[Tutor] Help with Bulk Uploading to Internet Archive
Mats Wichmann
mats at wichmann.us
Tue Nov 26 18:19:44 EST 2019
On 11/26/19 4:11 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 26/11/2019 19:03, Lisa Patricia Lawlis wrote:
>> I managed to install Python, Pip and configure my command line/terminal
>> but I can't figure out how to properly upload files into Internet Archive
>> (following their recommended steps).
> You need to give us a lot more information.
> Which internet archive?
> Have you an internet address you can share?
> Following who's recommended steps? And what are these steps?
> Again do you have a web site? Or can you paste them in a mail?
to save a little bit of time, it's "the" Internet Archive (aka Wayback
Machine), unless I completely misunderstood, and there's a Python module
for talking to it
(https://archive.org/services/docs/api/internetarchive/). We had
corresponded briefly elsewhere before I pushed Lisa in this direction.
Yes, description of efforts needed!
> And show us your code.
> Even if it doesn't work it will help us see where you
> are going astray.
> Without that its pure guesswork and speculation.
> Also a note of your OS and Python version might prove useful.
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