[Tutor] A Problem with pygame

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Nov 17 14:30:03 EST 2019


On 18/11/19 6:02 AM, Mikael Lenander wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a problem concerning the site package "pygame". I have tried to use
> it in Pycharm in order to create simple games but it doesn't work. I tried
> to download it through Pycharm settings/Project Interpreter but it didn't
> work (see photo 1). Then I downloaded it through the command prompt and it
> actually worked (see photo 2). But when I try to import the module through
> Pycharm, it claims that the module pygame doesn't exist (see photo 3). So
> what is the problem and what should I do?

Sadly, this is a text-only list. So, the attachments were removed. 
Recommend copy-pasting exactly what appears on the screen into the email 

Regards =dn

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