From jgarvit912 at  Sun Nov  3 05:00:39 2019
From: jgarvit912 at (Garvit)
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 15:30:39 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] regarding an error in the programming
Message-ID: <>

I am a student and learning python as the programming language.
During the execution of a program about ?pie charts? an error is occurring i.e. 

?Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\programs for file\prog", line 19, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 2783, in pie
    data is not None else {}))
  File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1538, in inner
    return func(ax, *map(sanitize_sequence, args), **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\", line 2964, in pie
    x += expl * math.cos(thetam)
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' ?.

How can I correct it? Do response quickly.

Thanking you,
Garvit Jain

From mats at  Sun Nov  3 08:54:21 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 06:54:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] regarding an error in the programming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/3/19 3:00 AM, Garvit wrote:
> Sir/ma?am,
> I am a student and learning python as the programming language.
> During the execution of a program about ?pie charts? an error is occurring i.e.
> ?Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\programs for file\prog", line 19, in <module>
>      plt.pie(Book_price,Book_name,colors=Colours,shadow=True,startangle=140,autopct='%1.1f%%')
>    File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 2783, in pie
>      data is not None else {}))
>    File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1538, in inner
>      return func(ax, *map(sanitize_sequence, args), **kwargs)
>    File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\", line 2964, in pie
>      x += expl * math.cos(thetam)
> TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' ?.
> How can I correct it? Do response quickly.

By reading and understanding the error message.

The failing line was:

x += expl * math.cos(thetam)

The error was:

TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' ?

That means expl is a sequence type (list, or tuple, or ...) because the 
cos function always returns a float.  "Don't do that".

Since you didn't see fit to include any code at all nobody listening 
here can say anything more.

From py.ohayo at  Wed Nov  6 05:29:26 2019
From: py.ohayo at (Pavel Yermolenko)
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 10:29:26 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] execute search request on website
Message-ID: <em1ff2cd47-da9f-42c3-b2c1-9c2aa941822d@saratoga>

Is someone aware of the procedure for running a search request on a 
website, for example to search Amazon for a book using its ISBN?

From mats at  Wed Nov  6 08:49:27 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 06:49:27 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] execute search request on website
In-Reply-To: <em1ff2cd47-da9f-42c3-b2c1-9c2aa941822d@saratoga>
References: <em1ff2cd47-da9f-42c3-b2c1-9c2aa941822d@saratoga>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/6/19 3:29 AM, Pavel Yermolenko wrote:
> Hello,
> Is someone aware of the procedure for running a search request on a 
> website, for example to search Amazon for a book using its ISBN?

In a limited way - there is an API here which you can look at, which as 
I recall, says nothing about Python specifically.

In general, it's up to each website whether or not they provide an API 
to access their materials, and under what terms you can do so. Amazon 
wants to sell things, so they do but some of the search engines, for 
example, are not allowed to (or don't wish to, if they have the rights) 
present their results in a way that does not include their presentation 
and branding.  So something that seems simple may not be (and this is 
why many people go down the route of web scraping, which may or may not 
legally circumvent those same restrictions of who owns what and how it 
may be presented).

Maybe others have examples?

From asuitaji22 at  Thu Nov  7 17:42:50 2019
From: asuitaji22 at (Itaji Le)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 17:42:50 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Virutal env. is missing from PyCharm
Message-ID: <>

Hi, my name is Nhu and I am new but interested in learning to program using
Python! After downloaded PyCharm and created a new project, I encounter
this problem when trying to assign a Python interpreter... I have tried to
search for solutions to this problem but unsuccessfully... Can you direct
me on how to fix this problem?
[image: image.png]

Thank you!


From mats at  Thu Nov  7 18:17:08 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 16:17:08 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Virutal env. is missing from PyCharm
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/7/19 3:42 PM, Itaji Le wrote:
> Hi, my name is Nhu and I am new but interested in learning to program using
> Python! After downloaded PyCharm and created a new project, I encounter
> this problem

what problem?   looks like you might have included an image, but it 
didn't survive the list software, which strips many kinds of attachments 
for safety reasons.

  when trying to assign a Python interpreter... I have tried to
> search for solutions to this problem but unsuccessfully... Can you direct
> me on how to fix this problem?
> [image: image.png]

have you tried JetBrains' documentation? It's usually pretty solid.  I 
find this:

From mats at  Thu Nov  7 18:45:56 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 16:45:56 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Virutal env. is missing from PyCharm
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/7/19 4:39 PM, Alex Kleider wrote:
> Lurker's comment:
> I prefer virtualenvwrapper[1] but perhaps not for the obvious 
> (functionality) reasons:
> What I like is that all the 'env's are under one directory 
> (~/.virtualenvs) rather than scattered in various project directories.
> "Different strokes for different folks."

yeah, I use pyenv partly for the same reason, all of the stuff ends up 
in my ~/.pyenv directory....

From akleider at  Thu Nov  7 18:39:06 2019
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 15:39:06 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Virutal env. is missing from PyCharm
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2019-11-07 15:17, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 11/7/19 3:42 PM, Itaji Le wrote:
>> Hi, my name is Nhu and I am new but interested in learning to program 
>> using
>> Python! After downloaded PyCharm and created a new project, I 
>> encounter
>> this problem
> have you tried JetBrains' documentation? It's usually pretty solid.  I
> find this:

Lurker's comment:
I prefer virtualenvwrapper[1] but perhaps not for the obvious 
(functionality) reasons:
What I like is that all the 'env's are under one directory 
(~/.virtualenvs) rather than scattered in various project directories.
"Different strokes for different folks."


From robertvstepp at  Thu Nov  7 22:39:39 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 21:39:39 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Has anyone tried the Visual Studio Code editor?
Message-ID: <>

An article popped up on my phone today about Visual Studio Code.  It
claimed that a Stack Overflow survey this year found it to be the most
popular code editor.  So, being curious, has anyone tried it for
Python development?  And the Python extension?  Also, has anyone using
this editor tried the Vim extension?


From mats at  Thu Nov  7 23:14:25 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 21:14:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Has anyone tried the Visual Studio Code editor?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/7/19 8:39 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> An article popped up on my phone today about Visual Studio Code.  It
> claimed that a Stack Overflow survey this year found it to be the most
> popular code editor.  So, being curious, has anyone tried it for
> Python development?  And the Python extension?  Also, has anyone using
> this editor tried the Vim extension?

vscode is decent at Python.  some of the additional addons are poor (I 
have a running battle with the ReST support plugin, which always seems 
to be missing support for something I try to use) but it's not at all a 
bad editor for py code. It you're a vim person, though, why not just use 
vim, rather than fiddling with an addon for another editor that tries to 
support vim keystrokes??

From robertvstepp at  Thu Nov  7 23:31:14 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 22:31:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Has anyone tried the Visual Studio Code editor?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 10:14 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
>... It you're a vim person, though, why not just use
> vim, rather than fiddling with an addon for another editor that tries to
> support vim keystrokes??
 I have been using Vim (more recently Neovim).  The things I like
about Vim boil down to being able to use the keyboard for everything
without going through keyboard contortions, like emacs with its
extensive use of control key combinations.  And its speed.  What I
hate about it is its varying methods of installing plugins, finding
the right plugins, etc.  To me it is a nightmare!  I can get it done,
but I feel like I am getting a root canal at the dentist.  So my hope
with Visual Studio Code is that it could do most of the two things I
like and greatly improve the main thing I dislike about Vim.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Nov  8 04:53:19 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 09:53:19 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Has anyone tried the Visual Studio Code editor?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08/11/2019 03:39, boB Stepp wrote:
> An article popped up on my phone today about Visual Studio Code.  It
> claimed that a Stack Overflow survey this year found it to be the most
> popular code editor.  So, being curious, has anyone tried it for
> Python development?  And the Python extension?  Also, has anyone using
> this editor tried the Vim extension?

I tried it in vanilla form for Linux. It was part of my general testing
of IDEs - Netbeans, Eclipse and a few others were also considered.

In the end I opted for Netbeans as my tool of choice (previously it
had been Eclipse) But I don't use an IDE for python work, they are
just too big and clunky. I only use them for bigger, mixed language

VScode was an OK IDE, familiar to me from my use of it programming C++
and C# on Windows. But it didn't offer anything special enough for me
to pick it over Netbeans. Like all IDEs it's big and clunky so takes a
while to start up. If you have sufficient RAM then it runs well enough
once started.

But for Python coding I still prefer vim. I have no issues with plugins
because I don't use any! :-) Raw vim has more than enough features to
keep me happy. Plus, for me, one of vim's strongest features is its all
pervasive presence on Linux boxes. I can go anywhere and find a vim. If
I become dependent on a non-standard feature then I lose productivity
when visiting an alien vim. So I keep to the vanilla editor.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From david at  Fri Nov  8 10:55:37 2019
From: david at (David Lowry-Duda)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 10:55:37 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Has anyone tried the Visual Studio Code editor?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> What I hate about it is its varying methods of installing plugins, 
> finding the right plugins, etc.  To me it is a nightmare!

I don't mean to make this into a vim discussion, but I would like to add 
that essentially every plugin can be installed using a single plugin 
manager and it doesn't really matter which plugin manager you choose. If 
you decide you would like to try to adjust your vim-strategy, I invite 
you to ask on the vim mailing list.

I'll also add that I know a few people who like the modal editing 
interface of vim and use vim-bindings in pycharm as their python editor 
of choice.

Good luck (with visual studio or vim or whatever is next for you).


David Lowry-Duda <david at> <>

From robertvstepp at  Fri Nov  8 22:54:04 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 21:54:04 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you consider
 essential for efficient Python development?
Message-ID: <>

I have spent the afternoon playing around with Visual Studio Code with
the Vim extension enabled, comparing it to Neovim.  While interesting
and "pretty", I will continue to stick with Vim/Neovim.  But playing
around with VSC with all of its many integrated tools has convinced me
it is time to give careful thought to what would be helpful tools for
serious Python development to make me more efficient and less error
prone.  Up to this point in my on and off adventures with Python I
have strictly avoided any such tools to force myself to get Python
syntax into my head and fingers.  I think I now am at the point where
these tools would be more helpful than harmful to my Python journey.

My main system at home is Linux Mint.  I am using a bare Neovim editor
installation (Meaning no plugins installed and using existing
defaults) with no GUI running in Gnome terminal.  I am using Python
3.7.5 on this PC.  I use Git for version control.  I have installed
vim-plug for Neovim plugin management (Done today.)  I normally use
Python's unittest module for testing, though I play around with pytest
from time to time.  My normal workflow is to have Neovim open in one
terminal tab, the Python interpreter in another, and finally another
tab for actually running any code.  I normally prefer the latter to
using Neovim's integrated terminal or its terminal commands.

What Neovim plugins would any of you recommend as especially useful?
Searching online I have found a variety of opinions, but as to
functionality I have seen suggested:
    1)  Git integration plugins.
    2)  Code completion plugins.
    3)  Linters.
    4)  File explorer plugins.
    5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
    6)  Comments plugins.
    7)  Code autoformatting plugins.
    8)  PEP 8 compatibility plugins.
    9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
  10)  Code folding plugins.
  11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
  12)  And on and on and ...

I may very well have left out something that is actually important.
Perhaps an integrated debugger of some sort?  This is all quite mind
boggling and it is hard to sift out the wheat from the chaff, not to
mention there are usually multiple plugins that claim to perform the
same functionality.  I am sure there must be significant variation in
quality of these different options.

Any help in making sense of these will be appreciated.  I have agreed
to work with my son on what looks to be a potentially very large
project (Meaning for us possibly tens of thousands LOC.) and anything
that will help my code quality and efficiency in generating it, I am
willing to entertain.



From javon1974 at  Fri Nov  8 23:19:08 2019
From: javon1974 at (Eddwin Shoemo)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 22:19:08 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Curve Fitting a cvs data file in Python
Message-ID: <>

Hi. I was presented with a question and it has me stumped. My PY and csv files are attached.
Here is the question:

Use the function, test_func1(x, b0, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5)  (<??located at the bottom of the script below)
to predict the SALES in terms of each of the 3 attributes: the TV, Radio, and Newspaper data. PLOT the results. 
HINT: use the optimize library from scipy module. look for functions such as curve_fit.

My Script:

import csv 
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  #Used to plot
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge, Lasso
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GridSearchCV # for optimuim MSE with Linear reg

########## Another data set -advertising
data2 = pd.read_csv('Advertising.csv')
print(data2.head()) # print the first 5 lines
data2.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis=1, inplace=True)# drop the unnamed column (axis=1 for col, and 0 for rows)

#tv=data2['TV'].values  # Alternative command for the one listed below

#radio=data2[['radio']] # Alternative method to command listed above

reg1 = LinearRegression(), sales)
y_pred1 = reg1.predict(tv)
plt.scatter(tv, sales, color='y') #plot real values
plt.plot(tv, y_pred1, "r.") #plot predicted values # The dot displays a dotted value
##   COLORS: one of {'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'}

reg2 = LinearRegression(),1), sales)  # Will use a column vector
y_pred2 = reg2.predict(radio.reshape(-1,1))
plt.scatter(radio, sales, color='b') #plot real values
plt.plot(radio, y_pred2, c="black", linewidth=3)
plt.xlabel("The number of Ads (TV, Radio, and Newspaper)") # Label for the graph
plt.ylabel("The Sales") # Label for the graph

reg3 = LinearRegression(),1), sales)
y_pred3 = reg3.predict(newspaper.reshape(-1,1))
plt.scatter(newspaper, sales, color='red') #plot real values
plt.plot(newspaper, y_pred3, "g.")

### Ridge Regression ###############################################
ridge = Ridge()
parameters_dict = {'alpha':[1e-12, 1e-7, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1, 4, 15, 20]}
rg_regressor = GridSearchCV(ridge,parameters_dict,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error',cv=5),sales)
y_pred4 = rg_regressor.predict(tv)
print('The best value for -Ridge- alpha is', rg_regressor.best_params_)
print('The minimuim MSE -Ridge-is',rg_regressor.best_score_)
plt.scatter(tv,sales,color='m') # Plot real values
plt.plot(tv, y_pred4, "k--")

### Lasso Regression ###############################################
lasso = Lasso()
parameters_dict_lasso = {'alpha':[1e-12, 1e-7, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1, 4, 15, 20]}
ls_regressor = GridSearchCV(lasso, parameters_dict_lasso,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5),sales)
y_pred5 = ls_regressor.predict(tv)
print('The best value for Lasso alpha is', ls_regressor.best_params_)
print('The minimuim MSE -Lasso-is', ls_regressor.best_score_)
plt.scatter(tv,sales,color='m') # Plot real values
plt.plot(tv, y_pred5, "g--") # -- is how the plot is displayed

### Linear Regression with optimuim MSE #############################
LR = LinearRegression()
MSEs=cross_val_score(LR,tv,sales,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)
print('The average MSE-Linear', avg_MSEs), sales)
Pred = LR.predict(tv)
plt.scatter(tv,sales,color='m') # Plot real values
plt.plot(tv, Pred, "b--") # -- is how the plot is displayed

def test_func1(x, b0, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5):
  return (b0 + b1*x + b2*x**2+ b3*x**3 + b4*x**4+ b5*x**5)

print('call the function:',test_func1(1,10,5,4,3,2,1))

From alan.gauld at  Sat Nov  9 12:44:13 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2019 17:44:13 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Curve Fitting a cvs data file in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 09/11/2019 04:19, Eddwin Shoemo via Tutor wrote:
> Hi. I was presented with a question and it has me stumped. 

In what way? You have et us a lot of code but no idea what you
want to know.

We will not do your homework for you. We will try to help steer
you in the right direction. But few of us are likely to try running
arbitrary code sent through the internet. So you need to tell us
what happens, what you expected to happen plus any error
messages you get(in full)

> My PY and csv files are attached.

The code is inline but the csv data seems to have gotten lost.
The server doesn't trust many attachments.

> Here is the question:
> Use the function, test_func1(x, b0, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5)  (<??????located at the bottom of the script below)
> to predict the SALES in terms of each of the 3 attributes: the TV, Radio, and Newspaper data. PLOT the results. 
> HINT: use the optimize library from scipy module. look for functions such as curve_fit.
> My Script:
> import csv 
> import pandas as pd
> import numpy as np
> from scipy import optimize
> from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  #Used to plot
> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge, Lasso
> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GridSearchCV # for optimuim MSE with Linear reg
> ########## Another data set -advertising
> data2 = pd.read_csv('Advertising.csv')
> print(data2.head()) # print the first 5 lines
> #print(data2)
> data2.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis=1, inplace=True)# drop the unnamed column (axis=1 for col, and 0 for rows)
> print(data2.head())  
> #tv=data2['TV'].values  # Alternative command for the one listed below
> tv=data2[['TV']]
> #print(tv)
> radio=data2['radio'].values
> #radio=data2[['radio']] # Alternative method to command listed above
> #print(radio)
> newspaper=data2['newspaper'].values
> #print(newspaper)
> #sales=data2['sales'].values
> sales=data2[['sales']]
> """            

This effectively comments out most of the rest of the code.
Is that what you intended?

> reg1 = LinearRegression()
>, sales)
> y_pred1 = reg1.predict(tv)
> plt.figure()
> plt.scatter(tv, sales, color='y') #plot real values
> plt.plot(tv, y_pred1, "r.") #plot predicted values # The dot displays a dotted value
> ##   COLORS: one of {'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'}
> reg2 = LinearRegression()
>,1), sales)  # Will use a column vector
> y_pred2 = reg2.predict(radio.reshape(-1,1))
> plt.scatter(radio, sales, color='b') #plot real values
> plt.plot(radio, y_pred2, c="black", linewidth=3)
> plt.xlabel("The number of Ads (TV, Radio, and Newspaper)") # Label for the graph
> plt.ylabel("The Sales") # Label for the graph
> reg3 = LinearRegression()
>,1), sales)
> y_pred3 = reg3.predict(newspaper.reshape(-1,1))
> plt.scatter(newspaper, sales, color='red') #plot real values
> plt.plot(newspaper, y_pred3, "g.")
> ### Ridge Regression ###############################################
> ridge = Ridge()
> parameters_dict = {'alpha':[1e-12, 1e-7, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1, 4, 15, 20]}
> rg_regressor = GridSearchCV(ridge,parameters_dict,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error',cv=5) 
> y_pred4 = rg_regressor.predict(tv)
> print('The best value for -Ridge- alpha is', rg_regressor.best_params_)
> print('The minimuim MSE -Ridge-is',rg_regressor.best_score_)
> plt.scatter(tv,sales,color='m') # Plot real values
> plt.plot(tv, y_pred4, "k--")
> ### Lasso Regression ###############################################
> lasso = Lasso()
> parameters_dict_lasso = {'alpha':[1e-12, 1e-7, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1, 4, 15, 20]}
> ls_regressor = GridSearchCV(lasso, parameters_dict_lasso,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5) 
> y_pred5 = ls_regressor.predict(tv)
> print('The best value for Lasso alpha is', ls_regressor.best_params_)
> print('The minimuim MSE -Lasso-is', ls_regressor.best_score_)
> plt.scatter(tv,sales,color='m') # Plot real values
> plt.plot(tv, y_pred5, "g--") # -- is how the plot is displayed
> ### Linear Regression with optimuim MSE #############################
> LR = LinearRegression()
> MSEs=cross_val_score(LR,tv,sales,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5)
> avg_MSEs=np.mean(MSEs)
> print('The average MSE-Linear', avg_MSEs)
>, sales)
> Pred = LR.predict(tv)
> plt.scatter(tv,sales,color='m') # Plot real values
> plt.plot(tv, Pred, "b--") # -- is how the plot is displayed
> """
> def test_func1(x, b0, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5):
>   return (b0 + b1*x + b2*x**2+ b3*x**3 + b4*x**4+ b5*x**5)
> print('call the function:',test_func1(1,10,5,4,3,2,1))

This is all just plain math, no need for data or anything else.
I have no idea how it relates to the question or the code above.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From beachkidken at  Mon Nov 11 17:51:01 2019
From: beachkidken at (Ken Green)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 17:51:01 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
Message-ID: <>

I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
of a program and get the following error:

lpr: Error - No default destination.

