[Tutor] Something new in line printing?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 21:53:10 EST 2019

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 6:56 PM Ken Green <beachkidken at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/11/19 7:13 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> > On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
> >> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
> >> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
> >> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
> >> of a program and get the following error:
> > This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
> > if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
> > I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?
> >
> >> lpr: Error - No default destination.
> > This is an OS level error not a Python issue.

I'll take a couple of shots in the dark.  I am not fluent in *nix
printing commands, but at work where I have to use the Solaris OS,
whenever we change printers it is a hassle to change default printers.
There is a graphical interface that allows printer configurations and
it works fine for installed GUI applications, but when I am at the
command line I have to use lpr explicitly and it requires switches
that are different than in the GUI case.  For instance, the "name"
label on the graphical representation of the printer is _not_ the name
assigned to lpr in the printer settings.  Also, in this command line
environment I have always had to explicitly use the correct printer
name with lpr as there are multiple printers I could print to.  Might
this be your case as well?  Or perhaps the old printer is still
considered a valid printer even though it may no longer be connected
to your system?  And there have been other subtleties that I find as
confusing as heck.  However, some online research and re-reading the
man page for lpr have so far enabled me to overcome the challenges to
date.  Sorry for being so vague, but I am not good at remembering
details of things I only infrequently have to deal with.


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