Sinardy Xing)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 22:52:28 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Mats,

Thanks for the reply. I am so sorry the question was not clear. I was
rushing home when composing the question.

I have learned python and a little about the pandas lib also the
visualization lib such as maplotlib, I also learn on how to generate the
output (thanks again for that example I learned that too few days ago).

My question is, how currently all of this great technology glue together
and as a final product for the enduser. Because I cant imagine that we
install Anaconda Jupyter Notebook at frontend for the enduser to use it,
and give end user bunch of *.py

I read a little bit about Django web framework, I am not sure if my
understanding is correct. Therefore we are using Django as frontend tier
then it connected to backend python server running the calculation and all
other python stuff including the charting and send back the result to
django front end server for end user to consume.

My question is how is the end to end commonly use by company product, how
they present those charts to end user.?

Thanks very much for your kind reply, I am very new in this and all the
information is via selfstudy and online document including this forum.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:27 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:

> On 6/25/19 6:39 AM, Sinardy Xing wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am a newbie with python and the data visualization.
> > I have completed pandas.DataFrame stuff and also the matplotlib.
> >
> > All of the example that I learned from internet currently are using the
> > Anaconda Jupyter Notebook.
> > I know there are API where we can output the result of the graph to png,
> > will that be possible all these done automatically and dynamically via an
> > apps ?
> You can generate graphs with mathplotlib.  If you're specifically
> looking for a png, it looks a bit like this (assuming you want to follow
> the usual conventions for shortening the name, which certainly isn't
> required):
> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
> plt.savefig('foo.png')
> savefig looks at the file extension in determining what to output.
> Without a specific question, I'm not sure what else we can say...
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From stephen.m.smith at  Tue Jun 25 09:50:38 2019
From: stephen.m.smith at (stephen.m.smith at
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 09:50:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python Imported Code
Message-ID: <00dd01d52b5c$fc6fd230$f54f7690$>


I have written a 'program' that does some reasonable screen scraping off of
a specific website. The program has gotten too large so I have tried to
segment it into logical pieces (tkinter logic as a start) but I am having
problems. Specifically I need to pass several dictionaries to the module
(imported code) that validates some user selection and into the code that
navigates through the website. I have also created a variable that is set to
0 when a valid entry has been made by the user (telling the scraper what to
do) that needs to be checked in the scraper module that is waiting patiently
before it starts. There are multiple threads working as well because I may
need to run several session as once.

After struggling with my basic need - the ability to pass
variables/dictionaries across modules, especially imported modules, I have
read everything I can find and tried small, demo programs. But is till can't
get it

What I need:

An ability to create dictionaries (that have validation information in them)
and variables (that signal status and contain information entered by the
user in tinkter) that I can make available to all components. I have tried
using global, but that fails. I also can't seem to use arguments because the
module that tkinter fires up with this command:

self.process_button = tk.Button(master, text='Process Request', \
                                        font = ('times', regular_font,
                                        fg = "blue",

does not seem to support the presence of arguments.

Demo Program - This currently bombs in part 3 - it can't seem to see the
value/space created in part1. Any help or reference that will clearly show
me how to solve this problem would be most appreciated. I have read a number
of points that recommend against using global anywhere (it does not seem to
work with imported code) but I just can't find a recommendation for doing
something that seems pretty fundamental.

Thanks to an and all that try to help!

Part 1

import nice
import nice2
global myGlobal
myGlobal = "initial value"
print (nice.myGlobal)

print("nice version = ", nice.myGlobal)
print("nice2 version = ", nice2.myGlobal)
print("mainline=", myGlobal)

part 2 - stored as

def changeGlobal():
   global myGlobal
   #print("entering  changeGlobal part 1", myGlobal)
   myGlobal = "hello"
   print("top of myGlobal", myGlobal) 
   print("changeGlobal =", myGlobal)


Part3 stored as nice2
myGlobal = "hello"

def changeGlobal():
   global myGlobal
   print("first value = ", nice.myGlobal)
   myGlobal="it worked"
   print("in changeGlobal2 =", myGlobal)


From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 12:48:03 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 17:48:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.
In-Reply-To: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
References: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
Message-ID: <qetj83$2eug$>

On 25/06/2019 13:24, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
... the tree I am trying to create is:
> *	A single root node
> *	A node can only have a single parent.
> *	A parent can have multiple children.
> *	Each node is unique.

A tree with multiple children (where multiple is more than 2)
is entirely possible but does make the code more complex.

Have you considered a binary tree where items go either left or right
depending on whether they are "greater than" or "less than" (for some
arbitrary definition of greater and less) than the parent node?
This is much simpler to code, and you will find lots of examples

------ monospace font needed -------
------ end of monospace font -------

The immediate questions you must answer (because only
you understand the requirements) are:
1) How do you know which tree branch to navigate down?
For example you have two car nodes. If searching for car
which is the correct answer? Similarly for fox?

2) How do you know to go down an extra level. For example
there are 4 nodes below 'the' What determines whether a
new node sits alongside the existing nodes or at a level

3) Having decided you need to go a level lower how do
you know which subnode to go down? How do you insert the
node car into the correct subnode of the?(either brown
or yellow)

It looks like you are doing this based on the textual context.
That means you insertion code has to be stateful since
it must remember the previous word inserted (or have access
to the original data). That gets complicated really quickly.

Similarly, when you try to retrieve the data how do yu know which node
to fetch. For example if I search for fox? Surely you will need to
provide the full 'path' to fox topick the right one? But if you know the
path why search a tree?

In that case nested dictionaries would seem a better solution?
Something like(missing all the quotes!):

data = {
   the: [
      {brown: [
      {yellow: [
         {car: []}
      {green: [
         {house: []}
      {quick: [
         {brown: [
             {fox: []}
   {yellow: [
      {flowers: []}

Then you can access the appropriate path:

myFox = data[the][quick][brown][fox]

Just a thought. Since I don't really know how you intend
to use this I'm not sure if that would work for you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 12:56:55 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 17:56:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qetjoo$3l2t$>

On 25/06/2019 15:52, Sinardy Xing wrote:

> My question is, how currently all of this great technology glue together
> and as a final product for the enduser. Because I cant imagine that we
> install Anaconda Jupyter Notebook at frontend for the enduser to use it,
> and give end user bunch of *.py

You sort of can and there are tools for wrapping it all up in an
installable package. More commonly you create a desktop application
using the GUI toolkit of your choice and generate the graphical output
and display it yourself (using pyplot etc)


> I read a little bit about Django web framework, I am not sure if my
> understanding is correct. Therefore we are using Django as frontend tier
> then it connected to backend python server running the calculation and all
> other python stuff including the charting and send back the result to
> django front end server for end user to consume.

More or less although the Django framework may well host the
server code too.

Django is a web framework so it generates web pages(HTML) as output.
Thus if you can generate png files in your python code Django can put
links to those files in its HTML output and the users browser will
display them.

> My question is how is the end to end commonly use by company product, how
> they present those charts to end user.?

