[Tutor] Installing Python v3 on a laptop Windows 10

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sat Jun 15 21:27:48 EDT 2019

On 6/15/19 3:23 PM, Ken Green wrote:\

You've already gotten some good answers, don't consider this as

> I understood there is a preferable method
> of installing Python into Windows. I pray
> tell on how about to do it, gentlemen.

There isn't, there are actually many ways, and to some extent it depends
on what you want to do.  For example, in addition to what you've heard,
these days there are a ton of people doing data analysis, Big Data, etc.
and they often prefer to install Python through the Anaconda
distribution, which has optimised for getting the particularly relevant
packages installed easily alongside and in sync with Python, and then
keeping those up to date.

In the near future, but maybe not quite there yet, Windows 10 will also
have a Python "app" preinstalled, which, when you launch it, installs
the current version of Python through the Microsoft Store.  I think you
can already install via the Microsoft Store, but it's not something that
magically appears on your system even before you think to look for it...
see here:


That looks like it wants later than the 1809 version, but should be
ready for the 1903 version of Windows 10?

and you wanted a simple answer....

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