[Tutor] How to Compare rpm version using Python Script

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 29 20:00:25 EST 2019

On 30/11/2019 00:16, David Rock wrote:

> To reinforce this idea...  do NOT use hyphens in your rpm -q command; use
> spaces instead.  It will make it a LOT easier to separate the name from the
> version (many names contain hyphens) to compare against the lists.

In a me-too kind of way...

I used to work beside a data processing team who spent their lives
creating reports from old COBOL based systems. They used to write
their processed (ie pre-report) data extracts into CSV format files
but instead of commas they used the cedilla character(รง), as it
was hardly ever found in real world data (at least not in our area,
maybe in Romance based language areas that might not hold good).
But the point was to use a character that you will not actually
find in the text as a separator.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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