Nowadays its usually via the web. Depending on how fancy you want to
get. It could simply be a static graphics file (png/pdf/jpeg etc) or
maybe a Flash graphic(not common now) or even a movie generated by
back end code. Or it could be something more dynamic controlled by
Javascript in the browser in which case your backend code simply serves
up raw data and the Javascript code turns it into dynamic graphics
within the browser screen, possibly via SVG or similar technology.

There have never been so many options for delivering content to
end users!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 13:17:31 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 18:17:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Imported Code
In-Reply-To: <00dd01d52b5c$fc6fd230$f54f7690$>
References: <00dd01d52b5c$fc6fd230$f54f7690$>
Message-ID: <qetkvb$6ec8$>

On 25/06/2019 14:50, stephen.m.smith at wrote:

> using global, but that fails. I also can't seem to use arguments because the
> module that tkinter fires up with this command:
> self.process_button = tk.Button(master, text='Process Request', \
>                                         font = ('times', regular_font,
> 'bold'),\
>                                         fg = "blue",
> command=self.Process_Reservation_Request)
> does not seem to support the presence of arguments.

There is a common trick to get round that:

self.process_button = tk.Button(master,
              text='Process Request',
              font = ('times', regular_font,'bold'),
              fg = "blue",
              command=lambda :self.Process_Reservation_Request(x,y)

The lambda defines a function that takes no arguments but
which then calls your function with arguments.

Of course x and y need to be visible within the function
defining the lambda.

> Demo Program - This currently bombs in part 3 - it can't seem to see the
> value/space created in part1. Any help or reference that will clearly show

> Part 1
> import nice
> import nice2
> global myGlobal
> myGlobal = "initial value"

global here does nothing. global is only useful inside a function.
Remember that global in Python means module level - it does not
mean visible between modules!

> print(myGlobal)
> nice.changeGlobal()
> print (nice.myGlobal)
> nice2.changeGlobal()
> print("nice version = ", nice.myGlobal)
> print("nice2 version = ", nice2.myGlobal)
> print("mainline=", myGlobal)
> part 2 - stored as
> def changeGlobal():
>    global myGlobal

This tells changeGlobal() that there is a variable called myGlobal
defined at the module level. That is, within nice. It does not
refer to the one you defined in Part 1.

>    #print("entering  changeGlobal part 1", myGlobal)
>    myGlobal = "hello"

This now creates that module level variable with the value 'hello'.

>    print("top of myGlobal", myGlobal) 
>    myGlobal="bye"

And this redefines nice.myGlobal to be 'bye'
The final value  will now be seen by Part 1 code as
nice.myGlobal with a value of 'bye'.

> Part3 stored as nice2
> myGlobal = "hello"

This creates a new global variable called myGlobal within
the nice2 module. It is visible to Part 1 as nice2.myGlobal

> def changeGlobal():
>    global myGlobal

This tells changeGlobal() to use the module level variable
above. ie nice2.myGlobal.

>    print("first value = ", nice.myGlobal)

You didn't import nice into nice2 so this should give an error.

>    myGlobal="it worked"
>    print("in changeGlobal2 =", myGlobal)

This should set the variable nice2.myGlobal to 'it worked'
and that will be seen in Part 1 code as nice2.myGlobal.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From PyTutor at  Tue Jun 25 16:00:17 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 08:00:17 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Was:  Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <qetjoo$3l2t$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/06/19 4:56 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 25/06/2019 15:52, Sinardy Xing wrote:
>> My question is, how currently all of this great technology glue together
>> and as a final product for the enduser. Because I cant imagine that we
>> install Anaconda Jupyter Notebook at frontend for the enduser to use it,
>> and give end user bunch of *.py
> You sort of can and there are tools for wrapping it all up in an
> installable package. More commonly you create a desktop application
> using the GUI toolkit of your choice and generate the graphical output
> and display it yourself (using pyplot etc)

NB this is NOT intended as a discussion about the specifics of the OP's 
situation, nor of the OP personally!

This illustrates an interesting (at least to me?us) side-effect: in 
order to reduce "cognitive load" we often introduce training by using 
the most straight-forward or 'simple' tools. In this case Jupyter (which 
I think a most marvellous invention).

However, such illustrative devices are often not what is used in the 
'average' development department (assuming there is such a thing). Thus 
the training meets the knowledge-need (we hope) but not the requirements 
of practical application in the work-place.

On the other hand, should training in Python, and more specifically, the 
likes of matplotlib, involve any forlorn attempt at universal coverage 
of 'the programmer's tool-set'?

Your thoughts?
Regards =dn

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 25 19:42:45 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 00:42:45 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Training,
 Was: Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qeubhl$70e4$>

Caveat: This is a long term bug bear of mine and I spent
many, many hours over the last 20 years in discussion with
our local universities discussing how software-engineering
training could be made more relevant to the real world.
I'll try to keep it focused :-)

On 25/06/2019 21:00, David L Neil wrote:

> This illustrates an interesting (at least to me?us) side-effect: in 
> order to reduce "cognitive load" we often introduce training by using 
> the most straight-forward or 'simple' tools. In this case Jupyter (which 
> I think a most marvellous invention).

Indeed, and for those with a use for it, extremely valuable and not
really very simple!

> However, such illustrative devices are often not what is used in the 
> 'average' development department (assuming there is such a thing). 

Maybe not, but then Python covers a wide gamut and some researchers for
example never get beyond Jupyter, matplotlib etc etc. Those tools
deliver all they need.

You have to remember that software development is only one sphere in
which Python is used. It is also a research tool, a prototyping tool,
a personal productivity tool, a devops production scripting tool in
addition to an application development language. Many Python users
have no need to distribute their software. And for others Python is
likely to be just one small component in a much bigger project
involving Java, C++, SQL, etc.

Professional devs may well need to build distributable apps. And they
will use different tools. But there is little point in teaching
students about them because there are few standards and different
toolsets for just about every combination of app type and OS.
In fact just about every web server framework has its own solution.
And what you do for Python is different to Java or C++ or Smalltalk or
Lisp... And if the project has multiple languages - and most do nowadays
then you need a hybrid solution.

There is no point in trying to do more than demonstrate some arbitrary
example of what it takes to build a distributable package. Then
make it clear that this is not a general solution, just one example.

> the training meets the knowledge-need (we hope) but not the requirements 
> of practical application in the work-place.

Frankly the biggest problem with most training regimes is that
they put way too much focus on coding and programming languages.
Professional devs spend much more of their time analysing,
designing and testing than they do coding. In my experience
very few trainees have any real experience of analysis,
at best some rudimentary theoretical knowledge.
In the real world the bigger the project the greater the
proportion of time spent analyzing to understand exactly
what you need to do. Often up to 25% of the total project
time-scale. (Of course, those early activities have lower
team sizes so the proportion of budget is more like 10%)
Fred Brooks made the same point in his classic essay
"No Silver Bullet". He talked about the inherent and
intrinsic difficulty of software and understanding the
essence of the solution as the major challenges.
And no toolset (or training course) can shield you
from that. At best they can free you to concentrate on it.