(program exited with code: 0)
Press return to continue

End of error message.

I created a short program to print a simple line as

# 11/11/2019

import sys, os, time

datecode = "02042011"
month = datecode[0:2]
date? = datecode[2:4]
year? = datecode[4:8]
datecode = year + month + date
pr = (os.popen("lpr", "w"))
pr.write (datecode)

End of code.

Thanks for pointing me into the right direction.
Did something changed?

Thanks guys and gals.


From david at  Mon Nov 11 18:43:51 2019
From: david at (David Lowry-Duda)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 18:43:51 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20191111234351.GA546@icerm-dld>


> I acquired a new printer, a HP OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print 
> the output of a program and get the following error:
> lpr: Error - No default destination.

lpr is not a python program. It is a protocol, often used through a tool 
(which is often written in C). Not every printer follows the LPD/LPR 

> pr = (os.popen("lpr", "w"))
> pr.write (datecode)
> pr.close()

In your code, these lines open "lpr" as a process and writes some things 
to it. The first step towards debugging your printing would probably be 
to remove python and see if you can directly setup/use lpr from a 

Good luck!

David Lowry-Duda <david at> <>

From alan.gauld at  Mon Nov 11 19:13:06 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 00:13:06 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
> of a program and get the following error:

This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?

> lpr: Error - No default destination.

This is an OS level error not a Python issue.

> #
> # 11/11/2019
> import sys, os, time
> print

This implies you are using Python 2.7?
Might be worth considering a move to python 3 before support
for v2 ends next year,.

> datecode = "02042011"
> month = datecode[0:2]
> date?? = datecode[2:4]
> year?? = datecode[4:8]
> datecode = year + month + date

Consider using the datetime module functions for date
processing. But in this example slicing suffices I

> pr = (os.popen("lpr", "w"))

os.popen is deprecated, the subprocess module is the recommended
tool for this kind of task. It is much more powerful and flexible
although somewhat more complex to use. But the module
documentation gives several examples for most scenarios,
including os.pipe.

> pr.write (datecode)
> pr.close()

What happens here depends on your OS setup...
Does it work outside python if you just cat a string into lpr?

> Did something changed?

Yes, your printer.
Until we know that it is set up to work properly with lpr
all bets are off.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From robertvstepp at  Mon Nov 11 19:53:46 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 18:53:46 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I thought I would follow up on my questions in case anyone is waiting
with bated breath ~(:>))  The intent of my original post was primarily
query about programming tools that it would be good for me to
implement regardless of my specific editor and then to narrow it down
to the best specific plugins for my actual editor.  Judging from the
lack of responses... <shrug>  Anyway here is what my best efforts came
up with...

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 9:54 PM boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
> What Neovim plugins would any of you recommend as especially useful?
> Searching online I have found a variety of opinions, but as to
> functionality I have seen suggested:
>     1)  Git integration plugins.
>     2)  Code completion plugins.
>     3)  Linters.
>     4)  File explorer plugins.
>     5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
>     6)  Comments plugins.
>     7)  Code autoformatting plugins.
>     8)  PEP 8 compatibility plugins.
>     9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
>   10)  Code folding plugins.
>   11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
>   12)  And on and on and ...

After research I feel that the following plugin functionalities would
improve my code quality and coding efficiency:  1) Enhanced syntax
highlighting; 2) Code completion; 3) Code linting, especially checking
for PEP 8 and 257 compatibility; 4) Code autoformatting; 5)
Implementing type annotation and its checking.  As best as I can tell
from my research these are the functionalities that can make a
meaningful difference in my code quality and coding efficiency.  The
other categories of tools in my mind fall into the category of "nice
to haves" or "aesthetically pleasing".

As to specific plugins for my chosen editor, Neovim:

1)  I am trying out Semshi (  The
built-in syntax highlighting of Neovim seems to be fairly good, but
Semshi seems to offer enhancement.  My only thought is whether things
will become too busy looking.

2)  Code completion:  I really struggled on this one.  There are a
variety of options.  I finally went with Conquer of Completion
(, which is designed to take
advantage of Neovim's asynchronous plugin running capabilities.  I had
trouble figuring out its configuration.  Apparently it can use Jedi or
Microsoft Language Services for its language syntax knowledge.  I
chose the former and had to install that via pip.

3)  Code linting:  This was another toughy.  I finally went with ALE
(= Asynchronous Lint Engine) (,
again designed upfront to take advantage of Neovim's asynchronous
capabilities.  Apparently ALE can run in the background, or, upon
save, quite a large variety of linters and code formatters.  For
Python it supports autopep8, bandit, black, flake8, isort, mypy,
prospector, pycodestyle, pydocstyle, pyflakes, pylama, pylint, pyls,
pyre, reorder-python-imports, vulture and yapf.  Of course all of
these have to be installed for ALE to find them.  Of these options I
am going to try to run the flake8 package (Pyflakes, pycodestyle,
Mccabe) as I edit, pylint upon save, black on save, mypy as I edit,
pydocstyle as I type.

4)  Code autoformatting:  Black.

5)  Type annotation checking:  Study up on it and use MyPy.

I am not entirely sure if I yet have everything configured correctly,
but "stuff" is happening.  Especially with ALE I am not certain yet
whether everything that is supposed to be happening, is, in fact,
happening.  But interesting gutter markings are showing up in my
buffers and when I go one of these lines a message appears in my
editor's status bar.  We'll see.  As always, configuring these tools
and figuring out how to properly use them is a painful process for me.

Hopefully all of this will be helpful and not harmful.  However, I
notice that one of my source files that I copied and ran Black on made
one of the linters unhappy for about four lines where it did not like
the level of indentation chosen for a dictionary definition with some
long entries.  Also, is it considered bad style to define constants
(using all caps) locally in a function definition?  Did not like that
one either.

I might want to investigate some of the other tools that I currently
see more as conveniences, but that will have to wait until I figure
out what I have already installed.



From beachkidken at  Mon Nov 11 19:55:58 2019
From: beachkidken at (Ken Green)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 19:55:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/11/19 7:13 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
>> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
>> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
>> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
>> of a program and get the following error:
> This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
> if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
> I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?
>> lpr: Error - No default destination.
> This is an OS level error not a Python issue.
>> #
>> # 11/11/2019
>> import sys, os, time
>> print
> This implies you are using Python 2.7?
> Might be worth considering a move to python 3 before support
> for v2 ends next year,.
>> datecode = "02042011"
>> month = datecode[0:2]
>> date?? = datecode[2:4]
>> year?? = datecode[4:8]
>> datecode = year + month + date
> Consider using the datetime module functions for date
> processing. But in this example slicing suffices I
> guess.
>> pr = (os.popen("lpr", "w"))
> os.popen is deprecated, the subprocess module is the recommended
> tool for this kind of task. It is much more powerful and flexible
> although somewhat more complex to use. But the module
> documentation gives several examples for most scenarios,
> including os.pipe.
>> pr.write (datecode)
>> pr.close()
> What happens here depends on your OS setup...
> Does it work outside python if you just cat a string into lpr?
>> Did something changed?
> Yes, your printer.
> Until we know that it is set up to work properly with lpr
> all bets are off.
I'm sorry to have forgotten to mention my OS and Python model.
I should have known better.

Currently using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and Python 2.7.15+.? Been
using Ubuntu and Python2 before the new printer arrived in
spring of 2019 and no problem was noted before then. Usage of
printer other than Python2 was fine with current OS. I suppose
I should try using Python 3.6.8 and see what gives. Thanks.


From PyTutor at  Mon Nov 11 21:16:39 2019
From: PyTutor at (DL Neil)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:16:39 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry @boB, I guess it comes down to 'spare time'. Also, it's a 
conversation that often leads to time-sinking 'religious wars'.

On 12/11/19 1:53 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> I thought I would follow up on my questions in case anyone is waiting
> with bated breath ~(:>))  The intent of my original post was primarily
> query about programming tools that it would be good for me to
> implement regardless of my specific editor and then to narrow it down
> to the best specific plugins for my actual editor.  Judging from the
> lack of responses... <shrug>  Anyway here is what my best efforts came
> up with...

Whilst I appreciate the point that vi[m] 'comes standard', it was 
presented as anything but standard - some systems opened in cmd mode, 
others with Insert on, ...

It has been pointed-out to me (when I last trotted-out exactly that 
line) that most of the more popular Linux distributions (at least - and 
thus all of their 'derivatives') come with nano. (I'll say no more - see 
also 'religious wars')

For reference:
1 I'd never choose to use MS-VScode, simply because of the first two 
2 I was persuaded to try VScodium, which was somewhat fun, but fairly 
soon afterwards a pip and/or pytest upgrade turned the effort into a 
(circular) farce; so
3 for the last years I've been using SublimeText (also with useful 
plug-ins), mainly to suit others in a particular, but also 
because folk in another team didn't like me doing from PyCharm. 
Go figure!

> On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 9:54 PM boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
>> What Neovim plugins would any of you recommend as especially useful?
>> Searching online I have found a variety of opinions, but as to
>> functionality I have seen suggested:
>>      1)  Git integration plugins.
>>      2)  Code completion plugins.
>>      3)  Linters.
>>      4)  File explorer plugins.
>>      5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
>>      6)  Comments plugins.
>>      7)  Code autoformatting plugins.
>>      8)  PEP 8 compatibility plugins.
>>      9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
>>    10)  Code folding plugins.
>>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
>>    12)  And on and on and ...
> After research I feel that the following plugin functionalities would
> improve my code quality and coding efficiency:  1)  syntax highlighting;

2) Code completion;

  3) Code linting, especially checking for PEP 8 and 257 compatibility;
+1 (although "here be dragons", so being able to selectively turn-off 
specific checks is on the path of harmony and peaceful co-existence)

  4) Code autoformatting;
? doesn't the (Python) editor do this

5) Implementing type annotation and its checking
+1 although I see mypy as operating at the same time as/effectively a 
single unit with pytest (which I saw a 'missing' from your previous 
list; despite my using just such a plug-in 'all the time')

Referring to your original list:
 >>      1)  Git integration plugins.
- this is handy, but it wouldn't worry me if it was a separate application
- likely depends upon the operation's definition of CI

 >>      4)  File explorer plugins.
? to do what

 >>      5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
+1 but surely part of the editor

 >>      6)  Comments plugins.
? which do what

 >>      9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
+1 I find this very handy, from time-to-time (it's built-in to ST's editor)

 >>    10)  Code folding plugins.
+1 again: editor/built-in

 >>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
? which do what

Something which I'd like is a view/map of my entire (Python) 
application's entities showing how the pieces of the 'jig-saw' fit 
together, as well as a 'click on the link' facility to 'jump there'. 
Perhaps it already exists but outside of my vocabulary...

I don't have one right now, but have seen editors/IDEs with a similar 
structure of elements within a single/the current file. Not so 
interesting, but then perhaps that's because I don't like to have too 
much* in a single file - and perhaps end-up with too many* file-imports.

* make of that what you will!

> As to specific plugins for my chosen editor, Neovim:

> will become too busy looking.

Thus, the use for a 'distraction free' or 'edit only' mode - you can 
sing-along to this song: "built into the editor"!

> Hopefully all of this will be helpful and not harmful.  However, I
> notice that one of my source files that I copied and ran Black on made
> one of the linters unhappy for about four lines where it did not like
> the level of indentation chosen for a dictionary definition with some
> long entries.  Also, is it considered bad style to define constants
> (using all caps) locally in a function definition?  Did not like that
> one either.

...and what was I saying about the futility of acting (only) to make 
others happy? See also, selectively 'turning off' features.

I have failed to re-locate an article which talked about Python and 
"IDEs" (as opposed to more humble, "editors"). The claim was that Python 
didn't need half of the "cruft" that other languages demand of their 
editors because (a) it is interpreted/evidence not available until 
run-time, and (b) it's a better language(?) - which I think is true - 
but won't be driving me back to Notepad as a dev.tool, any time soon!

Your other comment is worthy of consideration: all these things take 
time to learn and then commit to muscle-memory/to become habits. 
Meantime, your Python dev work is slowed/brain-power is being absorbed 

I have colleagues who trade editors, sorry, maybe that should be IDEs, 
about as often as they change their under-wear. That comment about it 
taking time to come-up-to-speed seems to convince them that I am mad 
(quite possible - you don't have to be to work here - but it helps!). At 
least I can type faster than they, suffer less from FoMo, and am 
waaaaaay better-looking)

Selecting good tools - and the right tool for the job, is a necessary 
component of efficiency. So, I'm convinced of the importance of a good 
editor - and that may vary by language or other choices. However, what's 
right for you, might not be for me - and vice-versa. It's "horses for 
courses" - not that I'm comparing your looks to a horse (front-end or 
Regards =dn

From PyTutor at  Mon Nov 11 21:36:18 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:36:18 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/19 1:55 PM, Ken Green wrote:
> On 11/11/19 7:13 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>> On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
>>> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
>>> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
>>> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
>>> of a program and get the following error:
>> This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
>> if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
>> I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?
>>> lpr: Error - No default destination.
>> This is an OS level error not a Python issue.

> I'm sorry to have forgotten to mention my OS and Python model.
> I should have known better.

That's all right: then you were only confusing half of OS users and some 
pythonista, NOW you're upsetting HALF the WORLD!

"Spring"??? That's what it is right now in the southern hemisphere, but 
was six months ago in the northern (and is practically unknown by those 
living 'in the middle').

> Currently using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and Python 2.7.15+.? Been
> using Ubuntu and Python2 before the new printer arrived in
> spring of 2019 and no problem was noted before then. Usage of
> printer other than Python2 was fine with current OS. I suppose
> I should try using Python 3.6.8 and see what gives. Thanks.

See earlier comments about "OS level". Are you able to print from other 
s/w under Ubuntu? (even the printer's Test Page)

Modern Linux-es prefer to run printers through cups, and HP require an 
extra apt-get to receive the facilities to drive/monitor printers (and 
scanners, if appropriate).
(?hpijs - Fedora's s/w name(s) may be different to Ubuntu/Debian's)

Insert obligatory comment here - Python 2.n becomes 'end of life' in 
less than 50-days!
(not that this appears to be a Py2/3 issue)
Regards =dn

From robertvstepp at  Mon Nov 11 21:53:10 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 20:53:10 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 6:56 PM Ken Green <beachkidken at> wrote:
> On 11/11/19 7:13 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> > On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
> >> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
> >> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
> >> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
> >> of a program and get the following error:
> > This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
> > if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
> > I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?
> >
> >> lpr: Error - No default destination.
> > This is an OS level error not a Python issue.

I'll take a couple of shots in the dark.  I am not fluent in *nix
printing commands, but at work where I have to use the Solaris OS,
whenever we change printers it is a hassle to change default printers.
There is a graphical interface that allows printer configurations and
it works fine for installed GUI applications, but when I am at the
command line I have to use lpr explicitly and it requires switches
that are different than in the GUI case.  For instance, the "name"
label on the graphical representation of the printer is _not_ the name
assigned to lpr in the printer settings.  Also, in this command line
environment I have always had to explicitly use the correct printer
name with lpr as there are multiple printers I could print to.  Might
this be your case as well?  Or perhaps the old printer is still
considered a valid printer even though it may no longer be connected
to your system?  And there have been other subtleties that I find as
confusing as heck.  However, some online research and re-reading the
man page for lpr have so far enabled me to overcome the challenges to
date.  Sorry for being so vague, but I am not good at remembering
details of things I only infrequently have to deal with.


From beachkidken at  Mon Nov 11 22:00:44 2019
From: beachkidken at (Ken Green)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 22:00:44 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/11/19 9:36 PM, David L Neil via Tutor wrote:
> On 12/11/19 1:55 PM, Ken Green wrote:
>> On 11/11/19 7:13 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>>> On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
>>>> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
>>>> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
>>>> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
>>>> of a program and get the following error:
>>> This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
>>> if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
>>> I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?
>>>> lpr: Error - No default destination.
>>> This is an OS level error not a Python issue.
>> I'm sorry to have forgotten to mention my OS and Python model.
>> I should have known better.
> That's all right: then you were only confusing half of OS users and 
> some pythonista, NOW you're upsetting HALF the WORLD!
> "Spring"??? That's what it is right now in the southern hemisphere, 
> but was six months ago in the northern (and is practically unknown by 
> those living 'in the middle').
>> Currently using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and Python 2.7.15+.? Been
>> using Ubuntu and Python2 before the new printer arrived in
>> spring of 2019 and no problem was noted before then. Usage of
>> printer other than Python2 was fine with current OS. I suppose
>> I should try using Python 3.6.8 and see what gives. Thanks.
> See earlier comments about "OS level". Are you able to print from 
> other s/w under Ubuntu? (even the printer's Test Page)
> Modern Linux-es prefer to run printers through cups, and HP require an 
> extra apt-get to receive the facilities to drive/monitor printers (and 
> scanners, if appropriate).
> (?hpijs - Fedora's s/w name(s) may be different to Ubuntu/Debian's)
Yes, I have been able to run print jobs in Ubuntu 18.04.3 except Python 
2 and 3. Okay, you gave me a head up on apt-get something from HP. Will 
search tomorrow. That would be the best course of action to take. 
Failing that, will use my Windows 10 laptop that has Python 3 already 
installed. Thanks.
> Insert obligatory comment here - Python 2.n becomes 'end of life' in 
> less than 50-days!
> (not that this appears to be a Py2/3 issue)

From robertvstepp at  Mon Nov 11 22:33:57 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 21:33:57 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 8:17 PM DL Neil via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> Sorry @boB, I guess it comes down to 'spare time'. Also, it's a
> conversation that often leads to time-sinking 'religious wars'.

No apologies merited!  Nor any intent to stir the editor wars pot either.

I _did_ ask about Visual Studio Code editor in a _separate_ thread,
but after trying out its Vim extension I decided to stick with what I
have been using Vim/Neovim.  And I only asked about VSC because of an
article that popped up on my phone's news feed that suggested VSC is
the most popular editor currently and that piqued my interest.

> On 12/11/19 1:53 PM, boB Stepp wrote:

> > On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 9:54 PM boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
> >> What Neovim plugins would any of you recommend as especially useful?
> >> Searching online I have found a variety of opinions, but as to
> >> functionality I have seen suggested:
> >>      1)  Git integration plugins.
> >>      2)  Code completion plugins.
> >>      3)  Linters.
> >>      4)  File explorer plugins.
> >>      5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
> >>      6)  Comments plugins.
> >>      7)  Code autoformatting plugins.
> >>      8)  PEP 8 compatibility plugins.
> >>      9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
> >>    10)  Code folding plugins.
> >>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
> >>    12)  And on and on and ...

>   3) Code linting, especially checking for PEP 8 and 257 compatibility;
> +1 (although "here be dragons", so being able to selectively turn-off
> specific checks is on the path of harmony and peaceful co-existence)

I think I am already encountering the dragons...

>   4) Code autoformatting;
> ? doesn't the (Python) editor do this

If we are speaking of the same thing, no.  I am talking about tools
like Black, yapf and autopep8, which actually edit/rearrange your code
to make it conform to the selected coding style, usually PEP 8, but I
found optionally yapf does a Facebook and Google style.

