[Tutor] Learning something new.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 23 04:37:12 EDT 2019

On 23/05/2019 08:38, Jessica Rabbit wrote:
> Hello, my name is Jessica and I hope I found the right e mail to help me
> learn of to write in code and eventually learn to hack. 

Hi Jessica and welcome to the tutor list.

> know how to do something that my father can. If this email is read by
> someone who is willing to help, *teach*, and *yell* at me (figuratively)
> please let me know.

The way the list works is that people ask questions of the
list membership, who then answer them. The more specific
the question the more specific will be the answer.

Include any code you have written and any error messages in
the message body, do not use attachments, especially not
binary ones like screenshots, since the server will drop them.

It also sometimes helps to know your Python version and your OS.

Have fun, we look forward to your questions and we try not
to yell at anyone.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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