Design is only covered at a shallow depth - usually restricted
to some UML class diagrams and maybe a message sequence chart.

Testing is covered at unit test level but rarely at integration
or system test levels. And virtually never at UX or performance

> On the other hand, should training in Python, and more specifically, the 
> likes of matplotlib, involve any forlorn attempt at universal coverage 
> of 'the programmer's tool-set'?

My personal thought is that the key word there is 'forlorn'
You could teach them to be experts in one toolset and in their
very first job they discover they have to learn a complete
new toolset. The principles will be similar but the practice
very different.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mhysnm1964 at  Wed Jun 26 06:34:15 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 20:34:15 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.
In-Reply-To: <qetj83$2eug$>
References: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
Message-ID: <029201d52c0a$b515d660$1f418320$>


Once again, thanks for the help. I need to read more on OOPS it is all new
and that was my first attempt. I looked at nesting Dictionaries and it got
quite complex fast with the length of the strings and the path as you have
outlined. I have parked that structure style for now.

All these answers are really helping me to improve my programming knowledge
and narrowing my definition.

The reason why I am using the tree structure like a file system. Is I am
going to attempt to write some code to walk down the tree based upon certain
conditions which I am still working on. Based upon the test conditions will
determine how I move up and down the tree.

The high picture is I am trying to build a dynamic search functionality
based upon keywords in the text. Like a store name or organisation name. The
text has been cleaned up before applying it to the tree based upon text or
punctuation and digits that are not required. Such as receipt  numbers,
postcodes, braces, etc. This is mostly done. I am hoping the tree structure
will help in finishing the search capability. I will only know once I have
tried it. If not, then I will look for another method.

I am enjoying what I am doing because I am learning. I am pushing myself
beyond my normal level of skills. Playing in the dark as I say. LOL 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor < at> On Behalf Of
Alan Gauld via Tutor
Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2019 2:48 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.

On 25/06/2019 13:24, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
... the tree I am trying to create is:
> *	A single root node
> *	A node can only have a single parent.
> *	A parent can have multiple children.
> *	Each node is unique.

A tree with multiple children (where multiple is more than 2) is entirely
possible but does make the code more complex.

Have you considered a binary tree where items go either left or right
depending on whether they are "greater than" or "less than" (for some
arbitrary definition of greater and less) than the parent node?
This is much simpler to code, and you will find lots of examples online.

------ monospace font needed -------
------ end of monospace font -------

The immediate questions you must answer (because only you understand the
requirements) are:
1) How do you know which tree branch to navigate down?
For example you have two car nodes. If searching for car which is the
correct answer? Similarly for fox?

2) How do you know to go down an extra level. For example there are 4 nodes
below 'the' What determines whether a new node sits alongside the existing
nodes or at a level below.

3) Having decided you need to go a level lower how do you know which subnode
to go down? How do you insert the node car into the correct subnode of
the?(either brown or yellow)

It looks like you are doing this based on the textual context.
That means you insertion code has to be stateful since it must remember the
previous word inserted (or have access to the original data). That gets
complicated really quickly.

Similarly, when you try to retrieve the data how do yu know which node to
fetch. For example if I search for fox? Surely you will need to provide the
full 'path' to fox topick the right one? But if you know the path why search
a tree?

In that case nested dictionaries would seem a better solution?
Something like(missing all the quotes!):

data = {
   the: [
      {brown: [
      {yellow: [
         {car: []}
      {green: [
         {house: []}
      {quick: [
         {brown: [
             {fox: []}
   {yellow: [
      {flowers: []}

Then you can access the appropriate path:

myFox = data[the][quick][brown][fox]

Just a thought. Since I don't really know how you intend to use this I'm not
sure if that would work for you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From mhysnm1964 at  Wed Jun 26 06:40:50 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 20:40:50 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
Message-ID: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>



General computer science question for data structures.

When would you use the below structures and why? If you can provide a real
life example on when they would be used in a program  This would be great. I
am not after code, just explanation.


Link lists

Double link-lists

Binary trees

What other trees are their other than hierarchical tree (file systems)


Link lists I would guess be useful in an index for a database? 

Binary trees useful for searches?




From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 26 07:12:11 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 12:12:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] tree or link-list questions.
In-Reply-To: <029201d52c0a$b515d660$1f418320$>
References: <008b01d52b50$e68a0280$b39e0780$>
 <qetj83$2eug$> <029201d52c0a$b515d660$1f418320$>
Message-ID: <qevjub$37o0$>

On 26/06/2019 11:34, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> The reason why I am using the tree structure like a file system. Is I am
> going to attempt to write some code to walk down the tree based upon certain
> conditions which I am still working on. Based upon the test conditions will
> determine how I move up and down the tree.

Defining the test conditions is the hard part of building and
searching any tree. That's why binary trees are so much easier,
the usual comparison (<,=,>) apply. When you have multiple subtrees
your test function must return a selection index telling you which
subtree to go down.

> The high picture is I am trying to build a dynamic search functionality
> based upon keywords in the text. Like a store name or organisation name. The
> text has been cleaned up before applying it to the tree based upon text or
> punctuation and digits that are not required. Such as receipt  numbers,
> postcodes, braces, etc. This is mostly done. I am hoping the tree structure
> will help in finishing the search capability. I will only know once I have
> tried it. If not, then I will look for another method.

One thing to consider is an LDAP directory.
It is a tree structure that acts like nested dictionaries
and is specifically designed for handling hierarchies.
Specifically organisational hierarchies, but any kind
will do. It what's at the heart of most corporate Directory
systems - such an Microsoft Exchange.

And the good news is that there are open source options
available and Python modules to work with them. but it might
be overkill for your project. But worth a quick Google and
Wikipedia browse...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 26 07:28:53 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 12:28:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
In-Reply-To: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
References: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
Message-ID: <qevktm$5bln$>

On 26/06/2019 11:40, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> When would you use the below structures and why? If you can provide a real
> life example on when they would be used in a program  This would be great.

> Link lists

Link lists are very flexible and ideal for when you have a varying
amount of data and don;t want to reserve space for a maximum amount when
you only use a fraction of it. Examples are process lists in an OS.
Jobs in a queue (although technically queues are data structures in
their own right!) Think of situations where you use a list in everyday
life - a shopping list. You add items in an ad-hoc way and don't know in
advance how any items you will eventually have.

The advantages are that they have a low memory footprint, easy to move
things around (including deletion), insertion is quick if adding to the
top. Searching not so much.

> Double link-lists
Same as single linked lists except you can access both ends so a sorted
list becomes much faster to search but at the cost of making inserts and
moves etc slightly more complex(but only slightly). Real world uses?
Hmmm, for me not so many. I'll let somebody else suggest something!

> Binary trees
Good for searching. Not so good for insertions/moves.
Always a danger of the tree becoming unbalanced in which case it
tends towards becoming a linked list. Real world use - heirarchical
or ordered data arriving at random. Trees are inherently ordered so
inserting the data puts it "in order" Code tends to be more complex than
for lists though and is often recursive in nature which can be an issue
for big trees.