> 5) Implementing type annotation and its checking
> +1 although I see mypy as operating at the same time as/effectively a
> single unit with pytest (which I saw a 'missing' from your previous
> list; despite my using just such a plug-in 'all the time')

I want to eventually switch to pytest, but I first want to master the
standard library unittest module.  For instance at work I will never
have access to pytest because of their software installation
prohibitions on our planning software platform.  And I don't think I
will lose anything as the pytest docs says it will happily run
unittest tests.

>  >>      4)  File explorer plugins.
> ? to do what

Apparently to have a "nicer" file system interface than what the
editor natively supplies.

>  >>      5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
> +1 but surely part of the editor

AFAIK, Vim/Neovim only natively highlights matching brackets, but will
not complete them for you.  However, there are at least a couple of
plugins that will provide that functionality.

>  >>      6)  Comments plugins.
> ? which do what

Apparently allow for some sort of shortcut to insert comments or
convert non-commented lines into comments.

>  >>      9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
> +1 I find this very handy, from time-to-time (it's built-in to ST's editor)

I had checked out ST a few years ago and at that time this was one of
their oft-touted selling points.  I played around with it a little
then, but my coding sophistication did not match the editor's

>  >>    10)  Code folding plugins.
> +1 again: editor/built-in

I know Vim/Neovim comes with something along these lines, but the
available plugins somehow offer something _more_.

>  >>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
> ? which do what

Apparently you type _something_ into the search area and it will look
for _something_ in a variety of places:  file names, contents of
files, contents of your open buffers, etc.

> Something which I'd like is a view/map of my entire (Python)
> application's entities showing how the pieces of the 'jig-saw' fit
> together, as well as a 'click on the link' facility to 'jump there'.
> Perhaps it already exists but outside of my vocabulary...
> I don't have one right now, but have seen editors/IDEs with a similar
> structure of elements within a single/the current file. Not so
> interesting, but then perhaps that's because I don't like to have too
> much* in a single file - and perhaps end-up with too many* file-imports.

In my brief look at VSC it had, off to the side, a representation of
the current file structure that would enable you to click inside it
and go approximately to that location.  I don't know what it might (or
might not) display with a multi-file project loaded into the editor.

> Your other comment is worthy of consideration: all these things take
> time to learn and then commit to muscle-memory/to become habits.
> Meantime, your Python dev work is slowed/brain-power is being absorbed
> off-task.
> I have colleagues who trade editors, sorry, maybe that should be IDEs,
> about as often as they change their under-wear. That comment about it
> taking time to come-up-to-speed seems to convince them that I am mad
> (quite possible - you don't have to be to work here - but it helps!). At
> least I can type faster than they, suffer less from FoMo, and am
> waaaaaay better-looking)

Maybe this is a function of youth?  My son, a teenager now, said to me
something like, "Papa, just try Visual Studio Code and see how you
like.  If you don't like it, either try something else or go back to
what you had been using.  It's no big deal!"

> Selecting good tools - and the right tool for the job, is a necessary
> component of efficiency. So, I'm convinced of the importance of a good
> editor - and that may vary by language or other choices. However, what's
> right for you, might not be for me - and vice-versa. It's "horses for
> courses" - not that I'm comparing your looks to a horse (front-end or
> back...)


From PyTutor at  Tue Nov 12 02:15:27 2019
From: PyTutor at (DL Neil)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 20:15:27 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/19 4:33 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 8:17 PM DL Neil via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> I _did_ ask about Visual Studio Code editor in a _separate_ thread,
> but after trying out its Vim extension I decided to stick with what I
> have been using Vim/Neovim.  And I only asked about VSC because of an
> article that popped up on my phone's news feed that suggested VSC is
> the most popular editor currently and that piqued my interest.

On the basis of earlier comments, that's it then; but...

>> On 12/11/19 1:53 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 9:54 PM boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
>>>> What Neovim plugins would any of you recommend as especially useful?

>>    4) Code autoformatting;
>> ? doesn't the (Python) editor do this
> If we are speaking of the same thing, no.  I am talking about tools
> like Black, yapf and autopep8, which actually edit/rearrange your code
> to make it conform to the selected coding style, usually PEP 8, but I
> found optionally yapf does a Facebook and Google style.

We probably are not. However, within your list aren't there two sides of 
the same/similar coins? Some wait for us to type and then 'correct' the 
formatting; others are more up-front.

So, my expectation is that having typed a colon, eg for...: the 
following Enter key will be augmented with an appropriate indentation 
'into' the loop. Most modern/GUI editors seem to do this 'out of the box'.

>> 5) Implementing type annotation and its checking
>> +1 although I see mypy as operating at the same time as/effectively a
>> single unit with pytest (which I saw a 'missing' from your previous
>> list; despite my using just such a plug-in 'all the time')
> I want to eventually switch to pytest, but I first want to master the
> standard library unittest module.  For instance at work I will never
> have access to pytest because of their software installation
> prohibitions on our planning software platform.  And I don't think I
> will lose anything as the pytest docs says it will happily run
> unittest tests.

I believe so, but have not tested such a claim. Similarly, I may recall, 
but can't say if there are similar for the automatic save-and-test of 
other testing regimes, eg unittest, mocks...

>>   >>      4)  File explorer plugins.
>> ? to do what
> Apparently to have a "nicer" file system interface than what the
> editor natively supplies.

ST has a panel with both a list of the open files and a tree of the 
project's directory/ies. This is displayed optionally.

>>   >>      5)  Bracket and quote completion plugins.
>> +1 but surely part of the editor
> AFAIK, Vim/Neovim only natively highlights matching brackets, but will
> not complete them for you.  However, there are at least a couple of
> plugins that will provide that functionality.

Again, seems fairly standard out-of-the-box, amongst the modern crop.

>>   >>      6)  Comments plugins.
>> ? which do what
> Apparently allow for some sort of shortcut to insert comments or
> convert non-commented lines into comments.

Ah, yes. Alt+E, M - whatever that is called in English. BTW the 
definition of "comment" varies by language, eg # or //. Which now makes 
me wonder if there are 'language' plug-ins or if the range that I use 
came as-standard.

>>   >>      9)  Multiple cursor plugins.
>> +1 I find this very handy, from time-to-time (it's built-in to ST's editor)
> I had checked out ST a few years ago and at that time this was one of
> their oft-touted selling points.  I played around with it a little
> then, but my coding sophistication did not match the editor's
> sophistication.

I didn't cover this earlier - without reference to personal abilities or 
skill-levels, but it is most relevant.

It is a topic us-trainers often spend ages debating - and my earlier 
comment about the "cognitive load" of learning the editor IN ADDITION to 
your primary learning-objective - in this case, learning Python. I've 
been 'pushing' the idea of using an 'intro editor' at the beginning, to 
ease 'entry' (in the case of Python, on this list we have strong 
representation for Idle, but there are others - and if it were my 
training language I'd be pushing for an editor which shows the 
allocation of storage). However, the main argument-against, is that 
professionals are more likely to use a 'professional tool'. So, 
somewhere between 'beginner' and 'advanced' training, there's an extra 
task/aim - learning SublimeText, PyCharm, VScodium, or whatever. Who 
likes 'extra work'?

So, the choice of editor (plus add-ons) should indeed be matched to the 
skills of the individual.

>>   >>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
>> ? which do what
> Apparently you type _something_ into the search area and it will look
> for _something_ in a variety of places:  file names, contents of
> files, contents of your open buffers, etc.

Ah yes, when I first discovered this, I was SO pleased! The ability to 
search within all open files, within all the files of a project was 
revolutionary over the original 'within a single file' limitation.

>> Your other comment is worthy of consideration: all these things take
>> time to learn and then commit to muscle-memory/to become habits.
>> Meantime, your Python dev work is slowed/brain-power is being absorbed
>> off-task.
>> I have colleagues who trade editors, sorry, maybe that should be IDEs,
>> about as often as they change their under-wear. That comment about it
>> taking time to come-up-to-speed seems to convince them that I am mad
>> (quite possible - you don't have to be to work here - but it helps!). At
>> least I can type faster than they, suffer less from FoMo, and am
>> waaaaaay better-looking)
> Maybe this is a function of youth?  My son, a teenager now, said to me
> something like, "Papa, just try Visual Studio Code and see how you
> like.  If you don't like it, either try something else or go back to
> what you had been using.  It's no big deal!"

Perhaps this is more than valid. How else will we realise 'progress', 
and stay up-to-date? However, a quick look to stay 'aware', has little 
in common with the motives and costs of editor-hoppers.

At the risk of pouring fuel on the 'fire', I have to say that GUI 
editors (with keyboard short-cut keys) offer (me) an easier and equally 
powerful option (which may say more about my level of skill - per 
above). I'll maintain a basic skill in vi for server config maintenance 
and similar; but if I'm spending all day creating, I'd rather use an 
easy-to-view GUI tool.

There are people who can make vi/emacs stand-up and beg (I'm not one of 
them) and more power to their right arm. However, there are others who 
would have to stay in the nursery unless they use a WYSIWYG tool.
Regards =dn

From cs at  Tue Nov 12 02:21:56 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 18:21:56 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Something new in line printing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11Nov2019 22:00, Ken Green <beachkidken at> wrote:
>>Modern Linux-es prefer to run printers through cups, and HP require an 
>>extra apt-get to receive the facilities to drive/monitor printers (and 
>>scanners, if appropriate).
>>(?hpijs - Fedora's s/w name(s) may be different to Ubuntu/Debian's)
>Yes, I have been able to run print jobs in Ubuntu 18.04.3 except 
>Python 2 and 3. Okay, you gave me a head up on apt-get something from 
>HP. Will search tomorrow. That would be the best course of action to 
>take. Failing that, will use my Windows 10 laptop that has Python 3 
>already installed. Thanks.

You're testing the wrong thing. Your python programme is doing the 
equivalent of this shell command:

  echo hello | lpr

Does that work from the command prompt? I suspect it will fail the same 
way as your Python programme, and when you have a working "lpr" command 
at the shell prompt, you will find that same command will work from 
within Python.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From alan.gauld at  Tue Nov 12 04:39:22 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 09:39:22 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/2019 07:15, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:

>>>   >>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
>>> ? which do what
>> Apparently you type _something_ into the search area and it will look
>> for _something_ in a variety of places:  file names, contents of
>> files, contents of your open buffers, etc.
> Ah yes, when I first discovered this, I was SO pleased! The ability to 
> search within all open files, within all the files of a project was 
> revolutionary over the original 'within a single file' limitation.

Hasn't this been a feature of vi since its origins - possibly even a
feature of ex, before vi even existed? You just run a grep command
then step through the results visiting each line in turn. Or am I
missing something?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Sun Nov  3 08:57:06 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 13:57:06 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] regarding an error in the programming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 03/11/2019 10:00, Garvit wrote:
> Sir/ma?am,
> I am a student and learning python as the programming language.
> During the execution of a program about ?pie charts? an error is occurring i.e. 

>   File "C:\Users\yashmita jain\Desktop\garvit\computer\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\", line 2964, in pie
>     x += expl * math.cos(thetam)
> TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' ?.
> How can I correct it? Do response quickly.

Without seeing the code we have no idea what expl is but the error
indicates it is a sequence of some sort (list? set? array? dict?).

And the cosine is obviously going to be a float. As the error says,
you can't multiply a sequence by a float. So you either need to
change expl into something that can be multiplied by a float,
or you need to iterate over the sequence multiplying each
item individually.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From robertvstepp at  Tue Nov 12 12:43:05 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 11:43:05 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
Message-ID: <>

As I begin to play around with my newly installed editor tools, pylint
does not like the following:

   def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
--    """Given a start date object and a goal date object, return the
number of
      days it will take to attain a goal, counting the start date as
one of these

      start_date_obj:  A date object giving the start date for further

      goal_date_obj:  A date object giving the date by which the goal
should be

      days_to_goal:  An integer giving the number of days to achieve the goal,
          counting today as one of those days.

      if not start_date_obj:
          start_date_obj =

      days_to_goal = (goal_date_obj - start_date_obj).days + COUNT_TODAY_TOO

      return days_to_goal

Please ignore the flagging of the function docstring.  I need to
reread the docstring PEP.  Apparently I need to make the first line of
the docstring a short one-line summary sentence ending in a period.

What I am asking about is the flagging of "COUNT_TODAY_TOO = 1"  At
the time I wrote this I did not want a magic number "1" to appear in
the line beginning "days_to_goal = ..."  So I thought it appropriate
to label "1" as a constant with a meaningful name.  But apparently
according to this section of PEP 8


Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all
capital letters with underscores separating words. Examples include

Scrolling through my entire module I see that I use COUNT_TODAY_TOO
locally in one other function for a similar reason.  The overall
module length is 383 LOC.

I guess the bottom line question is:  What should I have done?

N.B.:  The copying process from editor to Gmail window has apparently
reduced my indentation from 4 spaces to 2 due to the presence of the
gutter where pylint (via the ALE plugin) displays its fun little

BEWARE!  This installation of linting tools in my editor may lead to a
significant increase in my Tutor postings while I puzzle over all of
these newly flagged items in my code.


From mats at  Tue Nov 12 14:07:48 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 12:07:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/12/19 10:43 AM, boB Stepp wrote:
> As I begin to play around with my newly installed editor tools, pylint
> does not like the following:

To just answer the question you asked first:

 > What I am asking about is the flagging of "COUNT_TODAY_TOO = 1"

 > I guess the bottom line question is:  What should I have done?

The style preference is to define such a constant (uppercased) at the 
module level - that is, at the top of the file somewhere, not inside the 
scope of a function definition. Particularly works well as you use it 
more than once.  That should quiet pylint; or you could lowercase the 
name leaving it inside the function and pylint will think it's an 
"appropriate" local variable name.  This is certainly a PEP-8 style 
thing, one I'm not personally in love with, but I'll happily go along if 
"PEP 8 conformance" is a requirement of what I'm working on. You can 
also configure pylint not to issue that particular warning - describing 
how is a bit out of scope for this message.


>     def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
> --    """Given a start date object and a goal date object, return the
> number of
>        days it will take to attain a goal, counting the start date as
> one of these
>        days.
>        start_date_obj:  A date object giving the start date for further
>            calculations.
>        goal_date_obj:  A date object giving the date by which the goal
> should be
>            attained.
>        days_to_goal:  An integer giving the number of days to achieve the goal,
>            counting today as one of those days.
>        """
 > Please ignore the flagging of the function docstring.  I need to
 > reread the docstring PEP.  Apparently I need to make the first line of
 > the docstring a short one-line summary sentence ending in a period.

Blatantly failing to follow your instructions :)  - right, one-line 
summary of what it does, followed by a blank line followed by a more 
detailed description, if such is needed.  Since your longer description 
already says what the start and goal dates are, it seems the description 
of what it does is:

Return the number of days it will take to attain a goal


Your function signature has two parameters, your docstring has three, 
which hints at a mismatch. Since you're playing with tools anyway, you 
could let the tools generate the initial docstring, then you can fill it 
in.  Many editors have some way to generate a template docstring (often 
with a selector to pick the style of docstring markup you prefer), and 
for those that don't, the external Pyment tool could do that. I pasted 
just the function signature (followed by pass) into a file and it 
generated this:

# Patch generated by Pyment v0.3.3

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@

  def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
+    """
+    :param goal_date_obj:
+    :param start_date_obj:  (Default value = None)
+    """

or if you prefer the more human-readable Google style:

# Patch generated by Pyment v0.3.3

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@

  def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
+    """
+    Args:
+      goal_date_obj:
+      start_date_obj:  (Default value = None)
+    Returns:
+    """

Don't document days_to_goal in the docstring - it's just a variable (an 
obvious one at that) internal to the function, which then is immediately 


Since this function has a very specific expectation of the types of the 
arguments, you could add type hints to say so, and your tooling should 
warn you if there are mismatches.  e.g.,  assuming you've done

from datetime import date

so that date is a known symbol, you can rewrite your signature annotated 
like so:

def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj: date, start_date_obj: date = None) 
-> int:

I'm not (yet?) a "use type hints everywhere" guy, but this seems like a 
good place for it - your function would blow up if sent parameters of 
different types than a, so it's useful to provide a way 
for at least some tooling to detect that - or else program the function 
a bit more defensively.

From PyTutor at  Tue Nov 12 15:28:29 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 09:28:29 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/19 10:39 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 12/11/2019 07:15, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:
>>>>    >>    11)  "Fuzzy" searching plugins.
>>>> ? which do what
>>> Apparently you type _something_ into the search area and it will look
>>> for _something_ in a variety of places:  file names, contents of
>>> files, contents of your open buffers, etc.
>> Ah yes, when I first discovered this, I was SO pleased! The ability to
>> search within all open files, within all the files of a project was
>> revolutionary over the original 'within a single file' limitation.
> Hasn't this been a feature of vi since its origins - possibly even a
> feature of ex, before vi even existed? You just run a grep command
> then step through the results visiting each line in turn. Or am I
> missing something?

No, not missing anything, per-se.

I guess it depends upon how one sees 'the world'. The *nix tradition has 
been one of small tools, doing one job, and doing it well; and being 
able to pipe/chain them. However, that world is changing, eg the 
standardisation/uniformity, efficiency vs tradition etc argument that 
erupted when systemd arrived in Linux. " rule them all".

So, yes, it is possible to use vi for editing, grep for searching, 
python3 for interpreting, pytest for unit testing, etc, etc - under 'the 
best tool for the job' heading; whereas a GUI editor (with add-ons, per 
the OPs discussion) brings it all 'under one roof' or 'at the click of a 
mouse', eg "File | Save" might mean: save, then lint, then pytest.

In the case of SublimeText (mentioned only because it is what I am 
currently using), a bulk-search causes a new editing tab to be opened 
and the results to be 'displayed' there, They can then be used for 
'editing'; the ones I don't deal with 'now' can be thrown on a ToDo 
list, etc, etc - all from the comfort of my arm-chair (assuming I'm 
sitting there whilst editing).)

 From the constructivist theories of cognition, the GUI makes it easy 
for a beginner (or a 'forgetterer'!) to 'explore' and find/learn such 
powerful facilities for him-/her-self - 'there must be a better way; 
where is it?'. Whereas the *nix approach requires/d a very much 
less-obvious learning-path.

[I haven't gone back to check, but compare/imagine explaining those two 
within the pages of a book! Which would you prefer? Which would enjoy 
the greatest likelihood of trainee-success/mastery?]

Traditionally, a *nix/vi/emacs enthusiast would argue that (s)he can do 
things faster - in part by never lifting hands from keyboard (cf the GUI 
!usually being mouse-driven). However, in this (wider search) example, I 
doubt that claim would stand.

NB I'm not saying one 'way' is completely correct and thus the other the 
epitome of evil. Per earlier comment: "horses for courses". [IMHO] 
you/yous should use (hah!) whichever tool 'works' for you. There are two 
riders (pun my word!): (i) that you be 'aware' of other opportunities 
(eg new products, developments to 'competitive products') and thus take 
advantage of productivity improvements as they become possible; and (ii) 
that what you do has a 'social fit' with the other members of your team.
Regards =dn

From robertvstepp at  Tue Nov 12 16:00:02 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:00:02 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 1:08 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
> On 11/12/19 10:43 AM, boB Stepp wrote:

> ...You can
> also configure pylint not to issue that particular warning - describing
> how is a bit out of scope for this message.

A pity.  Trying to determine how to configure pylint is what I am
currently struggling with.  I am not finding its official
documentation easy to comprehend.

