[Tutor] Basic Question about Visualization for enduser

Sinardy Xing sinardyxing at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 10:52:28 EDT 2019

Hi Mats,

Thanks for the reply. I am so sorry the question was not clear. I was
rushing home when composing the question.

I have learned python and a little about the pandas lib also the
visualization lib such as maplotlib, I also learn on how to generate the
output (thanks again for that example I learned that too few days ago).

My question is, how currently all of this great technology glue together
and as a final product for the enduser. Because I cant imagine that we
install Anaconda Jupyter Notebook at frontend for the enduser to use it,
and give end user bunch of *.py

I read a little bit about Django web framework, I am not sure if my
understanding is correct. Therefore we are using Django as frontend tier
then it connected to backend python server running the calculation and all
other python stuff including the charting and send back the result to
django front end server for end user to consume.

My question is how is the end to end commonly use by company product, how
they present those charts to end user.?

Thanks very much for your kind reply, I am very new in this and all the
information is via selfstudy and online document including this forum.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:27 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:

> On 6/25/19 6:39 AM, Sinardy Xing wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am a newbie with python and the data visualization.
> > I have completed pandas.DataFrame stuff and also the matplotlib.
> >
> > All of the example that I learned from internet currently are using the
> > Anaconda Jupyter Notebook.
> > I know there are API where we can output the result of the graph to png,
> > will that be possible all these done automatically and dynamically via an
> > apps ?
> You can generate graphs with mathplotlib.  If you're specifically
> looking for a png, it looks a bit like this (assuming you want to follow
> the usual conventions for shortening the name, which certainly isn't
> required):
> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
> plt.savefig('foo.png')
> savefig looks at the file extension in determining what to output.
> Without a specific question, I'm not sure what else we can say...
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