> What other trees are their other than hierarchical tree (file systems)

Thee are whole families of trees including multi child trees such as
yours. AVL trees (if memory serves) try to force the tree to be
balanced. Non binary trees need selector functions etc (often hash
based). Real world use - database caches, network management heirarchies
parsing structures.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Wed Jun 26 07:47:01 2019
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 12:47:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 at 17:08, Sinardy Xing <sinardyxing at> wrote:
> My question is, how currently all of this great technology glue together
> and as a final product for the enduser. Because I cant imagine that we
> install Anaconda Jupyter Notebook at frontend for the enduser to use it,
> and give end user bunch of *.py

It really depends who the end user is and what you want to give to
them. To you it might seem obvious what work you are doing or what you
mean by a "final product" or an "end user" but to me those can mean
all sorts of things.

Jupyter notebooks are great for sharing the results with other people
who might want to tweak the code and try test variations of it. It's
popular for data visualisation because you can encapsulate both the
code and the output plots in a single file that you can send to
someone or share on the web etc.

On the other hand if your end user is not someone who will want to run
the code but just wants to see the output plots etc then you can turn
the notebook into a PDF file and give that to them.

I often use matplotlib to make plots that I save as PDFs and then
incorporate into a larger PDF document that I create using LaTeX.
That's a common pattern for matplotlib which aims to create
"publication quality figures" using vector graphics.

If you actually wanted to create an interactive piece of software for
other people to use on their computers then that's very different.


From mats at  Wed Jun 26 13:01:19 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 11:01:19 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
In-Reply-To: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
References: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/26/19 4:40 AM, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> All,
> General computer science question for data structures.
> When would you use the below structures and why? If you can provide a real
> life example on when they would be used in a program  This would be great. I
> am not after code, just explanation.
> Link lists
> Double link-lists

This becomes a question of what kind of data you have and what you need
to do with it.

Python has "lists", which are what most people think of as arrays - you
reference them by index. Lists have fast access: if you know you want
the 7th element, you just ask for that.  Then if you want to insert a
new element following that, the whole array past that point has to move
to make room - the grunt work is normally abstracted away by languages
that have array datatypes, but it is still happening, same for deleting,
so lots of random inserts/deletes (except at the end) are "expensive".
In linked lists, insert is cheap. You just take the existing element's
"next" field and stick that into the new element's "next" field, and
then stick the new element into the existing element's "next" field.
However, deleting an still isn't cheap: unless your traversal mechansm
saves it on the way to finding a certain element, you have to start from
the beginning and walk through to find the previous element, because
it's this one which has to have its "next" field changed.  A doubly
linked list however makes removal trivial - you already have a reference
to that element via the "previous" field.  For both kinds of linked
lists, searching is expensive as you have to walk the chain.  The
fastest data structure for searching is when the lookup is hashed - this
is what the Python dict type allows for, as the keys are hashed as
they're stored (leading to the sometimes surprising rule for Python
dicts that "key must be hashable"). Other popular data structures are
queues and stacks.  Note there are also circular lists, which only means
the tail hooks back into the head.

So your choices depend on what the usage pattern of your data is. The
fact that Python doesn't have link lists, neither natively or in the
standard library, suggests the designers didn't think they represented a
common enough usage pattern for users of the language.

> Binary trees
> What other trees are their other than hierarchical tree (file systems)

Can let this go without mentioning the Merkle tree, darling of anyone
who's ever dabbled in blockchain :)

> Link lists I would guess be useful in an index for a database? 

I believe the "classic" use case is memory management - keeping track of
chunks of memory.

> Binary trees useful for searches?

it's useful for searches if the "is A less than B" comparison is a
useful property of the data you are representing. If not, it isn't
useful at all as you have no way to construct the tree :)

From wrw at  Wed Jun 26 13:59:10 2019
From: wrw at (William Ray Wing)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 13:59:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
In-Reply-To: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
References: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jun 26, 2019, at 6:40 AM, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> All,
> General computer science question for data structures.
> When would you use the below structures and why? If you can provide a real
> life example on when they would be used in a program  This would be great. I
> am not after code, just explanation.

One of the most useful (to me) structures is the double-ended queue ("from collections import deque?).  It creates a queue that can quickly remove an item from one end and add an item to the other.  Particularly useful for displaying a sliding window into time series data, or a moving track of the most recent n observations of a physical measurement.


From mats at  Wed Jun 26 14:46:11 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 12:46:11 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/26/19 11:59 AM, William Ray Wing via Tutor wrote:

> One of the most useful (to me) structures is the double-ended queue ("from collections import deque?).  It creates a queue that can quickly remove an item from one end and add an item to the other.  Particularly useful for displaying a sliding window into time series data, or a moving track of the most recent n observations of a physical measurement.
> Bill

Indeed.  deques are often implemented using double-linked lists, the
Python version is (though you can't get at the details easily).

I forgot to add the snide-comment part of "what are these good for":

(a) binary search trees are excellent for Computer Science professors
who want to introduce recursion into their classes.

(b) all the classic data structures are candidates for being job
interview questions ("implement a linked list in Python on the whiteboard")

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 26 17:50:28 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 22:50:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <029b01d52c0b$a08598b0$e190ca10$>
Message-ID: <qf0pb5$6obh$>

On 26/06/2019 19:46, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> I forgot to add the snide-comment part of "what are these good for":
> (a) binary search trees are excellent for Computer Science professors
> who want to introduce recursion into their classes.
> (b) all the classic data structures are candidates for being job
> interview questions ("implement a linked list in Python on the whiteboard")

That's a good point that I intended to make in my response but forgot.

In practice, Python's data structure can mimic these classic data
structures and do so more efficiently than trying to write them
from scratch in Python.

So while they all have Computer Science theoretic pros and cons, in
practice, Python programmers tend to ignore them and use lists, sets,
tuples and dictionaries. And if they need anything more complex
classes or pre-built modules. It's a very rare problem that needs
a traditional data structure in Python.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From brick.howse at  Wed Jun 26 19:07:01 2019
From: brick.howse at (Brick Howse)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:07:01 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Range command
Message-ID: <>

Hello all, 

New to programming and I noticed the range command did not function like it does in the tutorial. 
For example,
I type 
>>>> range(5, 10)
And the output is 
range(5, 10)

In section 4.3
It shows it should display 
>>>> range(5, 10)
5, 6, 7, 8, 9

I'm using windows 10 
Python 3.7.3

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Sent from my iPhone

From cs at  Wed Jun 26 19:20:51 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 09:20:51 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] data structures general query
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26Jun2019 11:01, Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
>On 6/26/19 4:40 AM, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
>> Link lists I would guess be useful in an index for a database?
>I believe the "classic" use case is memory management - keeping track of
>chunks of memory.

Flipping this, your typical ordered database index (unless the tech has 
advanced further) is a B+ tree possibly with a doubly linked list 
threaded through the leaf nodes.

So a B+ tree is a sorted tree structure which is maintained in a 
balanced way so that the depth is pretty consistent across the tree, in 
turn so that there is not particularly long branch equivalent to have 
particular keys which are very expensive to look up. Unlike a binary 
tree a B+ tree has many keys at each node because this makes for 
efficient storage of the nodes in "blocks", whatever size is useful, and 
is also makes the tree shallower, making lookups cheaper.