> >     def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
> > --    """Given a start date object and a goal date object, return the
> > number of
> >        days it will take to attain a goal, counting the start date as
> > one of these
> >        days.
> >
> >        start_date_obj:  A date object giving the start date for further
> >            calculations.
> >
> >        goal_date_obj:  A date object giving the date by which the goal
> > should be
> >            attained.
> >
> >        days_to_goal:  An integer giving the number of days to achieve the goal,
> >            counting today as one of those days.
> >        """

> Your function signature has two parameters, your docstring has three,
> which hints at a mismatch. Since you're playing with tools anyway, you
> could let the tools generate the initial docstring, then you can fill it
> in.  Many editors have some way to generate a template docstring (often
> with a selector to pick the style of docstring markup you prefer), and
> for those that don't, the external Pyment tool could do that. I pasted
> just the function signature (followed by pass) into a file and it
> generated this:

A good thought.  I suppose over time I would save a fair amount of the same.

> # Patch generated by Pyment v0.3.3
> --- a/
> +++ b/
> @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
>   def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
> +    """
> +
> +    :param goal_date_obj:
> +    :param start_date_obj:  (Default value = None)
> +
> +    """
>       pass
> or if you prefer the more human-readable Google style:
> # Patch generated by Pyment v0.3.3
> --- a/
> +++ b/
> @@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
>   def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj, start_date_obj=None):
> +    """
> +
> +    Args:
> +      goal_date_obj:
> +      start_date_obj:  (Default value = None)
> +
> +    Returns:
> +
> +    """
>       pass
> Don't document days_to_goal in the docstring - it's just a variable (an
> obvious one at that) internal to the function, which then is immediately
> returned.

I just finished rereading PEP 257.  I had forgotten that the intent is
to help someone to understand the function's use, so what you say
makes sense in that context.

> ===
> Since this function has a very specific expectation of the types of the
> arguments, you could add type hints to say so, and your tooling should
> warn you if there are mismatches.  e.g.,  assuming you've done
> from datetime import date


> so that date is a known symbol, you can rewrite your signature annotated
> like so:
> def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj: date, start_date_obj: date = None)
> -> int:

I have enabled MyPy linting in my editor, but as I have not yet read
up on type hints/annotations, I currently have none to lint.

> I'm not (yet?) a "use type hints everywhere" guy, but this seems like a
> good place for it - your function would blow up if sent parameters of
> different types than a, so it's useful to provide a way
> for at least some tooling to detect that - or else program the function
> a bit more defensively.

The program from which I drew today's posting was meant to be a
simple, throw-away script to inspire me to actually read and study to
the end the BIG BOOK OF PYTHON, i.e., "Learning Python, 5th ed." by
Lutz.  Alas!  Its inspiration proved to be short-lived.  However, in
typical boB style, I could not resist toying around with it to apply
things to it as I learned them.

IF I were to use type annotations as you suggest, would there be any
point to the more expansive docstring?  The combination of type
annotations with already very descriptive variable names seems to make
any more description superfluous.


From jf_byrnes at  Tue Nov 12 16:07:50 2019
From: jf_byrnes at (Jim)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:07:50 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/11/19 9:33 PM, boB Stepp wrote:


I haven't read this article and maybe you have already seen it, but I 
noticed it as I was scrolling through Reddit. Maybe it will be 
interesting to you.

Regards, Jim

From cs at  Tue Nov 12 16:42:38 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 08:42:38 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12Nov2019 15:00, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 1:08 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
>> On 11/12/19 10:43 AM, boB Stepp wrote:
>> ...You can
>> also configure pylint not to issue that particular warning - describing
>> how is a bit out of scope for this message.
>A pity.  Trying to determine how to configure pylint is what I am
>currently struggling with.  I am not finding its official
>documentation easy to comprehend.

Fortunately you don't need to rely on that. Look at the output. Here's 
an example:

    % python -m pylint --rcfile=/Users/cameron/.pylintrc --disable=bad-whitespace,invalid-name,useless-object-inheritance cs/vt/
    ************* Module python.cs.vt.blockify
    cs/vt/ E1307: Argument 'builtins.NoneType' does not match format type 'd' (bad-string-format-type)


    % grep pylint cs/vt/
      # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-statements
      # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
            # pylint: disable=broad-except

and there's the ~/.pylintrc file referenced above.


1: The error message recites the pylint rule which caused it, so 
"bad-string-format-type" is fires on line 323 of cs/vt/

2: You can disable specific rules for a whole file by providing them on 
the command line.

3: You can enable or disable rules for all files in a .pylintrc file.

4: You can disable specific rules for a suite in the code by preceeding 
that suite with a special "# pylint: <rule-name-here>" comment. Example:

    def blocked_chunks_of(
      ''' Generator which connects to a scanner of a chunk stream in
          order to emit low level edge aligned data chunks.  [...]
      # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-statements
      # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
      with Pfx("blocked_chunks_of"):
        if min_block is None:
          min_block = MIN_BLOCKSIZE
        elif min_block < 8:

So my blocked_chunks_of function is rather exceptional: it is the 
performance bottleneck of the cs.vt library, and is deliberately written 
as a single huge function with several local variables because breaking 
it up brings significant performance degradation just from the function 
call overhead. There's even a C extension function to aid performance 
for the really low level part, and it still benefits from being a big 
inline function.

So this particular function turns off 4 of the pylint rules just for 
itself, leaving them active for all the other code.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From mats at  Tue Nov 12 16:51:49 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 14:51:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/12/19 2:00 PM, boB Stepp wrote:

> The program from which I drew today's posting was meant to be a
> simple, throw-away script to inspire me to actually read and study to
> the end the BIG BOOK OF PYTHON, i.e., "Learning Python, 5th ed." by
> Lutz.  Alas!  Its inspiration proved to be short-lived.  However, in
> typical boB style, I could not resist toying around with it to apply
> things to it as I learned them.

in my humble opinion, this is the way to go anyway - when something you 
read inspires you to tinker, stop there and do it.  don't wait to 
tinker... often I find I tried something out and after doing so I "got" 
that little tidbit the way I hadn't absorbed from what I read, and then 
that in turn helped out later when reading something further.

> IF I were to use type annotations as you suggest, would there be any
> point to the more expansive docstring?  The combination of type
> annotations with already very descriptive variable names seems to make
> any more description superfluous.

I don't think the community has settled on a style there, but in any 
case it should be what's comfortable.  I've been known to "tune out" 
descriptions that say too much without adding value in its repetition - 
something I'm painfully aware of as I'm prone to making that error as 
well (just see some past emails to tutor).  More is not always better 
when it comes to docs... Better is Better :)

certainly if you've used type hints, there's no need to add the type in 
the docstring as well.  there's docstring style (or perhaps more 
precisely, syntax that the popular Sphinx tool understands) for that 
otherwise, either

:param foo: description of foo
:type foo: int

which can be abbreviated if the type is simple enough:

:param int foo: description of foo

the type stuff there would be excessive if the signature were already 
type hinted.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Nov 12 18:39:27 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 23:39:27 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/2019 20:28, David L Neil via Tutor wrote:

>> Hasn't this been a feature of vi since its origins - possibly even a
>> feature of ex, before vi even existed? You just run a grep command
>> then step through the results visiting each line in turn. Or am I
>> missing something?
> Traditionally, a *nix/vi/emacs enthusiast would argue that (s)he can do 
> things faster - in part by never lifting hands from keyboard (cf the GUI 
> !usually being mouse-driven). However, in this (wider search) example, I 
> doubt that claim would stand.

I'm not sure why not. After all you never leave vi. You just execute
a vimgrep (or OS grep if you prefer) command and it opens a buffer
with the results. You then use the next/previous commands(:cn or :cp)
to step through them in sequence(forward or back).

If you use gvim it's even easier because you can just click with the
mouse on each line to open the line in the edit window.

Its exactly the same as when you compile code and step through the
errors in the editor. Of course that doesn't apply to python since
we don't compile as such...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Nov 12 18:47:43 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 23:47:43 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/2019 21:00, boB Stepp wrote:
> IF I were to use type annotations as you suggest, would there be any
> point to the more expansive docstring?  The combination of type
> annotations with already very descriptive variable names seems to make
> any more description superfluous.

I'm not a big type hints fan so don't use them. But I'm curious to know
what they do in the context of the help() function. If there is no
docstring what do type hints generate in help messages?

I suppose I should just try it!...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Nov 12 18:54:04 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 23:54:04 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/11/2019 23:47, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 12/11/2019 21:00, boB Stepp wrote:
>> IF I were to use type annotations as you suggest, would there be any
>> point to the more expansive docstring?  The combination of type
>> annotations with already very descriptive variable names seems to make
>> any more description superfluous.
> I'm not a big type hints fan so don't use them. But I'm curious to know
> what they do in the context of the help() function. If there is no
> docstring what do type hints generate in help messages?
> I suppose I should just try it!...
OK, Here it is:

>>> def f(x: int, y:str) ->str:

>>> help(f)
Help on function f in module __main__:

f(x:int, y:str) -> str


So it gives the function prototype. The docstring would,
hopefully, add an explanation of what the function did
(and that is more than just repeating the name of the
function!) but for simple "obvious" functions the
typehints might be sufficient.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From robertvstepp at  Tue Nov 12 19:31:32 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 18:31:32 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] CONSTANTS -- Is it appropriate to use uppercase names
 within a function or method?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 5:47 PM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> On 12/11/2019 21:00, boB Stepp wrote:
> > IF I were to use type annotations as you suggest, would there be any
> > point to the more expansive docstring?  The combination of type
> > annotations with already very descriptive variable names seems to make
> > any more description superfluous.
> I'm not a big type hints fan so don't use them...

I think I may become a fan, though a year or two ago I had a different
mindset.  Now that I have added mypy linting to my editor -- which
occurs as I type -- your comment inspired me to force it to give me an
error.  So I took Mats suggestion:

   21 def get_days_to_goal(goal_date_obj: date, start_date_obj: date =
None) -> int:
   22     """Return the number of days to achieve a goal.
   24     goal_date_obj:  A date object giving the date by which the
goal should be
   25         attained.
   27     start_date_obj:  A date object giving the start date for further
   28         calculations.
   29     """

And added this which before I barely hit <Enter> generated an error:

>> 30     goal_date_obj = 1

And at the bottom of the editor in a QuickFix window:

1|30 col 21 error| Incompatible types in assignment
(expression has type "int", variable has type "date")

which showed up in a nice bright orange color due to my recently added
Airline plugin.

I have to say, I think I'm game for a little extra typing if (1) It
makes the function definition and docstring more informative to a
later code reader; and (2) It so quickly flags a potentially bad error
without even having to run a test or compile the code.


From nathan.delboux at  Tue Nov 12 17:58:47 2019
From: nathan.delboux at (Nathan D'Elboux)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 09:58:47 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Monitor directory Python3 script
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

Im a student learning Python3. i have a small script id like to make
that would monitor some subdirectories for any new files that are
placed in there and move them to another directory on the same

Im looking around for modules to use and came across shutil. This
seems ok at first but seems more for batch processing so copy files
from dir1 to dir2 every time cron runs which could lead to the same
file being copied. Im thinking if i used pyinotify to monitor the
directory then only newly added files would be copied and not
everything before it every time it copies.

So if i had a dir structure like this




So i have new files being dropped into the current date directory each
day until end of day, i just want to monitor the current date each day
and copy anything that comes into it over to the
/destination/directoryX/ dir as a big bucket. Then i can process them
further once they have reached their destination

Is Pyinotify the best module for this within Python3 ecosystem? This
will be on a linux system, i have started on writing some of the code
based on  this article

just after feedback as if this concept is the right approach or if
theres a better easier way to do it i may be ignoring.


From tysonwbarber at  Wed Nov 13 12:50:36 2019
From: tysonwbarber at (Tyson Barber)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:50:36 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help - While Loops
Message-ID: <>

Hello Tutor,

I am currently trying to make a online purchasing system where someone can
choose certain types of donuts to buy. I had no issue with them only buying
one type, but I am not too familiar with loops, and I cannot seem to find
any examples of such online. I just want the menu to reappear after they
buy one option. My code so far looks like this:
print ("Welcome to The Donut Shop!")
shopping = input ("To start shopping, press s. To leave the store, press

while shopping == s:
         name = (input("Please enter your name to begin: ")
         print ("Please select a donut from the menu: ")
         print ("1. Chocolate")
         print ("2. Honey Crueller")
         print ("3. Apple Fritter")
         print ("4. Boston Cream")
         donut = int(input ("Please select a number from 1 to 5: ")

under that I have a line to ask the quantity of what donut, and a equation
for the price, which calculates the total, but it only works for one time.
How would I properly create the while loop so that it does not keep giving
me errors in the while statement?

Thank you,


From david at  Wed Nov 13 14:30:03 2019
From: david at (David Lowry-Duda)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 14:30:03 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help - While Loops
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20191113193003.GA24531@icerm-dld>

> My code so far looks like this:
> print ("Welcome to The Donut Shop!")
> shopping = input ("To start shopping, press s. To leave the store, press
> q.")
> while shopping == s:
>          name = (input("Please enter your name to begin: ")
>          print ("Please select a donut from the menu: ")
>          print ("1. Chocolate")
>          print ("2. Honey Crueller")
>          print ("3. Apple Fritter")
>          print ("4. Boston Cream")
>          donut = int(input ("Please select a number from 1 to 5: ")

You probably mean

while shopping == "s":  # note the quotes around the "s"
    name = (input("Please enter your name to begin: ")) # with second )

Aside from that, this code should run. But it probably doesn't quite do 
what you want. Within the while loop, the code will keep on running from 
the top of the loop to the bottom. Thus you will repeatedly ask for the 
user's name and repeately ask them to select a donut. You do not ever 
re-assign shopping. I might expect your code to be organized a bit more 
like this:

# Only ask a name once
name = input("Please enter your name: ")
shopping = input("Enter s to keep shopping: ")
while shopping == "s":
    # print donut descriptions
    donut = int(input("Which donut? "))
    # do something with donut
    shopping = input("Enter s to keep shopping: ")

This while loop only asks for the name once, and re-sets the `shopping` 
variable based on user input.

> under that I have a line to ask the quantity of what donut, and a  
> equation for the price, which calculates the total, but it only works 
> for one time. How would I properly create the while loop so that it 
> does not keep giving me errors in the while statement?

It's not clear what other problems you're having or how to fix them, 
since we don't have the code. The code you originally posted would not 
have run once (due to the missing quotes around "s" and the missing 
right parenthesis). If you have code whose behavior you want to debug 
with the list, you should post that code.

Good luck - DLD

David Lowry-Duda <david at> <>

From PyTutor at  Wed Nov 13 15:51:48 2019
From: PyTutor at (DL Neil)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 09:51:48 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help - While Loops
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/11/19 6:50 AM, Tyson Barber wrote:
> Hello Tutor,
> I am currently trying to make a online purchasing system where someone can
> choose certain types of donuts to buy. I had no issue with them only buying
> one type, but I am not too familiar with loops, and I cannot seem to find
> any examples of such online....

Complementing @DLD's reply: searching the likes of StackOverflow and 
Google is unlikely to yield a 'training plan' to show you the way 
forward when you know little/are learning 'new stuff'. They are 
better-suited (perhaps) to answer specific questions in specific 

You might better-benefit from a more structured approach, in the style 
of a text book:

1 whole Python books have been made available on-line

2 Python courses are available from MOOC platforms such as Coursera and edX

3 there are Python training platforms/courses from other sources

Then there are off-line sources such as book-stores and libraries.
Regards =dn

From cs at  Wed Nov 13 15:55:50 2019
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 07:55:50 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Monitor directory Python3 script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13Nov2019 09:58, Nathan D'Elboux <nathan.delboux at> wrote:
>Im a student learning Python3. i have a small script id like to make
>that would monitor some subdirectories for any new files that are
>placed in there and move them to another directory on the same
>Im looking around for modules to use and came across shutil. This
>seems ok at first but seems more for batch processing so copy files
>from dir1 to dir2 every time cron runs which could lead to the same
>file being copied.

You make a point of saying "on the same partition" (which I'll take to 
imply on the same filesystem). So you can just rename (mv) things 
instead of copying them; very fast.

shutil is overkill for that, just use os.rename.

>Im thinking if i used pyinotify to monitor the
>directory then only newly added files would be copied and not
>everything before it every time it copies.

If you know you're on Linux that is reasonable. Again, possibly 

Personally, I'd just have a loop while ran os.listdir on your target 
directory with a 1 second sleep between loops. Notice anything new, move 
it. You can keep a set() of names representing the "old" stuff, not to 
be moved.

So for me: os.listdir, os.rename, os.path.{basename,dirname,join} would 
cover everything required. And time.sleep for a short end of loop pause.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From eggo at  Wed Nov 13 15:22:02 2019
From: eggo at (Eggo why)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 20:22:02 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to get the element from a list
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,
I have a list like this "line = [{'logname; : 'c:/tmp/alert', 'creationTime': 1573664115985},{'logname; : 'c:/tmp/audit', 'creationTime': 1573664115985}]" and I would like to retrieve the "logname" from it.  What is the easiest way to do so?


From mats at  Wed Nov 13 18:06:39 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 16:06:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to get the element from a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/13/19 1:22 PM, Eggo why wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a list like this "line = [{'logname; : 'c:/tmp/alert', 'creationTime': 1573664115985},{'logname; : 'c:/tmp/audit', 'creationTime': 1573664115985}]" and I would like to retrieve the "logname" from it.  What is the easiest way to do so?
> Gary

let me take a wild guess: you're processing some json files?

presuming what you're looking for is to extract *each* logname value, 
you can use a list comprehension. You're going to loop over the elements 
of the list, each of which is a dictionary, and index into each element 
to pick out the value of the 'logname' key.  At the risk of "solving a 
homework problem" (which I hope this is not), that could look like this:

lognames = [ d['logname'] for d in line ]

if there's a chance not all of the elements (dictionaries) have 
'logname' entries, then you need to get a little more sophisticated, or 
it will fail with an exception.

From mats at  Wed Nov 13 18:10:28 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 16:10:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Monitor directory Python3 script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/13/19 1:55 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 13Nov2019 09:58, Nathan D'Elboux <nathan.delboux at> wrote:
>> Im a student learning Python3. i have a small script id like to make
>> that would monitor some subdirectories for any new files that are
>> placed in there and move them to another directory on the same
>> partition
>> Im looking around for modules to use and came across shutil. This
>> seems ok at first but seems more for batch processing so copy files
>> from dir1 to dir2 every time cron runs which could lead to the same
>> file being copied.
> You make a point of saying "on the same partition" (which I'll take to 
> imply on the same filesystem). So you can just rename (mv) things 
> instead of copying them; very fast.
> shutil is overkill for that, just use os.rename.
>> Im thinking if i used pyinotify to monitor the
>> directory then only newly added files would be copied and not
>> everything before it every time it copies.
> If you know you're on Linux that is reasonable. Again, possibly overkill.
> Personally, I'd just have a loop while ran os.listdir on your target 
> directory with a 1 second sleep between loops. Notice anything new, move 
> it. You can keep a set() of names representing the "old" stuff, not to 
> be moved.
> So for me: os.listdir, os.rename, os.path.{basename,dirname,join} would 
> cover everything required. And time.sleep for a short end of loop pause.

There's almost certainly code out there that does what you want, 
possibly buried in a framework of some sort. But as David just said 
(after I wrote this but before sending), it may not be easy to find.

