[Tutor] Looking for some direction

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sun May 12 05:15:52 EDT 2019

On 12/05/19 7:59 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 12/05/2019 00:24, David L Neil wrote:
>> "3 consoles": what is the purpose of each?
>> (my first reaction stemmed from many editors including a built-in console)
> One for vim,

yes - that 'replaces' the window/app running an IDE/GUI-based editor.

> One for the Python interpreter

> One for an OS shell used for running/testing the app plus any
> miscellaneous Unixy type things I need to do (sed/grep/awk/git etc).

Interestingly, I split these into two - my laziness for running/testing 
is 'Save, Alt-Tab, Up-arrow, Enter' which would be 'ruined' by using the 
cmdLN for anything else.

I might even 'raise' your bid, by adding a third terminal here - when 
needing to ssh into a VPS or other remote m/c.

> I'll usually also have a web browser for reading
> documentation if necessary, although that's mostly
> done in the interpreter using dir()/help().

+1 (to make it 'worse', I have two web browsers open - plain-Firefox for 
'ordinary browsing' and the FF Development Edition for, well, 
development work. Yes, that habit probably came out of testing web stuff 
in multiple browsers, but now the DE is where I cruise the PSL docs, 
etc, as a de-facto separation-of-concerns in my mind.

> Alt-Tab and the X cut 'n paste mechanism provides
> enough integration between windows.

Very handy!

 > One for the Python interpreter

I also do this, all-the-time. My youngest/new grad colleague observing 
this last week, was most puzzled. He felt it was 'double-handling' 
because "most ideas could/should be hashed-out in TDD design" cf 'code 
experimentation'. Will be interesting to see if he takes-on the idea, or 
continues to tease 'the old boy'...

(any comment if this is my failing to (fully) appreciate TDD philosophy?)

I'm using Gnome Terminal under Fedora (Linux). This allows multiple 
terminals in tabs (and thus Ctrl-Tab rapid-switching). However, it 
irritates me that whilst I can set "profiles" for particular purposes; 
there does not seem to be a way to save a 'session'. Thus each time 
Terminal re-starts, I have to re-build each terminal, manually.

(suggestions of other similar tools would be most welcome)

I'm also conscious of advising the OP on IDEs/editors: in that I am 
currently using Sublime Text but find the "build" mechanism quite alien 
to Python (HTML, CSS, JS, etc - but not Rust!). Similarly, I need to 
learn more about using ST's built-in terminal (preferably at full-size 
rather than a few lines at the bottom of the editing window). That might 
cut-down on one concurrent terminal...

(similarly, am open to suggestions for improving Python dev using ST)

Thanks for your feedback!
Regards =dn

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