The leaf nodes point at the associated records (or possibly just hold 
keys if there are no records), and the doubly linked list of leaf nodes 
means you can traverse forwards or backwards from one leaf to the next 
in either order. Which makes find ranges of keys efficient: "SELECT ...  
WHERE key >= value ORDER BY key DESC" and its many variants.

As has been pointed out by others, the various computer science basic 
structures are often built up into something different or more complex 
depending on what your data access pattern will be.

It is important to understand the basic structures so that you can 
reason about their trade offs, and in turn understand more complex 
related structures. This goes both ways: in design you choose a 
structure to support what you're going to do. In use, you might choose 
to approach a problem differently depending on what data structure is 
used to arrange the data, because some actions are cheap in some 
structures and expensive in others, so you choose the efficient action 
where possible.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From mats at  Wed Jun 26 19:29:08 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:29:08 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Range command
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/26/19 5:07 PM, Brick Howse via Tutor wrote:
> Hello all, 
> New to programming and I noticed the range command did not function like it does in the tutorial. 
> For example,
> I type 
>>>>> range(5, 10)
> And the output is 
> range(5, 10)
> In section 4.3
> It shows it should display 
>>>>> range(5, 10)
> 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
> I'm using windows 10 
> Python 3.7.3
> Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Things change.  You have a Python2-oriented tutorial.  Neither version
is wrong.  In Python2, range returns a list.  In Python3, range returns
a range object, which you can iterate over.  So for a typical use, which
is to iterate over the range, the results are identical:

>>> for i in range(5,10):
...     print(i)

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 26 19:44:07 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 00:44:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Range command
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qf1007$4cnu$>

On 27/06/2019 00:07, Brick Howse via Tutor wrote:
> Hello all, 
> New to programming and I noticed the range command did not function like it does in the tutorial. 
> For example,
> I type 
>>>>> range(5, 10)
> And the output is 
> range(5, 10)

You have a Python 2 tutorial but are using Python 3.

In Python 3 range has changed and returns a fancy kind of object
(a range) that you don't really need to know about. If you really
want the values convert it to a list:

>>> list(range(5,10))

> Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

To avoid any similar confusion either find a Python 3 tutorial or
download Python 2 and use it. Once you know Python 2 converting to
Python 3 is not hard. But it is probably best just to learn Python 3
from the start!

Thee are quite a few of these kinds of changes between Python 2 and 3.
For experienced programmers they are "A Good Thing" because they make
Python more efficient and more consistent in the way it works.
But for a beginner they just seem bizarre and unintuitive.  For
now, just accept them and eventually you will understand why
they exist.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From braveheartmovement at  Thu Jun 27 17:20:08 2019
From: braveheartmovement at (Brave Heart)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 23:20:08 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python and DB
Message-ID: <>

I have a little RSS program , I current the out are basically outputted on my screen, but I would like python to write to DB so  I can from DB write on a webpage with PHP...

Kinda like I want to run a news website ..

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From mats at  Thu Jun 27 18:50:21 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 16:50:21 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Python and DB
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/27/19 3:20 PM, Brave Heart via Tutor wrote:
> I have a little RSS program , I current the out are basically outputted on my screen, but I would like python to write to DB so  I can from DB write on a webpage with PHP...
> Kinda like I want to run a news website ..

There doesn't seem to be a question here.

Does this help in any way?

From cs at  Thu Jun 27 18:57:46 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 08:57:46 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Python and DB
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27Jun2019 23:20, Brave Heart <braveheartmovement at> wrote:
>I have a little RSS program , I current the out are basically outputted on my screen, but I would like python to write to DB so  I can from DB write on a webpage with PHP...
>Kinda like I want to run a news website ..

See the "sqlite3" module with ships with Python. It creates a database 
in a local file and provides an SQL interface:

SQLite3 also has a command line tool for interactive access to the 
database; you might need to install that separately.

For the web side you'd need an SQLite library for PHP, but I cannot 
believe that one does not exist. (Or you could also write your web 
application in Python instead of PHP.)

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 27 19:03:00 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 00:03:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python and DB
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qf3hv4$7r95$>

On 27/06/2019 22:20, Brave Heart via Tutor wrote:
> I would like python to write to DB so  I can from DB write on a webpage with PHP...

Yes, that's easy enough. Python supports access to many databases,
do you have one in mind? If not the SQLite module that comes in
the standard library is probably more than adequate for your needs.
PHP has modules for reading SQLite too.

If you are familiar with using databases in any other language the
Python DBAPI should be easy to pick up.

If you don;t know SQL then you might like the database topic in
my tutorial(see below)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mayoadams at  Fri Jun 28 01:24:04 2019
From: mayoadams at (Mayo Adams)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 01:24:04 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Environment variables and Flask
Message-ID: <>

I have for some time been flummoxed as to the significance of setting
environment variables, for example in order to run a Flask application.
What are these environment variables, exactly, and why is it necessary to
set them? "Googling" here simply leads me into more arcana, and doesn't
really help.

Mayo Adams

From mhysnm1964 at  Fri Jun 28 02:10:15 2019
From: mhysnm1964 at (mhysnm1964 at
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 16:10:15 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] double nodes being enter into tree structure
Message-ID: <02a701d52d78$289bc400$79d34c00$>

Hello All,


I am back!!! I forget which movie that comes from. 


Anyway, my issue is I am getting the same node being added to the parent node of my tree below. I have traced the code and do not understand why. This occurs when the loop which calls the addNode function has only looped once. I have had the return statement present and commented out with the same result. The length of the children list is 2 when it should be 1. 


AddNode is using recursive functionality. I suspect the function should be in the object itself, but I have it outside for now to work out my logic. I am sure there is a logic issue here in the area of OOPS, but I cannot see it. 


The aim is two only ever have one word in the children list regardless how many times it appears in the original source. Thus if the string has ?the brown fox? and ?the brown car?.  The following has to occur:

*	Children list in the root node will only have the ?the? node once.
*	Children list in the ?the?  node will only have the ?brown? node once.
*	Children in the ?brown?  node will have two nodes ?cow? and ?car?.


Below is the code:


def addNode(words, tree):

    # creates the branch of words for the tree

    if words:

        wordExists = False 

        for child in tree.children:

            if words[0] ==

                wordExists = True

            # end if

        # end for

        if not wordExists:

            tree = tree.add(words[0], 0)

        addNode(words[1:], tree)

    # end if

# note, the below has been uncommented with the same issue.

    #return tree 


class Node(object):

# I am not 100% sure the purpose of (object) does.

    def __init__(self, name, value):

        self.parent = None

        self.children = [] = name

        self.value = value

    def add(self, name, value):

        node1=Node(name, value)



        return node1


?. Bunch a code to load the files.


for account_no, date, line, amount in records:

    tree.children.append(addNode(line.split(), tree))




note: I have tried Allan?s suggestion as shown below and could not get it to work. I am currently reading his book on object programming to learn more about OOPS. This is how I worked out the recursive function. ?


def add_child(self, newNode):

    if !=


       newNode.parent = self


myNode.add_child(Node(name, value))

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 28 04:34:40 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:34:40 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Environment variables and Flask
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <qf4jf1$38oe$>

On 28/06/2019 06:24, Mayo Adams wrote:

> What are these environment variables, exactly, and why is it necessary to
> set them? 