I'm going to agree with Cameron that you can hack this together very 
simply. inotify is the "official" Linux API for what you want to do, but 
you don't necessarily need to use it. Use if it you expect to have a 
long-running process that wants to be very low-impact on the system.

polling is plenty good for a small simple case.  it doesn't scale 
particularly well. Sounded like small is all you were looking for. you 
can hack together something quick, and then if it needs to be used long 
term you can refactor it into a more robust tool with config options, 
able to run as a daemon process, whatever.

(sorry for the complete lack of Python content in this reply, it's all 
generic commentary)

From bouncingcats at  Wed Nov 13 18:32:08 2019
From: bouncingcats at (David)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 10:32:08 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] How to get the element from a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 09:46, Eggo why <eggo at> wrote:
> I have a list like this "line = [{'logname; : 'c:/tmp/alert', 'creationTime': 1573664115985},{'logname; : 'c:/tmp/audit', 'creationTime': 1573664115985}]" and I would like to retrieve the "logname" from it.  What is the easiest way to do so?

Step 1: fix the mismatched quotes.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Nov 13 19:01:51 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 00:01:51 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help - While Loops
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13/11/2019 17:50, Tyson Barber wrote:
> one type, but I am not too familiar with loops, and I cannot seem to find
> any examples of such online.

I don't know where you are looking but just about every online
tutorial (including mine) has a section on loops with copious examples.
Loops are a fundamental building block of programming.

Here is my page on the subject:

The full tutorial is here

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From PyTutor at  Wed Nov 13 19:05:25 2019
From: PyTutor at (DL Neil)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 13:05:25 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] What editor tools (plugins/extensions) would you
 consider essential for efficient Python development?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

@boB et al,

there have been a couple of editor-related reports on PlanetPython 
during the last 24-hours:-

Real Python: Getting Started With Python IDLE

Quansight Labs Blog: File management improvements in Spyder4

Regards =dn

From hamnahxbaig at  Thu Nov 14 13:14:41 2019
From: hamnahxbaig at (Hamnah Baig)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 18:14:41 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Hi there!
Message-ID: <>


I'm wondering if you could help me with some programming code I'm
struggling with.
I need to create a code that lets me save the input and output in an
external file.

I'm also struggling to make my code identify between an odd number and an
even number and when I did create one it seemed a bit too long and I feel
like I'm confusing myself.

Could you help me out please? :)

-Hamnah x

From alan.gauld at  Thu Nov 14 13:32:37 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 18:32:37 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Hi there!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/11/2019 18:14, Hamnah Baig wrote:
> I need to create a code that lets me save the input and output in an
> external file.

OK, it will go something like this

open input.txt and output.txt files
read input from user (or whereverit comes from)
write input to input.txt
process input data
write result to output.txt
close input.txt and output.txt

Now which parts of that are you struggling with?
Do you not know how to do any of the steps?

> I'm also struggling to make my code identify between an odd number and an
> even number and when I did create one it seemed a bit too long and I feel
> like I'm confusing myself.

The normal way to do that is to perform an integer division by 2
and check the remainder part to see if it is zero. If the remainder
is zero then the number must be even.

Python has a couple of tools to help with that. The first is the
divmod() function and the second is the modulo operator (%) which
returns the remainder part only.

If you need more help please get back to us.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From robertvstepp at  Sun Nov 17 00:32:25 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 23:32:25 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing lambdas?
Message-ID: <>

My best effort so far to type annotate the dictionary below is to use
"Any" for the dictionary values.  Is there a better substitute for
"Any" that would more precisely type annotate these dictionary values?

goal_year_params: Dict[str, Any] = {
          "greeting_msg": "Please enter the date by which you wish to attain"
          " your goal.\n",
          "input_prompt": "Enter year of your goal as an integer:  ",
          "date_value_err_ck": lambda goal_year: date(goal_year, 1, 1),
          "err_msg": "That is not a valid year.  Please try again.",
          "conditions": [
                  lambda goal_year: goal_year <,
                  lambda goal_year: print(
                      "Have you invented a time machine?  If not,
please enter a"
                      " year that makes more sense!"
                  lambda goal_year: goal_year >= + 100,
                  lambda goal_year: print(
                      "Have you discovered the secret to eternal life?
 And how"
                      " long is this book anyway?  Please enter a year that"
                      " makes more sense."


From alan.gauld at  Sun Nov 17 03:52:31 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 08:52:31 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 17/11/2019 05:32, boB Stepp wrote:
> My best effort so far to type annotate the dictionary below is to use
> "Any" for the dictionary values.  Is there a better substitute for
> "Any" that would more precisely type annotate these dictionary values?

To be honest I wouldn't even be trying I'd be more concerned with
getting rid of such a messy dict and replacing it with a class.

Type hints are no substitute for clean code.

> goal_year_params: Dict[str, Any] = {
>           "greeting_msg": "Please enter the date by which you wish to attain"
>           " your goal.\n",
>           "input_prompt": "Enter year of your goal as an integer:  ",
>           "date_value_err_ck": lambda goal_year: date(goal_year, 1, 1),
>           "err_msg": "That is not a valid year.  Please try again.",
>           "conditions": [
>               (
>                   lambda goal_year: goal_year <,
>                   lambda goal_year: print(
>                       "Have you invented a time machine?  If not,
> please enter a"
>                       " year that makes more sense!"
>                   ),
>               ),
>               (
>                   lambda goal_year: goal_year >= + 100,
>                   lambda goal_year: print(
>                       "Have you discovered the secret to eternal life?
>  And how"
>                       " long is this book anyway?  Please enter a year that"
>                       " makes more sense."
>                   ),
>               ),
>           ],
>       }

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mats at  Sun Nov 17 10:25:52 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 08:25:52 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/17/19 1:52 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 17/11/2019 05:32, boB Stepp wrote:
>> My best effort so far to type annotate the dictionary below is to use
>> "Any" for the dictionary values.  Is there a better substitute for
>> "Any" that would more precisely type annotate these dictionary values?
> To be honest I wouldn't even be trying I'd be more concerned with
> getting rid of such a messy dict and replacing it with a class.
> Type hints are no substitute for clean code.

Indeed.  It turns out that classes are (normally) expressed as a dict, 
so there's not even that much to do to convert.

Here's a simple class definition that contains some of your dict, based 
on snipping a few lines and just changing the syntax, no attempt to make 
any logic changes:

class Foo():
     greeting_msg = "Please enter the date by which you wish to attain 
your goal.\n"
     input_prompt = "Enter year of your goal as an integer:  "
     date_value_err_ck = lambda goal_year: date(goal_year, 1, 1)
     err_msg = "That is not a valid year.  Please try again."


And when run the print gives you (I took the liberty of putting in line 
breaks for readability):

{'__module__': '__main__',
  'greeting_msg': 'Please enter the date by which you wish to attain 
your goal.\n',
  'input_prompt': 'Enter year of your goal as an integer:  ',
  'date_value_err_ck': <function Foo.<lambda> at 0x7f6f3d224c20>,
  'err_msg': 'That is not a valid year.  Please try again.',
  '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Foo' objects>,
  '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Foo' objects>,
  '__doc__': None}

look familiar?  :)   Python has added some special symbols as well but 
otherwise it's the same thing.  So the choice of "use a dict instead of 
a class definition because it's simpler" isn't actually always simpler, 
and here it isn't as you've ended up defining a list of tuples or 
lambdas. Like Alan, I shudder :). The keys in your dict are all strings, 
those would map directly to the attribute and method names in the class.

In addition, the general guideline is if you're going to give it a name, 
don't use a lamba, because it's no longer anonymous at that point, 
defeating the only purpose lambda actually has.  You've given the first 
lambda the name date_value_err_check, which means it's actually:

def date_value_err_ck(self, goal_year):
     return date(goal_year, 1, 1)

you'd probably expand that to do all the work of "conditons" (though we 
don't see the code to use it)

As you your actual question...

>> goal_year_params: Dict[str, Any] = {

the two types that the dict's values can be per your snip is str or 
list, so start there:

goal_year_params: Dict[str, Union(str, List)]

if you want to go further you can then specify what the list consists 
of, etc.

>>            "greeting_msg": "Please enter the date by which you wish to attain"
>>            " your goal.\n",
>>            "input_prompt": "Enter year of your goal as an integer:  ",
>>            "date_value_err_ck": lambda goal_year: date(goal_year, 1, 1),
>>            "err_msg": "That is not a valid year.  Please try again.",
>>            "conditions": [
>>                (
>>                    lambda goal_year: goal_year <,
>>                    lambda goal_year: print(
>>                        "Have you invented a time machine?  If not,
>> please enter a"
>>                        " year that makes more sense!"
>>                    ),
>>                ),
>>                (
>>                    lambda goal_year: goal_year >= + 100,
>>                    lambda goal_year: print(
>>                        "Have you discovered the secret to eternal life?
>>   And how"
>>                        " long is this book anyway?  Please enter a year that"
>>                        " makes more sense."
>>                    ),
>>                ),
>>            ],
>>        }

From samharzghaier at  Sun Nov 17 11:42:37 2019
From: samharzghaier at (samhar zghaier)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 17:42:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text with multiple answers
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to make a search function through a small text file
i created a function to split my text and put into a list

 my goal right now is to create a search function that shows tha the
results of my search and confirms its existence in the text file. however i
do not know how to do it if a few of my elements share a name

can you help me please

This is how i am splitting my text:

def split_text():
    file_name = "text.txt"
    list_of_everything = []

    with open(file_name) as file:
        for line in file:

From akleider at  Sun Nov 17 12:21:30 2019
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 09:21:30 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text with multiple answers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2019-11-17 08:42, samhar zghaier wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to make a search function through a small text file
> i created a function to split my text and put into a list
>  my goal right now is to create a search function that shows tha the
> results of my search and confirms its existence in the text file. 
> however i
> do not know how to do it if a few of my elements share a name

Can you be more specific as to for what it is that you are searching?
Some examples would be most helpful.
Then you'd be in a better position to begin writing a function to 
accomplish same.

> def split_text():
>     file_name = "text.txt"
>     list_of_everything = []
>     with open(file_name) as file:
>         for line in file:
>             list_of_everything.append(line.strip())

What follows might be another way of traversing your file:

def my_traverse(f_name):
   ret = []
   with open(f_name, 'r') as f_obj:
     for line in f_obj:
        function_yet_to_be_written(line, ret) #look for something in line 
and if found, append to ret
   return ret

From alan.gauld at  Sun Nov 17 13:05:30 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 18:05:30 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text with multiple answers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 17/11/2019 17:21, Alex Kleider wrote:

> Can you be more specific as to for what it is that you are searching?
> Some examples would be most helpful.

I agree, its impossible to tell what you want from the

Show us a few lines of your file and the kinds of
search data you use and the expected results.

> What follows might be another way of traversing your file:

And another using a list comprehension...

def my_traverse(f_name, search_token):
    with open(f_name, 'r') as f_obj:
      return [function_yet_to_be_written(line,search_token) for line in

Where the function returns whatever result you are
searching for.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mats at  Sun Nov 17 13:09:42 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 11:09:42 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text with multiple answers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/17/19 9:42 AM, samhar zghaier wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to make a search function through a small text file
> i created a function to split my text and put into a list
>   my goal right now is to create a search function that shows tha the
> results of my search and confirms its existence in the text file. however i
> do not know how to do it if a few of my elements share a name
> can you help me please
> This is how i am splitting my text:
> def split_text():
>      file_name = "text.txt"
>      list_of_everything = []
>      with open(file_name) as file:
>          for line in file:
>              list_of_everything.append(line.strip())

while we're waiting for your replies to the questions already raised, 
you could rewrite this little snippet as follows:

def split_text_from_file(file_name):
     with open(file_name, "r") as f:
         return [line.strip() for line in f]

list_of_everything = split_text_from_file("text.txt")

i.e. don't wire in the filename to read, and process more concisely. 
there's not much reason to write a function if you're not going to pass 
it some data to work on; the way you have it written your function has 
"side effects", even "magic" (that it knows the filename) and that's 
usually considered less than optimal.

If you haven't gotten to list comprehensions yet, that's okay, but 
they're certainly worth learning eventually.

From mikael.lenander1 at  Sun Nov 17 12:02:11 2019
From: mikael.lenander1 at (Mikael Lenander)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 19:02:11 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] A Problem with pygame
Message-ID: <>

I have a problem concerning the site package "pygame". I have tried to use
it in Pycharm in order to create simple games but it doesn't work. I tried
to download it through Pycharm settings/Project Interpreter but it didn't
work (see photo 1). Then I downloaded it through the command prompt and it
actually worked (see photo 2). But when I try to import the module through
Pycharm, it claims that the module pygame doesn't exist (see photo 3). So
what is the problem and what should I do?

From robertvstepp at  Sun Nov 17 14:12:48 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 13:12:48 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 2:52 AM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> On 17/11/2019 05:32, boB Stepp wrote:
> > My best effort so far to type annotate the dictionary below is to use
> > "Any" for the dictionary values.  Is there a better substitute for
> > "Any" that would more precisely type annotate these dictionary values?
> To be honest I wouldn't even be trying I'd be more concerned with
> getting rid of such a messy dict and replacing it with a class.
> Type hints are no substitute for clean code.

Chastisement taken, accepted and fully merited!

As I was staring at this program last night I was trying to recreate
in memory its history of "development" (Ha!).  Originally it was an
extremely short program with no comments, no docstrings, no input
validation.  It was just a quick and dirty throw-away program to
accept a start date, goal date to finish reading a book, and returned
how many pages to read each day to attain the goal.  But it proved to
be a convenient program to open up at need and try out different
things I was currently reading about.  So one day I was reading about
proper code documentation, so it got docstrings in profusion and a few
comments and renaming of variables, etc.  Then I read something about
input validation so I added that.  And then I got interested in
lambdas and trying things with them that I did not know if they could
do or not, such as be tools for evaluating Boolean expressions and
some other things and so it got like this dictionary snippet shows.
That was several months ago.  And so now I am getting intrigued by
type annotations, so it was time to open up the toy program and play
around with these new critters.  And as I tried to add type
annotations I wondered what in the heck I was thinking before!  So I
had the same thought last night that you expressed and almost did not
ask my question since I knew some comments would be made,  But!  I
really was curious how such a beast would be properly type annotated.

One thing that trying to write tests has taught me:  If it is
difficult to write tests for whatever, then something probably needs
to be refactored/done better.  As you might guess, I did not write any
tests for this program.  And apparently type annotations teach a
similar sort of wisdom:  If it is hard to figure out how to annotate a
given block of code, something really, really stinks!

From PyTutor at  Sun Nov 17 14:30:03 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 08:30:03 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] A Problem with pygame
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 18/11/19 6:02 AM, Mikael Lenander wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a problem concerning the site package "pygame". I have tried to use
> it in Pycharm in order to create simple games but it doesn't work. I tried
> to download it through Pycharm settings/Project Interpreter but it didn't
> work (see photo 1). Then I downloaded it through the command prompt and it
> actually worked (see photo 2). But when I try to import the module through
> Pycharm, it claims that the module pygame doesn't exist (see photo 3). So
> what is the problem and what should I do?

Sadly, this is a text-only list. So, the attachments were removed. 
Recommend copy-pasting exactly what appears on the screen into the email 

Regards =dn

From mats at  Sun Nov 17 14:39:01 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 12:39:01 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] A Problem with pygame
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/17/19 10:02 AM, Mikael Lenander wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a problem concerning the site package "pygame". I have tried to use
> it in Pycharm in order to create simple games but it doesn't work. I tried
> to download it through Pycharm settings/Project Interpreter but it didn't
> work (see photo 1). Then I downloaded it through the command prompt and it
> actually worked (see photo 2). But when I try to import the module through
> Pycharm, it claims that the module pygame doesn't exist (see photo 3). So
> what is the problem and what should I do?

This problem is *always* paths.

In Pycharm, click "Python Console".  Type:

import sys

 From the command prompt type (Note: if this is Windows, substitute "py" 
for "python"):

pythom -m pip list    # make sure it actually shows pygame
 >>> import sys
 >>> sys.path

what's different?

From robertvstepp at  Sun Nov 17 14:46:39 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 13:46:39 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 9:26 AM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:

I will get back later to the class refactoring operation, but thanks
for your example.  It will be quite helpful!

> As you your actual question...
> >> goal_year_params: Dict[str, Any] = {
> the two types that the dict's values can be per your snip is str or
> list, so start there:
> goal_year_params: Dict[str, Union(str, List)]

A typo in there. "Union" has to have brackets not parentheses.

I tried that and got an error:|93 col 9 error| Dict entry 2 has incompatible type
"str": "Callable[[Any], date]"; expected "str": "Union[str,

Apparently because of the lambda outside of the list, I apparently
must annotate them as "Callable".  Before making my post on this to
Tutor, I had tried variations on this, but I must have gotten lost in
the twisted unnecessary complications of my dictionary!  ~(:>))  I
will play around some more with getting the annotations right before
addressing refactoring the dictionary mess into something reasonable.
Point of honor, ya know!

> if you want to go further you can then specify what the list consists
> of, etc.
> >>            "greeting_msg": "Please enter the date by which you wish to attain"
> >>            " your goal.\n",
> >>            "input_prompt": "Enter year of your goal as an integer:  ",
> >>            "date_value_err_ck": lambda goal_year: date(goal_year, 1, 1),
> >>            "err_msg": "That is not a valid year.  Please try again.",
> >>            "conditions": [
> >>                (
> >>                    lambda goal_year: goal_year <,
> >>                    lambda goal_year: print(
> >>                        "Have you invented a time machine?  If not,
> >> please enter a"
> >>                        " year that makes more sense!"
> >>                    ),
> >>                ),
> >>                (
> >>                    lambda goal_year: goal_year >= + 100,
> >>                    lambda goal_year: print(
> >>                        "Have you discovered the secret to eternal life?
> >>   And how"
> >>                        " long is this book anyway?  Please enter a year that"
> >>                        " makes more sense."
> >>                    ),
> >>                ),
> >>            ],
> >>        }
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From PyTutor at  Sun Nov 17 17:04:33 2019
From: PyTutor at (DL Neil)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 11:04:33 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18/11/19 8:12 AM, boB Stepp wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 2:52 AM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
>> On 17/11/2019 05:32, boB Stepp wrote:
>>> My best effort so far to type annotate the dictionary below is to use

>> To be honest I wouldn't even be trying I'd be more concerned with
>> getting rid of such a messy dict and replacing it with a class.
>> Type hints are no substitute for clean code.
> Chastisement taken, accepted and fully merited!


So, as you later allude, the *first* problem was the lack of tests...

> As I was staring at this program last night I was trying to recreate
> in memory its history of "development" (Ha!).  Originally it was an
> extremely short program with no comments, no docstrings, no input
> validation.  It was just a quick and dirty throw-away program to
> really was curious how such a beast would be properly type annotated.

...which led to the second problem, not so apparently recognised: that 
whilst this situation is common, in the spirit of 
learning-by-experimentation ("constructivism") and insatiable curiosity, 
we end-up with fairly-messy code. During 'the grand experiment' it was 
finally wrangled into some semblance of working code; and we moved-on.

However, in coming back to it, the realisation of today's superior 
knowledge and capability should be turned-into a re-factored and 
improved version of the existing code. Thereafter, today's experiment 
will build upon a more stable foundation!
(else, some risk that today's learning-mistakes are actually 
side-effects from time-before)

> One thing that trying to write tests has taught me:  If it is
> difficult to write tests for whatever, then something probably needs
> to be refactored/done better. 


As you might guess, I did not write any
> tests for this program.  And apparently type annotations teach a
> similar sort of wisdom:  If it is hard to figure out how to annotate a
> given block of code, something really, really stinks!


and yes, +1 on the class-upgrade (gives more leg-room on the plane!). We 
keep the dictionary structure and add (more flexible) functionality.

