[Tutor] Python Imported Code

stephen.m.smith at comcast.net stephen.m.smith at comcast.net
Tue Jun 25 09:50:38 EDT 2019


I have written a 'program' that does some reasonable screen scraping off of
a specific website. The program has gotten too large so I have tried to
segment it into logical pieces (tkinter logic as a start) but I am having
problems. Specifically I need to pass several dictionaries to the module
(imported code) that validates some user selection and into the code that
navigates through the website. I have also created a variable that is set to
0 when a valid entry has been made by the user (telling the scraper what to
do) that needs to be checked in the scraper module that is waiting patiently
before it starts. There are multiple threads working as well because I may
need to run several session as once.

After struggling with my basic need - the ability to pass
variables/dictionaries across modules, especially imported modules, I have
read everything I can find and tried small, demo programs. But is till can't
get it

What I need:

An ability to create dictionaries (that have validation information in them)
and variables (that signal status and contain information entered by the
user in tinkter) that I can make available to all components. I have tried
using global, but that fails. I also can't seem to use arguments because the
module that tkinter fires up with this command:

self.process_button = tk.Button(master, text='Process Request', \
                                        font = ('times', regular_font,
                                        fg = "blue",

does not seem to support the presence of arguments.

Demo Program - This currently bombs in part 3 - it can't seem to see the
value/space created in part1. Any help or reference that will clearly show
me how to solve this problem would be most appreciated. I have read a number
of points that recommend against using global anywhere (it does not seem to
work with imported code) but I just can't find a recommendation for doing
something that seems pretty fundamental.

Thanks to an and all that try to help!

Part 1

import nice
import nice2
global myGlobal
myGlobal = "initial value"
print (nice.myGlobal)

print("nice version = ", nice.myGlobal)
print("nice2 version = ", nice2.myGlobal)
print("mainline=", myGlobal)

part 2 - stored as nice.py

def changeGlobal():
   global myGlobal
   #print("entering  changeGlobal part 1", myGlobal)
   myGlobal = "hello"
   print("top of myGlobal", myGlobal) 
   print("changeGlobal =", myGlobal)


Part3 stored as nice2
myGlobal = "hello"

def changeGlobal():
   global myGlobal
   print("first value = ", nice.myGlobal)
   myGlobal="it worked"
   print("in changeGlobal2 =", myGlobal)


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