When you run a program under an operating system the OS sets up an
"environment" (or context) for the program to run in. (This
includes the OS shell that the user interacts with - each user
gets their own environment.)

Environment variables are variables that are accessible within
that environment but not from other environments. Thus two users
may have different values for the same variable, such as the HOME
variable which dictates the users home directory. Or PATH which
tells the OS where the users programs can be found.

When you start a new program the OS creates a copy of the current
environment(your user environment) and runs the program within
that copy. Thus if the program modifies any of the environment
variables it does not affect the parent process environment
since it is modifying its own copy. (So if it changes HOME to
give itself its own default directory that doesn't change the
user's HOME - or any other program environment for that matter)

Some applications define their own environment variables as a way
of setting user specific values. So a web server might define
the root directory for the server as an environment variable
then each user can set a different root without having to pass
that in each time they run the program.

Environment variable have fallen out of favour for user settings
and config files are now preferred. But some things are a bit
easier via en environment variable - especially where you spawn
new sub-processes and don't want the sub-process to have
to re-read the config file each time.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 28 04:48:38 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:48:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] double nodes being enter into tree structure
In-Reply-To: <02a701d52d78$289bc400$79d34c00$>
References: <02a701d52d78$289bc400$79d34c00$>
Message-ID: <qf4k96$5803$>

On 28/06/2019 07:10, mhysnm1964 at wrote:
> Anyway, my issue is I am getting the same node being added to the parent node of my tree below. 

I'm not sure about that part but....

> def addNode(words, tree):
>     if words:
>         wordExists = False 
>         for child in tree.children:
>             if words[0] ==
>                 wordExists = True
>         if not wordExists:
>             tree = tree.add(words[0], 0)
>         addNode(words[1:], tree)

Notice that the recursive call is adding the subsequent
words to the same tree that was passed to addNode originally.
In other words you are not building a tee you are just
building a list of children under the top level tree node.

I suspect you want to add the subsequent words to the
children of the node you just added? Or the existing
one of the same value...

So you need something like(untested!)

        for child in tree.children:
             if words[0] ==
                nextNode = child
            nextNode = tree.addNode(words[0],0)

        addNode(words[1:], nextNode)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cs at  Fri Jun 28 07:45:22 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 21:45:22 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Environment variables and Flask
In-Reply-To: <qf4jf1$38oe$>
References: <qf4jf1$38oe$>
Message-ID: <>

On 28Jun2019 09:34, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>Environment variable have fallen out of favour for user settings
>and config files are now preferred. But some things are a bit
>easier via en environment variable - especially where you spawn
>new sub-processes and don't want the sub-process to have
>to re-read the config file each time.

This is something of a simplification. Most programmes consult a few 
places for configuration information.

A programme may want to run in different ways (different places to write 
files, different language settings or timezones, etc). Environment 
variables are a convenient and inheritable way to indicate a specific 
way to run, because they get inherited (as a copy) from parent programme 
to child programmes and so on.

So a flask application will usually be invoked from within a web server, 
and various things about how it should run _may_ be indicated by 
environment variables set by the web server.

A flexible programme may decide how to run from several places, in a 
specific order (to ensure predictable controllable behaviour).

A normal order would be: command line arguments, environment variables, 
personal config file ($HOME/.thingrc), system configfile (/etc/thingrc), 
inbuilt defaults within the programme.

The idea here is that this is a simple hierachy of defaults. Anything 
can be overridden by a command line option. If not supplied, an 
environment variable may be consulted. Otherwise the personal config 
file. Otherwise the system default. Otherwise some default within the 

Programmatically you don't go: for each setting, look at these things in 
the order above. Instead you has some "settings" structure in the 
programme, initially filled out with some internal defaults. You read 
the system file to override the builtin defaults.  Then you read the 
personal file to override that.  Then you consult the environment to 
override that.  Then you process the command line and have it override 
various things. A single pass across all this stuff.  Any of it may be 

Returning to Flask and the environment: because a Flask app is often 
invoked from within a web server instead of directly, it isn't feasible 
to pass it "command line" arguments to control it. So the environment 
becomes the most convenient place for ad hoc special settings.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

"How do you know I'm Mad?" asked Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

From mats at  Fri Jun 28 09:22:07 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 07:22:07 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Environment variables and Flask
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/27/19 11:24 PM, Mayo Adams wrote:
> I have for some time been flummoxed as to the significance of setting
> environment variables, for example in order to run a Flask application.
> What are these environment variables, exactly, and why is it necessary to
> set them? "Googling" here simply leads me into more arcana, and doesn't
> really help.

As others have noted, it's a way to pass information from one process to
another at startup time.   Since this is a Python list, I thought it
might be instructive to show how it works. In Python, you access these
environment variables through a dictionary in the os module, called
environ, which "survives" across the call-another-process boundary,
unlike any normal variables you might set in your program. Here's a
trivial Python app that is able to recognize those environment variables
that begin with MYENV_.  That points up one issue with environment
variables right away: it's a namespace you share with everybody, and
there's a chance someone accidentally is using a variable you think is
important - because it's important to them in their context, not yours.
So tricks like special naming conventions may be useful.

In this snip, we build a dictionary from os.environ, using only the keys
that seem to be "for us":

=== ===
import os

myenv = { k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if "MYENV_" in k }

print("child found these settings:", myenv)

Now write another script which sets a value, then calls the child
script; then sets a different value, then calls the child script.

=== ===
import os
import subprocess

print("Calling with MYENV_foo set")
os.environ['MYENV_foo'] = "Yes"["python", ""])

print("Calling with MYENV_bar set")
os.environ['MYENV_bar'] = "1"["python", ""])

From mats at  Fri Jun 28 09:34:11 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 07:34:11 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] double nodes being enter into tree structure
In-Reply-To: <02a701d52d78$289bc400$79d34c00$>
References: <02a701d52d78$289bc400$79d34c00$>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/28/19 12:10 AM, mhysnm1964 at wrote:

> class Node(object):
> # I am not 100% sure the purpose of (object) does.

as to this bit:  having your class inherit from object means it's a
"new-style class".  That's only significant if you're writing code that
is expected to run under Python 2; in Python 3 all classes are new-style
and you don't need to inherit from object to get that - and if you run a
code checker on your program in a Python 3 context, it will likely tell
you so.