[oops, in saying that, I fear @Alan will come-after me: So, in a bid to 
prevent the tooth- and claw-marks: a class *first* gives function and 
*then* offers us a dictionary/data-structure 'for free' (sound of 
running footsteps to be heard, leaving stage right, rapidly)...]

Regards =dn

From mats at  Sun Nov 17 17:09:10 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 15:09:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/17/19 12:46 PM, boB Stepp wrote:

> Apparently because of the lambda outside of the list, I apparently
> must annotate them as "Callable". 

yup, you're right, I spaced out that bit when trying to definitively 
tell you the value was either a str or a List.  Sigh...

From PyTutor at  Sun Nov 17 17:15:27 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 11:15:27 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18/11/19 11:09 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 11/17/19 12:46 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
>> Apparently because of the lambda outside of the list, I apparently
>> must annotate them as "Callable". 
> yup, you're right, I spaced out that bit when trying to definitively 
> tell you the value was either a str or a List.? Sigh...

There's another rule-of-thumb right there: if the parameter list 
consists of many and/or many different types of data, perhaps consider 
'another way'...

I've never tried an experiment (or, never found the need), but does mypy 
(or...) actually and effectively, look two- and three-deep into 

Regards =dn

From mats at  Sun Nov 17 17:32:00 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 15:32:00 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/17/19 3:15 PM, David L Neil via Tutor wrote:
> On 18/11/19 11:09 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
>> On 11/17/19 12:46 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
>>> Apparently because of the lambda outside of the list, I apparently
>>> must annotate them as "Callable". 
>> yup, you're right, I spaced out that bit when trying to definitively 
>> tell you the value was either a str or a List.? Sigh...
> There's another rule-of-thumb right there: if the parameter list 
> consists of many and/or many different types of data, perhaps consider 
> 'another way'...
> I've never tried an experiment (or, never found the need), but does mypy 
> (or...) actually and effectively, look two- and three-deep into 
> data-structures?

it does if told to, but you're likely right that this indicates 
something is overly complex.

From robertvstepp at  Sun Nov 17 17:59:14 2019
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 16:59:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well, I am stumped on trying to navigate type annotation for this
overly complex dictionary.

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 4:09 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at> wrote:
> On 11/17/19 12:46 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> > Apparently because of the lambda outside of the list, I apparently
> > must annotate them as "Callable".
> yup, you're right, I spaced out that bit when trying to definitively
> tell you the value was either a str or a List.  Sigh...

I thought I would make the mypy and Mats suggested changes and have this:

      goal_year_params: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[[int], date],
List[Any]]] = {
          "greeting_msg": "Please enter the date by which you wish to attain"
          " your goal.\n",
          "input_prompt": "Enter year of your goal as an integer:  ",
          "date_value_err_ck": lambda goal_year: date(goal_year, 1, 1),
          "err_msg": "That is not a valid year.  Please try again.",
          "conditions": [
                  lambda goal_year: goal_year <,
                  lambda goal_year: print(
                      "Have you invented a time machine?  If not,
please enter a"
                      " year that makes more sense!"
                  lambda goal_year: goal_year >= + 100,
                  lambda goal_year: print(
                      "Have you discovered the secret to eternal life?
 And how"
                      " long is this book anyway?  Please enter a year that"
                      " makes more sense."
>>    goal_year = get_input(**goal_year_params)

It flags this function call using the dictionary, goal_year_params and
lists the following (seemingly) contradictory errors for this flagged

    1|113 col 29 error| Argument 1 to "get_input" has
incompatible type "**Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[[int], date],
List[Any]]]"; expected "Callable[[int], date]"
    2|113 col 29 error| Argument 1 to "get_input" has
incompatible type "**Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[[int], date],
List[Any]]]"; expected "List[Any]"
    3|113 col 29 error| Argument 1 to "get_input" has
incompatible type "**Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[[int], date],
List[Any]]]"; expected "str"

How can mypy be expecting 3 separate and different types?  Does it not
understand the syntax **goal_year_params ?  Or, the probable answer,
what is it I don't understand about mypy in this instance?


From alan.gauld at  Sun Nov 17 19:50:19 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 00:50:19 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to type annotate complex dictionary containing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 17/11/2019 22:04, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:

> and yes, +1 on the class-upgrade (gives more leg-room on the plane!). We 
> keep the dictionary structure and add (more flexible) functionality.
> [oops, in saying that, I fear @Alan will come-after me: So, in a bid to 
> prevent the tooth- and claw-marks: a class *first* gives function and 
> *then* offers us a dictionary/data-structure 'for free'


But the good news in this case is that the required methods
are there for the picking within the dict. All we need are
a few useful names.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From samharzghaier at  Mon Nov 18 06:23:09 2019
From: samharzghaier at (samhar zghaier)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 12:23:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text
Message-ID: <>

Hello again

Since last time my text was not clear enough i will give a new try

I'm trying to build a mini-library where i will be able to search by book
title and writer amongst other things

I thought that i would start by storing my books in a text file that will
look something like this
Book name, writer, number (to make choosing a bit easier)

Due to the fact that i'm going to search through the entire text file
multiple times i thought of writing a function
Would you guys help me write a function to search through the text please
This is how i am reading the text:

def split_text():
  list_of_everything = []
    with open(file_name) as file:
        for line in file:

From adameyring at  Mon Nov 18 09:13:27 2019
From: adameyring at (Adam Eyring)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 09:13:27 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You might want to search through this free online book for some answers.
The pattern matching chapter may be what you're looking for.


On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 6:23 AM samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at>

> Hello again
> Since last time my text was not clear enough i will give a new try
> I'm trying to build a mini-library where i will be able to search by book
> title and writer amongst other things
> I thought that i would start by storing my books in a text file that will
> look something like this
> Book name, writer, number (to make choosing a bit easier)
> Due to the fact that i'm going to search through the entire text file
> multiple times i thought of writing a function
> Would you guys help me write a function to search through the text please
> This is how i am reading the text:
> def split_text():
>   list_of_everything = []
>     with open(file_name) as file:
>         for line in file:
>             list_of_everything.append(line.strip())
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Mon Nov 18 13:45:01 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 18:45:01 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Hi there!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18/11/2019 17:37, Hamnah Baig wrote:
> Yes I'm unsure how to do all of these steps, could you please add some
> more detail??
>     open input.txt and output.txt files

Read about file handling in my tutorial in the files topic

The basic method looks like this:

with open(filename) as alias:
    use alias here

In your case you need two files opened so it will look like

with open("input.txt","w") as ilog:
    with open(output.txt","w") as olog:
        # your code goes here

>     read input from user (or wherever it comes from)

You can read about user input in my tutorial here:

Assuming you are reading input from a user you use the input()
function (raw_input in Python v2)

variable = input(prompt)

>     write input to input.txt

The link above covers writing to files too.

You write to a file by converting the data to a string and
then using the files write() method

Something like:

ilog.write(str(mydata)+'\n')   #add newline for file

>     process input data

Only you know what you want to do here!

>     write result to output.txt

This is the same as writing the input above except you write
to olog

>     close input.txt and output.txt

The with statements automatically close the files so you
don't need to do anything extra.

Now you need to write some code and, if it doesn't work,
post it here so we can see where you are going wrong.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From akleider at  Mon Nov 18 14:59:32 2019
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 11:59:32 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Searching through text
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2019-11-18 03:23, samhar zghaier wrote:
> I thought that i would start by storing my books in a text file that 
> will
> look something like this
> Book name, writer, number (to make choosing a bit easier)

It seems you are going to use a csv file as your data base.
The Python csv library might be something that could prove useful to 
If you change the above line to
and make it the first line in your file
csv.DictReader might prove especially useful.

It will also let you look at your data using open/libreOffice (or the 
MicroSoft equivalent.)

From asad.hasan2004 at  Wed Nov 20 07:22:57 2019
From: asad.hasan2004 at (Asad)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 17:52:57 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] ArgumentParser - Command Line arguments
Message-ID: <>

Hi All ,

          Need advice or code how to proceed . I am executing python script
as .

python file1 file2

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("first", type = str, help = 'Input for
parser.add_argument("second", nargs="?")

args = parser.parse_args()

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    args.first = sys.argv[1]
    args.second = sys.argv[2]


    print "enter the sqlinvocation log and qopatch or sqlpatch_catcon_0.log"

print("first:", args.first)
print("second:", args.second)

If I execute python file1 file2 1.

It gives the following error :

error: unrecognized arguments: 1

I few questions . How can perform the following :

1) How can the python script process file1 and file2 and run the script
with those command line arguments and drop 1 and other inputs if provided
by user.

2)How can the script to consider always  file1 as args.first even if the
command is executed as :

python file3 file1

Somehow if its find the file1 in the list of arguments it should consider
as args.first and the other file as args.second


Asad Hasan
+91 9582111698

From mats at  Wed Nov 20 09:35:26 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 07:35:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ArgumentParser - Command Line arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/20/19 5:22 AM, Asad wrote:
> Hi All ,
>            Need advice or code how to proceed . I am executing python script
> as .
> python file1 file2
> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
> parser.add_argument("first", type = str, help = 'Input for
> sqlinvocation.log')
> parser.add_argument("second", nargs="?")
> args = parser.parse_args()
> if len(sys.argv) == 3:
>      args.first = sys.argv[1]
>      args.second = sys.argv[2]
> else:
>      print "enter the sqlinvocation log and qopatch or sqlpatch_catcon_0.log"
> print("first:", args.first)
> print("second:", args.second)
> If I execute python file1 file2 1.

You have defined a parser to accept two positional arguments, one of 
which is optional. Positional arguments are just that: they are 
collected in the position in which they are declared.  That means your 
usage looks like this:

usage: [-h] first [second]

giving it one more argument means it's an error, and you indeed get that 

if you want to have it collect just "known" things and you deal with the 
rest yourself, use parse_known_args instead of parse_args - that will 
give you back the matched args filled in, plus an array of everything 
left over, which you can then ignore. So far so good...

> It gives the following error :
> error: unrecognized arguments: 1
> I few questions . How can perform the following :
> 1) How can the python script process file1 and file2 and run the script
> with those command line arguments and drop 1 and other inputs if provided
> by user.
> 2)How can the script to consider always  file1 as args.first even if the
> command is executed as :
> python file3 file1

this you can't do with positional args: the first positional argument 
you declare will always collect the first word on the command line (that 
wasn't first picked up by the options processing). Meaning this:

 > if len(sys.argv) == 3:
 >      args.first = sys.argv[1]
 >      args.second = sys.argv[2]

is what it does anyway. not sure what that section is for, since you're 
just repeating what you already had argparse do...

> Somehow if its find the file1 in the list of arguments it should consider
> as args.first and the other file as args.second

since presumably file1 is a variable name, that is it won't be exactly 
"file1" except for your testcase, how would it know this?

if you want to collect things in an order-independent way, you should 
use options; positional arguments are always ordered.  Or, just ignore 
argparse and do it all manually from sys.argv, which it looked like you 
were starting to do anyway.  I don't see that argparse is adding you any 
value here. However, to look at helping this out with an option:

parser.add_argument("file1", type=str, help='Input for sqlinvocation.log')
parser.add_argument("--file2", nargs=1, help='patch file')

now you can run as all of these and it should work out:

python somefilename
python --patch=patchfilename somefilename
python somefilename --patch=patchfilename

From mats at  Wed Nov 20 09:50:23 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 07:50:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ArgumentParser - Command Line arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

sorry, I made some thinkos when retyping these bits (no coffee yet :) ), 
just take the ideas, not the literal typing....

> parser.add_argument("file1", type=str, help='Input for sqlinvocation.log')
> parser.add_argument("--file2", nargs=1, help='patch file')
> now you can run as all of these and it should work out:
> python somefilename
> python --patch=patchfilename somefilename
> python somefilename --patch=patchfilename

From asad.hasan2004 at  Thu Nov 21 03:33:12 2019
From: asad.hasan2004 at (Asad)
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 14:03:12 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] ArgumentParser - Command Line arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi All ,,

I have python 2.6.4 on solaris therefore I am not able to use the argparse .

The reason behind using argparse was to capture exception and print the
statements within the except block .

So here is the logic

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    first = sys.argv[1]
    second = sys.argv[2]


    print "enter the file1 and file2 or file3"

if"errr_pattern", file1):
   try :
       with open (file2,'r') as f4 :
           print "Hi hello"
   except TyeError :
        print " Hi"

so this works fine if i use python file1 file2  ==> It gives the
required results (hi Hello)

if I use python file1 it errors out :

print("first:", file1)
NameError: name 'file1' is not defined

Instead I want it to print "hi" actually whatever statements  are in except
block .

If I use this :

python file1 file2

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("first", type = str, help = 'Input for
parser.add_argument("second", nargs="?")

args = parser.parse_args()

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    args.first = sys.argv[1]
    args.second = sys.argv[2]


    print "enter the file1 and file2 or file3"

It works as expected but unfortunately I cannot use argparse

I was looked for alternative :from optparse import OptionParser

was unable to get sucess ,

Please advice and recommend,


On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 5:52 PM Asad <asad.hasan2004 at> wrote:

> Hi All ,
>           Need advice or code how to proceed . I am executing python
> script as .
> python file1 file2
> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
> parser.add_argument("first", type = str, help = 'Input for
> sqlinvocation.log')
> parser.add_argument("second", nargs="?")
> args = parser.parse_args()
> if len(sys.argv) == 3:
>     args.first = sys.argv[1]
>     args.second = sys.argv[2]
> else:
>     print "enter the sqlinvocation log and qopatch or
> sqlpatch_catcon_0.log"
> print("first:", args.first)
> print("second:", args.second)
> If I execute python file1 file2 1.
> It gives the following error :
> error: unrecognized arguments: 1
> I few questions . How can perform the following :
> 1) How can the python script process file1 and file2 and run the script
> with those command line arguments and drop 1 and other inputs if provided
> by user.
> 2)How can the script to consider always  file1 as args.first even if the
> command is executed as :
> python file3 file1
> Somehow if its find the file1 in the list of arguments it should consider
> as args.first and the other file as args.second
> Thanks,
> --
> Asad Hasan
> +91 9582111698

Asad Hasan
+91 9582111698

From mats at  Thu Nov 21 10:11:13 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 08:11:13 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ArgumentParser - Command Line arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/21/19 1:33 AM, Asad wrote:
> Hi All ,,
> I have python 2.6.4 on solaris therefore I am not able to use the argparse .

have you thought of compiling a more recent Python, to make life a 
little easier?

optparse doesn't have the ability to ignore unknown arguments, although 
it's not horribly hard to teach it by overriding a method or two - you'd 
need to subclass OptionParser (I work on a project which does this, 
although only for long options).

> It works as expected but unfortunately I cannot use argparse
> I was looked for alternative :from optparse import OptionParser
> was unable to get sucess ,

From sfsoc at  Fri Nov 22 03:22:58 2019
From: sfsoc at (Patrick Frank)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 09:22:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] strings features versus lists
Message-ID: <>


at the moment I mainly learn basics from the excellent book "Think
Python". As I walked through chapter 10 (which is about lists) I
wondered why are strings immutable? I would like to understand this
design decision.

Thanks in advance,

From joel.goldstick at  Fri Nov 22 15:01:27 2019
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 15:01:27 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] strings features versus lists
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 2:57 PM Patrick Frank <sfsoc at> wrote:
> Hello,
> at the moment I mainly learn basics from the excellent book "Think
> Python". As I walked through chapter 10 (which is about lists) I
> wondered why are strings immutable? I would like to understand this
> design decision.
> Thanks in advance,
> P.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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I'm not a language maven, like some others here, but the first thing
that comes to mind for me is that immutable strings can be used as
keys for dictionaries.

Joel Goldstick

From mats at  Fri Nov 22 18:29:50 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 16:29:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] strings features versus lists
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/22/19 1:01 PM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 2:57 PM Patrick Frank <sfsoc at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> at the moment I mainly learn basics from the excellent book "Think
>> Python". As I walked through chapter 10 (which is about lists) I
>> wondered why are strings immutable? I would like to understand this
>> design decision.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> P.

> I'm not a language maven, like some others here, but the first thing
> that comes to mind for me is that immutable strings can be used as
> keys for dictionaries.

That's such an old decision the full rationale might be lost in the 
mists of time.

Simplicity, reliability, predicatbility are pretty much what I've heard. 
  The use as a dictionary key is absolutely part of the equation; 
dictionaries as key-value pairs accomplish effective lookups by hashing 
the key, and if the key can change (mutable), you could no longer use 
the hash of the key to reliably find the location of that entry. 
Dictionaries could have been designed differently, of course, but as you 
can see a different choice for strings would have cascading effects.

The core of Python is written in C, which is notorious for problems with 
strings. Actually, it doesn't have string as a fundamental data type, it 
uses arrays of characters and has a long history of issues with "string" 
operations; Python went a different way by saying it will always make a 
new string, not try to modify things in place.

From nuno_ferreira at  Sat Nov 23 11:28:56 2019
From: nuno_ferreira at (Nuno Ferreira)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 17:28:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed configuring IDLE
Message-ID: <>


Trying to use Python + IDLE on my MAC.

Would appreciate help on this very basic issue :

When I write a script and save it, IDLE wants by default to save it in ~/Documents (as listed by File > Path Browser). Is here a way to change this default location to something different ?

Thanks in advance.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Nov 23 13:10:16 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 18:10:16 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed configuring IDLE
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 23/11/2019 16:28, Nuno Ferreira wrote:
> Trying to use Python + IDLE on my MAC.
> When I write a script and save it, IDLE wants by default to save it in ~/Documents

I had a look at my Linux IDLE configuration files and I can't
see any way to change it. FWIW, On my system it targets my
home directory (~) rather than Documents (~/Documents).

You could try asking on the IDLE-dev mailing list,
these guys are pretty good at responding to these kinds
of issues.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mats at  Sat Nov 23 13:25:09 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 11:25:09 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed configuring IDLE
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/23/19 11:10 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 23/11/2019 16:28, Nuno Ferreira wrote:
>> Trying to use Python + IDLE on my MAC.
>> When I write a script and save it, IDLE wants by default to save it in ~/Documents
> I had a look at my Linux IDLE configuration files and I can't
> see any way to change it. FWIW, On my system it targets my
> home directory (~) rather than Documents (~/Documents).
> You could try asking on the IDLE-dev mailing list,
> these guys are pretty good at responding to these kinds
> of issues.

I recall from past times that you have to actually edit the code of 
IDLE.  I don't even know where at this point; there's someplace it 
figures out a path by doing "expanduser" if I haven't forgotten the 
logic - the difference in paths between Linux and Mac is just what 
expanduser works out to.

[sorry, from memory]

From phillor9 at  Sat Nov 23 19:43:13 2019
From: phillor9 at (Phil)
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 11:43:13 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed configuring IDLE
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 24/11/19 3:28 am, Nuno Ferreira wrote:
> Hello,
> Trying to use Python + IDLE on my MAC.
> Would appreciate help on this very basic issue :

If it's of any value to you, I use "save as" into my Python directory.



From mikael.lenander1 at  Mon Nov 25 07:20:10 2019
From: mikael.lenander1 at (Mikael Lenander)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 14:20:10 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Issues with converting python file to .exe
Message-ID: <>

I tried to make an .exe file with python so that I could run my program
without python and I could send it to my friends. I installed pyinstaller
and gave this command through the command prompt successfully: "pyinstaller
--onefile p??.py". The application is saved in the same folder as all the
dependencies (for example images). However, when I try to open my program,
this error occurs:

"pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "p??.py", line 91, in <module>
    fontti = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 22)
  File "site-packages\pygame\", line 50, in getResource
  File "site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1134, in
  File "site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1404, in has_resource
  File "site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1472, in _has
NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader
[2636] Failed to execute script p??".

