[Tutor] replacing a loop

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Mon Jun 24 17:03:44 EDT 2019

Hi John,

On 25/06/19 4:15 AM, johnf wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have the following loop (actually repeated many times )
> def locChoices(self):
>          locDS = self.eslocation.getDataSet()
>          loc_Choices=['<None>']
>          locKeys=[0]
>          for row in locDS:
>              loc_Choices.append(row['facility'])
>              locKeys.append(row['pkid'])
> return loc_Choices,locKeys
> where locDS is a tuple of dicts and a row is a dict.
> Since I use a lot of similar loops to populate many dropdown controls I 
> started investigating the use of list comprehensions.  But I can't 
> figure out how to use them in this loop and wonder if it will improve 
> the performance.  The data is not very big - about a thousand rows - 
> give or take.
> So what do you guys think?

Just because this morning I needed something to kick-start my sleepy 
brain into being able to "think"...

When most people think of 'multiples' in the context of 
list-comprehensions, they are talking about "nested-loops" - which are 
easy-enough (or at least, well-documented).

However, I've often wondered about the multiple being on the 'left-hand 
side' of the equation/expression, and whether that is even possible?

It is!

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# build the data-structure (I hope)
 >>> d1 = { 'pkid':1, 'facility':'here' }
 >>> d2 = { 'pkid':2, 'facility':'there' }
 >>> d3 = { 'pkid':3, 'facility':'nowhere' }
 >>> locDS = ( d1, d2, d3 )

# let's check that the data-format is as-described?
 >>> type( locDS )
<class 'tuple'>
 >>> for row in locDS: print( row )
{'pkid': 1, 'facility': 'here'}
{'pkid': 2, 'facility': 'there'}
{'pkid': 3, 'facility': 'nowhere'}
# are we on the right track?

# this is the original code and approach
 >>> loc_Choices = [ '<None>' ]
 >>> locKeys = [ 0 ]
 >>> for row in locDS:
...     loc_Choices.append( row[ 'facility' ] )
...     locKeys.append( row[ 'pkid' ] )
# which (I hope) shows the existing (and desired) results
 >>> print( loc_Choices )
['<None>', 'here', 'there', 'nowhere']
 >>> print( locKeys )
[0, 1, 2, 3]

# we can do the list inits, cf leaving it to the list comprehension
 >>> loc_Choices = [ '<None>' ]
 >>> locKeys = [ 0 ]

# but how might we achieve this using a (single) list comprehension?
 >>> [ [ loc_Choices.append( row[ 'facility' ] ), locKeys.append( row[ 
'pkid' ] ) ] for row in locDS ]
# in (proper) code, I'd format this over two lines (at least)

# correct me if I'm wrong, but these o/ps will
# 'disappear into the ether' when run within a pgm...
[[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]]

# leaving us with 'the proof of the pudding'
 >>> print( loc_Choices )
['<None>', 'here', 'there', 'nowhere']
 >>> print( locKeys )
[0, 1, 2, 3]

Possible considerations:

1 some sample data would have eased the way/its lack leaves room for 

2 a list comprehension normally executes more quickly than the 
traditional (long-form) multi-line code-block. However, it would be 
worth measuring that on your particular machine h/w and Py__version__. 
The other 'efficiency' is readability, but "elegance" is largely a 
matter of (personal) taste. So that ('mine-field') I leave to you...

3 taking the multi-line code-block and splitting it into TWO separate 
(consecutive) list comprehensions (one for loc_Choices and the other for 
locKeys) will most-likely be noticeably MORE 'expensive'

4 it is no matter if row/the locDS tuple dict-elements contain more 
key-value pairs

5 during code review, my colleagues would delight in criticising the 
choice of names such as locKeys - describing them as "JavaScript" (a 
'dirty word' to some), loc_Choices as contrary to PEP-8 ("flake", or 
whatever), etc - despite that I have a little 'set' of abbreviations 
with which I do the same, eg locNR. YMMV!

6 however, this simple boy will venture criticism of the inconsistency 
in using the underline word-separator, eg locKeys but loc_Choices. Even 
more potential for confusion: locChoices and loc_Choices!?

7 consider the data structures (outside of our view, here). Assuming 
there are more elements in each 'loc dict', might it be just as easy to 
leave the two pertinent elements 'there' and iterate over locDS when 
actually applied. Alternately, perhaps it might be better to construct a 
dictionary with the 'pkid's as keys and the 'facility' as values for 
direct-access application? Not knowing how the structure(s) will be 
utilised makes this pure speculation!

8 any?every time "similar loops" are found, re-factor to a function
(let's see if that philosophy kicks-off a retort or two...)

9 was it Knuth who described "premature optimisation" as "evil"? 
Certainly I'm a believer in 'make it work before you make it better'. 
So, (after all that!) what are we really achieving here? With such 
quantities, is it critical to 'save time'? If so, is this part of the 
code really the greatest time-sink?
(and we're back to the 'readability' consideration, previously mentioned)

Thanks, for the provocation into answering this long-held question - and 
for the fact that my brain isn't sleepy any longer.
(mind you, such exertion suggests it must be time for a tea-break)...
Regards =dn

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