From mayoadams at  Fri Jun 28 09:34:55 2019
From: mayoadams at (Mayo Adams)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:34:55 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Environment variables and Flask
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Many thanks to some very bright and helpful gentlemen.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 9:24 AM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:

> On 6/27/19 11:24 PM, Mayo Adams wrote:
> > I have for some time been flummoxed as to the significance of setting
> > environment variables, for example in order to run a Flask application.
> > What are these environment variables, exactly, and why is it necessary to
> > set them? "Googling" here simply leads me into more arcana, and doesn't
> > really help.
> As others have noted, it's a way to pass information from one process to
> another at startup time.   Since this is a Python list, I thought it
> might be instructive to show how it works. In Python, you access these
> environment variables through a dictionary in the os module, called
> environ, which "survives" across the call-another-process boundary,
> unlike any normal variables you might set in your program. Here's a
> trivial Python app that is able to recognize those environment variables
> that begin with MYENV_.  That points up one issue with environment
> variables right away: it's a namespace you share with everybody, and
> there's a chance someone accidentally is using a variable you think is
> important - because it's important to them in their context, not yours.
> So tricks like special naming conventions may be useful.
> In this snip, we build a dictionary from os.environ, using only the keys
> that seem to be "for us":
> === ===
> import os
> myenv = { k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if "MYENV_" in k }
> print("child found these settings:", myenv)
> ======
> Now write another script which sets a value, then calls the child
> script; then sets a different value, then calls the child script.
> === ===
> import os
> import subprocess
> print("Calling with MYENV_foo set")
> os.environ['MYENV_foo'] = "Yes"
>["python", ""])
> print("Calling with MYENV_bar set")
> os.environ['MYENV_bar'] = "1"
>["python", ""])
> ======
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Mayo Adams

287 Erwin Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
mayoadams at

From sjeik_appie at  Fri Jun 28 16:32:30 2019
From: sjeik_appie at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 20:32:30 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Unexpected result when running flask application.
Message-ID: <AM0PR10MB2851F85E883E6502E13132F283FC0@AM0PR10MB2851.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

Ooops, forgot to 'reply all'
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Albert-Jan Roskam <sjeik_appie at>
Date: 28 Jun 2019 21:31
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unexpected result when running flask application.
To: Cameron Simpson <cs at>

On 20 Jun 2019 00:56, Cameron Simpson <cs at> wrote:

On 19Jun2019 09:54, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>On 19/06/2019 05:18, Cravan wrote:
>>                 I am experiencing an unexpected result when I try to
>>                 run my flask application.
>> The movie.html page prints out nothing except those in the <h1>. This appears on my webpage:
>Note that the mail server does not allow (for security reasons)
>binary attachments so we lost your image.

Cravan, you might find it useful to "View Source" of that page in your

You can also use command line tools like "curl" or "wget" to directly
fetch the page content.

>However, your html files are not in HTML.
>I'm not a Flask expert but every time I've used Flask the
>html pages have been real HTML. Yours appear to be in some
>strange pseudo markup language.

It is very common in Flask to write HTML pages using Jinja templates,
which is what his examples look like.

Of course this adds more complexity, if he forgets to use Jinja to
render the content to HTML before returning it.

>If this is something unique to Flask then I suspect you will
>need to ask on a Flask support page or list. It doesn't seem
>to be a Python language related issue at this point.

==? I haven't seen the templates, but your view function should probably retun flas.render_template('some.html', **kwargs), where kwargs will be e.g. your database values that are going to be displayed/{{interpolated}}.

From merrickdav at  Sat Jun 29 02:12:46 2019
From: merrickdav at (David Merrick)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 18:12:46 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Python 3.7 Grids
Message-ID: <>

Hi Looking for a way to use the determine the position of a card in a grid
using the mouse click event in Python. Code is attached.

Unfortunately using Tinkter grids / frames can't determine between the two
demo cards.

The Relevant code is below

def showCardInitial(cardList):
    cardsToPlay = []
    length = len(cardList)

    fileFaceDown = 'extracards/FACEDOWN.gif'
    cardFaceDownCard = fileFaceDown.split('/')
    cardFaceDownCard = cardFaceDownCard[1].split('.')[0]
    photo = PhotoImage(file=fileFaceDown)
    number = random.randrange(0,length)
    fileFaceUp = cardList[number][2]
    card = fileFaceUp.split('/')
    card = card[1].split('.')[0]
    w = Label(image=photo) = photo
    w.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 10)

    #print('cardListis ',cardList)

    cardFile = cardList[1][2]
    #print cardFile
    photo = PhotoImage(file=cardFile)
    cardToDisplay = Label(image=photo) = photo
    cardToDisplay.grid(row=0,column = 1,padx = 10)
    #w.grid(row = row,column = count)

def determineCard():
    global x
    global y
    print( "clicked at", x, y)
    if(2 <= x and x <= 83) and (0 <= y and y <= 130):
        print('Card One is Selected')

Any suggestions are welcome

Dave Merrick


Daves Web Designs


Email merrickdav at

Ph   03 216 2053

Cell 027 3089 169

From merrickdav at  Sat Jun 29 01:57:41 2019
From: merrickdav at (David Merrick)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 17:57:41 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Python 3.7 Grids
Message-ID: <>

Hi Looking for a way to use the determine the position of a card in a grid
using the mouse click event in Python. Code is attached. There are no

Unfortunately using Tinkter grids / frames can't determine between the two
demo cards.

Any suggestions are welcome

Dave Merrick


Daves Web Designs


Email merrickdav at

Ph   03 216 2053

Cell 027 3089 169

From ingo at  Sat Jun 29 08:46:53 2019
From: ingo at (ingo)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 14:46:53 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] path
Message-ID: <>

A user has to type a path in the commandline on Win 10, so just a
string. This has to become a path / directory in the file system. Later
in the process subdirectories and files are 'appended' by the script. In
these files there are also paths, derived from the input path and they
have to use forward slashes. The tool that uses these files requires that.

# create structure:
# /---fullpath  <-- input() cmd
#     |
#     /--- data
#     /--- db
#     |    +--- basename.db3    <-- pathlib.Path(...).touch()
#     |    +---   <-- forward slashes inside
#     /--- ddl
#     /--- doc
#     /--- sql
#     +--- basename.sublime-project <-- forward slashes inside (json)
#     +--- _FOSSIL_

And here the misery begins...

A short excerpt:

Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64
bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> inp = "c:\test\drive\this"
>>> import pathlib
>>> p=pathlib.PurePath(inp)
>>> p
>>> print(pathlib.PurePosixPath(p))
c:/ est/drive his
>>> inp
>>> import os
>>> print(os.path.normpath(inp))
c:  est\drive his
>>> print(pathlib.Path(inp))
c:  est\drive his

how to go from a string to a path, how to append to a path (os.path.join
or / with Path), how to turn it into 'posix'



From bgailer at  Sat Jun 29 09:24:53 2019
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 09:24:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python 3.7 Grids
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jun 29, 2019 3:01 AM, "David Merrick" <merrickdav at> wrote:
> Hi Looking for a way to use the determine the position of a card in a grid
> using the mouse click event in Python. Code is attached.

Unfortunately this list does not forward attachments. Either give us a link
to the code or even better if it's not terribly complicated paste it into
the reply. be sure to reply all so everyone on the tutor list will see your

> There are no viruses.

