[Tutor] Python Regular Expressions (Re.sub) Function

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Mon Mar 4 04:57:07 EST 2019

Hi Edward, and welcome.

Please remember that we're volunteers, doing this for free. Unless your 
problem is really interesting, you're not likely to get people 
volunteering to spend a long time slogging through multiple attachments, 
screenshots, at least five seperate attempts, etc.

By the way, most of your attachments have been deleted by the mailing 
list. Only things which it considers text files will get through.

Please try to simplify the question you are asking, and keep the code 
you show as short and simple as practical. You might find it helpful to 
read this:


In the meantime, this might help you:

py> import re
py> text = "abcd[][]...[x]yz"
py> re.sub(r'\[|\]', '@', text)
'abcd@@@@... at x@yz'
py> re.sub(r'\[|\]', '', text)

On Mon, Mar 04, 2019 at 11:04:15AM +0300, Edward Kanja wrote:
> Hi there,
> Hope this finds you well, I'm working on a simple project to analyse data
> using
> regular expressions. I have successfully worked on a regular expression
> pattern
> that extracts data from my txt file. Unfortunately after i extract the data
> my output has too much of square brackets and by so doing the output cant
> be well exported in a csv file. I have worked on an idea of Re.sub function
> where i'm trying to replace all square brackets in my output with an empty
> string.
> Below are images of what i have been working on.
> Explanations of the attachments and images named as follows:
> *1. mydata in txtfile. *This images shows how my data looks in the txt file
> although
> i have also attached the real txt file with the actual data below.
> *2. code for the output. *This image shows the regular expression that is
> well extracting the data from my txt file.
> 3. *my output. *This image shows the out after i ran my code . it shows the
> square brackets that are in my output and ones i need to do away with.
> 4.*tryone code. *This image shows my first try using re.sub to eliminate
> the square brackets.
> *5. tryone output.*This images shows the output i had after running the
> code in the image named tryone code.
> *6. try two code:*This image shows my second try using re.sub to eliminate
> the square brackets.
> *7.trytwo output.*This images shows the output i had after running the code
> in the image named trytwo code.
> *8.try four code.*This image shows my fourth try using re.sub to eliminate
> the square brackets.
> *9.try four output.* This images shows the output i had after running the
> code in the image named tryfour code.
> *10.try five code.*This image shows my number five try using re.sub to
> eliminate the square brackets
> *11.*  *try five output.*This images shows the output i had after running
> the code in the image named tryfive code.
> *12.line five name code regex.*This image shows the full code for the name
> regular expression with the re.sub function for the code
> in the image named try five code.
> *13.try six code.*This image shows my sixth try using re.sub to eliminate
> the square brackets
> *14. try six output.*This images shows the output i had after running the
> code in the image named tryfsix code
> *15.try six full name code.*This image shows the full code for the name
> regular expression with the re.sub function for the code
> in the image named try six code.
> *16. unon.TXT. *This is the txt file that has the data i am extracting.
> Kindly assist and kindly copy my work email ( edward.mwangi at un.org ) when
> replying .
> Thanks alot.
> Regards,
> Kanja Edward.
> P.O.BOX 1203-00300,
> *+254720724793*
> www.linkedin.com/in/edward-kanja-bba16a106
> <http://linkeldin/>

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