[Tutor] OT: Has anyone tried the Visual Studio Code editor?

David Lowry-Duda david at lowryduda.com
Fri Nov 8 10:55:37 EST 2019

> What I hate about it is its varying methods of installing plugins, 
> finding the right plugins, etc.  To me it is a nightmare!

I don't mean to make this into a vim discussion, but I would like to add 
that essentially every plugin can be installed using a single plugin 
manager and it doesn't really matter which plugin manager you choose. If 
you decide you would like to try to adjust your vim-strategy, I invite 
you to ask on the vim mailing list.

I'll also add that I know a few people who like the modal editing 
interface of vim and use vim-bindings in pycharm as their python editor 
of choice.

Good luck (with visual studio or vim or whatever is next for you).


David Lowry-Duda <david at lowryduda.com> <davidlowryduda.com>

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