That's kind of like a Salesman saying "trust me".

Bob Gailer

From bgailer at  Sat Jun 29 09:37:19 2019
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 09:37:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [Python-Help] Writing hello world
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jun 28, 2019 9:26 AM, "Erastus muriithi" <muriithierastus8 at>
> Iam a student..iam interested in learning python,,I don't know how to
study this python.kindly help me how to go about it..Thankyou

First make sure you have python installed on your computer. If you need
help with that let us know what kind of computer and operating system you
are using.

At the python. Org website you will find links to tutorials. Try some of
these out.

Direct future emails to tutor at
Always reply all so a copy goes back to the list.

From mats at  Sat Jun 29 09:42:00 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 07:42:00 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] path
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/29/19 6:46 AM, ingo wrote:
> A user has to type a path in the commandline on Win 10, so just a
> string.
> A short excerpt:
> Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64
> bit (AMD64)] on win32
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>>> inp = "c:\test\drive\this"
>>>> import pathlib
>>>> p=pathlib.PurePath(inp)
>>>> p
> PureWindowsPath('c:\test/drive\this')
>>>> print(pathlib.PurePosixPath(p))
> c:/ est/drive his
>>>> inp
> 'c:\test\\drive\this'
>>>> import os
>>>> print(os.path.normpath(inp))
> c:  est\drive his
>>>> print(pathlib.Path(inp))
> c:  est\drive his
> how to go from a string to a path, how to append to a path (os.path.join
> or / with Path), how to turn it into 'posix'

Most people don't use pathlib, and that's kind of sad, since it tries to
mitigate the kinds of questions you just asked. Kudos for trying.

For your example, when you define inp as a string, it needs to be a raw
string because otherwise Python will interpret the backslash sequences.
\t means tab, which is why the the results look mangled.

inp = "c:\test\drive\this"

If you're going to use pathlib, then may as well use the / operator for

From mats at  Sat Jun 29 09:52:32 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 07:52:32 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] path
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sigh... something dropped my raw string, so that was a really bad sample :(

inp = r"c:\test\drive\this"

On Sat, Jun 29, 2019, at 07:44, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> For your example, when you define inp as a string, it needs to be a raw
> string because otherwise Python will interpret the backslash sequences.
> \t means tab, which is why the the results look mangled.
> inp = "c:\test\drive\this"

From ingo at  Sat Jun 29 10:33:44 2019
From: ingo at (ingo)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 16:33:44 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] path
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29-6-2019 15:52, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> Sigh... something dropped my raw string, so that was a really bad sample :(
> inp = r"c:\test\drive\this"
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2019, at 07:44, Mats Wichmann wrote:
>> For your example, when you define inp as a string, it needs to be a raw
>> string because otherwise Python will interpret the backslash sequences.
>> \t means tab, which is why the the results look mangled.
>> inp = "c:\test\drive\this"

import pathlib
b=r"{}".format(a) #does this make sense to create a r'string'?
wa = pathlib.PureWindowsPath(a)
wb = pathlib.PureWindowsPath(b)
pa = pathlib.PurePosixPath(a)
pb = pathlib.PurePosixPath(b)
ppa = pathlib.PurePosixPath(wa)
ppb = pathlib.PurePosixPath(wb)

>>> print(a)
>>> print(b)
>>> print(wa)
>>> print(wb)
>>> print(pa)
>>> print(pb)
>>> print(ppa)
>>> print(ppb)

What I'm looking for is c:/test/this/path

From ingo at  Sat Jun 29 10:55:15 2019
From: ingo at (ingo)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 16:55:15 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] path
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29-6-2019 16:33, ingo wrote:

> What I'm looking for is c:/test/this/path

After further testing, the other tools in the chain accept paths like

anything except standard windows, the top two I can generate.


From robertvstepp at  Sun Jun 30 00:35:55 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 23:35:55 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python 3.7 Grids
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 2:02 AM David Merrick <merrickdav at> wrote:
> Hi Looking for a way to use the determine the position of a card in a grid
> using the mouse click event in Python. Code is attached. There are no
> viruses.
> Unfortunately using Tinkter grids / frames can't determine between the two
> demo cards.

As Bob Gailer mentioned this is a text only list which does not allow
attachments, so I cannot see what you are actually attempting with
your code.  But with what you said, two thoughts come to my mind:

1) You can embed each card image on a button widget and if such a
button is clicked have the button's callback function respond

2) tkinter allows you to know the size of your window and can report
back what the cursor's current position is.  If you ensure that your
cards take up a known coordinate space in the window, when a mouse
click event happens you can write code to determine if the cursor fell
within either card's known coordinate space.

Hope this gives you some idea of how to tackle your problem.


From ingo at  Sun Jun 30 02:01:15 2019
From: ingo at (ingo)
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2019 08:01:15 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] path
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29-6-2019 15:42, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> Most people don't use pathlib, and that's kind of sad, since it tries to
> mitigate the kinds of questions you just asked. Kudos for trying.

In the end, it works,


# set up some default directories and files
# for starting a new project with SQLite
# using Sublime + SQLTools.
# /---fullpath
#     |
#     /--- data
#     /--- db
#     |    +--- basename.db3
#     |    +---
#     /--- ddl
#     /--- doc
#     /--- sql
#     +--- basename.sublime-project
#     +--- _FOSSIL_

import pathlib
import sys

# the last bit of the full path is used as the name for the database
# c:\newdatabase\test will create the databse
# c:\newdatabase\test\db\test.db3
print('enter full path for new db:')
fp = pathlib.Path(input())
fn =  # = os.path.basename()

dirs = {}
for sub in ['', 'data', 'db', 'ddl', 'doc', 'sql']:
    dirs[sub] = fp / sub
        dirs[sub].mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=False)
    except FileExistsError:
        print(f'Directory already exists: {dirs[sub]}')

fdb = dirs['db'] / (fn+'.db3')

fr = dirs['db'] / (fn+'.read')
-- template to build db from tables etc
-- using dot commands

PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;

BEGIN TRANSACTION; {(dirs['ddl'] / 'someddl.ddl').as_posix()}

PRAGMA temp_store   = 2;
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;

BEGIN TRANSACTION; {(dirs['sql'] / 'somequery.sql').as_posix()}

fsub = dirs[''] / (fn+'.sublime-project')
      "path": "."
    "Connection SQLite":{{
      "database": "{fdb.as_posix()}",
      "encoding": "utf-8",
      "type": "sqlite"
  "default": "Connection SQLite"

# TODO set up fossil in the fp dir

From mats at  Sun Jun 30 11:01:49 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2019 09:01:49 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] path
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/30/19 12:01 AM, ingo wrote:
> On 29-6-2019 15:42, Mats Wichmann wrote:
>> Most people don't use pathlib, and that's kind of sad, since it tries to
>> mitigate the kinds of questions you just asked. Kudos for trying.
> In the end, it works,

Sounds good.  One suggestion - a sort of general programming suggestion
really - whenever you take user input, do some kind of validation on it
before using it.  The context may not be one where anything malicious
could happen, but still, just to catch errors.