I tried the same thing with a more simple python file and everything worked
flawlessly. So, I suppose there is an issue with my program "p??.py", but I
don't know what the problem is. I don't know if it has anything to do with
this but when I run the program "p??.py" through Pycharm, it throws at me
this warning "DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float).
Implicit conversion to integers using __int__ is deprecated, and may be
removed in a future version of Python.
  screen.blit(vastus[i], (x, y))".

Versions: pygame 1.9.6, python 3.8, pyinstaller 4.0.dev0+1eadfa55f2,

Kind regards

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Nov 25 09:16:46 2019
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 14:16:46 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Issues with converting python file to .exe
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 25 Nov 2019 at 13:54, Mikael Lenander
<mikael.lenander1 at> wrote:
> I tried to make an .exe file with python so that I could run my program
> without python and I could send it to my friends. I installed pyinstaller
> and gave this command through the command prompt successfully: "pyinstaller
> --onefile p??.py". The application is saved in the same folder as all the
> dependencies (for example images). However, when I try to open my program,
> this error occurs:
> "pygame 1.9.6
> Hello from the pygame community.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "p??.py", line 91, in <module>
>     fontti = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 22)
>   File "site-packages\pygame\", line 50, in getResource
>   File "site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1134, in
> resource_exists
>   File "site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1404, in has_resource
>   File "site-packages\pkg_resources\", line 1472, in _has
> NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader
> type
> [2636] Failed to execute script p??".

The problem is that pygame is attempting to load a font file. I guess
that font file would normally be located somewhere among the pygame
source code so pygame attempts to load it using pkg_resources which
should be able to handle extracting it from e.g. a zip file. However
given that the resource is embedded within the exe it seems that
pkg_resources doesn't understand somehow how to extract the file from
the exe.

It looks like someone has some advice on this here:

I think that the one file approach for Python applications is
generally problematic though so I would recommend investigating
alternatives. Given that Python is now easily installed from the
Windows app store you might want to see what it would take to make
your program runnable for someone who already has Python installed.
For example you could bundle pygame and your app code in a zip file
and that might work better:


From angeltheabad at  Tue Nov 26 13:57:46 2019
From: angeltheabad at (Angel Abad)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 10:57:46 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] tutoring
Message-ID: <>

hello, i was wondering if i could get help with my homework?

this is the examples that was given in class that i don't seem to
understand how to do.

###TODO 1: Convert this to a function that takes a string as ###input
### (i.e., the string to print, "Welcome..." in this example)
### and prints the string with the border.  The function should
### not return anything.  (Optional: take the border character to print
### and the # of characters, e.g., = and 50 in this example)
print("=" * 50)
print("Welcome to the GeoCalc program!")
print("=" * 50)
### END TODO 1


###TODO 2: Convert this to a function that takes the square side length
### as input, and returns the calculated area of the square.
### Save the value returned from the function in firstSquareArea
firstSquareArea = squareSide ** 2
### END TODO 2

squareSideString = input("Please enter the side length for your 2nd square: ")

while not squareSideString.isdigit():
    squareSideString = input("Please enter the side length for your
2nd square: ")

squareSide = int(squareSideString)

###TODO 3: use your function from TODO 2 here.
### Save the value returned from the function in secondSquareArea
secondSquareArea = squareSide ** 2
### END TODO 3

triangleBaseString = input("Please enter the base for your 1st triangle: ")

while not triangleBaseString.isdigit():
    triangleBaseString = input("Please enter the base for your 1st triangle: ")

triangleHeightString = input("Please enter the height for your 1st triangle: ")

while not triangleHeightString.isdigit():
    triangleHeightString = input("Please enter the height for your 1st
triangle: ")

triangleBase = float(triangleBaseString)
triangleHeight = float(triangleHeightString)

###TODO 4: Convert this to a function that takes the triangle base AND height
### as inputs, and returns the calculated area of the triangle.
### Save the value returned from the function in firstTriangleArea
firstTriangleArea = 1/2 * triangleBase * triangleHeight
### END TODO 4

triangleBaseString = input("Please enter the base for your 2nd triangle: ")

while not triangleBaseString.isdigit():
    triangleBaseString = input("Please enter the base for your 2nd triangle: ")

triangleHeightString = input("Please enter the height for your 2nd triangle: ")

while not triangleHeightString.isdigit():
    triangleHeightString = input("Please enter the height for your 2nd
triangle: ")

triangleBase = float(triangleBaseString)
triangleHeight = float(triangleHeightString)

###TODO 5: use your function from TODO 4 here.
### Save the value returned from the function in secondTriangleArea
secondTriangleArea = 1/2 * triangleBase * triangleHeight
### END TODO 5

#Print the results
print("Your first square area is:", firstSquareArea)
print("Your second square area is:", secondSquareArea)
print("Your first triangle area is:", firstTriangleArea)
print("Your second triangle area is:", secondTriangleArea)

###TODO 6: Use your function from TODO 1 to print this message with border.
print("=" * 50)
print("Goodbye, thank you for using the GeoCalc program!")
print("=" * 50)
### END TODO 6

thank you,


From llawlis at  Tue Nov 26 14:03:50 2019
From: llawlis at (Lisa Patricia Lawlis)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 19:03:50 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Help with Bulk Uploading to Internet Archive
Message-ID: <YTBPR01MB32952F270120D5B0D24B85DADB450@YTBPR01MB3295.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>


I'm new to Python (and coding in general!) and need some help bulk uploading to Internet Archive.

I managed to install Python, Pip and configure my command line/terminal but I can't figure out how to properly upload files into Internet Archive (following their recommended steps).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

From alan.gauld at  Tue Nov 26 18:11:55 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 23:11:55 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Help with Bulk Uploading to Internet Archive
In-Reply-To: <YTBPR01MB32952F270120D5B0D24B85DADB450@YTBPR01MB3295.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
References: <YTBPR01MB32952F270120D5B0D24B85DADB450@YTBPR01MB3295.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/11/2019 19:03, Lisa Patricia Lawlis wrote:

> I managed to install Python, Pip and configure my command line/terminal 
> but I can't figure out how to properly upload files into Internet Archive 
> (following their recommended steps).

You need to give us a lot more information.

Which internet archive?
Have you an internet address you can share?

Following who's recommended steps? And what are these steps?
Again do you have a web site? Or can you paste them in a mail?

And show us your code.
Even if it doesn't work it will help us see where you
are going astray.

Without that its pure guesswork and speculation.

Also a note of your OS and Python version might prove useful.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue Nov 26 18:19:08 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 23:19:08 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] tutoring
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/11/2019 18:57, Angel Abad wrote:
> hello, i was wondering if i could get help with my homework?

We will offer suggestions but we won't do it for you...

> this is the examples that was given in class that i don't seem to
> understand how to do.

What exactly don't you understand? You need to be specific if
you want specific answers.

Did you try it and it didn't work?
If so show us your code plus any error messages(in full)

> ###TODO 1: Convert this to a function that takes a string as ###input

Do you know how to define a function that takes an input value?

> ### (i.e., the string to print, "Welcome..." in this example)
> ### and prints the string with the border.  

Do you know how to print a string with border?
The code below is a pretty strong hint!

> The function should ### not return anything.  

Do you know how to write a function that does not return anything?

> (Optional: take the border character to print

Let's leave the border and other stuff till later.
Focus on one problem at a time...

> print("=" * 50)
> print("Welcome to the GeoCalc program!")
> print("=" * 50)

So can you put those three lines into a function that
takes an input and returns nothing. Lets call it: print_welcome?

So I should call it as

print_welcome("Hello there!")

and it should print out

Hello there!

Show us your best attempt and tell us what went wrong.
Include any error messages in full.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From mats at  Tue Nov 26 18:19:44 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 16:19:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Help with Bulk Uploading to Internet Archive
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <YTBPR01MB32952F270120D5B0D24B85DADB450@YTBPR01MB3295.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/26/19 4:11 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 26/11/2019 19:03, Lisa Patricia Lawlis wrote:
>> I managed to install Python, Pip and configure my command line/terminal
>> but I can't figure out how to properly upload files into Internet Archive
>> (following their recommended steps).
> You need to give us a lot more information.
> Which internet archive?
> Have you an internet address you can share?
> Following who's recommended steps? And what are these steps?
> Again do you have a web site? Or can you paste them in a mail?

to save a little bit of time, it's "the" Internet Archive (aka Wayback 
Machine), unless I completely misunderstood, and there's a Python module 
for talking to it 
( We had 
corresponded briefly elsewhere before I pushed Lisa in this direction. 
Yes, description of efforts needed!

> And show us your code.
> Even if it doesn't work it will help us see where you
> are going astray.
> Without that its pure guesswork and speculation.
> Also a note of your OS and Python version might prove useful.

From PyTutor at  Tue Nov 26 18:34:14 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 12:34:14 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] tutoring
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/11/19 7:57 AM, Angel Abad wrote:
> hello, i was wondering if i could get help with my homework?
> this is the examples that was given in class that i don't seem to
> understand how to do.
> ###TODO 1: Convert this to a function that takes a string as ###input
> ### (i.e., the string to print, "Welcome..." in this example)
> ### and prints the string with the border.  The function should
> ### not return anything.  (Optional: take the border character to print
> ### and the # of characters, e.g., = and 50 in this example)
> print("=" * 50)
> print("Welcome to the GeoCalc program!")
> print("=" * 50)
> ### END TODO 1

People here are happy to help - emphasis on the last word!

Why don't we start with the first assignment? What you learn from that 
will probably help you with the others...

What code have you written? (include it in your reply)
If there are error messages, copy-paste them into your reply
(do not use email-attachments, put it 'all' in 'here')

What does the code do successfully?
What does it not do (that it should)?

If you are unable to formulate code at this stage, then study the Python 
documentation (also downloadable). 'Step 1' is likely to search for 
"input" (per the question-text).

We look forward to helping you along your Python journey!

WebRef: (adjust for the version you use)--
Regards =dn

From samharzghaier at  Wed Nov 27 08:56:23 2019
From: samharzghaier at (samhar zghaier)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 14:56:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
Message-ID: <>

I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into the
program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two lists i
created and add it to the other one
currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list
This is the code i have currently written

file_name = "text.txt"
loan_file = "loan.txt"

class Book():
    def __init__(self, title, writer):
        self.title = title
        self.writer = writer
def get_book_list():
    book_list = []
    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            line = line.split(",")
            book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
    return book_list

def get_loan_list():
    loan_list = []
    with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            line = line.split(",")
            loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
    return loan_list

def loan_book():
    book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
    info = book_list
    for line in info:
        if line.title == book_title:

def main():
    loan_list = get_loan_list()
    book_list = get_book_list()

Help please

From wrw at  Wed Nov 27 11:04:26 2019
From: wrw at (William Ray Wing)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:04:26 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Nov 27, 2019, at 8:56 AM, samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at> wrote:
> Hello
> I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into the
> program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two lists i
> created and add it to the other one
> currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list

Please copy and paste the entire error message traceback and show us what happens.

> This is the code i have currently written
> file_name = "text.txt"
> loan_file = "loan.txt"
> class Book():
>    def __init__(self, title, writer):
>        self.title = title
>        self.writer = writer
> def get_book_list():
>    book_list = []
>    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
>        lines = file.readlines()
>        for line in lines:
>            line = line.split(",")
>            book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>    return book_list
> def get_loan_list():
>    loan_list = []
>    with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
>        lines = file.readlines()
>        for line in lines:
>            line = line.split(",")
>            loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>    return loan_list
> def loan_book():
>    book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
>    info = book_list
>    for line in info:
>        if line.title == book_title:
>            loan_list.append(line)
> def main():
>    loan_list = get_loan_list()
>    book_list = get_book_list()
>    loan_book()
> main()
> Help please
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From samharzghaier at  Wed Nov 27 11:06:21 2019
From: samharzghaier at (Sam)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 17:06:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There is no error, it?s just that it doesn?t work

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: William Ray Wing
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 17:04
To: samhar zghaier
Cc: William R. Wing; Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] function for loaning a book

> On Nov 27, 2019, at 8:56 AM, samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at> wrote:
> Hello
> I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into the
> program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two lists i
> created and add it to the other one
> currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list

Please copy and paste the entire error message traceback and show us what happens.

> This is the code i have currently written
> file_name = "text.txt"
> loan_file = "loan.txt"
> class Book():
>    def __init__(self, title, writer):
>        self.title = title
>        self.writer = writer
> def get_book_list():
>    book_list = []
>    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
>        lines = file.readlines()
>        for line in lines:
>            line = line.split(",")
>            book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>    return book_list
> def get_loan_list():
>    loan_list = []
>    with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
>        lines = file.readlines()
>        for line in lines:
>            line = line.split(",")
>            loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>    return loan_list
> def loan_book():
>    book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
>    info = book_list
>    for line in info:
>        if line.title == book_title:
>            loan_list.append(line)
> def main():
>    loan_list = get_loan_list()
>    book_list = get_book_list()
>    loan_book()
> main()
> Help please
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From wrw at  Wed Nov 27 11:20:48 2019
From: wrw at (William Ray Wing)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:20:48 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Nov 27, 2019, at 11:06 AM, Sam <samharzghaier at> wrote:
> There is no error, it?s just that it doesn?t work

Please elaborate ?doesn?t work.?  Does it not run? Does it run and not produce the expected result?  Since we don?t have your data files, we can?t see what is happening.

> Sent from Mail <> for Windows 10
> From: William Ray Wing <mailto:wrw at>
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 17:04
> To: samhar zghaier <mailto:samharzghaier at>
> Cc: William R. Wing <mailto:wrw at>; Tutor <mailto:tutor at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
> > On Nov 27, 2019, at 8:56 AM, samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at> wrote:
> >
> > Hello
> > I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into the
> > program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two lists i
> > created and add it to the other one
> > currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list
> Please copy and paste the entire error message traceback and show us what happens.
> > This is the code i have currently written
> >
> > file_name = "text.txt"
> > loan_file = "loan.txt"
> >
> > class Book():
> >    def __init__(self, title, writer):
> >        self.title = title
> >        self.writer = writer
> > def get_book_list():
> >    book_list = []
> >    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
> >        lines = file.readlines()
> >        for line in lines:
> >            line = line.split(",")
> >            book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
> >    return book_list
> >
> > def get_loan_list():
> >    loan_list = []
> >    with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
> >        lines = file.readlines()
> >        for line in lines:
> >            line = line.split(",")
> >            loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
> >    return loan_list
> >
> > def loan_book():
> >    book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
> >    info = book_list
> >    for line in info:
> >        if line.title == book_title:
> >            loan_list.append(line)
> >
> >
> > def main():
> >    loan_list = get_loan_list()
> >    book_list = get_book_list()
> >    loan_book()
> > main()
> >
> >
> > Help please
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> >

From samharzghaier at  Wed Nov 27 11:30:31 2019
From: samharzghaier at (samhar zghaier)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 17:30:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The code doesn't move the file to the loan list
here is what my text file looks like:

book of y, sma
book of d, adam
book of f, blag
book of b, sam

On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 at 17:20, William Ray Wing <wrw at> wrote:

> On Nov 27, 2019, at 11:06 AM, Sam <samharzghaier at> wrote:
> There is no error, it?s just that it doesn?t work
> Please elaborate ?doesn?t work.?  Does it not run? Does it run and not
> produce the expected result?  Since we don?t have your data files, we can?t
> see what is happening.
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *William Ray Wing <wrw at>
> *Sent: *Wednesday, 27 November 2019 17:04
> *To: *samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at>
> *Cc: *William R. Wing <wrw at>; Tutor <tutor at>
> *Subject: *Re: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
> > On Nov 27, 2019, at 8:56 AM, samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello
> > I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into
> the
> > program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two
> lists i
> > created and add it to the other one
> > currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list
> Please copy and paste the entire error message traceback and show us what
> happens.
> > This is the code i have currently written
> >
> > file_name = "text.txt"
> > loan_file = "loan.txt"
> >
> > class Book():
> >    def __init__(self, title, writer):
> >        self.title = title
> >        self.writer = writer
> > def get_book_list():
> >    book_list = []
> >    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
> >        lines = file.readlines()
> >        for line in lines:
> >            line = line.split(",")
> >            book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
> >    return book_list
> >
> > def get_loan_list():
> >    loan_list = []
> >    with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
> >        lines = file.readlines()
> >        for line in lines:
> >            line = line.split(",")
> >            loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
> >    return loan_list
> >
> > def loan_book():
> >    book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
> >    info = book_list
> >    for line in info:
> >        if line.title == book_title:
> >            loan_list.append(line)
> >
> >
> > def main():
> >    loan_list = get_loan_list()
> >    book_list = get_book_list()
> >    loan_book()
> > main()
> >
> >
> > Help please
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> >

From wrw at  Wed Nov 27 11:40:50 2019
From: wrw at (William Ray Wing)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:40:50 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Nov 27, 2019, at 11:30 AM, samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at> wrote:
> Ok 
> The code doesn't move the file to the loan list 
> here is what my text file looks like:
> book of y, sma
> book of d, adam
> book of f, blag
> book of b, sam

 Ah, OK, now liberally salt your code with print statements and watch what is happening.

> On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 at 17:20, William Ray Wing <wrw at <mailto:wrw at>> wrote:
>> On Nov 27, 2019, at 11:06 AM, Sam <samharzghaier at <mailto:samharzghaier at>> wrote:
>> There is no error, it?s just that it doesn?t work
> Please elaborate ?doesn?t work.?  Does it not run? Does it run and not produce the expected result?  Since we don?t have your data files, we can?t see what is happening.
>> Sent from Mail <> for Windows 10
>> From: William Ray Wing <mailto:wrw at>
>> Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 17:04
>> To: samhar zghaier <mailto:samharzghaier at>
>> Cc: William R. Wing <mailto:wrw at>; Tutor <mailto:tutor at>
>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
>> > On Nov 27, 2019, at 8:56 AM, samhar zghaier <samharzghaier at <mailto:samharzghaier at>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello
>> > I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into the
>> > program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two lists i
>> > created and add it to the other one
>> > currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list
>> Please copy and paste the entire error message traceback and show us what happens.
>> > This is the code i have currently written
>> >
>> > file_name = "text.txt"
>> > loan_file = "loan.txt"
>> >
>> > class Book():
>> >    def __init__(self, title, writer):
>> >        self.title = title
>> >        self.writer = writer
>> > def get_book_list():
>> >    book_list = []
>> >    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
>> >        lines = file.readlines()
>> >        for line in lines:
>> >            line = line.split(",")
>> >            book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>> >    return book_list
>> >
>> > def get_loan_list():
>> >    loan_list = []
>> >    with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
>> >        lines = file.readlines()
>> >        for line in lines:
>> >            line = line.split(",")
>> >            loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>> >    return loan_list
>> >
>> > def loan_book():
>> >    book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
>> >    info = book_list
>> >    for line in info:
>> >        if line.title == book_title:
>> >            loan_list.append(line)
>> >
>> >
>> > def main():
>> >    loan_list = get_loan_list()
>> >    book_list = get_book_list()
>> >    loan_book()
>> > main()
>> >
>> >
>> > Help please
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at <mailto:Tutor at>
>> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
>> > <>

From mats at  Wed Nov 27 11:46:11 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 09:46:11 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/27/19 9:30 AM, samhar zghaier wrote:
> Ok
> The code doesn't move the file to the loan list
> here is what my text file looks like:
> book of y, sma
> book of d, adam
> book of f, blag
> book of b, sam

at the most basic level, you don't do anything with the results of the 

>>> This is the code i have currently written
>>> file_name = "text.txt"
>>> loan_file = "loan.txt"
>>> class Book():
>>>     def __init__(self, title, writer):
>>>         self.title = title
>>>         self.writer = writer
>>> def get_book_list():
>>>     book_list = []
>>>     with open(file_name, "r") as file:
>>>         lines = file.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             line = line.split(",")
>>>             book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>>>     return book_list
>>> def get_loan_list():
>>>     loan_list = []
>>>     with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
>>>         lines = file.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             line = line.split(",")
>>>             loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>>>     return loan_list
>>> def loan_book():
>>>     book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
>>>     info = book_list
>>>     for line in info:
>>>         if line.title == book_title:
>>>             loan_list.append(line)

and?  your local copy of loan_list (see Note on that which follows) has 
the line appended... but that is not saved back to your loan file so 
it's just lost once the program quits.

