[Tutor] Can't reinstall pip for Python 3.7.3

Zelphy contact.zelphy at gmail.com
Wed May 8 07:36:57 EDT 2019

Dear tutor members,

After spending a lot of time on forums trying to fix this problem, I come
here hoping for a solution to my problem.
In fact, after upgrading my version of Python ( I was on 3.6.5 and then on
3.7.3 ) I wanted to reinstall pip ( mainly in order to download Pygame )
But, after downloading Python and the get-pip.py file, when I open it ( and
it do the same thing every time ) the command prompt tell me "successfully
uninstalled pip-19.1.1 and then Python stop to work.
[image: Pip install.PNG]
I checked the Path but when I open the Script folder, this folder is empty.
But as I remember, normally there is, in this folder, a pip.exe and some
other things.

[image: Path.PNG]

[image: path Environment variables.PNG]

I also linked here some screenshots that might help.

Btw I'm not a native english speaker so I've may done some mistakes and I'm
sorry about that.

Hopping to have a solution to this problem,

Best regards

sans virus. www.avast.com

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