>>> def main():
>>>     loan_list = get_loan_list()
>>>     book_list = get_book_list()
>>>     loan_book()

and here: how can you tell what changed?  you don't do anything with the 
updated list so it's not in the file, and you don't print any results 
here either, so there's no way to tell if anything changed.

Note: you obtain loan_list and book_list, but you don't pass them to 
loan_book, so you should actually be getting an error in loan_book. 
they're not globals...

>>> main()

there are other comments to make, but let's keep it to just the question.

From samharzghaier at  Wed Nov 27 11:49:06 2019
From: samharzghaier at (Sam)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 17:49:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oh now I understand, wo the value of the book I loaned Is added to the list within the program but never written to my text file. 
Thank you for your help

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Mats Wichmann
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 17:46
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] function for loaning a book

On 11/27/19 9:30 AM, samhar zghaier wrote:
> Ok
> The code doesn't move the file to the loan list
> here is what my text file looks like:
> book of y, sma
> book of d, adam
> book of f, blag
> book of b, sam

at the most basic level, you don't do anything with the results of the 

>>> This is the code i have currently written
>>> file_name = "text.txt"
>>> loan_file = "loan.txt"
>>> class Book():
>>>     def __init__(self, title, writer):
>>>         self.title = title
>>>         self.writer = writer
>>> def get_book_list():
>>>     book_list = []
>>>     with open(file_name, "r") as file:
>>>         lines = file.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             line = line.split(",")
>>>             book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>>>     return book_list
>>> def get_loan_list():
>>>     loan_list = []
>>>     with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
>>>         lines = file.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             line = line.split(",")
>>>             loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>>>     return loan_list
>>> def loan_book():
>>>     book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
>>>     info = book_list
>>>     for line in info:
>>>         if line.title == book_title:
>>>             loan_list.append(line)

and?  your local copy of loan_list (see Note on that which follows) has 
the line appended... but that is not saved back to your loan file so 
it's just lost once the program quits.

>>> def main():
>>>     loan_list = get_loan_list()
>>>     book_list = get_book_list()
>>>     loan_book()

and here: how can you tell what changed?  you don't do anything with the 
updated list so it's not in the file, and you don't print any results 
here either, so there's no way to tell if anything changed.

Note: you obtain loan_list and book_list, but you don't pass them to 
loan_book, so you should actually be getting an error in loan_book. 
they're not globals...

>>> main()

there are other comments to make, but let's keep it to just the question.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Wed Nov 27 11:59:53 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 16:59:53 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/11/2019 13:56, samhar zghaier wrote:

> file_name = "text.txt"
> loan_file = "loan.txt"
> class Book():
>     def __init__(self, title, writer):
>         self.title = title
>         self.writer = writer

> def get_book_list():
>     book_list = []
>     with open(file_name, "r") as file:
>         lines = file.readlines()
>         for line in lines:
>             line = line.split(",")
>             book_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>     return book_list
> def get_loan_list():
>     loan_list = []
>     with open(loan_file, "r") as file:
>         lines = file.readlines()
>         for line in lines:
>             line = line.split(",")
>             loan_list.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
>     return loan_list

Note that these two functions are identical. You only need one, into
which you pass the required file:

def get_list(fileName):
    theList = []
    with open(fileName, "r") as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
        for line in lines:
           line = line.split(",")
           theList.append(Book(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip()))
    return theList

Then you can call it with

loan_list = get_list(loan_file)
book_list = get_list(file_name)

Another tweak would be not to read the file with readlines but just
iterate over the file directly:

    with open(fileName, "r") as file:
        for line in file:

> def loan_book():
>     book_title = input("What is the name of the book")

It is usually better to place user interaction outside of
the processing functions. You culd read the input then pass
the value into the function.

def loan_book(book_title):

>     info = book_list

This tries to assign book_list to info. But book_list is a local
variable declared inside main() and loan_book() cannot see it, so
you should be getting an error here. Yu would need to make
book_list a global variable.

>     for line in info:

line is a terrible choice of name since the list isa list of Books. It
should probably be:

for book in info:

>         if line.title == book_title:
>             loan_list.append(line)

Similarly loan_list only exists inside main() so this function cannot
see it. You need to make loan_list a global variable. Better still pass
them in as parameters:

def loan_book(title, books, loans):
    for book in books:
        if book.title == title:
> def main():
>     loan_list = get_loan_list()
>     book_list = get_book_list()
      book_title = input(("What is the name of the book")
>     loan_book(book_title, book_list, loan_list)

Finally, how do you know whether this works or not?
You never print any output.

I'd suggest adding the following at the end of main():

print("books: ", book_list)
print("loans: ", loan_list)

To see if the book has in fact transferred.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Wed Nov 27 12:26:17 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 17:26:17 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/11/2019 16:59, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

> Similarly loan_list only exists inside main() so this function cannot
> see it. You need to make loan_list a global variable. Better still pass
> them in as parameters:
> def loan_book(title, books, loans):
>     for book in books:
>         if book.title == title:
>             loans.append(line)

Oops, cut n paste error, that last line should be:


Also you could do the whole thing with a list comprehension:

def loan_book(title, books, loans):
    return [book for book in books if book.title == title]

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From PyTutor at  Wed Nov 27 23:54:33 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 17:54:33 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] function for loaning a book
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/11/19 2:56 AM, samhar zghaier wrote:
> Hello
> I creatred a function to read each of my text files and read them into the
> program, im now trying to delete a certain item from one of the two lists i
> created and add it to the other one
> currently i am not able to add a certain element to the loan list
> This is the code i have currently written

Thanks for showing us your code! (a line or two of book-data may have 
helped, but wasn't strictly necessary)

This has the flavor of a homework assignment. Correct?

Some of the answers have been quite complex and offer advanced coding 
techniques. Perhaps we should concentrate on 'the basics' first?

When we can't 'see' what's happening 'inside' a Python pgm, the (easy) 
'solution' is to add print statements which 'show the working' (as my 
math teacher used to say). For example:

> def loan_book():
>      book_title = input("What is the name of the book")
	print( f"Book name = { book_title }" )
or	print( "Book name =", book_title )	
	# both reveal the same information
>      info = book_list
>      for line in info:
>          if line.title == book_title:
>              loan_list.append(line)
	print( f"New loan list: { loan_list }" )

These have removed the guess-work. Either they show that the code is 
working exactly as you expect - or not!

Another way (a better way?) to approach code for the first time is to 
use the Python REPL. On my machine, I open a terminal (?DOS Box on 
MS-Win), issue the command "python3" and can then experiment with Python 
code, eg:

[dn at JrBrown ~]$ python3
Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul  9 2019, 16:48:28)
[GCC 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> loan_list = [ 'book1', 'book2' ]
 >>> print( loan_list )
['book1', 'book2']
 >>> loan_list.append( 'book3' )
 >>> print( loan_list )
['book1', 'book2', 'book3']

Ahah, so that's how to extend a list!

NB in the REPL, using print() is optional, typing only "loan_list" would 
produce the same output.

Notice how this snippet 'proves' my understanding of list-manipulation, 
without all the other detail, eg pulling the book data from a file.

1 broke the larger problem down into smaller problems
2 focussed on a single detail - solve one (of the smaller) problem at a 

Having learned/confirmed the process of extending a (loan_)list, you 
could now use the REPL to experiment with the next step: how to remove 
the book's entry from the book_list...

Which brings me to ask a design question (cf "coding"): why lists?

If the answer is basically: "this is how the assignment tells me to do 
things", then read no further.

When we have 'lists' (the more general, and more pythonic word, is 
"collections") which we will later have to "search" (an important ComSc 
word), we need to think about how the collection will be "accessed" 
(more ComSc).

In this case, the individual books (in the collection) are identified by 
some "key", eg the title, author, or accession number, which the user 
will input. The code (as is) then searches the list by "sequentially" 
(more ComSc!) checking/"searching" each entry in the list against the "key".

An alternate way to design a solution to this problem, having identified 
both "collection" and "key", is to use a Python dict (dictionary). 
Whereas someone using a list may have based his/her decision upon 'what 
the data looks-like', the dict-approach is thinking about how that data 
is going to be used! Hopefully you can detect the difference in approach?

In this case, each 'entry' in the collection is logically split into two 
parts: the "key" and the "data" (ComSc talks about "independent" and 
"dependent" parts, but that is unnecessarily formal), eg

python_coder = dict()
python_coder[ "Samhar" ] = 1

Here, your name is the key, and the value "1" is 'whatever data you want 
it to be', eg your position in class. Note that the 'data' part can be 
any Python data construct, eg a list():

python_coder = dict()
python_coder[ "sz" ] = [ 'good-looking', 'intelligent', 'happy' ]
python_coder[ "dn" ] = [ 'ugly', 'bottom of the class', 'grumpy' ]

Why bother? Because, now instead of searching (potentially the entire) 
list sequentially, we can use the "key" to go straight ("direct access") 
to the data:

initials = input( "Who you gonna call?" )
print( f"You called { initials } who is { python_coder[ initials ] }" )

Which is (a) faster to write the code, and (b) faster to execute! (and 
probably more effective than calling "Ghostbusters")

That is the essence of data access. Perhaps you were required to use a 
list. So do that. In which case, perhaps you are now one-step-ahead when 
it comes to the introduction of dict(ionaries)!

As others have observed, there are more advanced concepts we can - or 
even "should" consider, eg what if the user enters a 'key' that doesn't 
exist in the list/dict? However, I suspect that such fit into a more 
advanced course. OTOH I hope this wasn't too simple for you...
Regards =dn

From asad.hasan2004 at  Fri Nov 29 07:32:37 2019
From: asad.hasan2004 at (Asad)
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:02:37 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
Message-ID: <>

Hi All ,

           I am thinking to write a script to compare the rpm version
installed in a Linux system with a defined list of the rpm's . It the
elements matches or the system has a higher version show success or else
show failed .

I was planning to use the rpm command :

/bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{name}-%{ARCH}-%{version}-%{release}\n'

to get the list of rpm's installed in the system . How to do the comparison
for example :

Expected Value:compat-libcap1-1.10
INFO: Actual Value:compat-libcap1-1.10-7.el7

This should show success .

Please share some knowledge and logic to code this .

Asad Hasan
+91 9582111698

From mats at  Fri Nov 29 09:20:06 2019
From: mats at (Mats Wichmann)
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 07:20:06 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/29/19 5:32 AM, Asad wrote:
> Hi All ,
>             I am thinking to write a script to compare the rpm version
> installed in a Linux system with a defined list of the rpm's . It the
> elements matches or the system has a higher version show success or else
> show failed .
> I was planning to use the rpm command :
> /bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{name}-%{ARCH}-%{version}-%{release}\n'
> to get the list of rpm's installed in the system . How to do the comparison
> for example :
> Expected Value:compat-libcap1-1.10
> INFO: Actual Value:compat-libcap1-1.10-7.el7
> This should show success .
> Please share some knowledge and logic to code this .

We're going to ask that you think about it a bit and show what you've 
tried.  How might you compare individual entries in two lists that are 
each coming from external sources - one from running a command, one read 
from a file (note: I wouldn't advice doing an rpm query individually on 
each packagename, that will become rather...slow...)

Will say that a challenge is going to be to distinguish the package 
names from the versions when you're reading from a file.  For the 
installed packages this is easy, rpm already knows how to do that, and 
it's not a Python problem at all - your example above already shows how, 
you just put a separator between the pieces you want to look like 
different words, for example '%{name} %{version}'.

rpm packages are named in a way that makes it a challenge to figure out 
where the name ends and the version begins. It's not the first dash, 
because you have package names like "python3-libs" (and there are 
packages with more than two levels in the naming).  It's not the first 
digit, with the same name providing an example of that problem. It's not 
the last dash either, since there's one after the upstream version and 
before the build number in most pkgs, like 
'python3-libs-3.7.5-1.fc30.x86_64'.  Can you see a pattern?  Is there a 
Python function you could use to help with this?

From akleider at  Fri Nov 29 12:06:18 2019
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 09:06:18 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2019-11-29 04:32, Asad wrote:
> Hi All ,
>            I am thinking to write a script to compare the rpm version
> installed in a Linux system with a defined list of the rpm's . It the
> elements matches or the system has a higher version show success or 
> else
> show failed .
> I was planning to use the rpm command :
> /bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{name}-%{ARCH}-%{version}-%{release}\n'
> to get the list of rpm's installed in the system . How to do the 
> comparison
> for example :
> Expected Value:compat-libcap1-1.10
> INFO: Actual Value:compat-libcap1-1.10-7.el7
> This should show success .
> Please share some knowledge and logic to code this .
> Thanks,

The following _might_ help you get started:

>>> "hello" in "hello world"

From david at  Fri Nov 29 19:16:32 2019
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:16:32 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Mats Wichmann <mats at> [2019-11-29 07:20]:
> Will say that a challenge is going to be to distinguish the package names
> from the versions when you're reading from a file.  For the installed
> packages this is easy, rpm already knows how to do that, and it's not a
> Python problem at all - your example above already shows how, you just put a
> separator between the pieces you want to look like different words, for
> example '%{name} %{version}'.

To reinforce this idea...  do NOT use hyphens in your rpm -q command; use
spaces instead.  It will make it a LOT easier to separate the name from the
version (many names contain hyphens) to compare against the lists.

David Rock
david at

From alan.gauld at  Fri Nov 29 20:00:25 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 01:00:25 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30/11/2019 00:16, David Rock wrote:

> To reinforce this idea...  do NOT use hyphens in your rpm -q command; use
> spaces instead.  It will make it a LOT easier to separate the name from the
> version (many names contain hyphens) to compare against the lists.

In a me-too kind of way...

I used to work beside a data processing team who spent their lives
creating reports from old COBOL based systems. They used to write
their processed (ie pre-report) data extracts into CSV format files
but instead of commas they used the cedilla character(?), as it
was hardly ever found in real world data (at least not in our area,
maybe in Romance based language areas that might not hold good).
But the point was to use a character that you will not actually
find in the text as a separator.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From bouncingcats at  Fri Nov 29 21:07:31 2019
From: bouncingcats at (David)
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 13:07:31 +1100
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 30 Nov 2019 at 12:01, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:

> I used to work beside a data processing team who spent their lives
> creating reports from old COBOL based systems. They used to write
> their processed (ie pre-report) data extracts into CSV format files
> but instead of commas they used the cedilla character(?), as it
> was hardly ever found in real world data (at least not in our area,
> maybe in Romance based language areas that might not hold good).
> But the point was to use a character that you will not actually
> find in the text as a separator.

Years ago I noticed that ASCII contains several control characters that
are specifically intended as data separators:

I sometimes use them in my shell scripting where appropriate, due to
the limited data structures available there, but I've never seen them used
or advocated anywhere else.

Are there reasons why they are not used more widely by programmers
to solve simple textual data separation problems?

I assume that they would still work with utf8, although I've not tested

From david at  Fri Nov 29 21:27:28 2019
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:27:28 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* David <bouncingcats at> [2019-11-30 13:07]:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2019 at 12:01, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
> I sometimes use them in my shell scripting where appropriate, due to
> the limited data structures available there, but I've never seen them used
> or advocated anywhere else.
> Are there reasons why they are not used more widely by programmers
> to solve simple textual data separation problems?

Two obvious reasons come to mind:

1. People are generally not aware of them
2. They are often overkill when something simpler will work

In the case of our RPM example, using a simple space will get the job
done. While using the unit separator would work, it's a lot more
complicated to use it in practice, and unnecessary.  Typing multiple
^V^_ characters to build the format string is a lot more painful than
just hitting the spacebar.

That's not to say these characters don't have value.  The RPM case is an
overly-simplistic example where using them is unnecessary, but there are
definitely plenty of cases where finding a character that isn't in your
data is a lot harder.

David Rock
david at

From Richard at  Fri Nov 29 22:20:01 2019
From: Richard at (Richard Damon)
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 22:20:01 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/29/19 9:07 PM, David wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2019 at 12:01, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
>> I used to work beside a data processing team who spent their lives
>> creating reports from old COBOL based systems. They used to write
>> their processed (ie pre-report) data extracts into CSV format files
>> but instead of commas they used the cedilla character(?), as it
>> was hardly ever found in real world data (at least not in our area,
>> maybe in Romance based language areas that might not hold good).
>> But the point was to use a character that you will not actually
>> find in the text as a separator.
> Years ago I noticed that ASCII contains several control characters that
> are specifically intended as data separators:
> I sometimes use them in my shell scripting where appropriate, due to
> the limited data structures available there, but I've never seen them used
> or advocated anywhere else.
> Are there reasons why they are not used more widely by programmers
> to solve simple textual data separation problems?
> I assume that they would still work with utf8, although I've not tested
> that.
I would say that one big reason is they have no visible representation.
Generally their intended use was in transmission or 'binary' formats,
with an access program that processed them for visual display.

Richard Damon

From PyTutor at  Sat Nov 30 02:59:37 2019
From: PyTutor at (David L Neil)
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 20:59:37 +1300
Subject: [Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30/11/19 3:07 PM, David wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2019 at 12:01, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at> wrote:
>> I used to work beside a data processing team who spent their lives
>> creating reports from old COBOL based systems. They used to write
>> their processed (ie pre-report) data extracts into CSV format files
>> but instead of commas they used the cedilla character(?), as it
>> was hardly ever found in real world data (at least not in our area,
>> maybe in Romance based language areas that might not hold good).
>> But the point was to use a character that you will not actually
>> find in the text as a separator.
> Years ago I noticed that ASCII contains several control characters that
> are specifically intended as data separators:
> I sometimes use them in my shell scripting where appropriate, due to
> the limited data structures available there, but I've never seen them used
> or advocated anywhere else.
> Are there reasons why they are not used more widely by programmers
> to solve simple textual data separation problems?
> I assume that they would still work with utf8, although I've not tested
> that.

Many of the "control characters" had specific purposes, perhaps in 
certain situations or in relation to particular devices, eg xOA is still 
used as printer/screen/etc LineFeed to this day. So, need to be careful 
in case the output is ever printed (for example).

In ASCII there were official "separator" characters (x1C-1F), to which 
users could assign their own particular meaning, even though they were 
assigned names, eg "Record Separator".

These (latter) have carried-through to UTF-8, eg "INFORMATION SEPARATOR 
ONE" through "...FOUR", and seem quite appropriate to the OP's application.

Regards =dn

From alan.gauld at  Sat Nov 30 07:50:53 2019
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 12:50:53 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Handy cheat sheet
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

A reader of my tutorial recently sent me this link:

It is a one page cheat sheet available on-line or as PDF.

It looks useful, although network focused, so I thought I'd share.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at: